diff options
authorGravatar eugue <eug.sun@gmail.com>2011-01-27 20:27:12 -0500
committerGravatar eugue <eug.sun@gmail.com>2011-01-27 20:27:12 -0500
commit6341992254c837b1d814b3eaa24b2ab3e729c8e2 (patch)
parentf103e47da5d563d1b8448bc021676ed7db0f529d (diff)
Added HTMLInput, SmootWind behavior, and a config file for testing.
7 files changed, 310 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/behaviors/SmootWind.py b/behaviors/SmootWind.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf05ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/behaviors/SmootWind.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from operationscore.Behavior import *
+import util.ComponentRegistry as compReg
+class SmootWind(Behavior):
+ def behaviorInit(self):
+ self.mapper = None
+ self.xFor = None
+ def processResponse(self, sensorInputs, recursiveInputs):
+ if self.mapper == None:
+ try:
+ self.mapper = compReg.getComponent('windgaussmap')
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if self.xFor == None:
+ try:
+ self.xFor = compReg.getComponent('xfor')
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ for sensory in sensorInputs:
+ #print sensory
+ # input[0] is windspeed, [1] is dir
+ windSpeed = sensory[0]
+ windDir = sensory[1]
+ #print self.mapper.argDict
+ self.mapper.argDict['Width'] = float(windSpeed) ** 3
+ self.xFor.argDict['ParamOp'] = float(windSpeed) ** 2
+ #print 'Width: ' + str(self.mapper.argDict['Width'])
+ #print 'xFor: ' + str(self.xFor.argDict['ParamOp'])
+ return (sensorInputs, recursiveInputs)
diff --git a/behaviors/XYMove.py b/behaviors/XYMove.py
index 0ba3baf..44a93bb 100644
--- a/behaviors/XYMove.py
+++ b/behaviors/XYMove.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class XYMove(Behavior):
for loc in sensor:
oploc = dict(loc)
- print oploc['YStep']
+ #print oploc['YStep']
oploc['Location'] = Geo.addLocations((oploc['XStep'], oploc['YStep']), oploc['Location'])
return (ret, [])
diff --git a/config/HTMLTest.xml b/config/HTMLTest.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..159cec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/HTMLTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ <InstallationConfiguration>
+ <Defaults>
+ <PixelMapper>simplemap</PixelMapper>
+ </Defaults>
+ </InstallationConfiguration>
+ <PixelConfiguration>
+ <InheritsFrom>layouts/BasicSixStrip.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </PixelConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.SimpleMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>simplemap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>20</CutoffDist>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.GaussianMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>gaussmap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>30</CutoffDist>
+ <MinWeight>0.1</MinWeight>
+ <Width>10</Width>
+ <Height>1</Height>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ </PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <RendererConfiguration>
+ <Renderer>
+ <InheritsFrom>renderers/Pygame.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Renderer>
+ </RendererConfiguration>
+ <InputConfiguration>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.HTMLInput</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>weatherinput</Id>
+ <Src>'http://sailing.mit.edu/weather/'</Src>
+ <!--<Regex>'rtWindSpeed = (\d+).*rtWindDir = (\d+)'</Regex>-->
+ <Regex>'rtWindSpeed = (\d+).*\s.*\s.*rtWindDir = (\d+)'</Regex>
+ <!--<RefreshInterval>60000</RefreshInterval>-->
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ </InputConfiguration>
+ <BehaviorConfiguration>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.EchoBehavior</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>weatherinput</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ <Id>echo</Id>
+ <RenderToScreen>False</RenderToScreen>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ </BehaviorConfiguration>
diff --git a/config/SmootWindTest.xml b/config/SmootWindTest.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a494720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/SmootWindTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<!---All configuration items contain a "Class" tag specifying the python class they represent, and an "Args" tag specifying the args to be passed in.-->
+ <InstallationConfiguration>
+ <Defaults>
+ <PixelMapper>simplemap</PixelMapper>
+ </Defaults>
+ </InstallationConfiguration>
+ <PixelConfiguration>
+ <InheritsFrom>layouts/60StripLayout.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ <!--<InheritsFrom>layouts/BasicSixStrip.xml</InheritsFrom-->
+ </PixelConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.SimpleMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>simplemap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>20</CutoffDist>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.GaussianMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>gaussmap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>10</CutoffDist>
+ <MinWeight>0.1</MinWeight>
+ <Width>10</Width>
+ <Height>5</Height>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.WindGaussianMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>windgaussmap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>150</CutoffDist>
+ <MinWeight>0.005</MinWeight>
+ <Width>30</Width>
+ <Height>10</Height>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ </PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <RendererConfiguration>
+ <!--<Renderer>
