path: root/third_party/googleapis/google/storagetransfer/v1/transfer_types.proto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/googleapis/google/storagetransfer/v1/transfer_types.proto')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/googleapis/google/storagetransfer/v1/transfer_types.proto b/third_party/googleapis/google/storagetransfer/v1/transfer_types.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eca7686c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/googleapis/google/storagetransfer/v1/transfer_types.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.storagetransfer.v1;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
+import "google/rpc/code.proto";
+import "google/type/date.proto";
+import "google/type/timeofday.proto";
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/storagetransfer/v1;storagetransfer";
+option java_outer_classname = "TransferTypes";
+option java_package = "com.google.storagetransfer.v1.proto";
+// Google service account
+message GoogleServiceAccount {
+ // Required.
+ string account_email = 1;
+// AWS access key (see
+// [AWS Security Credentials](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-security-credentials.html)).
+message AwsAccessKey {
+ // AWS access key ID.
+ // Required.
+ string access_key_id = 1;
+ // AWS secret access key. This field is not returned in RPC responses.
+ // Required.
+ string secret_access_key = 2;
+// Conditions that determine which objects will be transferred.
+message ObjectConditions {
+ // If unspecified, `minTimeElapsedSinceLastModification` takes a zero value
+ // and `maxTimeElapsedSinceLastModification` takes the maximum possible
+ // value of Duration. Objects that satisfy the object conditions
+ // must either have a `lastModificationTime` greater or equal to
+ // `NOW` - `maxTimeElapsedSinceLastModification` and less than
+ // `NOW` - `minTimeElapsedSinceLastModification`, or not have a
+ // `lastModificationTime`.
+ google.protobuf.Duration min_time_elapsed_since_last_modification = 1;
+ // `maxTimeElapsedSinceLastModification` is the complement to
+ // `minTimeElapsedSinceLastModification`.
+ google.protobuf.Duration max_time_elapsed_since_last_modification = 2;
+ // If `includePrefixes` is specified, objects that satisfy the object
+ // conditions must have names that start with one of the `includePrefixes`
+ // and that do not start with any of the `excludePrefixes`. If `includePrefixes`
+ // is not specified, all objects except those that have names starting with
+ // one of the `excludePrefixes` must satisfy the object conditions.
+ //
+ // Requirements:
+ //
+ // * Each include-prefix and exclude-prefix can contain any sequence of
+ // Unicode characters, of max length 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and
+ // must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard
+ // matching and regular expression matching are not supported.
+ //
+ // * Each include-prefix and exclude-prefix must omit the leading slash.
+ // For example, to include the `requests.gz` object in a transfer from
+ // `s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz`, specify the include
+ // prefix as `logs/y=2015/requests.gz`.
+ //
+ // * None of the include-prefix or the exclude-prefix values can be empty,
+ // if specified.
+ //
+ // * Each include-prefix must include a distinct portion of the object
+ // namespace, i.e., no include-prefix may be a prefix of another
+ // include-prefix.
+ //
+ // * Each exclude-prefix must exclude a distinct portion of the object
+ // namespace, i.e., no exclude-prefix may be a prefix of another
+ // exclude-prefix.
+ //
+ // * If `includePrefixes` is specified, then each exclude-prefix must start
+ // with the value of a path explicitly included by `includePrefixes`.
+ //
+ // The max size of `includePrefixes` is 20.
+ repeated string include_prefixes = 3;
+ // `excludePrefixes` must follow the requirements described for
+ // `includePrefixes`.
+ //
+ // The max size of `excludePrefixes` is 20.
+ repeated string exclude_prefixes = 4;
+// In a GcsData, an object's name is the Google Cloud Storage object's name and
+// its `lastModificationTime` refers to the object's updated time, which changes
+// when the content or the metadata of the object is updated.
+message GcsData {
+ // Google Cloud Storage bucket name (see
+ // [Bucket Name Requirements](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/bucket-naming#requirements)).
+ // Required.
+ string bucket_name = 1;
+// An AwsS3Data can be a data source, but not a data sink.
+// In an AwsS3Data, an object's name is the S3 object's key name.
+message AwsS3Data {
+ // S3 Bucket name (see
+ // [Creating a bucket](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/create-bucket-get-location-example.html)).
+ // Required.
+ string bucket_name = 1;
+ // AWS access key used to sign the API requests to the AWS S3 bucket.
+ // Permissions on the bucket must be granted to the access ID of the
+ // AWS access key.
+ // Required.
+ AwsAccessKey aws_access_key = 2;
+// An HttpData specifies a list of objects on the web to be transferred over
+// HTTP. The information of the objects to be transferred is contained in a
+// file referenced by a URL. The first line in the file must be
+// "TsvHttpData-1.0", which specifies the format of the file. Subsequent lines
+// specify the information of the list of objects, one object per list entry.
