path: root/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2692 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/SkylarkIntegrationTest.java b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/SkylarkIntegrationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index db6532486d..0000000000
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/SkylarkIntegrationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2692 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylark;
-import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement;
-import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
-import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames;
-import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Action;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredTarget;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.FileConfiguredTarget;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.FileProvider;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.FilesToRunProvider;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RunfilesProvider;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.SpawnAction;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.BuildViewTestCase;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.AttributeContainer;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildFileContainsErrorsException;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.InputFile;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.NoSuchTargetException;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Package;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.PackageGroup;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.PackageFunction;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.SkyFunctions;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.SkylarkImportLookupFunction;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Runtime;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList.MutableList;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkNestedSet;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.MoreAsserts;
-import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.InMemoryMemoizingEvaluator;
-import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyFunction;
-import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyFunctionName;
-import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
- * Integration tests for Skylark.
- */
-public class SkylarkIntegrationTest extends BuildViewTestCase {
- private static final Joiner LINE_JOINER = Joiner.on("\n");
- @Override
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- }
- public void testSameMethodNames() throws Exception {
- // The alias feature of load() may hide the fact that two methods in the stack trace have the
- // same name. This is perfectly legal as long as these two methods are actually distinct.
- // Consequently, no "Recursion was detected" error must be thrown.
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/other', other_impl = 'impl')",
- "def impl(ctx):",
- " other_impl(ctx)",
- "empty = rule(implementation = impl)");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/other.bzl", "def impl(ctx):", " print('This rule does nothing')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'empty')",
- "empty(name = 'test_target')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test_target");
- }
- public void testRecursionDetection() throws Exception {
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def _impl(ctx):",
- " _impl(ctx)",
- "empty = rule(implementation = _impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'empty')",
- "empty(name = 'test_target')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test_target");
- assertContainsEvent("Recursion was detected when calling '_impl' from '_impl'");
- }
- public void testMacroHasGeneratorAttributes() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def _impl(ctx):",
- " print('This rule does nothing')",
- "",
- "empty = rule(implementation = _impl)",
- "no_macro = rule(implementation = _impl)",
- "",
- "def macro(name, visibility=None):",
- " empty(name = name, visibility=visibility)",
- "def native_macro(name):",
- " native.cc_library(name = name + '_suffix')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', macro_rule = 'macro', no_macro_rule = 'no_macro',",
- " native_macro_rule = 'native_macro')",
- "macro_rule(name = 'macro_target')",
- "no_macro_rule(name = 'no_macro_target')",
- "native_macro_rule(name = 'native_macro_target')",
- "cc_binary(name = 'cc_target', deps = ['cc_dep'])",
- "cc_library(name = 'cc_dep')");
- AttributeContainer withMacro = getContainerForTarget("macro_target");
- assertThat(withMacro.getAttr("generator_name")).isEqualTo("macro_target");
- assertThat(withMacro.getAttr("generator_function")).isEqualTo("macro");
- assertThat(withMacro.getAttr("generator_location")).isEqualTo("test/skylark/BUILD:3");
- // Attributes are only set when the rule was created by a macro
- AttributeContainer noMacro = getContainerForTarget("no_macro_target");
- assertThat(noMacro.getAttr("generator_name")).isEqualTo("");
- assertThat(noMacro.getAttr("generator_function")).isEqualTo("");
- assertThat(noMacro.getAttr("generator_location")).isEqualTo("");
- AttributeContainer nativeMacro = getContainerForTarget("native_macro_target_suffix");
- assertThat(nativeMacro.getAttr("generator_name")).isEqualTo("native_macro_target");
- assertThat(nativeMacro.getAttr("generator_function")).isEqualTo("native_macro");
- assertThat(nativeMacro.getAttr("generator_location")).isEqualTo("test/skylark/BUILD:5");
- AttributeContainer ccTarget = getContainerForTarget("cc_target");
- assertThat(ccTarget.getAttr("generator_name")).isEqualTo("");
- assertThat(ccTarget.getAttr("generator_function")).isEqualTo("");
- assertThat(ccTarget.getAttr("generator_location")).isEqualTo("");
- }
- private AttributeContainer getContainerForTarget(String targetName) throws Exception {
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:" + targetName);
- return target.getTarget().getAssociatedRule().getAttributeContainer();
- }
- public void testStackTraceErrorInFunction() throws Exception {
- runStackTraceTest(
- "str",
- "\t\tstr.index(1)\n"
- + "Method string.index(sub: string, start: int, end: int or NoneType) is not "
- + "applicable for arguments (int, int, NoneType): 'sub' is int, "
- + "but should be string");
- }
- public void testStackTraceMissingMethod() throws Exception {
- runStackTraceTest("None", "\t\tNone.index(1)\n" + "Type NoneType has no function index(int)");
- }
- protected void runStackTraceTest(String object, String errorMessage) throws Exception {
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- String expectedTrace =
- Joiner.on("\n")
- .join(
- "Traceback (most recent call last):",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/BUILD\", line 3",
- "\t\tcustom_rule(name = 'cr')",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/extension.bzl\", line 5, in custom_rule_impl",
- "\t\tfoo()",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/extension.bzl\", line 8, in foo",
- "\t\tbar(2, 4)",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/extension.bzl\", line 10, in bar",
- "\t\tfirst(x, y, z)",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/functions.bzl\", line 2, in first",
- "\t\tsecond(a, b)",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/functions.bzl\", line 5, in second",
- "\t\tthird('legal')",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/skylark/functions.bzl\", line 7, in third",
- errorMessage);
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/functions', 'first')",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " ftb = set(attr1)",
- " foo()",
- " return struct(provider_key = ftb)",
- "def foo():",
- " bar(2,4)",
- "def bar(x,y,z=1):",
- " first(x,y, z)",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/functions.bzl",
- "def first(a, b, c):",
- " second(a, b)",
- " third(b)",
- "def second(a, b):",
- " third('legal')",
- "def third(str):",
- " " + object + ".index(1)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertContainsEvent(expectedTrace);
- }
- public void testFilesToBuild() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " ftb = set(attr1)",
- " return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), files = ftb)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("//test/skylark:cr", target.getLabel().toString());
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- }
- public void testRunfiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " rf = ctx.runfiles(files = attr1)",
- " return struct(runfiles = rf)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("//test/skylark:cr", target.getLabel().toString());
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class).getDefaultRunfiles().getAllArtifacts()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class).getDataRunfiles().getAllArtifacts()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- }
- public void testAccessRunfiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " runfiles = ctx.attr.x.default_runfiles.files",
- " return struct(files = runfiles)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'x': attr.label(allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "cc_library(name = 'lib', data = ['a.txt'])",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr1', x = ':lib')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr2', x = 'b.txt')");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/a.txt");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/b.txt");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr1");
- List<String> baseArtifactNames =
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild());
