path: root/site/docs/tutorial
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diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/android-app.md b/site/docs/tutorial/android-app.md
index 31e86475cc..ea52e3ef1d 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/android-app.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/android-app.md
@@ -1,280 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build an Android App
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/android-app.html
-# Tutorial - Build an Android App
-The sample Android app in this tutorial is a very simple application that makes
-an HTTP connection to the [backend server](backend-server.md) and displays the
-resulting response.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Run the build
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run the app
-## Review the source files
-Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
-The key files and directories are:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-<td>Manifest file</td>
-<td>Activity source file</td>
-<td>Resource file directory</td>
-Note that you're just looking at these files now to become familiar with the
-structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the source files to complete
-this tutorial.
-## Update the WORKSPACE file
-Bazel needs to run the Android SDK
-[build tools](https://developer.android.com/tools/revisions/build-tools.html)
-and uses the SDK libraries to build the app. This means that you need to add
-some information to your `WORKSPACE` file so that Bazel knows where to find
-them. Note that this step is not required when you build for other platforms.
-For example, Bazel automatically detects the location of Java, C++ and
-Objective-C compilers from settings in your environment.
-Add the following lines to your `WORKSPACE` file:
- name = "androidsdk",
- # Replace with path to Android SDK on your system
- path = "/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk",
- # Replace with the Android SDK API level
- api_level = 23,
- # Replace with the version in sdk/build-tools/
- build_tools_version="23.0.0"
-**Optional:** This is not required by this tutorial, but if you want to compile
-native code into your Android app, you also need to download the
-[Android NDK](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html) and
-tell Bazel where to find it by adding the following rule to your `WORKSPACE`
- name = "androidndk",
- # Replace with path to Android NDK on your system
- path = "/Users/username/Library/Android/ndk",
- # Replace with the Android NDK API level
- api_level = 21
-`api_level` is the version of the Android API the SDK and the NDK target
-(for example, 19 for Android K and 21 for Android L). It's not necessary to set
-the API levels to the same value for the SDK and NDK.
-[This web page](https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/stable_apis.html)
-contains a map from Android releases to NDK-supported API levels.
-## Create a BUILD file
-A [`BUILD` file](/docs/build-ref.html#BUILD_files) is a text file that describes
-the relationship between a set of build outputs -- for example, compiled
-software libraries or executables -- and their dependencies. These dependencies
-may be source files in your workspace or other build outputs. `BUILD` files are
-written in the Bazel *build language*.
-`BUILD` files are part of concept in Bazel known as the *package hierarchy*.
-The package hierarchy is a logical structure that overlays the directory
-structure in your workspace. Each [package](/docs/build-ref.html#packages) is a
-directory (and its subdirectories) that contains a related set of source files
-and a `BUILD` file. The package also includes any subdirectories, excluding
-those that contain their own `BUILD` file. The *package name* is the name of the
-directory where the `BUILD` file is located.
-Note that this package hierarchy is distinct from, but coexists with, the Java
-package hierarchy for your Android app.
-For the simple Android app in this tutorial, we'll consider all the source files
-in `$WORKSPACE/android/` to comprise a single Bazel package. A more complex
-project may have many nested packages.
-At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-$ vi $WORKSPACE/android/BUILD
-### Add an android_library rule
-A `BUILD` file contains several different types of instructions for Bazel. The
-most important type is the [build rule](/docs/build-ref.html#funcs), which tells
-Bazel how to build an intermediate or final software output from a set of source
-files or other dependencies.
-Bazel provides two build rules, `android_library` and `android_binary`, that you
-can use to build an Android app. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
-[`android_library`](/docs/be/android.html#android_library) rule to tell
-Bazel how to build an
-[Android library module](http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html#LibraryProjects)
-from the app source code and resource files. Then you'll use the
-`android_binary` rule to tell it how to build the Android application package.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "activities",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/*.java"]),
- custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android.activities",
- manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/AndroidManifest.xml",
- resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/res/**"]),
-As you can see, the `android_library` build rule contains a set of attributes
-that specify the information that Bazel needs to build a library module from the
-source files. Note also that the name of the rule is `activities`. You'll
-reference the rule using this name as a dependency in the `android_binary` rule.
-### Add an android_binary rule
-The [`android_binary`](/docs/be/android.html#android_binary) rule builds
-the Android application package (`.apk` file) for your app.