+ <InheritsFrom>renderers/60StripSeq.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Renderer>-->
+ <Renderer>
+ <InheritsFrom>renderers/Pygame.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Renderer>
+ </RendererConfiguration>
+ <InputConfiguration>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.PygameInput</Class>
+ <Args><!--Passed as a dictionary-->
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ <RefreshInterval>1</RefreshInterval>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.HTMLInput</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>weatherinput</Id>
+ <Src>'http://sailing.mit.edu/weather/'</Src>
+ <!--<Regex>'rtWindSpeed = (\d+).*rtWindDir = (\d+)'</Regex>-->
+ <Regex>'rtWindSpeed = (\d+).*\s.*\s.*rtWindDir = (\d+)'</Regex>
+ <!--<RefreshInterval>60000</RefreshInterval>-->
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ <InputElement>
+ <Class>inputs.RandomLocs</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>randomLoc</Id>
+ </Args>
+ </InputElement>
+ </InputConfiguration>
+ <BehaviorConfiguration>
+ <Behavior Id="colorchange">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/RandomColor.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="staticcolor">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/RandomColor.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ <Args>
+ <ColorList>
+ <Val>(100,200,255)</Val>
+ <Val>(50,200,255)</Val>
+ <Val>(0,200,255)</Val>
+ <Val>(0,150,255)</Val>
+ </ColorList>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior Id="decay">
+ <InheritsFrom>behaviors/PixelDecay.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.XYMove</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>xymove</Id>
+ <XStep>0</XStep>
+ <YStep>0</YStep>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>movebounce</Id>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>xymove</Id>
+ <Id>yfor</Id>
+ <Id>xfor</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.ModifyParam</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>yfor</Id>
+ <ParamName>YStep</ParamName>
+ <ParamType>Sensor</ParamType>
+ <ParamOp>10*(2*math.sin({x}/float(100))+math.sin({x}/float(50)))</ParamOp>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.ModifyParam</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>xfor</Id>
+ <ParamName>XStep</ParamName>
+ <ParamType>Sensor</ParamType>
+ <!--<ParamOp>75</ParamOp>-->
+ <ParamOp>25</ParamOp>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.SmootWind</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>smootwind</Id>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>weatherinput</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.ResponseMover</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>mover</Id>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ <Behavior>
+ <Class>behaviors.BehaviorChain</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>xymover</Id>
+ <Inputs>
+ <Id>pygame</Id>
+ <Id>randomLoc</Id>
+ </Inputs>
+ <ChainedBehaviors>
+ <Id>staticcolor</Id>
+ <Id>mover</Id>
+ <Id>decay</Id>
+ </ChainedBehaviors>
+ <RecursiveHooks>{'mover':'movebounce'}</RecursiveHooks>
+ <RenderToScreen>True</RenderToScreen>
+ <Mapper>windgaussmap</Mapper>
+ </Args>
+ </Behavior>
+ </BehaviorConfiguration>
diff --git a/inputs/HTMLInput.py b/inputs/HTMLInput.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9697a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inputs/HTMLInput.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from operationscore.Input import *
+import urllib, re
+HTML Input, which takes 2 arguments:
+- 'Src': a URL to a web page, and
+- 'Regex': a Regex to parse data out of the web page.
+The input parses the source code of the web page according to the regex, and processes the parsed regex groups.
+class HTMLInput(Input):
+ def inputInit(self):
+ self.src = self.argDict['Src']
+ self.regex = self.argDict['Regex']
+ def getHTML(self):
+ self.sock = urllib.urlopen(self.src);
+ self.html = self.sock.read()
+ self.sock.close()
+ def sensingLoop(self):
+ self.getHTML()
+ self.dataList = []
+ pattern = re.compile(self.regex)
+ matchObj = pattern.search(self.html)
+ self.dataList = matchObj.groups()
+ self.respond(self.dataList)
diff --git a/pixelmappers/WindGaussianMapper.py b/pixelmappers/WindGaussianMapper.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5d77ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pixelmappers/WindGaussianMapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from operationscore.PixelMapper import *
+import util.Geo as Geo
+import math
+class WindGaussianMapper(PixelMapper):
+ def mappingFunction(self, eventLocation, screen):
+ returnPixels = [] #TODO: consider preallocation and trimming
+ [x,y] = eventLocation
+ potentialPixels = screen.pixelsInRange(x-self.CutoffDist, x)
+ for (xloc,pixel) in screen.pixelsInRange(x-self.CutoffDist, x):
+ pixelDistx = math.fabs(pixel.location[0] - x)
+ pixelDisty = math.fabs(pixel.location[1] - y)
+ if pixelDistx < self.CutoffDist:
+ if pixelDisty < 30:
+ w = Geo.windtrail(pixelDistx, pixelDisty, self.Height, 0, self.Width)
+ if w > self.MinWeight:
+ returnPixels.append((pixel, w))
+ return returnPixels
diff --git a/util/Geo.py b/util/Geo.py
index 05ea9fe..0dde80b 100644
--- a/util/Geo.py
+++ b/util/Geo.py
@@ -26,3 +26,9 @@ def randomLoc(boundingBox): #TODO: make less shitty
def approxexp(x):
"""Approximates exp with a 3 term Taylor Series."""
return 1+x+x**2/2+x**3/6
+def windtrail(x,y,height,center,width):
+ a=height
+ b=center
+ c=width
+ return a*((math.exp(-((x-b))/(c)))**2)*(math.exp(-((y))/(0.2*c)))**2