path: root/site/docs/mobile-install.md
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1 files changed, 218 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/site/docs/mobile-install.md b/site/docs/mobile-install.md
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-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/mobile-install.html
+layout: documentation
+title: mobile-install
+# bazel mobile-install
+<p class="lead">Fast iterative development for Android</p>
+## TL;DR
+To install small changes to an Android app very quickly, do the following:
+ 1. Find the `android_binary` rule of the app you want to install.
+ 2. Disable Proguard by removing the `proguard_specs` attribute.
+ 3. Set the `multidex` attribute to `native`.
+ 4. Set the `dex_shards` attribute to `10`.
+ 5. Connect your device running ART (not Dalvik) over USB and enable USB
+ debugging on it.
+ 6. Run `bazel mobile-install :your_target`. App startup will be a little
+ slower than usual.
+ 7. Edit the code or Android resources.
+ 8. Run `bazel mobile-install --incremental :your_target`.
+ 9. Enjoy not having to wait a lot.
+Some command line options to Bazel that may be useful:
+ - `--adb` tells Bazel which adb binary to use
+ - `--adb_arg` can be used to add extra arguments to the command line of `adb`.
+ One useful application of this is to select which device you want to install
+ to if you have multiple devices connected to your workstation:
+ `bazel mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=<SERIAL> :your_target`
+ - `--start_app` automatically starts the app
+When in doubt, look at the
+or [contact us](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
+## Introduction
+One of the most important attributes of a developer's toolchain is speed: there
+is a world of difference between changing the code and seeing it run within a
+second and having to wait minutes, sometimes hours, before you get any feedback
+on whether your changes do what you expect them to.
+Unfortunately, the traditional Android toolchain for building an .apk entails
+many monolithic, sequential steps and all of these have to be done in order to
+build an Android app. At Google, waiting five minutes to build a single-line
+change was not unusual on larger projects like Google Maps.
+`bazel mobile-install` makes iterative development for Android much faster by
+using a combination of change pruning, work sharding, and clever manipulation of
+Android internals, all without changing any of your app's code.
+## Problems with traditional app installation
+We identified the following bottlenecks of building an Android app:
+- Dexing. By default, "dx" is invoked exactly once in the build and it does not
+know how to reuse work from previous builds: it dexes every method again, even
+though only one method was changed.
+- Uploading data to the device. adb does not use the full bandwidth of a USB 2.0
+connection, and larger apps can take a lot of time to upload. The entire app is
+uploaded, even if only small parts have changed, for example, a resource or a
+single method, so this can be a major bottleneck.
+- Compilation to native code. Android L introduced ART, a new Android runtime,
+which compiles apps ahead-of-time rather than compiling them just-in-time like
+Dalvik. This makes apps much faster at the cost of longer installation
+time. This is a good tradeoff for users because they typically install an app
+once and use it many times, but results in slower development where an app is
+installed many times and each version is run at most a handful of times.
+## The approach of `bazel mobile-install`
+`bazel mobile-install `makes the following improvements:
+ - Sharded dexing. After building the app's Java code, Bazel shards the class
+ files into approximately equal-sized parts and invokes `dx` separately on
+ them. `dx` is not invoked on shards that did not change since the last build.
+ - Incremental file transfer. Android resources, .dex files, and native
+ libraries are removed from the main .apk and are stored in under a separate
+ mobile-install directory. This makes it possible to update code and Android
+ resources independently without reinstalling the whole app. Thus,
+ transferring the files takes less time and only the .dex files that have
+ changed are recompiled on-device.
+ - Loading parts of the app from outside the .apk. A tiny stub application is
+ put into the .apk that loads Android resources, Java code and native code
+ from the on-device mobile-install directory, then transfers control to the
+ actual app. This is all transparent to the app, except in a few corner cases
+ described below.
+### Sharded Dexing
+Sharded dexing is reasonably straightforward: once the .jar files are built, a
+shards them into separate .jar files of approximately equal size, then invokes
+`dx` on those that were changed since the previous build. The logic that
+determines which shards to dex is not specific to Android: it just uses the
+general change pruning algorithm of Bazel.
+The first version of the sharding algorithm simply ordered the .class files
+alphabetically, then cut the list up into equal-sized parts, but this proved to
+be suboptimal: if a class was added or removed (even a nested or an anonymous
+one), it would cause all the classes alphabetically after it to shift by one,
+resulting in dexing those shards again. Thus, we settled upon sharding not
+individual classes, but Java packages instead. Of course, this still results in
+dexing many shards if a new package is added or removed, but that is much less
+frequent than adding or removing a single class.