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames).containsExactly("a.txt");
- target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr2");
- baseArtifactNames =
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild());
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames).isEmpty();
- }
- public void testStatefulRunfiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " rf1 = ctx.runfiles(files = attr1)",
- " rf2 = ctx.runfiles()",
- " return struct(data_runfiles = rf1, default_runfiles = rf2)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory = True, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("//test/skylark:cr", target.getLabel().toString());
- assertTrue(target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class).getDefaultRunfiles().isEmpty());
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class).getDataRunfiles().getAllArtifacts()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- }
- public void testExecutableGetsInRunfilesAndFilesToBuild() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.file_action(output = ctx.outputs.executable, content = 'echo hello')",
- " rf = ctx.runfiles(ctx.files.data)",
- " return struct(runfiles = rf)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl, executable = True,",
- " attrs = {'data': attr.label_list(cfg=DATA_CFG, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', data = [':a.txt'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("//test/skylark:cr", target.getLabel().toString());
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class).getDefaultRunfiles().getAllArtifacts()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt", "cr")
- .inOrder();
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("cr");
- }
- public void testCannotSpecifyRunfilesWithDataOrDefaultRunfiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " rf = ctx.runfiles()",
- " return struct(runfiles = rf, default_runfiles = rf)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Cannot specify the provider 'runfiles' together with "
- + "'data_runfiles' or 'default_runfiles'",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testTransitiveInfoProviders() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " ftb = set(attr1)",
- " return struct(provider_key = ftb)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- RuleConfiguredTarget target = (RuleConfiguredTarget) getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- ((SkylarkNestedSet) target.get("provider_key")).getSet(Artifact.class)))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- }
- public void testMandatoryProviderMissing() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct()",
- "",
- "dependent_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl)",
- "",
- "main_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'dependencies': attr.label_list(providers = ['some_provider'],",
- " allow_files=True)})");
- checkError(
- "test",
- "b",
- "in dependencies attribute of main_rule rule //test:b: "
- + "'//test:a' does not have mandatory provider 'some_provider'",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'dependent_rule')",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'main_rule')",
- "",
- "dependent_rule(name = 'a')",
- "main_rule(name = 'b', dependencies = [':a'])");
- }
- public void testActions() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " output = ctx.outputs.o",
- " ctx.action(",
- " inputs = attr1,",
- " outputs = [output],",
- " command = 'echo')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)},",
- " outputs = {'o': 'o.txt'})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- FileConfiguredTarget target = getFileConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:o.txt");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- getGeneratingAction(target.getArtifact()).getInputs()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- }
- public void testRuleClassImplicitOutputFunction() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " files = [ctx.outputs.o]",
- " ctx.action(",
- " outputs = files,",
- " command = 'echo')",
- " ftb = set(files)",
- " return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), files = ftb)",
- "",
- "def output_func(attr_map):",
- " if attr_map.attr2 != None: return {}",
- " return {'o': attr_map.attr1 + '.txt'}",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.string(),",
- " 'attr2': attr.label()},",
- " outputs = output_func)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = 'bar')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("bar.txt");
- }
- public void testRuleClassImplicitOutputs() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " files = [ctx.outputs.lbl, ctx.outputs.list, ctx.outputs.str]",
- " print('==!=!=!=')",
- " print(files)",
- " ctx.action(",
- " outputs = files,",
- " command = 'echo')",
- " return struct(files = set(files))",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {",
- " 'attr1': attr.label(allow_files=True),",
- " 'attr2': attr.label_list(allow_files=True),",
- " 'attr3': attr.string(),",
- " },",
- " outputs = {",
- " 'lbl': '%{attr1}.a',",
- " 'list': '%{attr2}.b',",
- " 'str': '%{attr3}.c',",
- "})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(",
- " name='cr',",
- " attr1='f1.txt',",
- " attr2=['f2.txt'],",
- " attr3='f3.txt',",
- ")");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/f1.txt");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/f2.txt");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/f3.txt");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("f1.a", "f2.b", "f3.txt.c");
- }
- public void testRuleClassImplicitOutputFunctionAndDefaultValue() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.action(",
- " outputs = [ctx.outputs.o],",
- " command = 'echo')",
- " return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles())",
- "",
- "def output_func(attr_map):",
- " return {'o': attr_map.attr1 + '.txt'}",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.string(default='bar')},",
- " outputs = output_func)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = None)");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("bar.txt");
- }
- public void testRuleClassNonMandatoryEmptyOutputs() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(",
- " o1=ctx.outputs.o1,",
- " o2=ctx.outputs.o2)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'o1': attr.output(), 'o2': attr.output_list()})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals(Runtime.NONE, target.get("o1"));
- assertEquals(MutableList.EMPTY, target.get("o2"));
- }
- public void testRuleClassImplicitAndExplicitOutputNamesCollide() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct()",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'o': attr.output_list()},",
- " outputs = {'o': '%{name}.txt'})");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Multiple outputs with the same key: o",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', o = [':bar.txt'])");
- }
- public void testRuleClassDefaultFilesToBuild() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " files = [ctx.outputs.o]",
- " ctx.action(",
- " outputs = files,",
- " command = 'echo')",
- " ftb = set(files)",
- " for i in ctx.outputs.out:",
- " ctx.file_action(output=i, content='hi there')",
- "",
- "def output_func(attr_map):",
- " return {'o': attr_map.attr1 + '.txt'}",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {",
- " 'attr1': attr.string(),",
- " 'out': attr.output_list()",
- " },",
- " outputs = output_func)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = 'bar', out=['other'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("bar.txt", "other")
- .inOrder();
- }
- public void testBadCallbackFunction() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def impl(): return 0", "", "custom_rule = rule(impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "impl() does not accept positional arguments",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testRuleClassImplicitOutputFunctionBadAttr() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "def output_func(attr_map):",
- " return {'a': attr_map.bad_attr}",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.string()},",
- " outputs = output_func)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Attribute 'bad_attr' either doesn't exist or uses a select()",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = 'bar')");
- }
- public void testHelperFunctionInRuleImplementation() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def helper_func(attr1):",
- " return set(attr1)",
- "",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " attr1 = ctx.files.attr1",
- " ftb = helper_func(attr1)",
- " return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), files = ftb)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("//test/skylark:cr", target.getLabel().toString());
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("a.txt");
- }
- public void testMultipleImportsOfSameRule() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'dep': attr.label_list(allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark1/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr1')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark2/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr2', dep = ['//test/skylark1:cr1'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark2:cr2");
- }
- public void testFunctionGeneratingRules() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def impl(ctx): return None",
- "def gen(): return rule(impl)",
- "r = gen()",
- "s = gen()");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD", "load('extension', 'r', 's')", "r(name = 'r')", "s(name = 's')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:s");
- }