-Add the following to your build file:
- name = "android",
- custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android",
- manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/AndroidManifest.xml",
- resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/res/**"]),
- deps = [":activities"],
-Here, the `deps` attribute references the output of the `activities` rule you
-added to the `BUILD` file above. This means that, when Bazel builds the output
-of this rule, it checks first to see if the output of the `activities` library
-rule has been built and is up-to-date. If not, it builds it and then uses that
-output to build the application package file.
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/android/BUILD)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Run the build
-You use the
-[`bazel`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html) command-line tool to run builds, execute
-unit tests and perform other operations in Bazel. This tool is located in the
-`output` subdirectory of the location where you installed Bazel. During
-[installation](/docs/install.md), you probably added this location to your
-Before you build the sample app, make sure that your current working directory
-is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-$ bazel build //android:android
-The [`build`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#build) subcommand instructs Bazel to
-build the target that follows. The target is specified as the name of a build
-rule inside a `BUILD` file, with along with the package path relative to
-your workspace directory. Note that you can sometimes omit the package path
-or target name, depending on your current working directory at the command
-line and the name of the target. See [Labels](/docs/build-ref.html#labels) in
-*Bazel Concepts and Terminology* page for more information about target labels
-and paths.
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //android:android up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/android/android_deploy.jar
- bazel-bin/android/android_unsigned.apk
- bazel-bin/android/android.apk
-INFO: Elapsed time: 7.237s, Critical Path: 5.81s
-## Find the build outputs
-Bazel stores the outputs of both intermediate and final build operations in
-a set of per-user, per-workspace output directories. These directories are
-symlinked from the following locations:
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin`, which stores binary executables and other runnable
- build outputs
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-genfiles`, which stores intermediary source files that are
- generated by Bazel rules
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-out`, which stores other types of build outputs
-Bazel stores the Android `.apk` file generated using the `android_binary` rule
-in the `bazel-bin/android/` directory, where the subdirectory name `android` is
-derived from the name of the Bazel package.
-At a command prompt, list the contents of this directory and find the
-`android.apk` file:
-$ ls $WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/android
-## Run the app
-You can now deploy the app to a connected Android device or emulator from the
-command line using the
-[`bazel mobile-install`](http://bazel.io/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#mobile-install)
-command. This command uses the Android Debug Bridge (`adb`) to communicate with
-the device. You must set up your device to use `adb` following the instructions
-[Android Debug Bridge](http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html) before
-Enter the following:
-$ bazel mobile-install //android:android
-Note that the `mobile-install` subcommand also supports the
-flag that can be used to deploy only those parts of the app that have changed
-since the last deployment.
-## What's next
-Now that you've built a sample app for Android, it's time to do the same for
-the [iOS app](ios-app.md).
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/app.md b/site/docs/tutorial/app.md
index fdc33c5f83..d3c2872f6f 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/app.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/app.md
@@ -1,45 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Build Mobile Application
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/app.html
-# Build Mobile Application
-You can use Bazel to build a variety of software outputs, including
-Linux and Mac OS X applications written in Java, C++ and Objective-C. You can
-also use Bazel to build software for other platforms or written in other
-This tutorial shows how to use Bazel to build the following:
-* An Android app
-* An iOS app
-* A mobile backend server running on App Engine
-In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
-* Set up a Bazel workspace and create a `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create `BUILD` files that contain the instructions used by Bazel to build
- the software
-* Run builds using the Bazel command line tool
-## Requirements
-You can follow the steps in this tutorial on either a Linux or Mac OS X system.
-However, you can only build the iOS app if you are running Bazel on OS X. If
-you are using Linux, you can skip the iOS instructions and still complete
-the rest of the tutorial steps.
-## Sample project
-You don't have to write your own mobile apps and backend server to use this
-tutorial. Instead, you'll use a sample project hosted on GitHub. The sample
-project is hosted at the following location:
-You'll grab the sample project files in the next step in this tutorial.
-## What's next
-Let's start off by [setting up](environment.md) the tutorial environment.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md b/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md
index ad668a0d3b..150f9152ec 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md
@@ -1,224 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/backend-server.html
-# Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
-The backend server is a simple web application that runs on Google App Engine
-and responds to incoming HTTP requests from the sample Android and iOS apps.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create the `appengine.BUILD` file
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Run the build
-* Find the build outputs
-* Deploy to a local development server
-* Deploy to Google App Engine
-Bazel provides a set of [App Engine build rules](/docs/be/appengine.html)
-written using the [Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html) framework. You'll use
-these in the steps below to build the application.
-## Review the source files
-The source files for the backend server are located in `$WORKSPACE/backend/`.
