path: root/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto b/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ebe7d1909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+import "google/devtools/source/v1/source_context.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
+option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/clouddebugger/v2;clouddebugger";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "DataProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2";
+// Represents a message with parameters.
+message FormatMessage {
+ // Format template for the message. The `format` uses placeholders `$0`,
+ // `$1`, etc. to reference parameters. `$$` can be used to denote the `$`
+ // character.
+ //
+ // Examples:
+ //
+ // * `Failed to load '$0' which helps debug $1 the first time it
+ // is loaded. Again, $0 is very important.`
+ // * `Please pay $$10 to use $0 instead of $1.`
+ string format = 1;
+ // Optional parameters to be embedded into the message.
+ repeated string parameters = 2;
+// Represents a contextual status message.
+// The message can indicate an error or informational status, and refer to
+// specific parts of the containing object.
+// For example, the `Breakpoint.status` field can indicate an error referring
+// to the `BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION` with the message `Location not found`.
+message StatusMessage {
+ // Enumerates references to which the message applies.
+ enum Reference {
+ // Status doesn't refer to any particular input.
+ // Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its location.
+ // Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its condition.
+ // Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its expressions.
+ // Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its age.
+ // Status applies to the entire variable.
+ // Status applies to variable value (variable name is valid).
+ }
+ // Distinguishes errors from informational messages.
+ bool is_error = 1;
+ // Reference to which the message applies.
+ Reference refers_to = 2;
+ // Status message text.
+ FormatMessage description = 3;
+// Represents a location in the source code.
+message SourceLocation {
+ // Path to the source file within the source context of the target binary.
+ string path = 1;
+ // Line inside the file. The first line in the file has the value `1`.
+ int32 line = 2;
+// Represents a variable or an argument possibly of a compound object type.
+// Note how the following variables are represented:
+// 1) A simple variable:
+// int x = 5
+// { name: "x", value: "5", type: "int" } // Captured variable
+// 2) A compound object:
+// struct T {
+// int m1;
+// int m2;
+// };
+// T x = { 3, 7 };
+// { // Captured variable
+// name: "x",
+// type: "T",
+// members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
+// members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }
+// }
+// 3) A pointer where the pointee was captured:
+// T x = { 3, 7 };
+// T* p = &x;
+// { // Captured variable
+// name: "p",
+// type: "T*",
+// value: "0x00500500",
+// members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
+// members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }
+// }
+// 4) A pointer where the pointee was not captured:
+// T* p = new T;
+// { // Captured variable
+// name: "p",
+// type: "T*",
+// value: "0x00400400"
+// status { is_error: true, description { format: "unavailable" } }
+// }
+// The status should describe the reason for the missing value,
+// such as `<optimized out>`, `<inaccessible>`, `<pointers limit reached>`.
+// Note that a null pointer should not have members.
+// 5) An unnamed value:
+// int* p = new int(7);
+// { // Captured variable
+// name: "p",
+// value: "0x00500500",
+// type: "int*",
+// members { value: "7", type: "int" } }
+// 6) An unnamed pointer where the pointee was not captured:
+// int* p = new int(7);
+// int** pp = &p;
+// { // Captured variable
+// name: "pp",
+// value: "0x00500500",
+// type: "int**",
+// members {
+// value: "0x00400400",
+// type: "int*"
+// status {
+// is_error: true,
+// description: { format: "unavailable" } }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// To optimize computation, memory and network traffic, variables that
+// repeat in the output multiple times can be stored once in a shared
+// variable table and be referenced using the `var_table_index` field. The
+// variables stored in the shared table are nameless and are essentially
+// a partition of the complete variable. To reconstruct the complete
+// variable, merge the referencing variable with the referenced variable.
+// When using the shared variable table, the following variables:
+// T x = { 3, 7 };
+// T* p = &x;
+// T& r = x;
+// { name: "x", var_table_index: 3, type: "T" } // Captured variables
+// { name: "p", value "0x00500500", type="T*", var_table_index: 3 }
+// { name: "r", type="T&", var_table_index: 3 }
+// { // Shared variable table entry #3:
+// members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
+// members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }
+// }
+// Note that the pointer address is stored with the referencing variable
+// and not with the referenced variable. This allows the referenced variable
+// to be shared between pointers and references.
