path: root/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/DefaultMethodClassFixer.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/DefaultMethodClassFixer.java')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/DefaultMethodClassFixer.java b/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/DefaultMethodClassFixer.java
index 68f9756735..2563c7a9ab 100644
--- a/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/DefaultMethodClassFixer.java
+++ b/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/DefaultMethodClassFixer.java
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
@@ -28,11 +27,6 @@ import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
-import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
-import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList;
-import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode;
-import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode;
-import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
* Fixer of classes that extend interfaces with default methods to declare any missing methods
@@ -49,8 +43,6 @@ public class DefaultMethodClassFixer extends ClassVisitor {
private String internalName;
private ImmutableList<String> directInterfaces;
private String superName;
- /** This method node caches <clinit>, and flushes out in {@code visitEnd()}; */
- private MethodNode clInitMethodNode;
public DefaultMethodClassFixer(
ClassVisitor dest,
@@ -90,88 +82,10 @@ public class DefaultMethodClassFixer extends ClassVisitor {
// figure out what methods they declare before stubbing in any missing default methods.
- // Check whether there are interfaces with default methods and <clinit>. If yes, the following
- // method call will return a list of interface fields to access in the <clinit> to trigger
- // the initialization of these interfaces.
- ImmutableList<String> companionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit =
- computeOrderedCompanionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit(directInterfaces);
- if (!companionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit.isEmpty()) {
- if (clInitMethodNode == null) {
- clInitMethodNode = new MethodNode(Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", "()V", null, null);
- }
- desugarClinitToTriggerInterfaceInitializers(companionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit);
- }
- }
- if (clInitMethodNode != null && super.cv != null) { // Write <clinit> to the chained visitor.
- clInitMethodNode.accept(super.cv);
- private boolean isClinitAlreadyDesugared(
- ImmutableList<String> companionsToAccessToTriggerInterfaceClinit) {
- InsnList instructions = clInitMethodNode.instructions;
- if (instructions.size() <= companionsToAccessToTriggerInterfaceClinit.size()) {
- // The <clinit> must end with RETURN, so if the instruction count is less than or equal to
- // the companion class count, this <clinit> has not been desugared.
- return false;
- }
- Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> iterator = instructions.iterator();
- for (String companion : companionsToAccessToTriggerInterfaceClinit) {
- if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
- return false;
- }
- AbstractInsnNode first = iterator.next();
- if (!(first instanceof MethodInsnNode)) {
- return false;
- }
- MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode) first;
- if (methodInsnNode.getOpcode() != Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC
- || !methodInsnNode.owner.equals(companion)
- || !methodInsnNode.name.equals(
- return false;
- }
- checkState(
- methodInsnNode.desc.equals(
- "Inconsistent method desc: %s vs %s",
- methodInsnNode.desc,
- if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
- return false;
- }
- AbstractInsnNode second = iterator.next();
- if (second.getOpcode() != Opcodes.POP) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- private void desugarClinitToTriggerInterfaceInitializers(
- ImmutableList<String> companionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit) {
- if (isClinitAlreadyDesugared(companionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit)) {
- return;
- }
- InsnList desugarInsts = new InsnList();
- for (String companionClass : companionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit) {
- desugarInsts.add(
- new MethodInsnNode(
- companionClass,
- false));
- }
- if (clInitMethodNode.instructions.size() == 0) {
- clInitMethodNode.instructions.insert(new InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN));
- }
- clInitMethodNode.instructions.insertBefore(
- clInitMethodNode.instructions.getFirst(), desugarInsts);
- }
public MethodVisitor visitMethod(
int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) {
@@ -179,11 +93,6 @@ public class DefaultMethodClassFixer extends ClassVisitor {
if (!isInterface) {
recordIfInstanceMethod(access, name, desc);
- if ("<clinit>".equals(name)) {
- checkState(clInitMethodNode == null, "This class fixer has been used. ");
- clInitMethodNode = new MethodNode(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
- return clInitMethodNode;
- }
return super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
@@ -256,55 +165,6 @@ public class DefaultMethodClassFixer extends ClassVisitor {
- * Starting from the given interfaces, this method scans the interface hierarchy, finds the
- * interfaces that have default methods and <clinit>, and returns the companion class names of
- * these interfaces.
- *
- * <p>Note that the returned companion classes are ordered in the order of the interface
- * initialization, which is consistent with the JVM behavior. For example, "class A implements I1,
- * I2", the returned list would be [I1$$CC, I2$$CC], not [I2$$CC, I1$$CC].