-The key files and directories are:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-<td>Source file directory</td>
-<td>Web application metadata directory</td>
-## Update the WORKSPACE file
-As with the Android app, you must add references to
-[external dependencies](http://bazel.io/docs/external.html) to your `WORKSPACE`
-file. For the backend server, these are references to the App Engine SDK,
-the Java Servlet SDK and other libraries needed to build the App Engine
-### Add a new\_http\_archive rule
-When you built the Android app, you added a reference to the location on your
-filesystem where you downloaded and installed the Android SDK. For the
-backend server, however, you'll give Bazel instructions for downloading the
-required App Engine SDK package from a remote server. This is optional. You
-can also download and install the SDK manually on your filesystem and reference
-it from that location as described in the
-[App Engine rule documentation](/docs/be/appengine.html).
-Add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_appengine",
- remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine.git",
- tag = "0.0.2",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_repositories")
-[`git_repository`](/docs/be/workspace.html#git_repository) downloads the
-AppEngine rules from GitHub, then the next two lines use the
-`appengine_repositories` function defined in these rules to download the
-libraries and SDK needed to build AppEngine applications.
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `WORKSPACE` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples//blob/master/tutorial/WORKSPACE)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Create a BUILD file
-Now that you have set up the external dependencies, you can go ahead and create
-the `BUILD` file for the backend server, as you did previously for the sample
-Android and iOS apps.
-Open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-$ vi $WORKSPACE/backend/BUILD
-### Add a java_binary rule
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "app",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
- main_class = "does.not.exist",
- deps = [
- "@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:javax.servlet.api",
- ],
-The [`java_binary`](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) tells Bazel
-how to build a Java `.jar` library for your application, plus a wrapper shell
-script that launches the application code from the specified main class. Here,
-we're using this rule instead of the
-[`java_library`](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) because we need
-the `.jar` file to contain all the dependencies required to build the final
-App Engine `.war` file. For this reason, we specify a bogus class name
-for the `main_class` attribute.
-### Add an appengine_war rule
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
-load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_war")
- name = "backend",
- data = [":webapp"],
- data_path = "/backend/webapp",
- jars = [":app_deploy.jar"],
- name = "webapp",
- srcs = glob(["webapp/**/*"]),
-The [`appengine_war`](/docs/be/appengine.html#appengine_war)
-rule builds the final App Engine `war` file from the library `.jar` file and web
-application metadata files in the `webapp` directory.
-Save and close the file. Again, the
-[completed example](https://github.com/google/bazel-examples/blob/master/tutorial/backend/BUILD)
-is in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Run the build
-Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-$ bazel build //backend:backend
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //backend:backend up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/backend/backend.war
- bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy
- bazel-bin/backend/backend
-INFO: Elapsed time: 56.867s, Critical Path: 2.72s
-## Find the build outputs
-The `.war` file and other outputs are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/backend` directory.
-## Deploy to a local development server
-The `appengine_war` rule generates an upload script that you can use to deploy
-your backend server on Google App Engine. Here, you'll start a local App Engine
-development server in your environment and deploy your application there.
-To deploy the application, enter the following:
-$ bazel-bin/backend/backend --port=12345
-Your application URL will be `http://localhost:12345`
-## Deploy to Google App Engine
-You can also deploy the application to the live App Engine serving
-environment on Google Cloud Platform. For this scenario, you must first create
-a project in the
-[Google Developers Console](https://console.developers.google.com).
-To deploy the application, enter the following:
-$ $WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy <project-id>
-The deployment script prompts you to authorize access to Google Cloud Platform.
-After you have authorized access the first time, you can deploy the application
-using the `bazel` command and the following rule target:
-$ bazel run //backend:backend.deploy <project-id>
-Your application URL will be `http://<project-id>.appspot.com`.
-## What's next
-Now let's [review](review.md) the tutorial steps.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md b/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
index 3d6effbd68..6ec737f93d 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
@@ -1,360 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Build C++
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/cpp.html
-Build C++
-You can use Bazel to build your C++ application. In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* Build your first C++ target
-* Use external libraries
-* Write and run C++ tests
-* Use precompiled libraries
-## Setting up your workspace
-Suppose that you have an existing project in a directory, say,
-`~/gitroot/my-project/`. Create an empty file at
-`~/gitroot/my-project/WORKSPACE` to show Bazel where your project's root is.
-We are going to create a small hello world project with the following directory structure:
-{% highlight bash %}
-└── my-project
- ├── lib
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── hello-greet.cc
- │   └── hello-greet.h
- ├── main
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── hello-time.cc
- │   ├── hello-time.h
- │   └── hello-world.cc
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Creating source files
-Using the following commands to create the necessary source files:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ # If you're not already there, move to your workspace directory.
