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diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkNestedSet.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkNestedSet.java
index e7efcd301c..902d4a9c1d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkNestedSet.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkNestedSet.java
@@ -44,62 +44,46 @@ import javax.annotation.Nullable;
name = "depset",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
- // TODO(bazel-team): Move this documentation to a dedicated page and link to it from here.
doc =
- "A language built-in type that supports efficiently accumulating data from transitive "
- + "dependencies. Note that depsets are not hash sets: they don't support fast membership "
- + "tests, but on the contrary they support fast union. Depsets are designed to be used as "
- + "a collection of items (such as file names) generated by Bazel targets. "
- + "Depsets can be created using the <a href=\"globals.html#depset\">depset</a> function, "
- + "and they support the <code>+</code> operator to extend the depset with more elements or "
- + "to nest other depsets inside of it (the <code>|</code> is equivalent). Examples:<br>"
- + "<pre class=language-python>s = depset([1, 2])\n"
- + "s = s + [3] # s == {1, 2, 3}\n"
- + "s = s + depset([4, 5]) # s == {1, 2, 3, {4, 5}}\n"
- + "other = depset([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"], order=\"postorder\")</pre>"
- + "Note that in these examples <code>{..}</code> is not a valid literal to create depsets. "
- + "Depsets have a fixed generic type, so <code>depset([1]) + [\"a\"]</code> or "
- + "<code>depset([1]) + depset([\"a\"])</code> results in an error.<br>"
- + "Elements in a depset can neither be mutable nor be of type <code>list</code>, "
- + "<code>struct</code> or <code>dict</code>.<br>"
- + "When aggregating data from providers, depsets can take significantly less memory than "
- + "other types as they support nesting, that is, their subsets are shared in memory.<br>"
- + "Every depset has an <code>order</code> parameter which determines the iteration order. "
- + "There are four possible values:"
- + "<ul><li><code>postorder</code> (formerly <code>compile</code>): Defines a left-to-right "
- + "post-ordering where child elements come after those of nested depsets (parent-last). "
- + "For example, <code>{1, 2, 3, {4, 5}}</code> leads to <code>4 5 1 2 3</code>. "
- + "Left-to-right order is preserved for both the child elements and the references to "
- + "nested depsets.</li>"
- + "<li><code>default</code> (formerly <code>stable</code>): Same behavior as "
- + "<code>postorder</code>.</li>"
- + "<li><code>topological</code> (formerly <code>link</code>): Defines a variation of "
- + "left-to-right pre-ordering, i.e. <code>{1, 2, 3, {4, 5}}</code> leads to "
- + "<code>1 2 3 4 5</code>. This ordering enforces that elements of the depset always come "
- + "before elements of nested depsets (parent-first), which may lead to situations where "
- + "left-to-right order cannot be preserved (<a href=\"https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/collect/nestedset/LinkOrderExpander.java#L56\">Example</a>)."
- + "</li>"
- + "<li><code>preorder</code> (formerly <code>naive_link</code>): Defines \"naive\" "
- + "left-to-right pre-ordering (parent-first), i.e. <code>{1, 2, 3, {4, 5}}</code> leads to "
- + "<code>1 2 3 4 5</code>. Unlike <code>topological</code> ordering, it will sacrifice the "
- + "parent-first property in order to uphold left-to-right order in cases where both "
- + "properties cannot be guaranteed (<a href=\"https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/collect/nestedset/NaiveLinkOrderExpander.java#L26\">Example</a>)."
- + "</li></ul>"
- + "Except for <code>default</code>, the above values are incompatible with each other. "
- + "Consequently, two depsets can only be merged via the <code>+</code> operator or via "
- + "<code>union()</code> if either both depsets have the same <code>order</code> or one of "
- + "the depsets has <code>stable</code> order. In the latter case the iteration order will "
- + "be determined by the outer depset, thus ignoring the <code>order</code> parameter of "
- + "nested depsets.<br>"
- + "The function <code>set</code> is a deprecated alias for <code>depset</code>. Please "
- + "update legacy code and use only <code>depset</code>."
+ "<p>A specialized data structure that supports efficient merge operations and has a "
+ + "defined traversal order. Commonly used for accumulating data from transitive "
+ + "dependencies in rules and aspects. For more information see "
+ + "<a href=\"../depsets.html\">here</a>."
+ + "<p>Depsets are not implemented as hash sets and do not support fast membership tests. "
+ + "If you need a general set datatype, you can simulate one using a dictionary where all "
+ + "keys map to <code>None</code>."
+ + "<p>Depsets are immutable. They can be created using their "
+ + "<a href=\"globals.html#depset\">constructor function</a> and merged or augmented using "
+ + "the <code>+</code> operator."
+ + "<p>The <code>order</code> parameter determines the kind of traversal that is done to "
+ + "convert the depset to an iterable. There are four possible values:"
+ + "<ul>"
+ + "<li><code>default</code> (formerly <code>stable</code>): Order is unspecified (but "
+ + "deterministic).</li>"
+ + "<li><code>postorder</code> (formerly <code>compile</code>): A left-to-right post-"
+ + "ordering. Precisely, this recursively traverses all children leftmost-first, then the "
+ + "direct elements leftmost-first.</li>"
+ + "<li><code>preorder</code> (formerly <code>naive_link</code>): A left-to-right pre-"
+ + "ordering. Precisely, this traverses the direct elements leftmost-first, then "
+ + "recursively traverses the children leftmost-first.</li>"
+ + "<li><code>topological</code> (formerly <code>link</code>): A topological ordering from "
+ + "the root down to the leaves. There is no left-to-right guarantee.</li>"
+ + "</ul>"
+ + "<p>Two depsets may only be merged (via <code>+</code> or the <code>union()</code> "
+ + "method) if either both depsets have the same order, or one of them has <code>stable"
+ + "</code> order. In the latter case the resulting depset's order will be the same as the "
+ + "left operand's."
+ + "<p>The function <code>set()</code> is a deprecated alias for <code>depset()</code>. "
+ + "Please update legacy code and use only <code>depset()</code>."
public final class SkylarkNestedSet implements SkylarkValue, SkylarkQueryable {