+// The type field is optional. The debugger agent may or may not support it.
+message Variable {
+ // Name of the variable, if any.
+ string name = 1;
+ // Simple value of the variable.
+ string value = 2;
+ // Variable type (e.g. `MyClass`). If the variable is split with
+ // `var_table_index`, `type` goes next to `value`. The interpretation of
+ // a type is agent specific. It is recommended to include the dynamic type
+ // rather than a static type of an object.
+ string type = 6;
+ // Members contained or pointed to by the variable.
+ repeated Variable members = 3;
+ // Reference to a variable in the shared variable table. More than
+ // one variable can reference the same variable in the table. The
+ // `var_table_index` field is an index into `variable_table` in Breakpoint.
+ google.protobuf.Int32Value var_table_index = 4;
+ // Status associated with the variable. This field will usually stay
+ // unset. A status of a single variable only applies to that variable or
+ // expression. The rest of breakpoint data still remains valid. Variables
+ // might be reported in error state even when breakpoint is not in final
+ // state.
+ //
+ // The message may refer to variable name with `refers_to` set to
+ // `VARIABLE_NAME`. Alternatively `refers_to` will be set to `VARIABLE_VALUE`.
+ // In either case variable value and members will be unset.
+ //
+ // Example of error message applied to name: `Invalid expression syntax`.
+ //
+ // Example of information message applied to value: `Not captured`.
+ //
+ // Examples of error message applied to value:
+ //
+ // * `Malformed string`,
+ // * `Field f not found in class C`
+ // * `Null pointer dereference`
+ StatusMessage status = 5;
+// Represents a stack frame context.
+message StackFrame {
+ // Demangled function name at the call site.
+ string function = 1;
+ // Source location of the call site.
+ SourceLocation location = 2;
+ // Set of arguments passed to this function.
+ // Note that this might not be populated for all stack frames.
+ repeated Variable arguments = 3;
+ // Set of local variables at the stack frame location.
+ // Note that this might not be populated for all stack frames.
+ repeated Variable locals = 4;
+// Represents the breakpoint specification, status and results.
+message Breakpoint {
+ // Actions that can be taken when a breakpoint hits.
+ // Agents should reject breakpoints with unsupported or unknown action values.
+ enum Action {
+ // Capture stack frame and variables and update the breakpoint.
+ // The data is only captured once. After that the breakpoint is set
+ // in a final state.
+ CAPTURE = 0;
+ // Log each breakpoint hit. The breakpoint remains active until
+ // deleted or expired.
+ LOG = 1;
+ }
+ // Log severity levels.
+ enum LogLevel {
+ // Information log message.
+ INFO = 0;
+ // Warning log message.
+ WARNING = 1;
+ // Error log message.
+ ERROR = 2;
+ }
+ // Breakpoint identifier, unique in the scope of the debuggee.
+ string id = 1;
+ // Action that the agent should perform when the code at the
+ // breakpoint location is hit.
+ Action action = 13;
+ // Breakpoint source location.
+ SourceLocation location = 2;
+ // Condition that triggers the breakpoint.
+ // The condition is a compound boolean expression composed using expressions
+ // in a programming language at the source location.
+ string condition = 3;
+ // List of read-only expressions to evaluate at the breakpoint location.
+ // The expressions are composed using expressions in the programming language
+ // at the source location. If the breakpoint action is `LOG`, the evaluated
+ // expressions are included in log statements.
+ repeated string expressions = 4;
+ // Only relevant when action is `LOG`. Defines the message to log when
+ // the breakpoint hits. The message may include parameter placeholders `$0`,
+ // `$1`, etc. These placeholders are replaced with the evaluated value
+ // of the appropriate expression. Expressions not referenced in
+ // `log_message_format` are not logged.
+ //
+ // Example: `Message received, id = $0, count = $1` with
+ // `expressions` = `[ message.id, message.count ]`.
+ string log_message_format = 14;
+ // Indicates the severity of the log. Only relevant when action is `LOG`.
+ LogLevel log_level = 15;
+ // When true, indicates that this is a final result and the
+ // breakpoint state will not change from here on.
