diff options
authorGravatar rcoh <rcoh@mit.edu>2011-09-02 13:03:44 -0400
committerGravatar rcoh <rcoh@mit.edu>2011-09-02 13:03:44 -0400
commit7ef8b204fced28d31982963973de3f0d44fda5bb (patch)
parente87d6684935f32c300c913fc48d40622397269a7 (diff)
removing dead code
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1770 deletions
diff --git a/driverdemo.py b/driverdemo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c359b5..0000000
--- a/driverdemo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-from drivers import *
-from threading import *
-import Queue
-class TestProcessor(Processor):
- def do(self):
- data = []
- if not self.input_queue.empty():
- data.append(self.input_queue.get(False))
- self.again(.1)
- self.done(data)
-class TestListener(Listener):
- def handle(self, data):
- print data
- print active_count()
-def addToQueue():
- queue.put("test")
- again = Timer(.5, addToQueue)
- again.start()
-queue = Queue.Queue()
-t = TestProcessor(queue)
-l = TestListener()
-queue = t.input_queue
diff --git a/drivers.py b/drivers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c14018..0000000
--- a/drivers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import Queue
-from threading import Timer
-class Processor(object):
- def __init__(self, input_queue):
- self.input_queue = input_queue
- self.listeners = []
- def again(self, t):
- next_run = Timer(t, self.do)
- next_run.start()
- def do(self):
- """
- The do method should:
- Consider input in the input queue
- call self.again(timeDelay)
- call self.done(data)
- In that order
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("proc must be defined")
- def done(self, data):
- [l.handle(data) for l in self.listeners]
- #todo [rcoh] - there should be a better way to do this.
-class Listener(object):
- def handle(self, data):
- raise NotImplementedError("handle must be defined")
diff --git a/originaltetris/tetris.py b/originaltetris/tetris.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dec4a17..0000000
--- a/originaltetris/tetris.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Tetris Tk - A tetris clone written in Python using the Tkinter GUI library.
- Left/a Move left
- Right/d Move right
- Up/w Rotate / add player
- Down/s Move down / start game
-from Tkinter import *
-from time import sleep
-import random
-import sys
-from tetrisGUI import GUI
-from tetris_shape import *
-MAXX = 10
-MAXY = 18
-LEFT = "left"
-RIGHT = "right"
-DOWN = "down"
-direction_d = { "left": (-1, 0), "right": (1, 0), "down": (0, 1) }
-COLORS = ["orange", "red", "green", "blue", "purple", "yellow", "magenta"]
-#COLORS = ["gray"]
-class Board():
- """
- The board represents the tetris playing area. A grid of x by y blocks.
- Stores blocks that have landed.
- """
- def __init__(self, max_x=10, max_y=20):
- # blocks are stored in dict of (x,y)->"color"
- self.landed = {}
- self.max_x = max_x
- self.max_y = max_y
- def clear(self):
- self.landed = {}
- def receive_lines(self, num_lines):
- #shift lines up
- for y in range(self.max_y-num_lines):
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- block_color = self.landed.pop((x,y+num_lines),None)
- if block_color:
- self.landed[(x,y)] = block_color
- #put in new lines
- for j in range(num_lines):
- for i in random.sample(xrange(self.max_x), random.choice([6,7])):
- self.landed[(i,self.max_y-1-j)] = random.choice(COLORS)
- def check_for_complete_row( self, blocks ):
- """
- Look for a complete row of blocks, from the bottom up until the top row
- or until an empty row is reached.
- """
- rows_deleted = 0
- # Add the blocks to those in the grid that have already 'landed'
- for block in blocks:
- self.landed[ block.coord() ] = block.color
- empty_row = 0
- # find the first empty row
- for y in xrange(self.max_y -1, -1, -1):
- row_is_empty = True
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- if self.landed.get((x,y), None):
- row_is_empty = False
- break;
- if row_is_empty:
- empty_row = y
- break
- # Now scan up and until a complete row is found.
- y = self.max_y - 1
- while y > empty_row:
- complete_row = True
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- if self.landed.get((x,y), None) is None:
- complete_row = False
- break;
- if complete_row:
- rows_deleted += 1
- #delete the completed row
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- self.landed.pop((x,y))
- # move all the rows above it down
- for ay in xrange(y-1, empty_row, -1):
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- block_color = self.landed.pop((x,ay), None)
- if block_color:
- dx,dy = direction_d[DOWN]
- self.landed[(x+dx, ay+dy)] = block_color
- # move the empty row index down too
- empty_row +=1
- # y stays same as row above has moved down.
- else:
- y -= 1
- # return the number of rows deleted.
- return rows_deleted
- def check_block( self, (x, y) ):
- """
- Check if the x, y coordinate can have a block placed there.
- That is; if there is a 'landed' block there or it is outside the
- board boundary, then return False, otherwise return true.
- """
- if x < 0 or x >= self.max_x or y < 0 or y >= self.max_y:
- return False
- elif self.landed.has_key( (x, y) ):
- return False
- else:
- return True
-#represents a player. each player has a board and can get new shapes...
-class Player():
- def __init__(self, gs, myBoard, otherBoard):
- print "initialize player"
- self.board = myBoard
- self.other_board = otherBoard
- self.score = 0
- self.gs = gs
- self.shape = self.get_next_shape()
- def handle_move(self, direction):
- #if you can't move then you've hit something
- success = self.shape.move( direction )
- if not success:
- # if you're heading down then the shape has 'landed'
- if direction == DOWN:
- points = self.board.check_for_complete_row(
- self.shape.blocks)
- #del self.shape
- self.shape = self.get_next_shape()
- self.score += points
- if self.gs.num_players == 2:
- if points > 1:
- self.other_board.receive_lines(points-1)
- # If the shape returned is None, then this indicates that
- # that the check before creating it failed and the
- # game is over!
- if self.shape is None:
- self.gs.state = "ending" #loss!