-$ cd ~/gitroot/my-project
-$ mkdir ./main
-$ cat > main/hello-world.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-#include "main/hello-time.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- std::string who = "world";
- if (argc > 1) {
- who = argv[1];
- }
- std::cout << get_greet(who) <<std::endl;
- print_localtime();
- return 0;
-$ cat > main/hello-time.h <<'EOF'
-void print_localtime();
-$ cat > main/hello-time.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "main/hello-time.h"
-#include <ctime>
-#include <iostream>
-void print_localtime() {
- std::time_t result = std::time(nullptr);
- std::cout << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result));
-$ mkdir ./lib
-$ cat > lib/hello-greet.h <<'EOF'
-#include <string>
-std::string get_greet(const std::string &thing);
-$ cat > lib/hello-greet.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-#include <string>
-std::string get_greet(const std::string& who) {
- return "Hello " + who;
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Adding BUILD files
-As you can see from the source code, `main/hello-world.cc` needs to include both `lib/hello-greet.h` and `main/hello-time.h`.
-First we create `lib/BUILD` for hello-greet.cc:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "hello-greet",
- srcs = ["hello-greet.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-greet.h"],
- visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"],
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note that `visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"]` indicates `hello-greet` is visible from `main/BUILD`.
-Then we'd create the following `main/BUILD` file:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "hello-time",
- srcs = ["hello-time.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-time.h"],
- name = "hello-world",
- srcs = ["hello-world.cc"],
- deps = [
- ":hello-time",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note when depending on a target in the same package, we can just use `:hello-time`.
-When the target is in other package, a full path from root should be used, like `//lib:hello-greet`.
-Now you are ready to build your hello world C++ binary:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ bazel build main:hello-world
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //main:hello-world up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/main/hello-world
-INFO: Elapsed time: 2.869s, Critical Path: 1.00s
-$ ./bazel-bin/main/hello-world
-Hello world
-Thu Jun 23 18:51:46 2016
-$ ./bazel-bin/main/hello-world Bazel
-Hello Bazel
-Thu Jun 23 18:52:10 2016
-{% endhighlight %}
-Congratulations, you've just built your first Bazel target!
-## Transitive includes
-If a file includes a header, then the file's rule should depend on that header's
-library. Conversely, only direct dependencies need to be specified as
-dependencies. For example, suppose `sandwich.h` includes `bread.h` and
-`bread.h` includes `flour.h`. `sandwich.h` doesn't include `flour.h` (who wants
-flour in their sandwich?), so the BUILD file would look like:
- name = "sandwich",
- srcs = ["sandwich.cc"],
- hdrs = ["sandwich.h"],
- deps = [":bread"],
- name = "bread",
- srcs = ["bread.cc"],
- hdrs = ["bread.h"],
- deps = [":flour"],
- name = "flour",
- srcs = ["flour.cc"],
- hdrs = ["flour.h"],
-Here, the `sandwich` library depends on the `bread` library, which depends
-on the `flour` library.
-## Adding include paths
-Sometimes you cannot (or do not want to) base include paths at the workspace
-root. Existing libraries might already have a include directory that doesn't
-match its path in your workspace. For example, suppose you have the following
-directory structure:
-└── my-project
- ├── third_party
- │   └── some_lib
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── include
- │   │   └── some_lib.h
- │   └── some_lib.cc
-Bazel will expect `some_lib.h` to be included as
-`third_party/some_lib/include/some_lib.h`, but suppose `some_lib.cc` includes
-`"include/some_lib.h"`. To make that include path valid,
-`third_party/some_lib/BUILD` will need to specify that the `some_lib/`
-directory is an include directory:
- name = "some_lib",
- srcs = ["some_lib.cc"],
- hdrs = ["some_lib.h"],
- copts = ["-Ithird_party/some_lib"],
-This is especially useful for external dependencies, as their header files
-must otherwise be included with an `external/[repository-name]/` prefix.
-## Including external libraries
-Suppose you are using [Google Test](https://code.google.com/p/googletest/). You
-can use one of the `new_` repository functions in the `WORKSPACE` file to
-download Google Test and make it available in your repository:
- name = "gtest",
- url = "https://googletest.googlecode.com/files/gtest-1.7.0.zip",
- sha256 = "247ca18dd83f53deb1328be17e4b1be31514cedfc1e3424f672bf11fd7e0d60d",
- build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
-Then create `gtest.BUILD`, a BUILD file to use to compile Google Test.
