path: root/third_party/googleapis/google/pubsub/v1beta2/README.md
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+## Overview
+This file describes an API for a Pub/Sub (Publish/Subscribe) system. This system
+provides a reliable many-to-many communication mechanism between independently
+written publishers and subscribers where the publisher publishes messages to
+*topics* and each subscriber creates a *subscription* and consumes *messages*
+from it.
+1. The Pub/Sub system maintains bindings between topics and subscriptions.
+2. A publisher publishes messages into a topic.
+3. The Pub/Sub system delivers messages from topics into attached
+ subscriptions.
+4. A subscriber receives pending messages from its subscription and
+ acknowledges each one to the Pub/Sub system.
+5. The Pub/Sub system removes acknowledged messages from that subscription.
+## Data Model
+The data model consists of the following:
+* **Topic**: A topic is a resource to which messages are published by
+ publishers. Topics are named, and the name of the topic is unique within the
+ Pub/Sub system.
+* **Subscription**: A subscription records the subscriber's interest in a
+ topic. The Pub/Sub system maintains those messages which still need
+ to be delivered and acknowledged so that they can retried as needed.
+ The set of messages that have not been acknowledged is called the
+ subscription backlog.
+* **Message**: A message is a unit of data that flows in the system. It
+ contains opaque data from the publisher along with its *attributes*.
+* **Message Attributes** (optional): A set of opaque key-value pairs assigned
+ by the publisher to a message. Attributes are delivered unmodified to
+ subscribers together with the message data, if there's any.
+## Publisher Flow
+A publisher publishes messages to the topic using the `Publish` call:
+PubsubMessage message;
+message.attributes.put("key1", "value1");
+PublishRequest request;
+## Subscriber Flow
+The subscriber part of the API is richer than the publisher part and has a
+number of concepts for subscription creation and use:
+1. A subscriber (user or process) creates a subscription using the
+ `CreateSubscription` call.
+2. A subscriber receives messages in one of two ways: via pull or push.
+ * To receive messages via pull, a subscriber calls the `Pull` method on the
+ `Subscriber` to get messages from the subscription. For each individual
+ message, the subscriber may use the `ack_id` received in the
+ `PullResponse` to `Acknowledge` the message, or modify the *ack deadline*
+ with `ModifyAckDeadline`. See the `Subscription.ack_deadline_seconds`
+ field documentation for details on the ack deadline behavior. Messages
+ must be acknowledged or they will be redelivered in a future `Pull` call.
+ **Note:** Messages may be consumed in parallel by multiple processes
+ making `Pull` calls to the same subscription; this will result in the set
+ of messages from the subscription being split among the processes, each
+ process receiving a subset of the messages.
+ * To receive messages via push, the `PushConfig` field must be specified in
+ the `Subscription` parameter when creating a subscription, or set with
+ `ModifyPushConfig`. The PushConfig specifies an endpoint at which the
+ subscriber exposes the `PushEndpointService` or some other handler,
+ depending on the endpoint. Messages are received via the
+ `ProcessPushMessage` method. The push subscriber responds to the method
+ with a result code that indicates one of three things: `Acknowledge` (the
+ message has been successfully processed and the Pub/Sub system may delete
+ it), `Nack` (the message has been rejected and the Pub/Sub system should
+ resend it at a later time).
+ **Note:** The endpoint may be a load balancer for better scalability, so
+ that multiple processes may handle the message processing load.
+Subscription creation:
+Subscription subscription;
+Consuming messages via push:
+// The port 'machinename:8888' must be bound to a stubby server that
+// implements the PushEndpointService with the following method.
+// (This example assumes the push endpoint has a single subscription
+// called "subName", though in general a single push endpoint might
+// have multiple subscriptions.)
+int ProcessPushMessage(
+ ProcessPushMessageRequest request,
+ ProcessPushMessageResponse *response) {
+ if (request.subscription().equals("subscriptionName")) {
+ Process(request.message().data());
+ }
+ *response = ProcessPushMessageResponse.default();
+ return OK; // This return code implies an acknowledgment
+Consuming messages via pull:
+// The subscription must be created without setting the push_config field.
+PullRequest pull_request;
+while (true) {
+ PullResponse pull_response;
+ AcknowledgeRequest ack_request;
+ ackRequest.set_subscription("subscriptionName");
+ if (Subscriber.Pull(pull_request, pull_response) == OK) {
+ for (ReceivedMessage received in pull_response.received_messages()) {
+ Process(received.message().data());
+ ackRequest.add_ack_id(received.ack_id());
+ }
+ }
+ if (ackRequest.ack_ids().size() > 0) {
+ Subscriber.Acknowledge(ack_request);
+ }
+## Reliability Semantics
+When a subscriber successfully creates a subscription using
+`Subscriber.CreateSubscription`, it establishes a "subscription point" for
+that subscription, no later than the time that `Subscriber.CreateSubscription`
+returns. The subscriber is guaranteed to receive any message published after
+this subscription point. Note that messages published before the subscription
+point may or may not be delivered.
+Messages are not delivered in any particular order by the Pub/Sub system.
+Furthermore, the system guarantees *at-least-once* delivery of each message
+until acknowledged.
+## Deletion
+Both topics and subscriptions may be deleted.
+When a subscription is deleted, all messages are immediately dropped. If it
+is a pull subscriber, future pull requests will return NOT_FOUND.