path: root/config
diff options
authorGravatar rcoh <rcoh@mit.edu>2011-01-27 17:21:23 -0500
committerGravatar rcoh <rcoh@mit.edu>2011-01-27 17:21:23 -0500
commit890e167b2cd2a438f81a759833fc4f1c876c4142 (patch)
tree71b12f331fc7877d021f04c7abc231bbd853da98 /config
parent5fb3ea060025241105dc8e9a174513c112f9a133 (diff)
parent51d58d511d474cb01339d504624b9418c75869e3 (diff)
Merge branch 'osc'
Conflicts: behaviors/Square.py pixelcore/PixelStrip.py
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
2 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/6thFloorOSC.xml b/config/6thFloorOSC.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792fd0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/6thFloorOSC.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+<!---All configuration items contain a "Class" tag specifying the python class they represent, and an "Args" tag specifying the args to be passed in.-->
+ <InstallationConfiguration>
+ <Defaults>
+ <PixelMapper>simplemap</PixelMapper>
+ </Defaults>
+ </InstallationConfiguration>
+ <PixelConfiguration>
+ <InheritsFrom>layouts/60StripLayout.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ <!--<InheritsFrom>layouts/BasicSixStrip.xml</InheritsFrom-->
+ </PixelConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.SimpleMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>simplemap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>20</CutoffDist>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.GaussianMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>gaussmap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>30</CutoffDist>
+ <MinWeight>0.1</MinWeight>
+ <Width>10</Width>
+ <Height>1</Height>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ </PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <RendererConfiguration>
+ <Renderer>
+ <InheritsFrom>renderers/60StripSeq.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Renderer>
+ <Renderer>
+ <InheritsFrom>renderers/Pygame.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Renderer>
+ </RendererConfiguration>
+ <InputConfiguration>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.OSCInput</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>osc</Id>
+ <Port>12345</Port>
+ <RefreshInterval>10</RefreshInterval>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.PygameInput</Class>
+ <Args><!--Passed as a dictionary-->
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ <RefreshInterval>10</RefreshInterval>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ <!--<InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.TCPInput</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>tcp</Id>
+ <Port>20120</Port>
+ <RefreshInterval>10</RefreshInterval>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>-->
+ <InputElement Id="followmouse">
+ <InheritsFrom>inputs/MouseFollower.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </InputElement>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.RandomLocs</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>randomLoc</Id>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ </InputConfiguration>
+ <BehaviorConfiguration>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.EchoBehavior</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>echo</Id>
+ <z-index>0</z-index>
+ <RenderToScreen>False</RenderToScreen>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>touchosc</Id>
+ </Args>
+ <Class>behaviors.TouchOSC</Class>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="redshift">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/RedShift.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="colorchange">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/RandomColor.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="decay">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/PixelDecay.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="singleframe">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/SingleFrame.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="slowdecay">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/PixelDecay.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ <Args>
+ <Coefficient>.01</Coefficient>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.XYMove</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>xymove</Id>
+ <XStep>5</XStep>
+ <YStep>2</YStep>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.RestrictLocation</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>xbounce</Id>
+ <Action>{val}*-1</Action>
+ <ParamName>XStep</ParamName>
+ <LocationRestriction>{x}&lt;0 or {x}&gt;800</LocationRestriction>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.RestrictLocation</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>ybounce</Id>
+ <Action>{val}*-1</Action>
+ <ParamName>YStep</ParamName>
+ <LocationRestriction>{y}&lt;0 or {y}&gt;200</LocationRestriction>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>movebounce</Id>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>xymove</Id>
+ <Id>ybounce</Id>
+ <Id>xbounce</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>xymover</Id>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>colorchange</Id>
+ <Id>mover</Id>
+ <Id>decay</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ <RecursiveHooks>{'mover':'movebounce'}</RecursiveHooks>
+ <RenderToScreen>True</RenderToScreen>
+ <Mapper>gaussmap</Mapper>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.DebugBehavior</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>debug</Id>
+ <z-index>0</z-index>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.AllPixelsLeft</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>pixelsleft</Id>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.Square</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>square</Id>
+ <Width>20</Width>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.AllPixels</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>allpixels</Id>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="recursivedecay">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/LoopAndDie.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ <Args>
+ <InitialResponseCount>50</InitialResponseCount>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>runcolordecay</Id>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>colorchange</Id>
+ <Id>running</Id>
+ <Id>decay</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ <RecursiveHooks>{'running':'acceleratedie'}</RecursiveHooks>
+ <RenderToScreen>False</RenderToScreen>
+ <Mapper>gaussmap</Mapper>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>randomwalk</Id>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>colorchange</Id>
+ <Id>mover</Id>
+ <Id>decay</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ <RecursiveHooks>{'mover':'redwalk'}</RecursiveHooks>
+ <RenderToScreen>False</RenderToScreen>
+ <Mapper>gaussmap</Mapper>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.ResponseMover</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>mover</Id>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>redwalk</Id>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>randmovement</Id>
+ <Id>redshift</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.RandomWalk</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>randmovement</Id>
+ <StepSize>2</StepSize>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="accelerate">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/Accelerate.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>acceleratedie</Id>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>accelerate</Id>
+ <Id>recursivedecay</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>mousechaser</Id>
+ <Inputs>
+ <!--Id>followmouse</Id-->
+ <Id>tcp</Id>
+ <Id>osc</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>touchosc</Id>
+ <Id>square</Id>
+ <Id>singleframe</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ <RenderToScreen>True</RenderToScreen>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="running">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/RunningBehavior.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ </BehaviorConfiguration>
diff --git a/config/osc.xml b/config/osc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efea40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/osc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.OSCInput</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>osc</Id>
+ <Port>1234</Port>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ <Behavior Id="mrmrcolor">
+ <Class>behaviors.MrmrSetColor</Class>
+ </Behavior>