- self.gs.winner = self.other_board
- #self.status = "loss"
- # do we go up a level?
- if (self.gs.level < NO_OF_LEVELS and
- self.score >= self.gs.thresholds[self.gs.level]):
- self.gs.level+=1
- self.gs.delay-=100
- # Signal that the shape has 'landed'
- return False
- return True
- def left(self):
- if self.shape:
- self.handle_move( LEFT )
- def right(self):
- if self.shape:
- self.handle_move( RIGHT )
- def down(self):
- if self.shape:
- self.handle_move( DOWN )
- def up(self):
- if self.shape:
- self.shape.rotate(clockwise=False)
- def move_my_shape( self ):
- if self.shape:
- self.handle_move( DOWN )
- def get_next_shape( self ):
- #Randomly select which tetrominoe will be used next.
- the_shape = self.gs.shapes[ random.randint(0,len(self.gs.shapes)-1) ]
- return the_shape.check_and_create(self.board)
-#contains variables that are shared between the players:
-#levels, delay time, etc?
-class GameState():
- def __init__(self, gui):
- self.shapes = [square_shape, t_shape,l_shape, reverse_l_shape,
- z_shape, s_shape,i_shape ]
- self.num_players = 0
- self.level = 1
- self.delay = 800
- self.thresholds = range(10,100,10)
- self.state = "waiting" #states: waiting, playing, ending
- self.winner = None #winning Board
-#runs the overall game. initializes both player and any displays
-class TwoPlayerGame(object):
- #one-time initialization for gui etc
- def __init__(self, parent):
- print "initialize tetris"
- self.parent = parent
- self.gui = GUI(parent,20,MAXX,MAXY)
- self.gui.pack(side=BOTTOM)
- self.parent.bind("<Key>", self.handle_key_press)
- self.init_game()
- #initializes each game
- def init_game(self):
- print "init next game"
- board0 = Board(MAXX,MAXY)
- board1 = Board(MAXX,MAXY)
- self.boards = [board0, board1]
- self.gameState = GameState(self.gui)
- self.players = [None,None]
- self.update_gui()
- self.gameState.state = "waiting" #states are waiting, playing, ending
- def add_player(self,num): # 0=left, 1=right
- if self.players[num]==None:
- p = Player(self.gameState, self.boards[num], self.boards[(num+1)%2])
- self.players[num] = p
- self.update_gui()
- self.gameState.num_players+=1
- def start_game(self):
- print "start game"
- self.gameState.state = "playing"
- self.parent.after( self.gameState.delay, self.gravity)
- self.update_gui()
- #handles gravity and checks for game over
- def gravity(self): #probably shouldn't handle gravity and endgame...or rename?
- if self.gameState.state == "ending":
- self.end_game()
- return
- else:
- for p in self.players:
- if p:
- p.move_my_shape()
- self.update_gui()
- self.parent.after( self.gameState.delay, self.gravity)
- def handle_key_press(self,event):
- k = event.keysym
- if self.gameState.state == "playing":
- if self.players[1]:
- if k=="Left":
- self.players[1].left()
- elif k=="Right":
- self.players[1].right()
- elif k=="Down":
- self.players[1].down()
- elif k=="Up":
- self.players[1].up()
- if self.players[0]:
- if k=="a":
- self.players[0].left()
- elif k=="d":
- self.players[0].right()
- elif k=="s":
- self.players[0].down()
- elif k=="w":
- self.players[0].up()
- elif self.gameState.state == "waiting":
- if k=="Up":
- self.add_player(1)
- elif k=="w":
- self.add_player(0)
- elif k=="Down" and self.players[1]!=None:
- self.start_game()
- elif k=="s" and self.players[0]!=None:
- self.start_game()
- #if state==ending, ignore input
- self.update_gui()
- def update_gui(self):
- self.gui.draw_board(self.players)
- def end_game(self):
- winner_board = self.gameState.winner
- self.animate_ending(winner_board)
- self.init_game()
- def animate_ending(self,winner_board):
- print "game over, display animation"
- for i in range(100):
- print i,
- def end_all(self):
- #this will destory the gui. not really useful.
- Toplevel().destroy()
- self.parent.destroy()
- sys.exit(0)
- def to_dict(self):
- d = {}
- for n in range(2):
- #in progress...
- p = players[n]
- offset = n*self.max_x
- #blocks
- for (x,y) in p.board.landed:
- d[(x+offset,y)] = p.board.landed[xy]
- #shapes
- blocks = p.shape.blocks
- for b in blocks:
- d[(b.x+offset*n,b.y)] = b.color
- #score
- for i in range(10):
- score = p.score
- bit = score%2
- score = score>>1
- coord = (self.max_x-1-i + offset, self.max_y+1)
- if bit:
- d[coord] = "yellow"
- else:
- d[coord] = "gray"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- root = Tk()
- root.title("Tetris Tk")
- theGame = TwoPlayerGame( root )
- root.mainloop()
diff --git a/originaltetris/tetris2.py b/originaltetris/tetris2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d5fccdf..0000000
--- a/originaltetris/tetris2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
-##############THIS IS THE ORIGINAL TETRIS CODE.##############
-from graphics import *
-import random
-class Block(Rectangle):
- ''' Block class:
- Implement a block for a tetris piece
- Attributes: x - type: int
- y - type: int
- specify the position on the tetris board
- in terms of the square grid
- '''
- # BLOCK SIZE defined in pixels. So from now on, each coordinate is multiplied by 30
- # (see below)
- def __init__(self, pos, color):
- self.x = pos.x
- self.y = pos.y
- p1 = Point(pos.x*Block.BLOCK_SIZE + Block.OUTLINE_WIDTH,
- pos.y*Block.BLOCK_SIZE + Block.OUTLINE_WIDTH)
- p2 = Point(p1.x + Block.BLOCK_SIZE, p1.y + Block.BLOCK_SIZE)
- Rectangle.__init__(self, p1, p2)
- self.setWidth(Block.OUTLINE_WIDTH)
- self.setFill(color)
- self.color = color
- def can_move(self, board, dx, dy):
- ''' Parameters: dx - type: int
- dy - type: int
- Return value: type: bool
- checks if the block can move dx squares in the x direction
- and dy squares in the y direction
- Returns True if it can, and False otherwise
- HINT: use the can_move method on the Board object
- '''
- if board.can_move(self.x + dx, self.y + dy) == True:
- return True
- return False
- def move(self, dx, dy):
- ''' Parameters: dx - type: int
- dy - type: int
- moves the block dx squares in the x direction
- and dy squares in the y direction
- '''
- self.x += dx
- self.y += dy
- Rectangle.move(self, dx*Block.BLOCK_SIZE, dy*Block.BLOCK_SIZE)
-class Shape():
- ''' Shape class:
- Base class for all the tetris shapes
- Attributes: blocks - type: list - the list of blocks making up the shape
- rotation_dir - type: int - the current rotation direction of the shape
- shift_rotation_dir - type: Boolean - whether or not the shape rotates
- '''
- def __init__(self, coords, color):
- # Define empty list
- self.blocks = []
- self.rotation_dir = 1
- ### A boolean to indicate if a shape shifts rotation direction or not.