-Google Test has several "special" requirements that make its `cc_library` rule
-more complicated:
-* `gtest-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc` `#include`s all of the other files in
- `gtest-1.7.0/src/`, so we need to exclude it from the compile or we'll get
- link errors for duplicate symbols.
-* It uses header files that relative to the `gtest-1.7.0/include/` directory
- (`"gtest/gtest.h"`), so we must add that directory the include paths.
-* It needs to link in pthread, so we add that as a `linkopt`.
-The final rule looks like this:
- name = "main",
- srcs = glob(
- ["gtest-1.7.0/src/*.cc"],
- exclude = ["gtest-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc"]
- ),
- hdrs = glob([
- "gtest-1.7.0/include/**/*.h",
- "gtest-1.7.0/src/*.h"
- ]),
- copts = [
- "-Iexternal/gtest/gtest-1.7.0/include"
- ],
- linkopts = ["-pthread"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-This is somewhat messy: everything is prefixed with gtest-1.7.0 as a byproduct
-of the archive's structure. You can make `new_http_archive` strip this prefix by
-adding the `strip_prefix` attribute:
- name = "gtest",
- url = "https://googletest.googlecode.com/files/gtest-1.7.0.zip",
- sha256 = "247ca18dd83f53deb1328be17e4b1be31514cedfc1e3424f672bf11fd7e0d60d",
- build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
- strip_prefix = "gtest-1.7.0",
-Then `gtest.BUILD` would look like this:
- name = "main",
- srcs = glob(
- ["src/*.cc"],
- exclude = ["src/gtest-all.cc"]
- ),
- hdrs = glob([
- "include/**/*.h",
- "src/*.h"
- ]),
- copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
- linkopts = ["-pthread"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-Now `cc_` rules can depend on `//external:gtest/main`.
-## Writing and running C++ tests
-For example, we could create a test `./test/hello-test.cc` such as:
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-TEST(FactorialTest, Negative) {
- EXPECT_EQ(get_greet("Bazel"), "Hello Bazel");
-Then create `./test/BUILD` file for your tests:
- name = "hello-test",
- srcs = ["hello-test.cc"],
- copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
- deps = [
- "@gtest//:main",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-Note in order to make `hello-greet` visible to `hello-test`, we have to add `"//test:__pkg__",` to `visibility` attribute in `./lib/BUILD`.
-Now you can use `bazel test` to run the test.
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ bazel test test:hello-test
-INFO: Found 1 test target...
-Target //test:hello-test up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/test/hello-test
-INFO: Elapsed time: 4.497s, Critical Path: 2.53s
-//test:hello-test PASSED in 0.3s
-Executed 1 out of 1 tests: 1 test passes.
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Adding dependencies on precompiled libraries
-If you want to use a library that you only have a compiled version of (e.g.,
-headers and a .so) wrap it in a `cc_library` rule:
- name = "mylib",
- srcs = ["mylib.so"],
- hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
-Then other C++ targets in your workspace can depend on this rule.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md b/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md
index 219060de7c..8ce35d68a2 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md
@@ -1,91 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/environment.html
-# Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
-The first step in this tutorial is to set up your environment.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Install Bazel
-* Install Android Studio and the Android SDK
-* Install Xcode (OS X only)
-* Get the sample project from the GitHub repo
-## Install Bazel
-Follow the [installation instructions](/docs/install.md) to install Bazel and
-its dependencies.
-## Install the Android SDK tools
-Do the following:
-1. Download and install the
- [Android SDK Tools](https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other).
-2. Run the Android SDK Manager and install the following packages:
- <table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td>Package</td>
- <td>SDK directory</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Platform Tools</td>
- <td><code>platform-tools</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Build Tools</td>
- <td><code>build-tools</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Platform</td>
- <td><code>platform</code></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- The SDK Manager is an executable named `android` located in the `tools`
- directory.
-## Install Xcode (OS X only)
-If you are following the steps in this tutorial on Mac OS X, download and
-install [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/). The Xcode
-download contains the iOS libraries, Objective-C compiler other tools
-required by Bazel to build the iOS app.
-## Get the sample project
-You also need to get the sample project for the tutorial from GitHub:
-The GitHub repo has two branches: `source-only` and `master`. The `source-only`
-branch contains the source files for the project only. You'll use the files in
-this branch in this tutorial. The `master` branch contains both the source files
-and completed Bazel `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files. You can use the files in this
-branch to check your work when you've completed the tutorial steps.