+// Each entry has the following tab-delimited fields:
+// * HTTP URL - The location of the object.
+// * Length - The size of the object in bytes.
+// * MD5 - The base64-encoded MD5 hash of the object.
+// For an example of a valid TSV file, see
+// [Transferring data from URLs](https://cloud.google.com/storage/transfer/#urls)
+// When transferring data based on a URL list, keep the following in mind:
+// * When an object located at `http(s)://hostname:port/<URL-path>` is transferred
+// to a data sink, the name of the object at the data sink is
+// `<hostname>/<URL-path>`.
+// * If the specified size of an object does not match the actual size of the
+// object fetched, the object will not be transferred.
+// * If the specified MD5 does not match the MD5 computed from the transferred
+// bytes, the object transfer will fail. For more information, see
+// [Generating MD5 hashes](https://cloud.google.com/storage/transfer/#md5)
+// * Ensure that each URL you specify is publicly accessible. For
+// example, in Google Cloud Storage you can
+// [share an object publicly]
+// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/cloud-console#_sharingdata) and get
+// a link to it.
+// * Storage Transfer Service obeys `robots.txt` rules and requires the source
+// HTTP server to support `Range` requests and to return a `Content-Length`
+// header in each response.
+// * [ObjectConditions](#ObjectConditions) have no effect when filtering objects
+// to transfer.
+message HttpData {
+ // The URL that points to the file that stores the object list entries.
+ // This file must allow public access. Currently, only URLs with HTTP and
+ // HTTPS schemes are supported.
+ // Required.
+ string list_url = 1;
+// TransferOptions uses three boolean parameters to define the actions
+// to be performed on objects in a transfer.
+message TransferOptions {
+ // Whether overwriting objects that already exist in the sink is allowed.
+ bool overwrite_objects_already_existing_in_sink = 1;
+ // Whether objects that exist only in the sink should be deleted.
+ bool delete_objects_unique_in_sink = 2;
+ // Whether objects should be deleted from the source after they are
+ // transferred to the sink.
+ bool delete_objects_from_source_after_transfer = 3;
+// Configuration for running a transfer.
+message TransferSpec {
+ // The read source of the data.
+ oneof data_source {
+ // A Google Cloud Storage data source.
+ GcsData gcs_data_source = 1;
+ // An AWS S3 data source.
+ AwsS3Data aws_s3_data_source = 2;
+ // An HTTP URL data source.
+ HttpData http_data_source = 3;
+ }
+ // The write sink for the data.
+ oneof data_sink {
+ // A Google Cloud Storage data sink.
+ GcsData gcs_data_sink = 4;
+ }
+ // Only objects that satisfy these object conditions are included in the set
+ // of data source and data sink objects. Object conditions based on
+ // objects' `lastModificationTime` do not exclude objects in a data sink.
+ ObjectConditions object_conditions = 5;
+ // If the option `deleteObjectsUniqueInSink` is `true`, object conditions
+ // based on objects' `lastModificationTime` are ignored and do not exclude
+ // objects in a data source or a data sink.
+ TransferOptions transfer_options = 6;
+// Transfers can be scheduled to recur or to run just once.
+message Schedule {
+ // The first day the recurring transfer is scheduled to run. If
+ // `scheduleStartDate` is in the past, the transfer will run for the first
+ // time on the following day.
+ // Required.
+ google.type.Date schedule_start_date = 1;
+ // The last day the recurring transfer will be run. If `scheduleEndDate`
+ // is the same as `scheduleStartDate`, the transfer will be executed only
+ // once.
+ google.type.Date schedule_end_date = 2;
+ // The time in UTC at which the transfer will be scheduled to start in a day.
+ // Transfers may start later than this time. If not specified, recurring and
+ // one-time transfers that are scheduled to run today will run immediately;
+ // recurring transfers that are scheduled to run on a future date will start
+ // at approximately midnight UTC on that date. Note that when configuring a
+ // transfer with the Cloud Platform Console, the transfer's start time in a
+ // day is specified in your local timezone.
+ google.type.TimeOfDay start_time_of_day = 3;
+// This resource represents the configuration of a transfer job that runs
+// periodically.
+message TransferJob {
+ // The status of the transfer job.
+ enum Status {
+ // Zero is an illegal value.
+ // New transfers will be performed based on the schedule.
+ ENABLED = 1;
+ // New transfers will not be scheduled.
+ // This is a soft delete state. After a transfer job is set to this
+ // state, the job and all the transfer executions are subject to
+ // garbage collection.
+ DELETED = 3;
+ }
+ // A globally unique name assigned by Storage Transfer Service when the
+ // job is created. This field should be left empty in requests to create a new
+ // transfer job; otherwise, the requests result in an `INVALID_ARGUMENT`
+ // error.