- public void testImportInSkylark() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/implementation.bzl", "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):", " return None");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/implementation', 'custom_rule_impl')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'dep': attr.label_list(allow_files=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- }
- public void testRuleAliasing() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/implementation.bzl",
- "def impl(ctx): return struct()",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/ext.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/implementation', 'custom_rule')",
- "def impl(ctx): return struct()",
- "custom_rule1 = rule(implementation = impl)",
- "custom_rule2 = custom_rule1",
- "custom_rule3 = custom_rule");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/ext', 'custom_rule1', 'custom_rule2', 'custom_rule3')",
- "custom_rule4 = custom_rule3",
- "custom_rule1(name = 'cr1')",
- "custom_rule2(name = 'cr2')",
- "custom_rule3(name = 'cr3')",
- "custom_rule4(name = 'cr4')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr1");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr2");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr3");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr4");
- }
- public void testRecursiveImport() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/ext2.bzl", "load('/test/skylark/ext1', 'symbol2')");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/ext1.bzl", "load('/test/skylark/ext2', 'symbol1')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/ext1', 'custom_rule')",
- "genrule(name = 'rule')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:rule");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- // This is expected
- }
- assertContainsEvent(
- "test/skylark/BUILD: cycle in referenced extension files: \n"
- + " * test/skylark/ext1.bzl\n"
- + " test/skylark/ext2.bzl\n"
- + " * test/skylark/ext1.bzl");
- }
- public void testSymbolPropagateThroughImports() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/implementation.bzl", "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):", " return None");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension2.bzl", "load('/test/skylark/implementation', 'custom_rule_impl')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension1.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension2', 'custom_rule_impl')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'dep': attr.label_list()})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension1', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- }
- public void testAccessingJvmFragment() throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess(
- "ctx.fragments.jvm.java_executable", "third_party/java/jdk/jdk-mock-64/bin/java");
- }
- public void testAccessingJvmHostFragment() throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess(
- "ctx.host_fragments.jvm.java_executable", "third_party/java/jdk/jdk-mock-64/bin/java");
- }
- public void testAccessingCppFragment() throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess("ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler", "gcc-4.4.0");
- }
- public void testAccessingCppHostFragment() throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess("ctx.host_fragments.cpp.compiler", "gcc-4.4.0");
- }
- public void testAccessingJavaFragment() throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess("ctx.fragments.java.default_javac_flags", "[]");
- }
- public void testAccessingJavaHostFragment() throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess("ctx.host_fragments.java.default_javac_flags", "[]");
- }
- public void testAccessingNonExistingFragment() throws Exception {
- expectFragmentError(
- "ctx.fragments.nothing.compiler",
- "There is no configuration fragment named 'nothing' in target configuration. "
- + "Available fragments: 'cpp', 'java', 'jvm'");
- }
- public void testAccessingNonExistingHostFragment() throws Exception {
- expectFragmentError(
- "ctx.host_fragments.nothing.compiler",
- "There is no configuration fragment named 'nothing' in host configuration. "
- + "Available fragments: 'cpp', 'java', 'jvm'");
- }
- // Ensures that the legacy way of accessing fragments via configuration no longer works.
- public void testLegacyFragmentAccess() throws Exception {
- expectFragmentError("ctx.configuration.fragment(cpp).compiler", "name 'cpp' is not defined");
- }
- private void expectFragmentError(String fieldName, String expectedError) throws Exception {
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); // expect errors
- try {
- checkFieldAccess(fieldName, "");
- fail("There should have been an exception in expectFragmentError()");
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- assertContainsEvent(expectedError);
- }
- }
- public void testFragmentAccessError() throws Exception {
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- getConfiguredTargetForFragment("ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler", "'java'", "'cpp'");
- assertContainsEvent(
- "custom_rule has to declare 'cpp' as a required fragment in target "
- + "configuration in order to access it. Please update the 'fragments' argument "
- + "of the rule definition (for example: fragments = [\"cpp\"])");
- }
- public void testHostFragmentAccessError() throws Exception {
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- getConfiguredTargetForFragment("ctx.host_fragments.cpp.compiler", "'cpp'", "'java'");
- assertContainsEvent(
- "custom_rule has to declare 'cpp' as a required fragment in host "
- + "configuration in order to access it. Please update the 'host_fragments' argument "
- + "of the rule definition (for example: host_fragments = [\"cpp\"])");
- }
- private void checkFieldAccess(String fullFieldName, String expectedResult) throws Exception {
- checkFieldAccess(fullFieldName, "'cpp', 'java', 'jvm'", expectedResult);
- }
- private void checkFieldAccess(String fullFieldName, String fragments, String expectedResult)
- throws Exception {
- assertThat(getConfiguredTargetForFragment(fullFieldName, fragments, fragments).get("result"))
- .isEqualTo(expectedResult);
- }
- private ConfiguredTarget getConfiguredTargetForFragment(
- String fullFieldName, String fragments, String hostFragments) throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(result = str(" + fullFieldName + ")",
- ")",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- String.format(" fragments = [%s],", fragments),
- String.format(" host_fragments = [%s],", hostFragments),
- ")");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension','custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- return getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- }
- public void testLateBoundAttribute() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " ftb = set([ctx.file._attr2])",
- " return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), files = ftb)",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg):",
- " return attr_map.attr1",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label(allow_files=True),",
- " '_attr2': attr.label(default=attr_value, allow_files=True, single_file=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = '//test/skylark:file')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .containsExactly("file");
- }
- public void testLateBoundAttributesNone() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " if ctx.attr._attr1 != None: fail('should be None')",
- " f = set(ctx.attr._attr2)", // label_list defaults to []
- " return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), files = f)",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'_attr1': attr.label(default=attr_value),",
- " '_attr2': attr.label_list(default=attr_value)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(
- ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- target.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()))
- .isEmpty();
- }
- public void testLateBoundAttributeBadType() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx): pass",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg): return 5",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'_attr': attr.label(default=attr_value)})");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "When computing the default value of :attr, expected 'label', got 'int'",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testLateBoundAttributeBadAttr() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg):",
- " return attr_map.bad_attr",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label(allow_files=True),",
- " '_attr2': attr.label(default=attr_value, allow_files=True)})");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "No such regular (non late-bound) attribute 'bad_attr'",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = '//test/skylark:file')");
- }
- public void testLateBoundAttributeBadName() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg):",
- " return attr_map.bad_attr",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'attr1': attr.label(default=attr_value)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = '//test/skylark:file')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- // The error happens during the loading of the Skylark file so checkError don't work here
- getTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- assertContainsEvent(
- "When an attribute value is a function, the attribute must be private (start with '_')");
- }
- }
- public void testEmptyName() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'': attr.label()})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = '//test/skylark:file')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- // The error happens during the loading of the Skylark file so checkError don't work here
- getTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- assertContainsEvent("Attribute name cannot be empty");
- }
- }
- public void testValidationEnvironmentDoesNotCollide() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension1.bzl", "some_variable = 'a'");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension2.bzl", "some_variable = 1");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/rule1.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension1', 'some_variable')",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg):",
- " return attr_map.bad_attr",
- "",
- "custom_rule1 = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/rule2.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension2', 'some_variable')",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "def attr_value(attr_map, cfg):",
- " return attr_map.bad_attr",
- "",
- "custom_rule2 = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/rule1', 'custom_rule1')",
- "load('/test/skylark/rule2', 'custom_rule2')",
- "",
- "custom_rule1(name = 'cr1')",
- "custom_rule2(name = 'cr2')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr1");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr2");
- }
- public void testImportedFunctionExecutesInItsDefinitionEnvironment() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/helper.bzl",
- "some_constant = set(['a'])",
- "def some_func():",
- " return set(['b'])",
- "def helper_func():",
- " return some_constant + some_func()");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/implementation.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/helper', 'helper_func')",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(",
- " p = helper_func())",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/implementation', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- assertEquals(
- ImmutableList.of("b", "a"),
- ((SkylarkNestedSet) getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("p")).toCollection());
- }
- public void testImportedFunctionValidation() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/helper.bzl", "def helper_func():", " return set(['a'])");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/implementation.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/helper', 'helper_func')",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " a = helper_func()",
- " return struct(",
- " p = a)",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/implementation', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- assertEquals(
- ImmutableList.of("a"),
- ((SkylarkNestedSet) getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("p")).toCollection());
- }
- public void testExpectFailureWrongError() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx): fail('kaputt')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "kaputt",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name='cr', expect_failure='other')");
- }
- public void testExpectFailureNoError() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx): return struct()",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Expected failure not found: other",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name='cr', expect_failure='other')");
- }
- public void testExpectFailureSuccess() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " fail('kaputt')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr1', expect_failure = 'kaputt*')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr2', expect_failure = 'k.*t*')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr1");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr2");
- }
- public void testCallFunctionFromBuildFile() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def add_suffix(s): return s + '_suf'",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx): return struct()",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule', 'add_suffix')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = add_suffix('foo'))");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:foo_suf");
- }
- public void testTransitiveInfoProviderValueIsNotValid() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx): return struct(a = ctx.configuration)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Value of provider 'a' is of an illegal type: configuration",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name='cr')");
- }
- public void testTransitiveInfoProviderCompositeValueIsNotValid() throws Exception {
- reporter.addHandler(printHandler);
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx): return struct(a = struct(a=[{'key': ctx.configuration}]))",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Value of provider 'a' is of an illegal type: configuration",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name='cr')");
- }
- private void createSimpleExtension(String path, String provides, boolean overwrite)
- throws Exception {
- String content =
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(provider=" + provides + ")",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- if (overwrite) {
- scratch.overwriteFile(path, content);
- } else {
- scratch.file(path, content);
- }
- }
- private void createSimpleExtension(String provides, boolean overwrite) throws Exception {
- createSimpleExtension("test/skylark/extension.bzl", provides, overwrite);
- }
- public void testSkylarkExtensionsAreReloaded() throws Exception {
- createSimpleExtension("'a'", false);
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- assertEquals("a", getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("provider"));
- createSimpleExtension("'b'", true);
- invalidatePackages();
- assertEquals("b", getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("provider"));
- }
- public void testTransitiveSkylarkExtensionsAreReloaded() throws Exception {
- createSimpleExtension("'a'", false);
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension2.bzl",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule_2 = custom_rule");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension2', 'custom_rule_2')",
- "",
- "custom_rule_2(name = 'cr')");
- assertEquals("a", getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("provider"));
- createSimpleExtension("'b'", true);
- invalidatePackages();
- assertEquals("b", getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("provider"));
- }
- public void testSkylarkImportOverridesNativeRules() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(custom_provider = 'a')",
- "",
- "genrule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'genrule')",
- "",
- "genrule(name = 'cr')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("a", target.get("custom_provider"));
- }
- public void testSkylarkImportOverridesNativeRulesWithAliasing() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(custom_provider = 'a')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)",
- "genrule = custom_rule");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'genrule')",
- "",
- "genrule(name = 'cr')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("a", target.get("custom_provider"));
- }
- public void testSkylarkImportOverridesNativeRulesTwoImports() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension1.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(custom_provider = 'a')",
- "",
- "genrule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension2.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(custom_provider = 'b')",
- "",
- "genrule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension1', 'genrule')",
- "first_genrule = genrule",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension2', 'genrule')",
- "",
- "first_genrule(name = 'cr1')",
- "genrule(name = 'cr2')");
- ConfiguredTarget target1 = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr1");
- assertEquals("a", target1.get("custom_provider"));
- ConfiguredTarget target2 = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr2");
- assertEquals("b", target2.get("custom_provider"));
- }
- public void testNativeRulesWorkFromSkylarkBuildExtensions() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func(name):",
- " native.genrule(name = name,",
- " outs = [name + '.txt'],",
- " tags = None,", // None values should be ignored
- " cmd = 'echo hello >@')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func(name = 'rule1')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:rule1");
- // Check output file
- getFileConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:rule1.txt");
- }
- public void testNativeRulesWithGlobInSkylark() throws Exception {
- // The glob is evaluated using the BUILD file's package.
- scratch.file("test/project/data1.dat", "");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func(name):",
- " native.genrule(name = name,",
- " srcs = native.glob(['*.dat']),",
- " outs = [name + '.txt'],",
- " cmd = 'echo $(SRCS) hello >@')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/project/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func(name = 'rule1')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/project:rule1");
- Action action = getGeneratingAction(Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(target)));
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames(action.getInputs())).contains("data1.dat");
- }
- public void testNativeRulesWithGlobFromBuildFile() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/BUILD");
- scratch.file("test/project/data1.dat", "");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func(name, srcs):",
- " native.genrule(name = name,",
- " srcs = srcs,",
- " outs = [name + '.txt'],",
- " cmd = 'echo $(SRCS) hello >@')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/project/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func(name = 'rule1', srcs = glob(['*.dat']))");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/project:rule1");