-Enter the following at the command line to get the files in the `source-only`
-$ cd $HOME
-$ git clone -b source-only https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples
-The `git clone` command creates a directory named `$HOME/examples/`. This
-directory contains several sample projects for Bazel. The project files for this
-tutorial are in `$HOME/examples/tutorial`.
-## What's next
-Now that you have set up your environment, you can
-[set up a Bazel workspace](workspace.md).
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md b/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
index 51774e9312..e77b36907e 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
@@ -1,206 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build an iOS App
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/ios-app.html
-# Tutorial - Build an iOS App
-Like the [Android app](android-app.md) you built in the previous step, the iOS
-app is a simple mobile app that communicates with the
-[backend server](backend-server.md).
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Build the app for the simulator
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run/Debug the app on the simulator
-* Build the app for a device
-* Install the app on a device
-Note that, unlike with the Android app, you don't have to modify your
-`WORKSPACE` file to add iOS-specific external dependencies.
-If you're following the steps in this tutorial on Mac OS X, you can go ahead
-and build the sample iOS app as described below. If you are on Linux, skip ahead
-to the [next step](backend-server.md).
-## Review the source files
-Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
-`$WORKSPACE/ios-app/UrlGet`. Again, you're just looking at these files now to
-become familiar with the structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the
-source files to complete this tutorial.
-## Create a BUILD file
-At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-$ vi $WORKSPACE/ios-app/BUILD
-## Add an objc_library rule
-Bazel provides several build rules that you can use to build an app for the
-iOS platform. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
-[`objc_library`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_library) rule to tell Bazel
-how to build an
-[static library](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/iOSStaticLibraries/Introduction.html)
-from the app source code and Xib files. Then you'll use the
-`objc_binary` rule to tell it how to bundle the iOS application. (Note that
-this is a minimal use case of the Objective-C rules in Bazel. For example, you
-have to use the `ios_application` rule to build multi-architecture iOS
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "UrlGetClasses",
- srcs = [
- "UrlGet/AppDelegate.m",
- "UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.m",
- ],
- hdrs = glob(["UrlGet/*.h"]),
- xibs = ["UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.xib"],
-Note the name of the rule, `UrlGetClasses`.
-## Add an objc_binary rule
-The [`objc_binary`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_binary) rule creates a
-binary to be bundled in the application.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "ios-app-binary",
- srcs = [
- "UrlGet/main.m",
- ],
- deps = [
- ":UrlGetClasses",
- ],
-Note how the `deps` attribute references the output of the
-`UrlGetClasses` rule you added to the `BUILD` file above.
-## Add an ios_application rule
-The [`ios_application`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#ios_application) rule
-creates the bundled `.ipa` archive file for the application and also generates
-an Xcode project file.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "ios-app",
- binary = ":ios-app-binary",
- infoplist = "UrlGet/UrlGet-Info.plist",
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/ios-app/BUILD)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Build the app for the simulator
-Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-$ bazel build //ios-app:ios-app
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //ios-app:ios-app up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.ipa
- bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
-INFO: Elapsed time: 3.765s, Critical Path: 3.44s
-## Find the build outputs
-The `.ipa` file and other outputs are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app` directory.
-## Run/Debug the app on the simulator
-You can now run the app from Xcode using the iOS Simulator. To run the app,
-open the project directory `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj` in
-Xcode, choose an iOS Simulator as the runtime scheme and then click the **Run**
-**Note:** If you change anything about the project file set in Xcode (for
-example, if you add or remove a file, or add or change a dependency), you must
-rebuild the app using Bazel and then re-open the project.
-## Build the app for a device
-You need to set up bazel so that it can find the appropriate provisioning
-profile for the device you want to build for. To set up the "default"
-provisioning profile for all bazel builds:
- 1. Go to [Apple Profiles](https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileList.action)
- and download the appropriate provisioning profile for your device.
- If this is confusing, please refer to [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingProfiles/MaintainingProfiles.html).
- 1. Move your profile into `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc`.
- 1. Optional - You may want to add your profile to your `.gitignore`.
- 1. Edit `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc/BUILD` and add:
- ```python
- filegroup(
- name = "default_provisioning_profile",
- srcs = ["<NAME OF YOUR PROFILE>.mobileprovision"],
- )
- ```
-Now you should be able to build the app for your device:
-$ bazel build //ios-app:ios-app --ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64
-This will build the app "fat". If you would prefer just to build for
-your specific device architecture you can designate a single architecture.
-If you would like to select a specific Xcode version/SDK version you can do so
-with the `--xcode_version=7.2 --ios_sdk_version=9.2` options. Make sure that
-the Xcode version that you select has the appropriate SDK installed in it.