+ string name = 1;
+ // A description provided by the user for the job. Its max length is 1024
+ // bytes when Unicode-encoded.
+ string description = 2;
+ // The ID of the Google Cloud Platform Console project that owns the job.
+ // Required.
+ string project_id = 3;
+ // Transfer specification.
+ // Required.
+ TransferSpec transfer_spec = 4;
+ // Schedule specification.
+ // Required.
+ Schedule schedule = 5;
+ // Status of the job. This value MUST be specified for
+ // `CreateTransferJobRequests`.
+ //
+ // NOTE: The effect of the new job status takes place during a subsequent job
+ // run. For example, if you change the job status from `ENABLED` to
+ // `DISABLED`, and an operation spawned by the transfer is running, the status
+ // change would not affect the current operation.
+ Status status = 6;
+ // This field cannot be changed by user requests.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp creation_time = 7;
+ // This field cannot be changed by user requests.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp last_modification_time = 8;
+ // This field cannot be changed by user requests.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp deletion_time = 9;
+// An entry describing an error that has occurred.
+message ErrorLogEntry {
+ // A URL that refers to the target (a data source, a data sink,
+ // or an object) with which the error is associated.
+ // Required.
+ string url = 1;
+ // A list of messages that carry the error details.
+ repeated string error_details = 3;
+// A summary of errors by error code, plus a count and sample error log
+// entries.
+message ErrorSummary {
+ // Required.
+ google.rpc.Code error_code = 1;
+ // Count of this type of error.
+ // Required.
+ int64 error_count = 2;
+ // Error samples.
+ repeated ErrorLogEntry error_log_entries = 3;
+// A collection of counters that report the progress of a transfer operation.
+message TransferCounters {
+ // Objects found in the data source that are scheduled to be transferred,
+ // which will be copied, excluded based on conditions, or skipped due to
+ // failures.
+ int64 objects_found_from_source = 1;
+ // Bytes found in the data source that are scheduled to be transferred,
+ // which will be copied, excluded based on conditions, or skipped due to
+ // failures.
+ int64 bytes_found_from_source = 2;
+ // Objects found only in the data sink that are scheduled to be deleted.
+ int64 objects_found_only_from_sink = 3;
+ // Bytes found only in the data sink that are scheduled to be deleted.
+ int64 bytes_found_only_from_sink = 4;
+ // Objects in the data source that are not transferred because they already
+ // exist in the data sink.
+ int64 objects_from_source_skipped_by_sync = 5;
+ // Bytes in the data source that are not transferred because they already
+ // exist in the data sink.
+ int64 bytes_from_source_skipped_by_sync = 6;
+ // Objects that are copied to the data sink.
+ int64 objects_copied_to_sink = 7;
+ // Bytes that are copied to the data sink.
+ int64 bytes_copied_to_sink = 8;
+ // Objects that are deleted from the data source.
+ int64 objects_deleted_from_source = 9;
+ // Bytes that are deleted from the data source.
+ int64 bytes_deleted_from_source = 10;
+ // Objects that are deleted from the data sink.
+ int64 objects_deleted_from_sink = 11;
+ // Bytes that are deleted from the data sink.
+ int64 bytes_deleted_from_sink = 12;
+ // Objects in the data source that failed during the transfer.
+ int64 objects_from_source_failed = 13;
+ // Bytes in the data source that failed during the transfer.
+ int64 bytes_from_source_failed = 14;
+ // Objects that failed to be deleted from the data sink.
+ int64 objects_failed_to_delete_from_sink = 15;
+ // Bytes that failed to be deleted from the data sink.
+ int64 bytes_failed_to_delete_from_sink = 16;
+// A description of the execution of a transfer.
+message TransferOperation {
+ // The status of a TransferOperation.
+ enum Status {
+ // Zero is an illegal value.
+ // In progress.
+ // Paused.
+ PAUSED = 2;
+ // Completed successfully.
+ SUCCESS = 3;
+ // Terminated due to an unrecoverable failure.
+ FAILED = 4;
+ // Aborted by the user.
+ ABORTED = 5;
+ }
+ // A globally unique ID assigned by the system.
+ string name = 1;
+ // The ID of the Google Cloud Platform Console project that owns the operation.
+ // Required.
+ string project_id = 2;
+ // Transfer specification.
+ // Required.
+ TransferSpec transfer_spec = 3;
+ // Start time of this transfer execution.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4;
+ // End time of this transfer execution.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 5;
+ // Status of the transfer operation.
+ Status status = 6;
+ // Information about the progress of the transfer operation.
+ TransferCounters counters = 7;
+ // Summarizes errors encountered with sample error log entries.
+ repeated ErrorSummary error_breakdowns = 8;
+ // The name of the transfer job that triggers this transfer operation.
+ string transfer_job_name = 9;