- Action action = getGeneratingAction(Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(target)));
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames(action.getInputs())).contains("data1.dat");
- }
- public void testGlobWithExcludes() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/project/a.dat", "");
- scratch.file("test/project/b.dat", "");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func(name, includes, excludes):",
- " native.genrule(name = name,",
- " srcs = native.glob(includes, excludes),",
- " outs = [name + '.txt'],",
- " cmd = 'echo $(SRCS) hello >@')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/project/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func(name = 'rule1', includes = ['*.dat'], excludes = ['b.dat'])");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/project:rule1");
- Action action = getGeneratingAction(Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(target)));
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames(action.getInputs())).contains("a.dat");
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames(action.getInputs())).containsNoneIn(ImmutableList.of("b.dat"));
- }
- public void testFailInSkylarkExtensions() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def func(name):", " fail('not implemented')");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr2",
- "not implemented",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'func')",
- "func(name = 'cr')",
- "genrule(name = 'cr2')");
- }
- public void testUseNativeFromTopLevel() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "native.cc_library(name = 'cr2')", "a = 0");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'cr')", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'a')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- assertContainsEvent("The native module cannot be accessed from here");
- }
- }
- private void checkSymbolIsNotAccessibleInRuleImplementationPhase(
- String symbolName, String ruleImplementationLines) throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- ruleImplementationLines,
- " return struct()",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- symbolName + "() can only be called during the loading phase",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testNativeModuleIsNotAccessibleInRuleImplementationPhase() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " native.genrule(name = 'some_genrule',",
- " outs = ['out.txt'],",
- " cmd = 'echo hello >@')",
- " return struct()",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "genrule() can only be called during the loading phase",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testNativeModulePackageFunction() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func():",
- " native.package(features = ['foo'])");
- scratch.file(
- "test/project/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func()",
- "genrule(name = 'a', cmd = '', outs = ['b'])");
- Package pkg = getConfiguredTarget("//test/project:a").getTarget().getPackage();
- assertEquals(Iterables.getOnlyElement(pkg.getFeatures()), "foo");
- }
- public void testAttrModuleIsNotAccessibleInRuleImplementationPhase() throws Exception {
- checkSymbolIsNotAccessibleInRuleImplementationPhase("attr.label", " attr.label()");
- }
- public void testRuleFunctionIsNotAccessibleInRuleImplementationPhase() throws Exception {
- checkSymbolIsNotAccessibleInRuleImplementationPhase(
- "rule", " rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl)");
- }
- public void testPreludeFile() throws Exception {
- createSimpleExtension("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "'a'", false);
- scratch.overwriteFile(
- "tools/build_rules/prelude_blaze", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- invalidatePackages();
- simulateLoadingPhase();
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("a", target.get("provider"));
- }
- public void testPreludeFileCaching() throws Exception {
- createSimpleExtension("test/skylark/extension1.bzl", "'a'", false);
- scratch.overwriteFile(
- "tools/build_rules/prelude_blaze", "load('/test/skylark/extension1', 'custom_rule')");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- invalidatePackages();
- simulateLoadingPhase();
- ConfiguredTarget target1 = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("a", target1.get("provider"));
- createSimpleExtension("test/skylark/extension2.bzl", "'b'", false);
- scratch.overwriteFile(
- "tools/build_rules/prelude_blaze", "load('/test/skylark/extension2', 'custom_rule')");
- invalidatePackages();
- simulateLoadingPhase();
- ConfiguredTarget target2 = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertEquals("b", target2.get("provider"));
- }
- public void testPreludeFileParsedAsBuildFile() throws Exception {
- createSimpleExtension("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "'a'", false);
- scratch.overwriteFile(
- "tools/build_rules/prelude_blaze",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "def func(): return None");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule_test')",
- "",
- "custom_rule_test(name = 'cr')");
- invalidatePackages();
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (NoSuchTargetException e) {
- assertContainsEvent("syntax error at 'def': This is not supported in BUILD files");
- }
- }
- public void testTestRule() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " executable = ctx.outputs.executable",
- " ctx.file_action(",
- " output = executable,",
- " executable = True,",
- " content = 'echo Hello')",
- "",
- "custom_rule_test = rule(implementation = rule_impl, test = True)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule_test')",
- "",
- "custom_rule_test(name = 'cr')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- }
- public void testTestRuleWithoutRunfiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx): pass",
- "",
- "custom_rule_test = rule(implementation = rule_impl, test = True)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "The following files have no generating action",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule_test')",
- "",
- "custom_rule_test(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testTestRuleBadRuleClassName() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl, test = True)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- // The error happens during the loading of the Skylark file so checkError don't work here
- getTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- assertContainsEvent(
- "Invalid rule class name 'custom_rule', test rule class names must "
- + "end with '_test' and other rule classes must not");
- }
- }
- public void testPrivateRule() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(p = 5)",
- "",
- "_custom_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl)",
- "def macro(name):",
- " _custom_rule(name = name)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'macro')", "", "macro(name = 'cr')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- assertThat(target.get("p")).isEqualTo(5);
- }
- public void testExecutableRule() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " executable = ctx.outputs.executable",
- " ctx.file_action(",
- " output = executable,",
- " executable = True,",
- " content = 'echo Hello')",
- " default_runfiles = ctx.runfiles([executable])",
- " return struct(runfiles = default_runfiles)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl, executable = True)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
- FilesToRunProvider provider = target.getProvider(FilesToRunProvider.class);
- assertNotNull(provider.getRunfilesSupport());
- assertNotNull(provider.getExecutable());
- assertSame(provider.getExecutable(), provider.getRunfilesSupport().getExecutable());
- }
- public void testLabelMustBeExecutable() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return None",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'exe': attr.label(executable=True)})");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "does not refer to a valid executable target",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "genrule(name = 'g',",
- " cmd = '',",
- " outs = ['out'])",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', exe='g')");
- }
- public void testExecutableTool() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/tool.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " executable = ctx.outputs.executable",
- " ctx.file_action(",
- " output = executable,",
- " executable = True,",
- " content = 'echo Hello')",
- "",
- "tool_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl, executable = True)");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/main.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.action(",
- " outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],",
- " executable = ctx.executable.tool,",
- " arguments = ['--flag'])",
- "",
- "main_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl,",
- " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.sh'},",
- " attrs = {'tool': attr.label(executable = True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/main', 'main_rule')",
- "load('/test/skylark/tool', 'tool_rule')",
- "",
- "tool_rule(name = 'mytool')",
- "main_rule(name = 'myrule', tool = ':mytool')");
- ConfiguredTarget tool = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:mytool");
- // Check the tool has runfiles
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames(getRunfilesSupport(tool).getRunfiles().getAllArtifacts()))
- .contains("mytool");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:myrule");
- SpawnAction action =
- (SpawnAction) getGeneratingAction(Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(target)));
- // the first argument i.e. the executable is mytool