- ### Defaults to false since only 3 shapes shift rotation directions (I, S and Z)
- self.shift_rotation_dir = False
- # for each coordinate, make a block object out of it and append to list
- for pos in coords:
- self.blocks.append(Block(pos, color))
- def get_blocks(self):
- '''returns the list of blocks
- '''
- #return list of blocks
- return self.blocks
- pass
- def draw(self, win):
- ''' Parameter: win - type: CanvasFrame
- Draws the shape:
- i.e. draws each block
- '''
- # For each block in list, draw block
- for block in self.blocks:
- block.draw(win)
- def move(self, dx, dy):
- ''' Parameters: dx - type: int
- dy - type: int
- moves the shape dx squares in the x direction
- and dy squares in the y direction, i.e.
- moves each of the blocks
- '''
- for block in self.blocks:
- block.move(dx, dy)
- def can_move(self, board, dx, dy):
- ''' Parameters: dx - type: int
- dy - type: int
- Return value: type: bool
- checks if the shape can move dx squares in the x direction
- and dy squares in the y direction, i.e.
- check if each of the blocks can move
- Returns True if all of them can, and False otherwise
- '''
- #Checks each block to see if it can move dx and dy
- for blocks in self.blocks:
- if blocks.can_move(board, dx, dy) == False:
- return False
- return True
- # default implementation (MUST CHANGE)
- #return True
- def get_rotation_dir(self):
- ''' Return value: type: int
- returns the current rotation direction
- '''
- return self.rotation_dir
- def can_rotate(self, board):
- ''' Parameters: board - type: Board object
- Return value: type : bool
- Checks if the shape can be rotated.
- 1. Get the rotation direction using the get_rotation_dir method
- 2. Compute the position of each block after rotation and check if
- the new position is valid
- 3. If any of the blocks cannot be moved to their new position,
- return False
- otherwise all is good, return True
- '''
- #Get rotation direction from other method, and center
- rotation_direction = self.get_rotation_dir()
- center = self.center_block
- #For each block in list:
- for block in self.blocks:
- # Use these formulas to determine new coordinates (provided for us)
- x = center.x - rotation_direction*center.y + rotation_direction*block.y
- y = center.y + rotation_direction*center.x - rotation_direction*block.x
- # If these posistions are not valid on the board(other piece there
- #or out of bounds), return False
- if board.can_move(x, y) == False:
- return False
- return True
- def rotate(self, board):
- ''' Parameters: board - type: Board object
- rotates the shape:
- 1. Get the rotation direction using the get_rotation_dir method
- 2. Compute the position of each block after rotation
- 3. Move the block to the new position
- '''
- # For each block defined in shape
- for block in self.blocks:
- #Grab rotation direction and center block
- rotation_direction = self.get_rotation_dir()
- center = self.center_block
- #Compute new coordinates and call move method
- x = center.x - rotation_direction*center.y + rotation_direction*block.y
- y = center.y + rotation_direction*center.x - rotation_direction*block.x
- # Use x - block.x for dx, y-block.y for dy
- block.move(x - block.x, y - block.y)
- ### This should be at the END of your rotate code.
- ### DO NOT touch it. Default behavior is that a piece will only shift
- ### rotation direciton after a successful rotation. This ensures that
- ### pieces which switch rotations definitely remain within their
- ### accepted rotation positions.
