path: root/util
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Diffstat (limited to 'util')
7 files changed, 81 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/util/ColorOps.py b/util/ColorOps.py
index 143444f..4b1162a 100644
--- a/util/ColorOps.py
+++ b/util/ColorOps.py
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
import random
+import colorsys
from util.TimeOps import Stopwatch
def randomColor():
return [random.randint(0,255) for i in range(3)]
def chooseRandomColor(colorList):
+ """Given a list of colors, pick one at random"""
return random.choice(colorList)
def safeColor(c):
+ """Ensures that a color is valid"""
c[0] = c[0] if c[0] < 255 else 255
c[1] = c[1] if c[1] < 255 else 255
c[2] = c[2] if c[2] < 255 else 255
return c
def combineColors(colors):
result = [0,0,0]
for c in colors:
@@ -16,5 +23,20 @@ def combineColors(colors):
result[1] += c[1]
result[2] += c[2]
return safeColor(result)
def multiplyColor(color, percent):
return safeColor([channel*(percent) for channel in color])
+def floatToIntColor(rgb):
+ rgb[0] = int(rgb[0]*256 + .5)
+ rgb[1] = int(rgb[1]*256 + .5)
+ rgb[2] = int(rgb[2]*256 + .5)
+ return safeColor(rgb)
+def randomBrightColor():
+ hue = random.random()
+ sat = random.random()/2.0 + .5
+ val = 1.0
+ hue, sat, val = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, val)
+ ret = [hue, sat, val]
+ return floatToIntColor(ret)
diff --git a/util/Config.py b/util/Config.py
index c2d8806..6fdb0d4 100644
--- a/util/Config.py
+++ b/util/Config.py
@@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ from logger import main_log, exception_log
classArgsMem = {}
CONFIG_PATH = 'config/'
def loadParamRequirementDict(className):
if not className in classArgsMem: #WOO CACHING
classArgsMem[className] = fileToDict(CONFIG_PATH + className)
return classArgsMem[className]
-#Loads a config file. If its an xml file, inheritances are automatically resolved.
def loadConfigFile(fileName): #TODO: error handling etc.
+ """Loads a config file. If its an xml file, inheritances are automatically resolved."""
if '.params' in fileName:
return fileToDict(fileName)
@@ -26,17 +28,17 @@ def loadConfigFile(fileName): #TODO: error handling etc.
main_log.error('Error loading config file ' + fileName)#, inst) TODO: log exception too
return None
-#Takes an Element or an ElementTree. If it is a tree, it returns its root. Otherwise, just returns
def getElement(el):
+ """Takes an Element or an ElementTree. If it is a tree, it returns its root. Otherwise, just returns
+ it"""
if xml.etree.ElementTree.iselement(el):
return el
elif el.__class__ == ElementTree:
return el.getroot()
-#XML tree composition. Returns the resulting tree, but happens in-place in the overriding tree.
-def compositeXMLTrees(parentTree, overridingTree): #TODO: break up into sub-methods, change it to
-#use .find()
- #type checking -- convert ElementTrees to their root elements
+def compositeXMLTrees(parentTree, overridingTree):
+ """XML tree composition. Returns the resulting tree, but happens in-place in the overriding
+ tree."""
+ #TODO: break up into sub-methods, change it to use .find()
if parentTree == None:
return overridingTree
if overridingTree == None:
@@ -75,8 +77,10 @@ def compositeXMLTrees(parentTree, overridingTree): #TODO: break up into sub-meth
overrideItems.insert(-1, child)
return overridingTree
def findElementsByTag(tag, eList):
return [el for el in eList if el.tag == tag]
def fileToDict(fileName):
fileText = ''
@@ -95,8 +99,9 @@ def fileToDict(fileName):
exception_log.info(fileName + ' is not a well formed python dict. Parsing failed')
return eval(fileText)
-#parses arguments into python objects if possible, otherwise leaves as strings
def pullArgsFromItem(parentNode):
+ """Parses arguments into python objects if possible, otherwise leaves as strings"""
attribArgs = {}
for arg in parentNode.attrib: #automatically pull attributes into the argdict
attribArgs[arg] = attemptEval(parentNode.attrib[arg])
@@ -112,6 +117,7 @@ def attemptEval(val):
except (NameError, SyntaxError):
val = str(val)
return val
def generateArgDict(parentNode, recurse=False):
args = {}
for arg in parentNode.getchildren():
@@ -131,13 +137,13 @@ def generateArgDict(parentNode, recurse=False):
if len(args.keys()) == 1 and recurse:
return args[args.keys()[0]]
return args
-#In place resolution of document inheritances. Doesn't return anything.
def resolveDocumentInheritances(el):
+ """In place resolution of document inheritances. Doesn't return anything."""
abstractMembers = Search.parental_tree_search(el, '.getchildren()', '.tag==\'InheritsFrom\'')
for subel in abstractMembers:
subel = resolveInheritance(subel)
-#In place resolution of inheritence. Doesn't return anything.
def resolveInheritance(el):
+ """In place resolution of inheritence. Doesn't return anything."""
parentClass = el.find('InheritsFrom')
if parentClass != None:
parentTree = loadConfigFile(parentClass.text)
diff --git a/util/Geo.py b/util/Geo.py
index be3e93e..0dde80b 100644
--- a/util/Geo.py
+++ b/util/Geo.py
@@ -4,20 +4,31 @@ from bisect import *
import random
def pointWithinBoundingBox(point, bb): #this could be in 4 lines, but I'm lazy.