- MoreAsserts.assertEndsWith("test/skylark/mytool", action.getArguments().get(0));
- // the runfiles of the tool are among the action inputs
- assertThat(baseArtifactNames(action.getInputs())).contains("test_Sskylark_Smytool-runfiles");
- assertTrue(
- ActionsTestUtil.getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
- action.getInputs(), "test_Sskylark_Smytool-runfiles")
- .isMiddlemanArtifact());
- }
- public void testTryingToImportNonexistingExtension() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/non_existing_extension', 'custom_rule_test')",
- "",
- "custom_rule_test(name = 'cr')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- assertContainsEvent("Extension file not found: 'test/skylark/non_existing_extension.bzl'");
- }
- }
- public void testTryingToImportBrokenExtension() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/ext.bzl", "var = 2", "var = 3");
- scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load('/test/ext', 'var')", "", "custom_rule_test(name = 'cr')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test:cr");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- assertContainsEvent("Variable var is read only");
- assertContainsEvent("Extension 'test/ext.bzl' has errors");
- }
- }
- private void writeConfigFile() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "conditions/BUILD",
- "config_setting(",
- " name = 'a',",
- " values = {'test_arg': 'a'})",
- "config_setting(",
- " name = 'b',",
- " values = {'test_arg': 'b'})");
- }
- public void testUseConfigurableAttributeValueInSkylarkRule() throws Exception {
- writeConfigFile();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(provider = ctx.attr.a)",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'a': attr.string()})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', a = select({'//conditions:a' : 'x', '//conditions:b' : 'y'}))");
- useConfiguration("--test_arg=a");
- assertEquals("x", getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("provider"));
- useConfiguration("--test_arg=b");
- assertEquals("y", getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr").get("provider"));
- }
- private String helloCcDepTargets() {
- return LINE_JOINER.join(
- " native.cc_library(",
- " name = 'adep',",
- " srcs = ['adep.cc'])",
- " native.cc_library(",
- " name = 'bdep',",
- " srcs = ['bdep.cc'])");
- }
- public void testDefineConfigurableAttributeInSkylarkExtension() throws Exception {
- writeConfigFile();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def build_extension(name):",
- " native.cc_binary(",
- " name = name,",
- " srcs = ['hello.cc'],",
- " deps = select({",
- " '//conditions:a': [':adep'],",
- " '//conditions:b': [':bdep'],",
- " }))",
- "",
- helloCcDepTargets());
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'build_extension')",
- "",
- "build_extension('hello')");
- checkConfigurableHelloTargets();
- }
- public void testPassConfigurableAttributeToSkylarkExtension() throws Exception {
- writeConfigFile();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def build_extension(name, deps):",
- " native.cc_binary(",
- " name = name,",
- " srcs = ['hello.cc'],",
- " deps = deps)",
- "",
- helloCcDepTargets());
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'build_extension')",
- "",
- "build_extension('hello',",
- " select({",
- " '//conditions:a': [':adep'],",
- " '//conditions:b': [':bdep'],",
- " }))");
- checkConfigurableHelloTargets();
- }
- public void testConfigurableAttributesConcatenateSkylarkAndNativeLists() throws Exception {
- writeConfigFile();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def return_select():",
- " return select({'//conditions:a': ['foo.in']}) + ['skylark.list']");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'return_select')",
- "genrule(",
- " name = 'gen',",
- " srcs = return_select() + ['native.list'],",
- " outs = ['gen.out'],",
- " cmd = 'echo hi > $@')");
- useConfiguration("--test_arg=a");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:gen");
- }
- public void testConfigurableAttributesNotAllowedInImplicitOutputs() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def _impl(ctx): pass",
- "def _get_outputs(attr_map):",
- " return {'default': attr_map.x + '.out'}",
- "simple = rule(",
- " implementation = _impl,",
- " attrs = {'x': attr.string()},",
- " outputs = _get_outputs)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "simple",
- "Attribute 'x' either doesn't exist or uses a select()",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'simple')",
- "simple(",
- " name = 'simple',",
- " x = select({'//conditions:default': 'foo'}))");
- }
- public void testArtifactsWithoutGeneratingActions() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, ctx.outputs.o2, 'param')",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'o1': attr.output_list()},",
- " outputs = {'o2': '%{name}.txt'})");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "The following files have no generating action:\n"
- + "test/skylark/cr.txt\n"
- + "test/skylark/cr.txtparam\n"
- + "test/skylark/output.txt",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', o1 = [':output.txt'])");
- }
- public void testSkylarkListWorksInBuildFile_LoadReturnsCorrectListType() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "l1 = ['a']");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'l1')",
- "",
- "l2 = l1 + ['b']",
- "genrule(name = l2[0], cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['a.txt'])",
- "genrule(name = l2[1], cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['b.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:a");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:b");
- }
- public void testSkylarkListWorksInBuildFile_FunctionReturnsCorrectListType() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def gen_list():", " return ['a']");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'gen_list')",
- "",
- "l2 = gen_list() + ['b']",
- "genrule(name = l2[0], cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['a.txt'])",
- "genrule(name = l2[1], cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['b.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:a");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:b");
- }
- public void testSkylarkListWorksInBuildFile_LoadReturnsMutableCopy() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "l = ['a']");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'l')",
- "",
- "l.append('b')",
- "genrule(name = ''.join(l), cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['a.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:ab");
- // Check that the Skylark value isn't modified (i.e. there is no 'b' value).
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark2/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'l')",
- "",
- "l.append('c')",
- "genrule(name = ''.join(l), cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['a.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark2:ac");
- }
- public void testBuildFileListWorksInSkylark() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func(l):",
- " l = l + ['c']",
- " for i in l:",
- " native.genrule(name = i, cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = [i + '.txt'])");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func(['a', 'b'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:a");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:b");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:c");
- }
- public void testSkylarkLoadedListCanBeConcatenated() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "l1 = ('a',)", "l2 = ['a']");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'l1')",
- "",
- "m = l1 + ('b',) # tuple",
- "genrule(name = ''.join(m), cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['a.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:ab");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark2/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'l2')",
- "",
- "m = l2 + ['b']",
- "genrule(name = ''.join(m), cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['b.txt'])");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark2:ab");
- }
- public void testSkylarkLoadedListBadType() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "l1 = ['a']");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'l1')",
- "",
- "m = l1 + ('b',)",
- "genrule(name = ''.join(m), cmd = 'echo hi >@', outs = ['a.txt'])");
- try {
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:ab");
- fail();
- } catch (AssertionFailedError ex) {
- assertThat(ex.getMessage()).contains("can only concatenate List (not \"Tuple\") to List");
- }
- }
- public void testPackageNameIsPresentInBuildExtensions() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func(name):",
- " native.genrule(",
- " name = name, cmd = 'echo ' + PACKAGE_NAME + ' >@', outs = [name + '.txt'])");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'extension_func')",
- "",
- "extension_func('a')");
- SpawnAction action =
- (SpawnAction)
- getGeneratingAction(
- Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:a"))));
- String cmd = action.getArguments().get(2);
- assertThat(cmd).contains("echo test/skylark >@");
- }
- public void testStringDictAttribute() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(p = ctx.attr.stringdict['a'])",
- "r = rule(implementation=impl, attrs={'stringdict': attr.string_dict()})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'r')",
- "",
- "r(name='r1', stringdict={'a': 'b'})");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r1");
- assertEquals("b", target.get("p"));
- }
- public void testPackageNameIsNotPresentWhenSkylarkFileExecutes() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def extension_func():",
- // TODO(bazel-team): clean up the behavior of PACKAGE_NAME.