- if self.shift_rotation_dir:
- self.rotation_dir *= -1
-# For each shape in the game, we gave the coordinates for each block in the
-# Tetronimo, using the center block as reference. We then initialized a shape
-# object with the list of coords and a color. Self.center_block is used
-# above for rotating; it tells us what the center block is
-class I_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x - 2, center.y),
- Point(center.x - 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'blue')
- self.shift_rotation_dir = True
- self.center_block = self.blocks[2]
-class J_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x - 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y + 1)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'orange')
- self.center_block = self.blocks[1]
-class L_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x - 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x - 1, center.y + 1)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'cyan')
- self.center_block = self.blocks[1]
-class O_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x - 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y + 1),
- Point(center.x - 1, center.y + 1)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'red')
- self.center_block = self.blocks[0]
- def rotate(self, board):
- # Override Shape's rotate method since O_Shape does not rotate
- return
-class S_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y + 1),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x - 1, center.y + 1)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'green')
- self.center_block = self.blocks[0]
- self.shift_rotation_dir = True
- self.rotation_dir = -1
-class T_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x - 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y + 1)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'yellow')
- self.center_block = self.blocks[1]
-class Z_shape(Shape):
- def __init__(self, center):
- coords = [Point(center.x - 1, center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y),
- Point(center.x , center.y + 1),
- Point(center.x + 1, center.y + 1)]
- Shape.__init__(self, coords, 'magenta')
- self.shift_rotation_dir = True
- self.rotation_dir = -1
- self.center_block = self.blocks[1]
-class Board():
- ''' Board class: it represents the Tetris board
- Attributes: width - type:int - width of the board in squares
- height - type:int - height of the board in squares
- canvas - type:CanvasFrame - where the pieces will be drawn
- grid - type:Dictionary - keeps track of the current state of
- the board; stores the blocks for a given position
- '''
- def __init__(self, win, width, height):
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- # create a canvas to draw the tetris shapes on
- self.canvas = CanvasFrame(win, self.width * Block.BLOCK_SIZE,
- self.height * Block.BLOCK_SIZE)
- self.canvas.setBackground('black')
- # Create Scoreboard with same width, but a height of 100 pixels
- self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(win, width, 100)
- # create an empty dictionary
- # currently we have no shapes on the board
- self.grid = {}
- def draw_shape(self, shape):
- ''' Parameters: shape - type: Shape
- Return value: type: bool
- draws the shape on the board if there is space for it
- and returns True, otherwise it returns False
- '''
- # If the shape can move function returns True, draw new shape
- if shape.can_move(self, 0, 0):
- shape.draw(self.canvas)
- return True
- # If not, no shape can be drawn (game over)
- else:
- self.game_over()
- def can_move(self, x, y):
- ''' Parameters: x - type:int
- y - type:int
- Return value: type: bool
- 1. check if it is ok to move to square x,y
- if the position is outside of the board boundaries, can't move there
- return False
- 2. if there is already a block at that postion, can't move there
- return False
- 3. otherwise return True
- '''
- # if this x, y coordinates are within the board and there are no pieces there (aka no keys
- # with the coordinates in the dictionary), return True
- if (x >= 0 and x < self.width) and (y >= 0 and y < self.height) and (x, y) not in self.grid.keys():
- return True
- return False
- pass
- def add_shape(self, shape):
- ''' Parameter: shape - type:Shape
- add a shape to the grid, i.e.
- add each block to the grid using its
- (x, y) coordinates as a dictionary key
- Hint: use the get_blocks method on Shape to
- get the list of blocks
- '''
- #For each block in a given shape, add it to the self.grid dictionary
- for block in shape.get_blocks():
- self.grid[(block.x, block.y)] = block
- def delete_row(self, y):
- ''' Parameters: y - type:int
- remove all the blocks in row y
- to remove a block you must remove it from the grid
- and erase it from the screen.
- If you dont remember how to erase a graphics object
- from the screen, take a look at the Graphics Library
- handout
- '''
- # If the row is complete (use is_row_complete method)
- if self.is_row_complete(y) == True:
- #For every key in the block dictionary,
- for item in self.grid.keys():
- # If the y coordinate of that key matches the row that must be removed
- if item[1] == y:
- #Undraw the item and delete it from the dictionary
- self.grid[item].undraw()
- del self.grid[item]
- def is_row_complete(self, y):
- ''' Parameter: y - type: int
- Return value: type: bool
- for each block in row y
- check if there is a block in the grid (use the in operator)
- if there is one square that is not occupied, return False
- otherwise return True
- '''
- # Define empty dictionary to keep track of blocks in row
- y_list = []
- # for every block on the board, if it is in this row, append to list
- for block in self.grid.keys():
- if block[1] == y:
- y_list.append(block)
- # If the row is full (i.e. length of the list is the same as the width of the board)
- # empty the list and return True
- if len(y_list) == self.width:
- y_list = []
- return True
- return False
- def move_down_rows(self, y_start):
- ''' Parameters: y_start - type:int
- for each row from y_start to the top
- for each column
- check if there is a block in the grid
- if there is, remove it from the grid
- and move the block object down on the screen
- and then place it back in the grid in the new position
- '''
- # For each row from y_start to the top
- for row in range(y_start, 0, -1):
- # And each column on the board
- for column in range(0, self.width):
- # If there is a block there, move it down 1, delete from grid
- # and add new coordinates to the grid
- if (column, row) in self.grid.keys():
- #print "WE MADE IT"
- self.grid[(column, row)].move(0, 1)
- block = self.grid[(column, row)]
- del self.grid[(column, row)]
- self.grid[(column, row + 1)] = block
- def remove_complete_rows(self):
- ''' removes all the complete rows
- 1. for each row, y,
- 2. check if the row is complete
- if it is,
- delete the row
- move all rows down starting at row y - 1
- '''
- # Define empty list for keeping track of how many lines deleted(scoring purposes)
- lines_completed = []
- #For each row in the board, if it is complete, delete, move down rows,
- #Append the list
- for row in range(0, self.height):
- if self.is_row_complete(row) == True:
- #print "YADDA YADDA"
- self.delete_row(row)
- self.move_down_rows(row - 1)
- lines_completed.append('a')
- # Call the add_score method in the scoreboard class with the # of completed lines
- self.scoreboard.add_score(len(lines_completed))
- def game_over(self):
- ''' display "Game Over !!!" message in the center of the board
- HINT: use the Text class from the graphics library
- '''
- # Displays game_over message on screen
- game_over_message = Text(Point(150, 250), "GAME OVER \n BEETCHES")
- game_over_message.setStyle('bold')
- game_over_message.setSize(25)
- game_over_message.setTextColor('white')
- game_over_message.setFace('helvetica')
- game_over_message.draw(self.canvas)
-class Scoreboard():
- def __init__(self, win, width, height):
