BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUse C++11-compatible assertions in constexpr functionsGravatar Benjamin Barenblat6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2019-06-17Use C++11-compatible assertions in constexpr functionsHEADmasterGravatar Benjamin Barenblat
2019-01-26Fixed repeated variable name in README.md’s sampleGravatar Alexander Böhn
2019-01-24Small fixes to build files and readmeGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2019-01-24Sync/format build filesGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2019-01-23Add CI config files for continuous/presubmit buildsGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2019-01-23Update honggfuzz, fix compilation errors with gccGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2019-01-23Add a CI script for LinuxGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2019-01-23Update to build with the latest version of bazelGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2018-11-28Merge pull request #2 from pokowaka/masterGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2018-11-27Explicitly set ctest command.Gravatar Erwin Jansen
2018-11-27Merge pull request #1 from pokowaka/masterGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2018-11-27CMake support to enable compilation under Visual StudioGravatar Erwin Jansen
2018-08-16Fix ASAN failures in integer_sequence_codec and partitionGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2018-08-15Fix compilation errors with mingwGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2018-08-07Fix build errors when used by the Android EmulatorGravatar Jeff McGlynn
2018-07-26Remove third_party/googletest and reference git repo insteadGravatar Jeff McGlynn