return sum([(point[i % 2] <= bb[i]) == (i>1) for i in range(4)]) == 4
def addLocations(l1,l2):
return tuple([l1[i]+l2[i] for i in range(len(l1))])
def gaussian(x,height,center,width):
return a*math.exp(-((x-b)**2)/(2*c**2))
def dist(l1, l2):
- return math.sqrt((l1[0]-l2[0])**2+(l1[1]-l2[1])**2)
- #return math.sqrt(sum([(l1[i]-l2[i])**2 for i in range(len(l1))]))
+ return math.sqrt((l1[0]-l2[0])**2+(l1[1]-l2[1])**2) #For speed
def randomLoc(boundingBox): #TODO: make less shitty
loc = []
loc.append(random.randint(0, boundingBox[0]))
loc.append(random.randint(0, boundingBox[1]))
return tuple(loc)
def approxexp(x):
+ """Approximates exp with a 3 term Taylor Series."""
return 1+x+x**2/2+x**3/6
+def windtrail(x,y,height,center,width):
+ a=height
+ b=center
+ c=width
+ return a*((math.exp(-((x-b))/(c)))**2)*(math.exp(-((y))/(0.2*c)))**2
diff --git a/util/NetworkOps.py b/util/NetworkOps.py
index 6c50c6d..3ece763 100644
--- a/util/NetworkOps.py
+++ b/util/NetworkOps.py
@@ -8,4 +8,9 @@ def getConnectedSocket(ip,port):
except Exception as inst:
main_log.error('Network down. All network based renderers and sensors will not function.',
- print (ip, port)
+def getBroadcastSocket(port):
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
+ return s
diff --git a/util/PacketComposition.py b/util/PacketComposition.py
index c4fcdc3..75ef917 100644
--- a/util/PacketComposition.py
+++ b/util/PacketComposition.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ PORTOUT = 0x0108
UNI = 0
import pdb
import util.TimeOps as timeops
-argDict = {'flags': 0, 'startcode': 0, 'pad':0}
+argDict = {'flags': 0, 'startcode': 0x0fff, 'pad':0}
def composePixelStripData(pixelStrip,currentTime=timeops.time()):
packet = bytearray()
for light in pixelStrip:
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ def composePixelStripData(pixelStrip,currentTime=timeops.time()):
#color = pixelStrip.pixels[i].state()
#packet[i:i+2] = color
# return bytearray(packet)
cache = {}
def memoize(f):
def helper(x):
@@ -26,20 +28,23 @@ def memoize(f):
cache[x] = f(x)
return cache[x]
return helper
def cachePacketHeader(port):
packet = bytearray()
subDict = dict(argDict)
- subDict['len'] = 38500 #I have no idea why this works.
+ subDict['len'] = 150 #I have no idea why this works.
subDict['port'] = port
- packet.append(0x0)
+# packet.append(0x0)
return packet
def composePixelStripPacket(pixelStrip,port, currentTime):
packet = bytearray(cachePacketHeader(port))
data = composePixelStripData(pixelStrip, currentTime)
return packet
def packheader():
header = bytearray()
header.extend(struct.pack('L', MAGIC))
@@ -47,18 +52,29 @@ def packheader():
header.extend(struct.pack('H', PORTOUT))
header.extend(struct.pack('L', 0))
return header
def portOut():
header = packheader()
header.extend(struct.pack('L', UNI))
return header
def portOutPayload(argDict):
payload = bytearray()
payload.extend(struct.pack('B', argDict['port']))
+ payload.extend(struct.pack('B',0))
payload.extend(struct.pack('H', argDict['flags']))
- #payload.append(0x00) #somepadding? lolwtf.
payload.extend(struct.pack('H', argDict['len']))
payload.extend(struct.pack('H', argDict['startcode']))
return payload
+def composeSynchPacket():
+ header = bytearray()
+ header.extend(struct.pack('L', MAGIC))
+ header.extend(struct.pack('H', VERSION))
+ header.extend(struct.pack('H', 0x0109))
+ header.extend(struct.pack('L', 0))
+ header.extend(struct.pack('L', 0))
+ return header
def portOutPacket(payloadArgs):
packet = bytearray()
diff --git a/util/Search.py b/util/Search.py
index f7e4b81..1499e23 100644
--- a/util/Search.py
+++ b/util/Search.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
from bisect import *
def find_le(a, x):
- 'Find rightmost value less than or equal to x'
+ """Find rightmost value less than or equal to x"""
return bisect_right(a, x)-1
def find_ge(a, x):
- 'Find leftmost value greater than x'
+ """Find leftmost value greater than x"""
return bisect_left(a, x)
-#returns parents of nodes that meed a given condition
def parental_tree_search(root, childrenstr, conditionstr):
+ """Returns parents of nodes that meed a given condition"""
ret = []
queue = [root]
while queue:
diff --git a/util/TimeOps.py b/util/TimeOps.py
index dcd5038..841efab 100644
--- a/util/TimeOps.py
+++ b/util/TimeOps.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import time as clock
def time():
return clock.time()*1000 #all times in MS
class Stopwatch:
def __init__(self):
self.running = False