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- # create a canvas to draw the tetris shapes on
- self.canvas = CanvasFrame(win, self.width * Block.BLOCK_SIZE,
- 100)
- self.canvas.setBackground('black')
- # Start the score off at 0, level off at 1
- self.current_score = 0
- self.current_level = 1
- # Text object displaying the Score
- self.score = Text(Point(75, 25), "Score: " + str(self.current_score))
- self.score.setStyle('bold')
- self.score.setSize(18)
- self.score.setTextColor('white')
- self.score.setFace('helvetica')
- # Text object displaying the Level
- self.levels = Text(Point(75, 50), "Level: " + str(self.current_level))
- self.levels.setStyle('bold')
- self.levels.setSize(18)
- self.levels.setTextColor('white')
- self.levels.setFace('helvetica')
- # Draw the Text objects on the screen
- self.score.draw(self.canvas)
- self.levels.draw(self.canvas)
- # Set the current_level = the method defined below
- self.current_level = self.increase_level()
- # This method is called from remove_complete_rows method, using len(lines_completed) as parameter
- def add_score(self, lines):
- # Depending on # of lines completed, add score accordingly
- if lines == 1:
- self.current_score += 100
- elif lines == 2:
- self.current_score += 300
- elif lines == 3:
- self.current_score += 450
- elif lines == 4:
- self.current_score += 700
- #Change Text Object
- self.score.setText("Score: "+ str(self.current_score))
- def increase_level(self):
- # Depending on Score, change level and text object
- while self.current_score <= 1000:
- self.current_level = 1
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 1000 and self.current_score <= 5000:
- self.current_level = 2
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 5000 and self.current_score <= 10000:
- self.current_level = 3
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 10000 and self.current_score <= 15000:
- self.current_level = 4
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 15000 and self.current_score <= 19000:
- self.current_level = 5
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 19000 and self.current_score <= 23000:
- self.current_level = 6
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 23000 and self.current_score <= 27000:
- self.current_level = 7
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 27000 and self.current_score <= 30000:
- self.current_level = 8
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 30000 and self.current_score <= 33000:
- self.current_level = 9
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
- while self.current_score > 33000:
- self.current_level = 10
- self.levels.setText("Level: "+ str(self.current_level))
- return self.current_level
-class Tetris():
- ''' Tetris class: Controls the game play
- Attributes:
- SHAPES - type: list (list of Shape classes)
- DIRECTION - type: dictionary - converts string direction to (dx, dy)
- BOARD_WIDTH - type:int - the width of the board
- BOARD_HEIGHT - type:int - the height of the board
- board - type:Board - the tetris board
- win - type:Window - the window for the tetris game
- delay - type:int - the speed in milliseconds for moving the shapes
- current_shapes - type: Shape - the current moving shape on the board
- '''
- SHAPES = [I_shape, J_shape, L_shape, O_shape, S_shape, T_shape, Z_shape]
- DIRECTION = {'Left':(-1, 0), 'Right':(1, 0), 'Down':(0, 1)}
- def __init__(self, win):
- self.board = Board(win, self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.BOARD_HEIGHT)
- self.win = win
- self.delay = 1000 #ms
- # sets up the keyboard events
- # when a key is called the method key_pressed will be called
- self.win.bind_all('<Key>', self.key_pressed)
- # set the current shape to a random new shape
- self.current_shape = self.create_new_shape()
- # Draw the current_shape on the board (take a look at the
- # draw_shape method in the Board class)
- self.board.draw_shape(self.current_shape)
- # For Step 9: animate the shape!
- self.animate_shape()
- def create_new_shape(self):
- ''' Return value: type: Shape
- Create a random new shape that is centered
- at y = 0 and x = int(self.BOARD_WIDTH/2)
- return the shape
- '''
- # Pick a random number from 0 to 6
- rand_shape = random.randint(0, 6)
- # That number corresponds to a shape in SHAPES list. Use coordinates to tell where to draw
- new_shape = self.SHAPES[rand_shape](Point(int(self.BOARD_WIDTH/2), 0))
- return new_shape
- pass
- def animate_shape(self):
- ''' animate the shape - move down at equal intervals
- specified by the delay attribute
- '''
- self.board.scoreboard.increase_level()
- #Depending onlevel, change the delay for animation to get shorter and shorter
- # move the shape down
- if self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 1:
- self.delay = 1000
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 2:
- self.delay = 900
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 3:
- self.delay = 800
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 4:
- self.delay = 650
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 5:
- self.delay = 500
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 6:
- self.delay = 400
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 7:
- self.delay = 300
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 8:
- self.delay = 200
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 9:
- self.delay = 100
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- elif self.board.scoreboard.current_level == 10:
- self.delay = 50
- self.do_move('Down')
- self.win.after(self.delay, self.animate_shape)
- def do_move(self, direction):
- ''' Parameters: direction - type: string
- Return value: type: bool
- Move the current shape in the direction specified by the parameter:
- First check if the shape can move. If it can, move it and return True
- Otherwise if the direction we tried to move was 'Down',
- 1. add the current shape to the board
- 2. remove the completed rows if any
- 3. create a new random shape and set current_shape attribute
- 4. If the shape cannot be drawn on the board, display a
- game over message
- return False
- '''
- # space bar is hit, move shape down until it can't move anymore
- if direction == 'space':
- while self.current_shape.can_move(self.board, self.DIRECTION['Down'][0], self.DIRECTION['Down'][1]) == True:
- self.current_shape.move(self.DIRECTION['Down'][0], self.DIRECTION['Down'][1])
- # add new shape to grid, create new shape to draw, and check for completed rows
- self.board.add_shape(self.current_shape)
- self.current_shape = self.create_new_shape()
- self.board.draw_shape(self.current_shape)
- self.board.remove_complete_rows()
- #if the shape can move in the direction given by DIRECTION list, move it there
- elif self.current_shape.can_move(self.board, self.DIRECTION[direction][0], self.DIRECTION[direction][1]) == True:
- self.current_shape.move(self.DIRECTION[direction][0], self.DIRECTION[direction][1])
- return True
- else:
- # if the shape can't move any moore
- if direction == 'Down':
- # add new shape to grid, create new shape to draw, and check for completed rows
- self.board.add_shape(self.current_shape)
- self.current_shape = self.create_new_shape()
- self.board.draw_shape(self.current_shape)
- self.board.remove_complete_rows()
- return False
- def do_rotate(self):
- ''' Checks if the current_shape can be rotated and
- rotates if it can
- '''
- #If shape can rotate, rotate it
- if self.current_shape.can_rotate(self.board) == True:
- self.current_shape.rotate(self.board)
- def key_pressed(self, event):
- ''' this function is called when a key is pressed on the keyboard
- it currenly just prints the value of the key
- Modify the function so that if the user presses the arrow keys
- 'Left', 'Right' or 'Down', the current_shape will move in
- the appropriate direction
- if the user presses the space bar 'space', the shape will move
- down until it can no longer move and is added to the board
- if the user presses the 'Up' arrow key ,
- the shape should rotate.