-If you would like to specify a minimum version of iOS to run against, you can
-do so with the `--ios_minimum_os=7.0` option.
-## Install the app on a device
-The easiest way to install the app on the device is to launch Xcode and use the
-`Windows > Devices` command. Select your plugged in device from the list on the
-left, and then add the app by clicking on the "plus" sign under installed apps
-and selecting the `.ipa` that you built.
-If your app does not launch, please make sure that your device was on your
-provisioning profile. The `View Device Logs` button on the `Devices` screen in
-Xcode may provide other information as to what has gone wrong.
-## What's next
-The next step is to build a [backend server](backend-server.md) for the two
-mobile apps you built in this tutorial.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/java.md b/site/docs/tutorial/java.md
index ce916667e1..aeeac5483a 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/java.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/java.md
@@ -1,245 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Build Java
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/java.html
-Build Java
-You can use Bazel to build your Java application. In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* Build your first Java target
-* Add dependencies to your target
-* Use multiple packages
-* Deploy your target
-## Setting up your workspace
-Suppose that you have an existing project in a directory, say,
-`~/gitroot/my-project/`. Create an empty file at
-`~/gitroot/my-project/WORKSPACE` to show Bazel where your project's root is.
-## Creating Your Own Build File
-Use the following commands to make a small Java project for this example:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ # If you're not already there, move to your workspace directory.
-$ cd ~/gitroot/my-project
-$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example
-$ cat > src/main/java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java <<'EOF'
-package com.example;
-public class ProjectRunner {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Greeting.sayHi();
- }
-$ cat > src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java <<'EOF'
-package com.example;
-public class Greeting {
- public static void sayHi() {
- System.out.println("Hi!");
- }
-{% endhighlight %}
-Bazel figures out what to build by looking for files named `BUILD` in your
-workspace, so we'll create a `BUILD` file in the `~/gitroot/my-project`
-directory. Add the following lines to this BUILD file:
-{% highlight python %}
-# ~/gitroot/my-project/BUILD
- name = "my-runner",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.java"]),
- main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
-{% endhighlight %}
-`java_binary` is the type of thing this rule will build.
-`glob(["**/*.java"])` is a handy shorthand for "recursively include every file
-that ends with .java" (see the
-[build encyclopedia](be/functions.html#glob) for more information about
-globbing). `com.example.ProjectRunner` specifies the class that contains the
-main method.
-Now you are ready to build your Java binary:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ cd ~/gitroot/my-project
-$ bazel build //:my-runner
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
- bazel-bin/my-runner
-INFO: Elapsed time: 1.021s, Critical Path: 0.83s
-$ bazel-bin/my-runner
-{% endhighlight %}
-Congratulations, you've just built your first Bazel target!
-## Adding Dependencies
-Creating one rule to build your entire project may be sufficient for small
-projects, but as projects get larger it's important to break up the build into
-self-contained libraries that can be assembled into a final product. This way
-the entire world doesn't need to be rebuilt on small changes and Bazel can
-parallelize more of the build steps.
-To break up a project, create separate rules for each subcomponent and then
-make them depend on each other. For the example above, add the following rules
-to the `BUILD` file:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "my-other-runner",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java"],
- main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
- deps = [":greeter"],
- name = "greeter",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
-{% endhighlight %}
-This builds the same files as before, but in a different way: now Bazel will
-build the `greeter` library first and then build `my-other-runner`. Try building
-and running `//:my-other-runner`:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ bazel run //:my-other-runner
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //:my-other-runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/my-other-runner.jar
- bazel-bin/my-other-runner
-INFO: Elapsed time: 2.454s, Critical Path: 1.58s
-INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/my-other-runner
-{% endhighlight %}
-Now if you edit `ProjectRunner.java` and rebuild `my-other-runner`,
-`Greeting.java` will not need to be recompiled.
-## Using Multiple Packages
-For larger projects, you will often be dealing with several directories. You
-can refer to targets defined in other BUILD files using the syntax
-`//path/to/directory:target-name`. For example, suppose
-`src/main/java/com/example/` has a `cmdline/` subdirectory with the following
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example/cmdline
-$ cat > src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/Runner.java <<'EOF'
-package com.example.cmdline;
-import com.example.Greeting;
-public class Runner {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Greeting.sayHi();
- }
-{% endhighlight %}
-`Runner.java` depends on `com.example.Greeting`, so we could add a `BUILD` file
-at `src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/BUILD` that contained the following rule:
-{% highlight python %}
-# ~/gitroot/my-project/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/BUILD
- name = "runner",
- srcs = ["Runner.java"],
- main_class = "com.example.cmdline.Runner",
- deps = ["//:greeter"]
-{% endhighlight %}
-However, by default, build rules are _private_. This means that they can only be
-referred to by rules in the same BUILD file. This prevents libraries that are
-implementation details from leaking into public APIs, but it also means that you
-must explicitly allow `runner` to depend on `//:greeter`. As is, if we
-build `runner` we'll get a permissions error:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
-ERROR: /home/user/gitroot/my-project/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/BUILD:2:1:
- Target '//:greeter' is not visible from target '//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner'.
