/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System. * It is one of the source files comprising zwgc, the Zephyr WindowGram * client. * * Created by: Marc Horowitz * * $Source$ * $Author$ * * Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, see the file * "mit-copyright.h". */ #if (!defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)) static char rcsid_zephyr_c[] = "$Id$"; #endif #include /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Module containing code dealing with zephyr: */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "new_string.h" #include "zephyr.h" #include "error.h" #include "mux.h" #include "subscriptions.h" #include "variables.h" #include "pointer.h" /* * Internal Routine: * * char *parse_exposure_level(string text) * Effects: Compares text to each of the standard zephyr * exposure levels ignoring case. If it matches, * returns the corresponding magic constant for * use with ZSetLocation. (i.e., returns EXPOSE_OPSTAFF * for "opstaff", etc.) If it does not match, returns * NULL. */ static char *parse_exposure_level(text) string text; { if (!strcasecmp(text, EXPOSE_NONE)) return (EXPOSE_NONE); else if (!strcasecmp(text, EXPOSE_OPSTAFF)) return (EXPOSE_OPSTAFF); else if (!strcasecmp(text, EXPOSE_REALMVIS)) return (EXPOSE_REALMVIS); else if (!strcasecmp(text, EXPOSE_REALMANN)) return (EXPOSE_REALMANN); else if (!strcasecmp(text, EXPOSE_NETVIS)) return (EXPOSE_NETVIS); else if (!strcasecmp(text, EXPOSE_NETANN)) return (EXPOSE_NETANN); else return(NULL); } /* * Internal Routine: * * string get_zwgc_port_number_filename() * Effects: Returns the filename that the zwgc port # is/should be * stored in, based on the user's uid & the environment * variable WGFILE. The returned string points into a * static buffer that may change on further calls to this * routine or getenv. The returned string should not be * modified in any way. */ static string get_zwgc_port_number_filename() { static char buffer[40]; char *temp; char *getenv(); if (temp = getenv("WGFILE")) return(temp); else { sprintf(buffer, "/tmp/wg.%d", getuid()); return(buffer); } } /* * */ static void handle_zephyr_input(notice_handler) void (*notice_handler)(); { ZNotice_t notice; struct sockaddr_in from; int complete_packets_ready; for (;;) { errno = 0; if ( (complete_packets_ready=ZPending()) < 0 ) FATAL_TRAP( errno, "while calling ZPending()" ); if (complete_packets_ready==0) return; TRAP( ZReceiveNotice(¬ice, &from), "while getting zephyr notice" ); if (!error_code) { notice.z_auth = ZCheckAuthentication(¬ice, &from); notice_handler(¬ice); ZFreeNotice(¬ice); } } } /* * */ void zephyr_init(notice_handler) void (*notice_handler)(); { unsigned short port = 0; /* Use any old port */ char *temp; char *exposure; FILE *port_file; /* * Initialize zephyr. If error, print error message & exit. */ FATAL_TRAP( ZInitialize(), "while initializing Zephyr" ); FATAL_TRAP( ZOpenPort(&port), "while opening Zephyr port" ); /* * Save away our port number in a special place so that zctl and * other clients can send us control messages: <<<>>> */ temp = get_zwgc_port_number_filename(); errno = 0; port_file = fopen(temp, "w+"); if (port_file) { fprintf(port_file, "%d\n", port); fclose(port_file); } else { fprintf(stderr, "zwgc: error while opening %s for writing: ", temp); perror(""); } /* * Retrieve the user's desired exposure level (from the zephyr variable * "exposure"), convert it to the proper internal form then * set the user's location using it. If the exposure level is * not one of the allowed ones, print an error and treat it as * EXPOSE_NONE. */ if (temp = ZGetVariable("exposure")) { if (!(exposure = parse_exposure_level(temp))) { ERROR2("invalid exposure level %s, using exposure level none instead.\n", temp); exposure = EXPOSE_NONE; } } else exposure = EXPOSE_NONE; error_code = ZSetLocation(exposure); /* <<<>>> */ if (error_code != ZERR_LOGINFAIL) TRAP( error_code, "while setting location" ); /* * If the exposure level isn't EXPOSE_NONE, turn on recieving notices. * (this involves reading in the subscription file, etc.) */ if (string_Neq(exposure, EXPOSE_NONE)) zwgc_startup(); /* * Set $realm to our realm and $user to our zephyr username: */ var_set_variable("realm", ZGetRealm()); var_set_variable("user", ZGetSender()); /* * <<<>>> */ mux_add_input_source(ZGetFD(), (void (*)())handle_zephyr_input, (pointer)notice_handler); } /* * */ void finalize_zephyr() /* <<<>>> */ { string temp; /* * Remove the file containing our port # since it is no longer needed: */ errno = 0; temp = get_zwgc_port_number_filename(); unlink(temp); if (errno) { fprintf(stderr, "zwgc: error while trying to delete %s: ", temp); perror(""); } /* * Cancel our subscriptions, unset our location, and close our zephyr * connection: */ TRAP( ZCancelSubscriptions(0), "while canceling subscriptions" ); TRAP( ZUnsetLocation(), "while unsetting location" ); ZClosePort(); }