- '''
- key = event.keysym
- # If key is up, call do_rotate function
- if key == 'Up':
- self.do_rotate()
- # Else, call do_move function
- else:
- self.do_move(key)
-# Start the game
-win = Window("Tetris")
-game = Tetris(win)
diff --git a/originaltetris/tetrisGUI.py b/originaltetris/tetrisGUI.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 799dec3..0000000
--- a/originaltetris/tetrisGUI.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-This is the class you run to run tetris.
-Handles input and output
-#make this more display-independent, yo.
-from Tkinter import *
-class GUI( Frame ):
- def __init__(self, parent, scale=20, max_x=10, max_y=20, offset=3):
- print "initialize gui"
- """
- Init and config the tetris computer display
- """
- Frame.__init__(self, parent)
- self.parent = parent
- self.scale = scale
- self.max_x = max_x
- self.max_y = max_y
- self.offset = offset
- self.canvas = Canvas(parent,
- height=((max_y+2) * scale)+offset,
- width= 2*((max_x+2) * scale)+offset)
- #size of one board plus buffer
- self.boardsize = ((max_x+4) * scale)+offset
- self.canvas.pack()
- def add_block(self, (x, y), color):
- """
- Draw a block on the canvas
- """
- shrink = 4
- rx = (x * self.scale) + self.offset
- ry = (y * self.scale) + self.offset
- #self.canvas.create_oval(rx+shrink, ry+shrink, rx+self.scale-shrink,
- #ry+self.scale-shrink, width=0, fill=color)
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(
- rx, ry, rx+self.scale, ry+self.scale, fill=color
- )
- def display_dict(self,d):
- self.canvas.delete(ALL)
- x_width = self.max_x*self.scale+3
- y_width = self.max_y*self.scale+3
- gap = 4*self.scale
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(3,2,x_width, y_width)
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(x_width+gap,2,2*x_width+gap-3, y_width)
- for (x,y) in d:
- color = d[(x,y)]
- if x>self.max_x:
- x+=4
- self.add_block((x,y),color)
- def draw_board(self, players):
- self.canvas.delete(ALL)
- x_width = self.max_x*self.scale+3
- y_width = self.max_y*self.scale+3
- gap = 4*self.scale
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(3,2,x_width, y_width)
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(x_width+gap,2,2*x_width+gap-3, y_width)
- offset = 0
- for n in range(2):
- p = players[n]
- if p:
- offset = n*(self.max_x + 4)
- landed = p.board.landed
- for b in landed:
- self.add_block((b[0]+offset, b[1]), landed[b])
- if p.shape:
- for b in p.shape.blocks:
- self.add_block((b.x+offset, b.y), b.color)
- self.display_score(p.score,n)
- def display_score(self, score, player_num):
- offset = player_num * (self.max_x + 4)
- for i in range(10):
- bit = score%2
- score = score>>1
- coord = (self.max_x-1-i + offset, self.max_y+1)
- if bit:
- self.add_block(coord, "yellow")
- else:
- self.add_block(coord, "gray")
diff --git a/originaltetris/tetris_shape.py b/originaltetris/tetris_shape.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a0ec59e..0000000
--- a/originaltetris/tetris_shape.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-LEFT = "left"
-RIGHT = "right"
-DOWN = "down"
-direction_d = { "left": (-1, 0), "right": (1, 0), "down": (0, 1) }
-class Block(object):
- def __init__( self, (x, y), color):
- self.color = color
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- def coord( self ):
- return (self.x, self.y)
-class shape(object):
- """
- Shape is the Base class for the game pieces e.g. square, T, S, Z, L,
- reverse L and I. Shapes are constructed of blocks.
- """
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create(cls, board, coords, color ):
- """
- Check if the blocks that make the shape can be placed in empty coords
- before creating and returning the shape instance. Otherwise, return
- None.
- """
- for coord in coords:
- if not board.check_block( coord ):
- return None
- return cls( board, coords, color)
- def __init__(self, board, coords, color ):
- """
- Initialise the shape base.
- """
- self.board = board
- self.blocks = []
- for coord in coords:
- self.blocks.append( Block(coord,color) )
- def move( self, direction ):
- """
- Move the blocks in the direction indicated by adding (dx, dy) to the
- current block coordinates
- """
- d_x, d_y = direction_d[direction]
- for block in self.blocks:
- x = block.x + d_x
- y = block.y + d_y
- if not self.board.check_block( (x, y) ):
- return False
- for block in self.blocks:
- block.x += d_x
- block.y += d_y
- return True
- def rotate(self, clockwise = True):
- """
- Rotate the blocks around the 'middle' block, 90-degrees. The
- middle block is always the index 0 block in the list of blocks
- that make up a shape.
- """
- # TO DO: Refactor for DRY
- middle = self.blocks[0]
- rel = []
- for block in self.blocks:
- rel.append( (block.x-middle.x, block.y-middle.y ) )
- # to rotate 90-degrees (x,y) = (-y, x)
- # First check that the there are no collisions or out of bounds moves.