- Check the visibility declaration of the former target if you think the dependency is legitimate.
-ERROR: Analysis of target '//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner' failed; build aborted.
-INFO: Elapsed time: 0.091s
-{% endhighlight %}
-You can make a rule visible to rules in other BUILD files by adding a
-`visibility = level` attribute. Change the `greeter` rule in
-`~/gitroot/my-project/BUILD` to be visible to our new rule:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "greeter",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
- visibility = ["//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:__pkg__"],
-{% endhighlight %}
-This makes `//:greeter` visible to any rule in the
-`//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline` package. Now we can build and
-run the `runner` binary:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ bazel run //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
-INFO: Elapsed time: 1.576s, Critical Path: 0.81s
-INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
-{% endhighlight %}
-See the [build encyclopedia](be/common-definitions.html#common.visibility) for more
-visibility options.
-## Deploying
-If you look at the contents of
-_bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar_, you can see that it
-only contains `Runner.class`, not its dependencies (`Greeting.class`):
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ jar tf bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
-{% endhighlight %}
-This works for running locally (the `runner` script Bazel generates adds the
-greeter jar to the classpath) but will not work if we want to copy `runner.jar`
-to another machine and use it as a standalone binary. To build a self-contained
-jar that can be deployed, build `runner_deploy.jar` (or, more generally,
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner_deploy.jar
-INFO: Elapsed time: 1.700s, Critical Path: 0.23s
-{% endhighlight %}
-`runner_deploy.jar` will contain all of its dependencies.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/review.md b/site/docs/tutorial/review.md
index 62d4501ad4..16557f7527 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/review.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/review.md
@@ -1,29 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Review
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/review.html
-# Tutorial - Review
-In this tutorial, you used Bazel to build an [Android app](android-app.md),
-an [iOS app](ios-app.md) and a [backend server](backend-server.md) that runs on
-Google App Engine.
-To build these software outputs, you:
-* Set up a Bazel [workspace](workspace.md) that contained the source code
- for the components and a `WORKSPACE` that identifies the top level of the
- workspace directory
-* Created a `BUILD` file for each component
-* Updated the `WORKSPACE` file to contain references to the required
- external dependencies
-* Ran Bazel to build the software components
-The built mobile apps and backend server application files are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin` directory.
-Note that completed `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files for this tutorial are located
-in the
-[master branch](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/tutorial)
-of the GitHub repo. You can compare your work to the completed files for
-additional help or troubleshooting.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md b/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
index ff3f6da510..76a2a7cd14 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
@@ -1,53 +1,4 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
+layout: redirect
+redirect: docs/tutorial/workspace.html
-# Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
-A [workspace](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces) is a directory that contains the
-source files for one or more software projects, as well as a `WORKSPACE` file
-and `BUILD` files that contain the instructions that Bazel uses to build
-the software. It also contains symbolic links to output directories in the
-Bazel home directory.
-A workspace directory can be located anywhere on your filesystem. In this
-tutorial, your workspace directory is `$HOME/examples/tutorial/`, which
-contains the sample project files you cloned from the GitHub repo in the
-previous step.
-Note that Bazel itself doesn't make any requirements about how you organize
-source files in your workspace. The sample source files in this tutorial are
-organized according to common conventions for Android apps, iOS apps and App
-Engine applications.
-For your convenience, set the `$WORKSPACE` environment variable now to refer to
-your workspace directory. At the command line, enter:
-$ export WORKSPACE=$HOME/examples/tutorial
-## Create a WORKSPACE file
-Every workspace must have a text file named `WORKSPACE` located in the top-level
-workspace directory. This file may be empty or it may contain references
-to [external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the
-For now, you'll create an empty `WORKSPACE` file, which simply serves to
-identify the workspace directory. In later steps, you'll update the file to add
-external dependency information.
-Enter the following at the command line:
-This creates the empty `WORKSPACE` file.
-## What's next
-Now that you've set up your workspace, you can
-[build the Android app](android-app.md).