/**/# Copyright 1988, 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. /**/# /**/# For copying and distribution information, see the file /**/# "mit-copyright.h". /**/# /**/# $Id$ #ifdef _AIX TERMCAP = -lcurses #else TERMCAP = -ltermcap #endif #ifdef macII LIBS2= -lc -lPW #endif #ifdef SOLARIS LIBS2 = -lgen #endif LIBS = $(ZLIB) $(LIB_X) $(TERMCAP) $(LIBS2) SRCS = port_dictionary.c pointer_dictionary.c ulong_dictionary.c \ parser.y lexer.c node.c exec.c buffer.c main.c zephyr.c X_driver.c\ substitute.c port.c xshow.c \ mux.c eval.c subscriptions.c notice.c xcut.c regexp.c\ character_class.c text_operations.c file.c error.c variables.c\ formatter.c X_fonts.c X_gram.c tty_filter.c standard_ports.c\ xselect.c xmark.c xrevstack.c xerror.c OBJS = parser.o lexer.o node.o exec.o buffer.o main.o zephyr.o X_driver.o\ substitute.o port_dictionary.o port.o xshow.o pointer_dictionary.o\ mux.o eval.o subscriptions.o notice.o xcut.o regexp.o\ character_class.o text_operations.o file.o error.o variables.o\ formatter.o X_fonts.o X_gram.o tty_filter.o standard_ports.o\ xselect.o xmark.o xrevstack.o xerror.o ulong_dictionary.o \ $(LIBRARIES) LIBRARIES = ./String/new_string.o\ ./Dictionary/string_dictionary.o\ ./Dictionary/string_dictionary_aux.o\ ./Dictionary/int_dictionary.o\ ./Memory/new_memory.o GENSRCS= port_dictionary.c pointer_dictionary.c ulong_dictionary.c GENERATED= $(GENSRCS) \ port_dictionary.h pointer_dictionary.h ulong_dictionary.h \ char_stack.h string_stack.h xmode_stack.h \ y.tab.h XDEFS = -I./Memory -I./String -I./Dictionary -DREVSTACK \ -DDEFDESC=\"$(ZLIBDIR)/zwgc.desc\" \ -DAPPDEFDATABASE=\"$(ZLIBDIR)/zwgc_resources\" \ -DZWGCPATH=\"$(ATHBINDIR)/zwgc\" SUBDIRS = Memory String Dictionary do_subdirs_imakefile($(SUBDIRS)) foreach_subdirs(clean,$(SUBDIRS)) foreach_subdirs(all,$(SUBDIRS)) foreach_subdirs(depend,$(SUBDIRS)) zprogram(zwgc,$(LIBS)) install_man(zwgc.1,zwgc.1) #ifdef ATHENA_COMPAT /**/# On Athena, zwgc has been in /usr/etc on VAXes and RTs and some people /**/# run in with a full pathname. For compatbility, make a link. install:: $(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/etc/zwgc ln $(DESTDIR)$(CLIENTDIR)/zwgc $(DESTDIR)/usr/etc/zwgc || ln -s $(CLIENTDIR)/zwgc $(DESTDIR)/usr/etc/zwgc #endif install_file(zwgc.desc,$(ZLIBDIR)) install_file(zwgc_resources,$(ZLIBDIR)) install_file(zephyr.vars,$(ATHCONFDIR)) YFLAGS=-d /**/# use implicit yacc rule for the following: parser.o: parser.y y.tab.h: parser.o /**/# How to generate a port dictionary: port_dictionary.c port_dictionary.h: Dictionary/dictionary.c Dictionary/dictionary.h ./generate_instance ./Dictionary dictionary port port.h /**/# How to generate a pointer dictionary: pointer_dictionary.c pointer_dictionary.h: Dictionary/dictionary.c Dictionary/dictionary.h ./generate_instance ./Dictionary dictionary pointer pointer.h /**/# How to generate a ulong dictionary: ulong_dictionary.c ulong_dictionary.h: Dictionary/dictionary.c Dictionary/dictionary.h ./generate_instance ./Dictionary dictionary ulong ulong.h /**/# How to generate a char stack: char_stack.h: stack.h ./generate_instance . stack char /**/# How to generate a string stack: string_stack.h: stack.h ./generate_instance . stack string /**/# How to generate a xmode stack: xmode_stack.h: stack.h ./generate_instance . stack xmode clean:: $(RM) $(GENERATED) eval.c eval.o: port.h string_stack.h exec.c exec.o: port.h string_stack.h lexer.c: y.tab.h main.c main.o: port.h string_stack.h port.c port.o: port_dictionary.h standard_ports.c standard_ports.o: port.h string_stack.h text_operations.c text_operations.o: char_stack.h xshow.c xshow.o: pointer_dictionary.h xmode_stack.h X_driver.c X_driver.o: ulong_dictionary.h