- for idx in xrange(len(self.blocks)):
- rel_x, rel_y = rel[idx]
- if clockwise:
- x = middle.x+rel_y
- y = middle.y-rel_x
- else:
- x = middle.x-rel_y
- y = middle.y+rel_x
- if not self.board.check_block( (x, y) ):
- return False
- for idx in xrange(len(self.blocks)):
- rel_x, rel_y = rel[idx]
- if clockwise:
- x = middle.x+rel_y
- y = middle.y-rel_x
- else:
- x = middle.x-rel_y
- y = middle.y+rel_x
- self.blocks[idx].x = x
- self.blocks[idx].y = y
- return True
-class shape_limited_rotate( shape ):
- """
- This is a base class for the shapes like the S, Z and I that don't fully
- rotate (which would result in the shape moving *up* one block on a 180).
- Instead they toggle between 90 degrees clockwise and then back 90 degrees
- anti-clockwise.
- """
- def __init__( self, board, coords, color ):
- self.clockwise = True
- super(shape_limited_rotate, self).__init__(board, coords, color)
- def rotate(self, clockwise=True):
- """
- Clockwise, is used to indicate if the shape should rotate clockwise
- or back again anti-clockwise. It is toggled.
- """
- super(shape_limited_rotate, self).rotate(clockwise=self.clockwise)
- if self.clockwise:
- self.clockwise=False
- else:
- self.clockwise=True
-class square_shape( shape ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords = [(4,0),(5,0),(4,1),(5,1)]
- return super(square_shape, cls).check_and_create(board, coords, "red")
- def rotate(self, clockwise=True):
- """
- Override the rotate method for the square shape to do exactly nothing!
- """
- pass
-class t_shape( shape ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords = [(4,0),(3,0),(5,0),(4,1)]
- return super(t_shape, cls).check_and_create(board, coords, "yellow" )
-class l_shape( shape ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords = [(4,0),(3,0),(5,0),(3,1)]
- return super(l_shape, cls).check_and_create(board, coords, "orange")
-class reverse_l_shape( shape ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords = [(5,0),(4,0),(6,0),(6,1)]
- return super(reverse_l_shape, cls).check_and_create(
- board, coords, "green")
-class z_shape( shape_limited_rotate ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords =[(5,0),(4,0),(5,1),(6,1)]
- return super(z_shape, cls).check_and_create(board, coords, "purple")
-class s_shape( shape_limited_rotate ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords =[(5,1),(4,1),(5,0),(6,0)]
- return super(s_shape, cls).check_and_create(board, coords, "magenta")
-class i_shape( shape_limited_rotate ):
- @classmethod
- def check_and_create( cls, board ):
- coords =[(4,0),(3,0),(5,0),(6,0)]
- return super(i_shape, cls).check_and_create(board, coords, "blue")
diff --git a/tetris_pygame/tetris.py b/tetris_pygame/tetris.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e64b879..0000000
--- a/tetris_pygame/tetris.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Tetris Tk - A tetris clone written in Python using the Tkinter GUI library.
- Left/a Move left
- Right/d Move right
- Up/w Rotate / add player
- Down/s Move down / start game
-from time import sleep, time
-import random
-import sys
-from renderer import PygameRenderer
-from tetris_shape import *
-from ddrinput import DdrInput
-from ddrinput import DIRECTIONS
-import pygame
-MAXX = 10
-MAXY = 18
-(LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN) = range(4)
-COLORS = ["orange", "red", "green", "blue", "purple", "yellow", "magenta"]
-#COLORS = ["gray"]
-class Board():
- """
- The board represents the tetris playing area. A grid of x by y blocks.
- Stores blocks that have landed.
- """
- def __init__(self, max_x=10, max_y=20):
- # blocks are stored in dict of (x,y)->"color"
- self.landed = {}
- self.max_x = max_x
- self.max_y = max_y
- def clear(self):
- self.landed = {}
- def receive_lines(self, num_lines):
- #shift lines up
- for y in range(self.max_y-num_lines):
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- block_color = self.landed.pop((x,y+num_lines),None)
- if block_color:
- self.landed[(x,y)] = block_color
- #put in new lines
- for j in range(num_lines):
- for i in random.sample(xrange(self.max_x), random.choice([6,7])):
- self.landed[(i,self.max_y-1-j)] = random.choice(COLORS)
- def check_for_complete_row( self, blocks ):
- """
- Look for a complete row of blocks, from the bottom up until the top row
- or until an empty row is reached.
- """
- rows_deleted = 0
- # Add the blocks to those in the grid that have already 'landed'
- for block in blocks:
- self.landed[ block.coord() ] = block.color
- empty_row = 0
- # find the first empty row
- for y in xrange(self.max_y -1, -1, -1):
- row_is_empty = True
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- if self.landed.get((x,y), None):
- row_is_empty = False
- break;
- if row_is_empty:
- empty_row = y
- break
- # Now scan up and until a complete row is found.
- y = self.max_y - 1
- while y > empty_row:
- complete_row = True
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- if self.landed.get((x,y), None) is None:
- complete_row = False
- break;
- if complete_row:
- rows_deleted += 1
- #delete the completed row
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- self.landed.pop((x,y))
- # move all the rows above it down
- for ay in xrange(y-1, empty_row, -1):
- for x in xrange(self.max_x):
- block_color = self.landed.pop((x,ay), None)
- if block_color:
- dx,dy = (0,1)
- self.landed[(x+dx, ay+dy)] = block_color
- # move the empty row index down too
- empty_row +=1
- # y stays same as row above has moved down.
- else:
- y -= 1
- # return the number of rows deleted.
- return rows_deleted
- def check_block( self, (x, y) ):
- """
- Check if the x, y coordinate can have a block placed there.
