path: root/site/blog/_posts/2017-03-07-java-sandwich.md
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-layout: posts
-title: Skylark and Java rules interoperability
-As of Bazel 0.4.4, Java compilation is possible from a Skylark rule. This
-facilitates the Skylark and Java interoperability and allows creating what we
-call _Java sandwiches_ in Bazel.
-## What is a Bazel Java sandwich?
-A Java sandwich refers to custom rules written in Skylark being able to depend
-on Bazel native rules (e.g. `java_library`) and the other way around. A typical
-Java sandwich in Bazel could be illustrated like this:
-java_library(name = "top", ...)
-java_skylark_library(name = "middle", deps = [":top", ...], ...)
-java_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":middle", ...], ...)
-## Built-in support for Java
-In Skylark, an interface to built-in Java functionality is available via the `java_common` module.
-The full API can be found in [the documentation](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/lib/java_common.html).
-### `java_common.compile`
-Compiles Java source files/jars from the implementation of a Skylark rule and
-returns a `java_common.provider` that encapsulates the compilation details.
-### `java_common.merge`
-Merges the given providers into a single `java_common.provider`.
-## Examples
-To allow other Java rules (native or custom) to depend on a Skylark rule, the
-Skylark rule should return a `java_common.provider`. All native Java rules
-return `java_common.provider` by default, which makes it possible for any Java
-related Skylark rule to depend on them.
-For now, there are 3 ways of creating a `java_common.provider`:
-1. The result of `java_common.compile`.
-2. Fetching it from a Java dependency.
-3. Merging multiple `java_common.provider` instances using `java_common.merge`.
-### Using the Java sandwich with compilation example
-This example illustrates the typical Java sandwich described above, that will
-make use of Java compilation:
-java_library(name = "top", ...)
-java_skylark_library(name = "middle", deps = [":top", ...], ...)
-java_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":middle", ...], ...)
-In the BUILD file we load the Skylark rule and have the rules:
-load(':java_skylark_library.bzl', 'java_skylark_library')
- name = "top",
- srcs = ["A.java"],
- deps = [":middle"]
- name = "middle",
- srcs = ["B.java"],
- deps = [":bottom"]
- name = "bottom",
- srcs = ["C.java"]
-The implementation of `java_skylark_library` rule does the following:
-1. Collects all the `java_common.provider`s from its dependencies and merges
-them using `java_common.merge`.
-2. Creates an artifact that will be the output jar of the Java compilation.
-3. Compiles the specified Java source files using `java_common.compile`, passing
-as dependencies the collected `java_common.provider`s.
-4. Returns the output jar and the `java_common.provider` resulting from the
-def _impl(ctx):
- deps = []
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if java_common.provider in dep:
- deps.append(dep[java_common.provider])
- output_jar = ctx.new_file("lib" + ctx.label.name + ".jar")
- compilation_provider = java_common.compile(
- ctx,
- source_files = ctx.files.srcs,
- output = output_jar,
- javac_opts = [],
- deps = deps,
- strict_deps = "ERROR",
- java_toolchain = ctx.attr._java_toolchain,
- host_javabase = ctx.attr._host_javabase
- )
- return struct(
- files = set([output_jar]),
- providers = [compilation_provider]
- )
-java_skylark_library = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- "_java_toolchain": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain")),
- "_host_javabase": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/defaults:jdk"))
- },
- fragments = ["java"]
-### Just passing around information about Java rules example
-In some use cases there is no need for Java compilation, but rather just passing
-information about Java rules around. A Skylark rule can have some other
-(irrelevant here) purpose, but if it is placed somewhere between two Java rules
-it should not lose information from bottom to top.
-In this example we have the same Bazel sandwich as above:
-java_library(name = "top", ...)
-java_skylark_library(name = "middle", deps = [":top", ...], ...)
-java_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":middle", ...], ...)
-only that `java_skylark_library` won't make use of Java compilation, but will
-make sure that all the Java information encapsulated by the Java library
-`bottom` will be passed on to the Java library `top`.
-The BUILD file is identical to the one from the previous example.
-The implementation of `java_skylark_library` rule does the following:
-1. Collects all the `java_common.provider`s from its dependencies
-2. Returns the `java_common.provider` that resulted from merging the collected
-def _impl(ctx):
- deps = []
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if java_common.provider in dep:
- deps.append(dep[java_common.provider])
- deps_provider = java_common.merge(deps)
- return struct(
- providers = [deps_provider]
- )
-java_skylark_library = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- "_java_toolchain": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain")),
- "_host_javabase": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/defaults:jdk"))
- },
- fragments = ["java"]
-## More to come
-Right now there is no way of creating a `java_common.provider` that encapsulates
-compiled code (and its transitive dependencies), other than
-`java_common.compile`. For example one may want to create a provider from a
-`.jar` file produced by some other means.
-Soon there will be support for use cases like this. Stay tuned!
-If you are interested in tracking the progress on Bazel Java sandwich you can
-subscribe to [this Github issue](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2614).
-_[Irina Iancu](https://github.com/iirina), on behalf of the Bazel Java team_