+ bool is_final_state = 5;
+ // Time this breakpoint was created by the server in seconds resolution.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;
+ // Time this breakpoint was finalized as seen by the server in seconds
+ // resolution.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp final_time = 12;
+ // E-mail address of the user that created this breakpoint
+ string user_email = 16;
+ // Breakpoint status.
+ //
+ // The status includes an error flag and a human readable message.
+ // This field is usually unset. The message can be either
+ // informational or an error message. Regardless, clients should always
+ // display the text message back to the user.
+ //
+ // Error status indicates complete failure of the breakpoint.
+ //
+ // Example (non-final state): `Still loading symbols...`
+ //
+ // Examples (final state):
+ //
+ // * `Invalid line number` referring to location
+ // * `Field f not found in class C` referring to condition
+ StatusMessage status = 10;
+ // The stack at breakpoint time.
+ repeated StackFrame stack_frames = 7;
+ // Values of evaluated expressions at breakpoint time.
+ // The evaluated expressions appear in exactly the same order they
+ // are listed in the `expressions` field.
+ // The `name` field holds the original expression text, the `value` or
+ // `members` field holds the result of the evaluated expression.
+ // If the expression cannot be evaluated, the `status` inside the `Variable`
+ // will indicate an error and contain the error text.
+ repeated Variable evaluated_expressions = 8;
+ // The `variable_table` exists to aid with computation, memory and network
+ // traffic optimization. It enables storing a variable once and reference
+ // it from multiple variables, including variables stored in the
+ // `variable_table` itself.
+ // For example, the same `this` object, which may appear at many levels of
+ // the stack, can have all of its data stored once in this table. The
+ // stack frame variables then would hold only a reference to it.
+ //
+ // The variable `var_table_index` field is an index into this repeated field.
+ // The stored objects are nameless and get their name from the referencing
+ // variable. The effective variable is a merge of the referencing variable
+ // and the referenced variable.
+ repeated Variable variable_table = 9;
+ // A set of custom breakpoint properties, populated by the agent, to be
+ // displayed to the user.
+ map<string, string> labels = 17;
+// Represents the application to debug. The application may include one or more
+// replicated processes executing the same code. Each of these processes is
+// attached with a debugger agent, carrying out the debugging commands.
+// The agents attached to the same debuggee are identified by using exactly the
+// same field values when registering.
+message Debuggee {
+ // Unique identifier for the debuggee generated by the controller service.
+ string id = 1;
+ // Project the debuggee is associated with.
+ // Use the project number when registering a Google Cloud Platform project.
+ string project = 2;
+ // Debuggee uniquifier within the project.
+ // Any string that identifies the application within the project can be used.
+ // Including environment and version or build IDs is recommended.
+ string uniquifier = 3;
+ // Human readable description of the debuggee.
+ // Including a human-readable project name, environment name and version
+ // information is recommended.
+ string description = 4;
+ // If set to `true`, indicates that the debuggee is considered as inactive by
+ // the Controller service.
+ bool is_inactive = 5;
+ // Version ID of the agent release. The version ID is structured as
+ // following: `domain/type/vmajor.minor` (for example
+ // `google.com/gcp-java/v1.1`).
+ string agent_version = 6;
+ // If set to `true`, indicates that the agent should disable itself and
+ // detach from the debuggee.
+ bool is_disabled = 7;
+ // Human readable message to be displayed to the user about this debuggee.
+ // Absence of this field indicates no status. The message can be either
+ // informational or an error status.
+ StatusMessage status = 8;
+ // References to the locations and revisions of the source code used in the
+ // deployed application.
+ //
+ // NOTE: This field is deprecated. Consumers should use
+ // `ext_source_contexts` if it is not empty. Debug agents should populate
+ // both this field and `ext_source_contexts`.
+ repeated google.devtools.source.v1.SourceContext source_contexts = 9;
+ // References to the locations and revisions of the source code used in the
+ // deployed application.
+ //
+ // Contexts describing a remote repo related to the source code
+ // have a `category` label of `remote_repo`. Source snapshot source
+ // contexts have a `category` of `snapshot`.
+ repeated google.devtools.source.v1.ExtendedSourceContext ext_source_contexts = 13;
+ // A set of custom debuggee properties, populated by the agent, to be
+ // displayed to the user.
+ map<string, string> labels = 11;