- That is; if there is a 'landed' block there or it is outside the
- board boundary, then return False, otherwise return true.
- """
- if x < 0 or x >= self.max_x or y < 0 or y >= self.max_y:
- return False
- elif self.landed.has_key( (x, y) ):
- return False
- else:
- return True
-#represents a player. each player has a board, other player's board,
-#current shape, score, etc
-class Player():
- def __init__(self, gs, myBoard, otherBoard, player_id = 99):
- print "initialize player"
- self.id = player_id
- self.board = myBoard
- self.other_board = otherBoard
- self.score = 0
- self.gs = gs
- self.shape = self.get_next_shape()
- def handle_move(self, direction):
- #if you can't move then you've hit something
- if self.shape:
- if direction==UP:
- self.shape.rotate(clockwise=False)
- else:
- if not self.shape.move( direction ):
- # if you're heading down then the shape has 'landed'
- if direction == DOWN:
- points = self.board.check_for_complete_row(
- self.shape.blocks)
- #del self.shape
- self.shape = self.get_next_shape()
- self.score += points
- if self.gs.num_players == 2:
- if points > 1:
- self.other_board.receive_lines(points-1)
- # If the shape returned is None, then this indicates that
- # that the check before creating it failed and the
- # game is over!
- if self.shape is None:
- self.gs.state = "ending" #loss!
- self.gs.winner = self.other_board
- # do we go up a level?
- if (self.gs.level < NO_OF_LEVELS and
- self.score >= self.gs.thresholds[self.gs.level]):
- self.gs.level+=1
- self.gs.delay-=100
- # Signal that the shape has 'landed'
- return False
- return True
- def move_my_shape( self ):
- if self.shape:
- self.handle_move( DOWN )
- def get_next_shape( self ):
- #Randomly select which tetrominoe will be used next.
- the_shape = self.gs.shapes[ random.randint(0,len(self.gs.shapes)-1) ]
- return the_shape.check_and_create(self.board)
-#contains variables that are shared between the players:
-#levels, delay time, etc?
-class GameState():
- def __init__(self, gui):
- self.shapes = [square_shape, t_shape,l_shape, reverse_l_shape,
- z_shape, s_shape,i_shape ]
- self.num_players = 0
- self.level = 1
- self.delay = 800
- self.thresholds = range(10,100,10)
- self.state = "waiting" #states: waiting (between games), playing, ending
- self.winner = None #winning Board
-#runs the overall game. initializes both player and any displays
-class TwoPlayerGame(object):
- #one-time initialization for gui etc
- def __init__(self):
- print "initialize tetris"
- self.gui = PygameRenderer()
- self.input = DdrInput()
- self.init_game()
- def handle_input(self):
- drop_time = time()
- while 1:
- if self.gameState.state=="playing" and time()-drop_time > self.gameState.delay/1000.0:
- self.gravity()
- drop_time = time()
- ev = self.input.poll()
- if ev:
- print "EVENT",ev
- player,direction = ev
- #print "Player",player,direction
- if self.gameState.state=="playing":
- if self.players[player]!=None:
- self.players[player].handle_move(direction)
- elif self.gameState.state == "waiting":
- if direction==UP:
- self.add_player(player)
- elif direction==DOWN:
- if self.players[player]!=None:
- self.start_game()
- self.update_gui()
- #initializes each game
- def init_game(self):
- print "init next game"
- self.boards = [Board(MAXX,MAXY), Board(MAXX,MAXY)]
- self.players = [None,None]
- self.gameState = GameState(self.gui)
- #display initial "animation"
- self.handle_input()
- #self.update_gui()
- def add_player(self,num): # 0=left, 1=right
- print "adding player ",num
- if self.players[num]==None:
- p = Player(self.gameState, self.boards[num], self.boards[(num+1)%2])
- self.players[num] = p
- self.update_gui()
- self.gameState.num_players+=1
- def start_game(self):
- print "start game"
- self.gameState.state = "playing"
- self.update_gui() #maybe
- self.gravity()
- #change to pygame
- #handles gravity and checks for game over
- def gravity(self): #probably shouldn't handle gravity and endgame...or rename
- if self.gameState.state == "ending":
- self.end_game()
- return
- else:
- for p in self.players:
- if p:
- p.move_my_shape()
- self.update_gui()
- def update_gui(self):
- self.gui.render_game(self.to_dict())
- def end_game(self):
- winner_board = self.gameState.winner
- self.animate_ending(winner_board)
- self.init_game()
- def animate_ending(self,winner_board):
- print "game over, display animation"
- for i in range(100):
- print i,
- def create_shapes(): #in progress.....
- y = 4
- up_diags = [(1,y+4),(1,y+3),(2,y+3),(2,y+2),(3,y+2),(3,y+1),
- (8,y+4),(8,y+3),(7,y+3),(7,y+2),(6,y+2),(6,y+1)]
- down_diags = [(x0,10-y0+2*y) for (x0,y0) in up_diags]
- line = [(i,j) for i in [4,5] for j in range(y,y+11)]
- up_arrow = line[:]
- for xy in up_diags:
- up_arrow.append(xy)
- down_arrow = line[:]
- for xy in down_diags:
- down_arrow.append(xy)
- return down_arrow
- def to_dict(self):
- d = {}
- for n in range(2):
- if self.players[n]!=None:
- p = self.players[n]
- offset = n*MAXX
- #blocks
- for (x,y) in p.board.landed:
- d[(x+offset,y)] = p.board.landed[(x,y)]
- #shapes
- blocks = p.shape.blocks
- for b in blocks:
- d[(b.x+offset*n,b.y)] = b.color
- #score
- score = p.score
- for i in range(10):
- bit = score%2
- score = score>>1
- coord = (MAXX-1-i + offset, MAXY+1)
- if bit:
- d[coord] = "yellow"
- else:
- d[coord] = "gray"
- return d
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- tetrisGame = TwoPlayerGame()