- */
- private ImmutableList<String> computeOrderedCompanionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit(
- ImmutableList<String> interfaces) {
- ImmutableList.Builder<String> companionCollector = ImmutableList.builder();
- HashSet<String> visitedInterfaces = new HashSet<>();
- for (String anInterface : interfaces) {
- computeOrderedCompanionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit(
- anInterface, visitedInterfaces, companionCollector);
- }
- return companionCollector.build();
- }
- private void computeOrderedCompanionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit(
- String anInterface,
- HashSet<String> visitedInterfaces,
- ImmutableList.Builder<String> companionCollector) {
- if (!visitedInterfaces.add(anInterface)) {
- return;
- }
- ClassReader bytecode = classpath.readIfKnown(anInterface);
- if (bytecode == null || bootclasspath.isKnown(anInterface)) {
- return;
- }
- String[] parentInterfaces = bytecode.getInterfaces();
- if (parentInterfaces != null && parentInterfaces.length > 0) {
- for (String parentInterface : parentInterfaces) {
- computeOrderedCompanionsToTriggerInterfaceClinit(
- parentInterface, visitedInterfaces, companionCollector);
- }
- }
- InterfaceInitializationNecessityDetector necessityDetector =
- new InterfaceInitializationNecessityDetector(bytecode.getClassName());
- bytecode.accept(necessityDetector, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG);
- if (necessityDetector.needsToInitialize()) {
- // If we need to initialize this interface, we initialize its companion class, and its
- // companion class will initialize the interface then. This desigin decision is made to avoid
- // access issue, e.g., package-private interfaces.
- companionCollector.add(InterfaceDesugaring.getCompanionClassName(anInterface));
- }
- }
- /**
* Recursively searches the given interfaces for default methods not implemented by this class
* directly. If this method returns true we need to think about stubbing missing default methods.
@@ -338,13 +198,10 @@ public class DefaultMethodClassFixer extends ClassVisitor {
// Note that an exception is that, if a bridge method is for a default interface method, javac
// will NOT generate the bridge method in the implementing class. So we need extra logic to
// handle these bridge methods.
- return isNonBridgeDefaultMethod(access) && !instanceMethods.contains(name + ":" + desc);
- }
- private static boolean isNonBridgeDefaultMethod(int access) {
return BitFlags.noneSet(
- access,
- Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_BRIDGE | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE);
+ access,
+ Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_BRIDGE | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)
+ && !instanceMethods.contains(name + ":" + desc);
@@ -522,66 +379,6 @@ public class DefaultMethodClassFixer extends ClassVisitor {
- /**
- * Detector to determine whether an interface needs to be initialized when it is loaded.
- *
- * <p>If the interface has a default method, and its <clinit> initializes any of its fields, then
- * this interface needs to be initialized.
- */
- private static class InterfaceInitializationNecessityDetector extends ClassVisitor {
- private final String internalName;
- private boolean hasFieldInitializedInClinit;
- private boolean hasDefaultMethods;
- public InterfaceInitializationNecessityDetector(String internalName) {
- super(Opcodes.ASM5);
- this.internalName = internalName;
- }
- public boolean needsToInitialize() {
- return hasDefaultMethods && hasFieldInitializedInClinit;
- }
- @Override
- public void visit(
- int version,
- int access,
- String name,
- String signature,
- String superName,
- String[] interfaces) {
- super.visit(version, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces);
- checkState(
- internalName.equals(name),
- "Inconsistent internal names: expected=%s, real=%s",
- internalName,
- name);
- checkArgument(
- BitFlags.isSet(access, Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE),
- "This class visitor is only used for interfaces.");
- }
- @Override
- public MethodVisitor visitMethod(
- int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) {
- if (!hasDefaultMethods) {
- hasDefaultMethods = isNonBridgeDefaultMethod(access);
- }
- if ("<clinit>".equals(name)) {
- return new MethodVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5) {
- @Override
- public void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc) {
- if (opcode == Opcodes.PUTSTATIC && internalName.equals(owner)) {
- hasFieldInitializedInClinit = true;
- }
- }
- };
- }
- return null; // Do not care about the code.
- }
- }
/** Comparator for interfaces that compares by whether interfaces extend one another. */
enum InterfaceComparator implements Comparator<Class<?>> {