+The number of shards is controlled by the BUILD file (using the
+`android_binary.dex_shards` attribute). In an ideal world, Bazel would
+automatically determine how many shards are best, but Bazel currently must know
+the set of actions (i.e. commands to be executed during the build) before
+executing any of them, so it cannot determine the optimal number of shards
+because it doesn't know how many Java classes there will eventually be in the
+app. Generally speaking, the more shards, the faster the build and the
+installation will be, but the slower app startup becomes, because the dynamic
+linker has to do more work. The sweet spot is usually between 10 and 50 shards.
+### Incremental File Transfer
+After building the app, the next step is to install it, preferably with the
+least effort possible. Installation consists of the following steps:
+ 1. Installing the .apk (i.e. `adb install`)
+ 2. Uploading the .dex files, Android resources, and native libraries to the
+ mobile-install directory
+There is not much incrementality in the first step: the app is either installed
+or not. Bazel currently relies on the user to indicate if it should do this step
+through the `--incremental` command line option because it cannot determine in
+all cases if it is necessary.
+In the second step, the app's files from the build are compared to an on-device
+manifest file that lists which app files are on the device and their
+checksums. Any new files are uploaded to the device, any files that have changed
+are updated, and any files that have been removed are deleted from the
+device. If the manifest is not present, it is assumed that every file needs to
+be uploaded.
+Note that it is possible to fool the incremental installation algorithm by
+changing a file on the device, but not its checksum in the manifest. We could
+have safeguarded against this by computing the checksum of the files on the
+device, but this was deemed to be not worth the increase in installation time.
+### The Stub Application
+The stub application is where the magic to load the dexes, native code and
+Android resources from the on-device `mobile-install` directory happens.
+The actual loading is implemented by subclassing `BaseDexClassLoader` and is a
+reasonably well-documented technique. This happens before any of the app's
+classes are loaded, so that any application classes that are in the apk can be
+placed in the on-device `mobile-install` directory so that they can be updated
+without `adb install`.
+This needs to happen before any of the
+classes of the app are loaded, so that no application class needs to be in the
+.apk which would mean that changes to those classes would require a full
+This is accomplished by replacing the `Application` class specified in
+`AndroidManifest.xml` with the
+[stub application](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/incrementaldeployment/StubApplication.java). This
+takes control when the app is started, and tweaks the class loader and the
+resource manager appropriately at the earliest moment (its constructor) using
+Java reflection on the internals of the Android framework.
+Another thing the stub application does is to copy the native libraries
+installed by mobile-install to another location. This is necessary because the
+dynamic linker needs the `X` bit to be set on the files, which is not possible to
+do for any location accessible by a non-root `adb`.
+Once all these things are done, the stub application then instantiates the
+actual `Application` class, changing all references to itself to the actual
+application within the Android framework.
+## Results
+### Performance
+In general, `bazel mobile-install` results in a 4x to 10x speedup of building
+and installing large apps after a small change. We computed the following
+numbers for a few Google products:
+<img src="/assets/mobile-install-performance.svg"/>
+This, of course, depends on the nature of the change: recompilation after
+changing a base library takes more time.
+### Limitations
+The tricks the stub application plays don't work in every case. We have
+identified the following cases where it does not work as expected:
+ - When `Context` is cast to the `Application` class in
+ `ContentProvider#onCreate()`. This method is called during application
+ startup before we have a chance to replace the instance of the `Application`
+ class, therefore, `ContentProvider` will still reference the stub application
+ instead of the real one. Arguably, this is not a bug since you are not
+ supposed to downcast `Context` like this, but this seems to happen in a few
+ apps at Google.
+ - Resources installed by `bazel mobile-install` are only available from within
+ the app. If resources are accessed by other apps via
+ `PackageManager#getApplicationResources()`, these resources will be from the
+ last non-incremental install.
+ - Devices that aren't running ART. While the stub application works well on
+ Froyo and later, Dalvik has a bug that makes it think that the app is
+ incorrect if its code is distributed over multiple .dex files in certain
+ cases, for example, when Java annotations are used in a
+ [specific](https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78144) way. As
+ long as your app doesn't tickle these bugs, it should work with Dalvik, too
+ (note, however, that support for old Android versions isn't exactly our
+ focus)