- " if not PACKAGE_NAME:",
- " fail(\"name 'PACKAGE_NAME' is not defined\")",
- " return PACKAGE_NAME",
- "v = extension_func()");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'v')",
- "",
- "genrule(name='a', cmd='echo hi >$@', outs=['a.txt'])");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:a");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- assertContainsEvent("name 'PACKAGE_NAME' is not defined");
- }
- }
- public void testNonMandatoryAttributesWithSingleFile() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/file.txt", "");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def impl(ctx):",
- " lbl = ctx.attr.a.label if ctx.attr.a else None",
- " if hasattr(ctx.file, 'a'):",
- " return struct(f=ctx.file.a, l=lbl)",
- " else:",
- " return struct(l=lbl)",
- "",
- "r = rule(implementation=impl,",
- " attrs={'a': attr.label(allow_files=True, single_file=True)})");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'r')",
- "",
- "r(name='r1', a='file.txt')",
- "r(name='r2')");
- ConfiguredTarget target1 = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r1");
- assertEquals("file.txt", ((Label) target1.get("l")).getName());
- assertEquals("file.txt", ((Artifact) target1.get("f")).getFilename());
- ConfiguredTarget target2 = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r2");
- assertEquals(Runtime.NONE, target2.get("l"));
- assertEquals(Runtime.NONE, target2.get("f"));
- }
- public void testWorkspaceStatusArtifacts() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.file_action(ctx.outputs.o, '')",
- // info_file is SpecialArtifact, check if Skylark is unaware of this
- " f = ctx.info_file",
- " f = ctx.outputs.o",
- " l1 = [ctx.info_file, ctx.outputs.o]",
- " l2 = [ctx.outputs.o, ctx.info_file]",
- " s1 = set([ctx.info_file]) + [ctx.outputs.o]",
- " s2 = set([ctx.outputs.o]) + [ctx.info_file]",
- " return struct(",
- " info=ctx.info_file, version=ctx.version_file)",
- "",
- "r = rule(implementation=impl, outputs={'o': '%{name}.txt'})");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'r')", "", "r(name='r')");
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r");
- assertEquals("build-info.txt", ((Artifact) target.get("info")).getFilename());
- assertEquals("build-changelist.txt", ((Artifact) target.get("version")).getFilename());
- }
- public void testPrintFunction() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def impl(ctx):",
- " print('analysis phase hello')",
- "",
- "print('loading phase hello')",
- "r = rule(implementation = impl)");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'r')", "", "r(name='r')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r");
- assertContainsEventsInOrder("loading phase hello", "analysis phase hello");
- }
- public void testPrintFunctionInMacro() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def macro():", " print('macro hello')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'macro')",
- "",
- "macro()",
- "genrule(name = 'r', outs = ['r.txt'], cmd = 'echo hi >@')");
- getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:r");
- assertContainsEventsInOrder("macro hello");
- }
- public void testInvalidLabel() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/iproute2_src_pkg", "");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " Label(ctx.attr.locations[0])",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'locations': attr.string_list()})");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Illegal absolute label syntax: invalid_label",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr', locations = ['invalid_label'])");
- }
- public void testAddingToNestedSetComingFromNativeRuleDoesNotWork() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.attr.deps[0].files + ctx.attr.deps[1].files",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,",
- " attrs = {'deps': attr.label_list()})",
- "",
- "def macro(name):",
- " native.genrule(name = name + '1', cmd = 'echo hi >$@', outs = [name + '1.txt'])",
- " native.genrule(name = name + '2', cmd = 'echo hi >$@', outs = [name + '2.txt'])",
- " custom_rule(name = name, deps = [':' + name + '1', ':' + name + '2'])");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "Cannot add more elements to this set. Sets created in "
- + "native rules cannot be left side operands of the + operator.",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'macro')",
- "",
- "macro(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testFilesIsNotSetOfFiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def rule_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(files = set(['a']))",
- "",
- "custom_rule = rule(implementation = rule_impl)");
- checkError(
- "test/skylark",
- "cr",
- "expected set of Files for 'files' but got set of strings instead: set([\"a\"])",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')",
- "",
- "custom_rule(name = 'cr')");
- }
- public void testPackageGroup() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/pkg1/BUILD");
- scratch.file("test/pkg2/BUILD");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def macro(name):",
- " native.package_group(name = 'default_pg', packages = ['//test/pkg2'])",
- " native.package_group(name = name,",
- " packages = ['//test/pkg1'], includes = [':default_pg'])");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('extension', 'macro')", "macro('my_pg')");
- PackageGroup target = (PackageGroup) getTarget("//test/skylark:my_pg");
- assertThat(target.getContainedPackages()).containsExactly("test/pkg1");
- assertThat(target.getIncludes())
- .containsExactly(Label.parseAbsolute("//test/skylark:default_pg"));
- }
- public void testExportsFiles() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/a.txt");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def macro():",
- " native.exports_files(['a.txt'], visibility = ['//visibility:private'])");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('extension', 'macro')", "macro()");
- // Without the exports_files in the extension this would throws a NoSuchTargetException
- InputFile target = (InputFile) getTarget("//test/skylark:a.txt");
- assertThat(target.getVisibility().getDeclaredLabels())
- .containsExactly(Label.parseAbsolute("//visibility:private"));
- }
- public void testErrorPropagation() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "fail('my error')", "a = 'my_target'");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('extension', 'a')", "cc_library(name = a)");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:my_target");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Extension file 'test/skylark/extension.bzl' has errors");
- }
- assertContainsEvent("my error");
- }
- public void testErrorPropagation2() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "a = 'my_target'", "fail('my error')");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('extension', 'a')", "cc_library(name = a)");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:my_target");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Extension file 'test/skylark/extension.bzl' has errors");
- }
- assertContainsEvent("my error");
- }
- private void checkConfigurableHelloTargets() throws Exception {
- useConfiguration("--test_arg=a");
- Iterable<String> inputsA = getInputsForFilesToBuildAction("//test/skylark:hello");
- assertThat(inputsA).contains("adep.pic.o");
- assertThat(inputsA).doesNotContain("bdep.pic.o");
- useConfiguration("--test_arg=b");
- Iterable<String> inputsB = getInputsForFilesToBuildAction("//test/skylark:hello");
- assertThat(inputsB).contains("bdep.pic.o");
- assertThat(inputsB).doesNotContain("adep.pic.o");
- }
- private Iterable<String> getInputsForFilesToBuildAction(String label) throws Exception {
- return ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(
- getGeneratingAction(getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(getConfiguredTarget(label))))
- .getInputs());
- }
- // Regression test for https://github.com/google/bazel/issues/121
- public void testAddingListAndSkylarkList() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/extension.bzl",
- "def macro(n, input_dict):",
- " d = ' '.join(input_dict['list'] + ['2'])",
- " native.genrule(name = n, cmd = 'echo %s >@' % d, outs = [n + '.txt'])");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'macro')",
- "",
- "macro(n = 'a', input_dict = {'list': ['1']})");
- SpawnAction action =
- (SpawnAction)
- getGeneratingAction(
- Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:a"))));
- String cmd = action.getArguments().get(2);
- assertThat(cmd).contains("echo 1 2 >@");
- }
- public void testLoadAlias() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/alias', number = 'one')",
- "number(name = 'target')");
- checkNumber("target", 1);
- }
- public void testLoadAliasIdentity() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/alias', one = 'one')", "one(name = 'target')");
- checkNumber("target", 1);
- }
