Package SmootLight :: Package operationscore :: Module Input :: Class Input
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Input

source code

                                                object --+        
            operationscore.SmootCoreObject.SmootCoreObject --+    
                                            object --+       |    
                                                     |       |    
                                    threading._Verbose --+   |    
                                                         |   |    
                                          threading.Thread --+    
operationscore.ThreadedSmootCoreObject.ThreadedSmootCoreObject --+

Abstract class for inputs. Inheriting classes should call "respond" to raise their event. Inheriting classes MUST define sensingLoop. Called at the interval specified in RefreshInterval while the input is active. For example, if you are writing webserver, this is where the loop should go. Inheriting classes MAY define inputInit. This is called before the loop begins.

Instance Methods [hide private]
init(self) source code
respond(self, eventDict) source code
parentAlive(self) source code
run(self) source code
sensingLoop(self) source code
inputInit(self) source code

Inherited from operationscore.ThreadedSmootCoreObject.ThreadedSmootCoreObject: __init__

Inherited from operationscore.SmootCoreObject.SmootCoreObject: __contains__, __getitem__, __getiter__, __setitem__, acquireLock, addDieListener, className, die, releaseLock, removeDieListener, validateArgDict, validateArgs

Inherited from threading.Thread: __repr__, getName, isAlive, isDaemon, is_alive, join, setDaemon, setName, start

Inherited from threading.Thread (private): _set_daemon, _set_ident

Inherited from threading._Verbose (private): _note

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from threading.Thread: daemon, ident, name

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


source code 
Overrides: operationscore.SmootCoreObject.SmootCoreObject.init


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