- public void testLoadAliasUseExistingName() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/alias', two = 'one')", "two(name = 'target')");
- checkNumber("target", 1);
- }
- public void testLoadAliasSwapDefinitions() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/alias', one = 'two', two = 'one')",
- "one(name = 'target1')",
- "two(name = 'target2')");
- checkNumber("target1", 2);
- checkNumber("target2", 1);
- }
- public void testLoadAliasMultipleImports() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/alias', 'one', two = 'one', three = 'one')",
- "one(name = 'target1')",
- "two(name = 'target2')",
- "three(name = 'target3')");
- checkNumber("target1", 1);
- checkNumber("target2", 1);
- checkNumber("target3", 1);
- }
- public void testLoadAliasConflict() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/alias', one = 'two', 'one')",
- "one(name = 'target')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- checkLoadAliasError("Symbol 'one' has already been loaded");
- }
- public void testLoadAliasNotFound() throws Exception {
- createBzlFileForAlias();
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/alias', one = 'four')", "one(name = 'target')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- checkLoadAliasError("no such variable: four");
- }
- private void checkLoadAliasError(String errorMessage) throws Exception {
- try {
- getTarget("//test/skylark:target");
- fail("Expected NoSuchTargetException");
- } catch (NoSuchTargetException nste) {
- assertContainsEvent(errorMessage);
- }
- }
- private void createBzlFileForAlias() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/alias.bzl",
- "def one_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(num = 1)",
- "",
- "def two_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(num = 2)",
- "",
- "def three_impl(ctx):",
- " return struct(num = 3)",
- "",
- "one = rule(implementation = one_impl)",
- "two = rule(implementation = two_impl)",
- "three = rule(implementation = three_impl)");
- }
- private void checkNumber(String targetName, int expectedValue) throws Exception {
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:" + targetName);
- assertThat(target.get("num")).isEqualTo(expectedValue);
- }
- public void testInclusionOfRunfilesOfInputs() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("run/file/test/secret_script.sh", "#!/bin/bash");
- scratch.file("run/file/test/important_data", "secret");
- scratch.file("run/file/test/useless_data", "useless!");
- scratch.file(
- "run/file/test/myrule.bzl",
- "def _impl(ctx):",
- " ctx.action(command = '%s > %s' % (ctx.executable.script.path, ctx.outputs.out.path), ",
- " inputs = [ctx.executable.script], ",
- " outputs = [ctx.outputs.out])",
- "my_rule = rule(implementation = _impl, ",
- " attrs = {",
- " 'script' : attr.label(allow_files=True,executable=True,cfg=HOST_CFG),",
- " 'junk' : attr.label(allow_files=True,executable=True),",
- " }",
- " ,",
- " outputs = {'out': '%{name}_out'} ",
- ")");
- scratch.file(
- "run/file/test/BUILD",
- "load('/run/file/test/myrule', 'my_rule')",
- "",
- "sh_binary(",
- " name = 'important_binary', ",
- " srcs = ['secret_script.sh'],",
- " data = ['important_data'],",
- ")",
- "sh_binary(",
- " name = 'useless_binary', ",
- " srcs = ['secret_script.sh'],",
- " data = ['useless_data'],",
- ")",
- "my_rule(",
- " name = 'main',",
- " script = ':important_binary',",
- " junk = ':useless_binary',",
- ")");
- Iterable<String> runfiles = extractDataRunfiles(getConfiguredTarget("//run/file/test:main"));
- assertThat(runfiles).contains("run/file/test/secret_script.sh");
- assertThat(runfiles).contains("run/file/test/important_data");
- // Attribute 'junk' did not have HOST_CFG, which means that useless_data must
- // not be included here
- assertThat(runfiles).doesNotContain("run/file/test/useless_data");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the data runfiles via some arcane magic. This includes:
- * a) Getting a middleman artifact from the inputs of the generating action
- * b) Expanding this artifact, as seen in ActionInputHelper#actionGraphMiddlemanExpander, by
- * collecting the inputs of the generating action
- *
- * <p>RunfilesProvider, FilesToRunProvider and RunfilesSupplier did not return any valid results.
- */
- private Iterable<String> extractDataRunfiles(ConfiguredTarget target) {
- List<String> result = new LinkedList<>();
- Artifact fileToBuild = Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(target));
- Iterable<Artifact> inputs = getGeneratingAction(fileToBuild).getInputs();
- for (Artifact current : inputs) {
- if (current.isMiddlemanArtifact()) {
- Iterables.addAll(result, Artifact.toExecPaths(getGeneratingAction(current).getInputs()));
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void testLoadList() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "li = [('abc', '11'), ('def', '22')]");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'li')",
- "[cc_library(name = lm[0]) for lm in li]");
- // Check that the targets can be loaded.
- ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:abc");
- assertThat(target.getLabel().toString()).isEqualTo("//test/skylark:abc");
- target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:def");
- assertThat(target.getLabel().toString()).isEqualTo("//test/skylark:def");
- }
- public void testListIsFrozenAfterLoad() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/deflist.bzl",
- "l1 = [1, 2]",
- "l2 = l1",
- "l1.extend([3, 4])",
- "if l2 != [1, 2, 3, 4]: fail('l2=%r' % (l2,))");
- scratch.file(
- "test/uselist.bzl",
- "load('deflist', 'l1')",
- "print('loading uselist, l1=%r' % (l1,))",
- "l3 = l1 + [5, 6]",
- "if l3 != [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: fail('l3=%r' % (l3,))");
- scratch.file(
- "test/abuselist.bzl",
- "load('deflist', 'l1')",
- "l4 = []",
- "print('loading abuselist, l1=%r' % (l1,))",
- "l1.append(5)",
- "fail('l1=%r' % (l1,))");
- scratch.file(
- "test/BUILD",
- "load('uselist', 'l3')",
- "load('abuselist', 'l4')",
- "genrule(name='foo', outs=['one'], cmd='echo 1 > $@')");
- try {
- getConfiguredTarget("//test:foo");
- fail("An Exception was expected, but nothing was thrown.");
- } catch (AssertionFailedError ex) {
- assertThat(ex)
- .hasMessage("ERROR /workspace/test/abuselist.bzl:4:1: trying to mutate a frozen object");
- }
- }
- public void testLoadListIsFrozenBeforeAnalysis() throws Exception {
- scratch.file(
- "test/library.bzl",
- "l = [1, 2]",
- "def _impl(ctx): l.append(3) ; return struct()",
- "foo = rule(implementation=_impl)");
- scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load('library', 'foo')", "foo(name='foo')");
- try {
- getConfiguredTarget("//test:foo");
- fail("An Exception was expected, but nothing was thrown.");
- } catch (AssertionFailedError ex) {
- assertThat(ex)
- .hasMessage(
- "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:2:1: in foo rule //test:foo: ",
- "Traceback (most recent call last):",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/BUILD\", line 2",
- "\t\tfoo(name = 'foo')",
- "\tFile \"/workspace/test/library.bzl\", line 2, in _impl",
- "\t\tl.append(3)",
- "trying to mutate a frozen object"));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Skylark integration test that forces inlining.
- */
- public static class SkylarkIntegrationTestsWithInlineCalls extends SkylarkIntegrationTest {
- @Override
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- ImmutableMap<? extends SkyFunctionName, ? extends SkyFunction> skyFunctions =
- ((InMemoryMemoizingEvaluator) getSkyframeExecutor().getEvaluatorForTesting())
- .getSkyFunctionsForTesting();
- SkylarkImportLookupFunction skylarkImportLookupFunction =
- new SkylarkImportLookupFunction(this.getRuleClassProvider(), this.getPackageFactory());
- ((PackageFunction) skyFunctions.get(SkyFunctions.PACKAGE))
- .setSkylarkImportLookupFunctionForInliningForTesting(skylarkImportLookupFunction);
- }
- @Override
- public void testRecursiveImport() throws Exception {
- scratch.file("test/skylark/ext2.bzl", "load('/test/skylark/ext1', 'symbol2')");
- scratch.file("test/skylark/ext1.bzl", "load('/test/skylark/ext2', 'symbol1')");
- scratch.file(
- "test/skylark/BUILD",
- "load('/test/skylark/ext1', 'custom_rule')",
- "genrule(name = 'rule')");
- reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
- try {
- // ensureTargetsVisited() produces a different event than getTarget, and it doesn't fail
- // even though there is an error in the rule. What's going on here?
- ensureTargetsVisited("//test/skylark:rule");
- getTarget("//test/skylark:rule");
- fail();
- } catch (BuildFileContainsErrorsException e) {
- // This is expected
- }
- assertContainsEvent("cycle in referenced extension files");
- assertContainsEvent("test/skylark/ext1.bzl");
- assertContainsEvent("test/skylark/ext2.bzl");
- assertContainsEvent("Skylark import cycle");
- assertContainsEvent("Loading of target '//test/skylark:rule' failed; build aborted");
- assertThat(eventCollector).hasSize(3);
- }
- }