/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System. * It contains the hostmanager <--> client interaction routines. * * Created by: David C. Jedlinsky * * $Source$ * $Author$ * * Copyright (c) 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, see the file * "mit-copyright.h". */ #include "hm.h" #ifndef lint #ifndef SABER static char rcsid_hm_client_c[] = "$Header$"; #endif SABER #endif lint extern int no_server, timeout_type, nclt, deactivated; extern struct sockaddr_in cli_sin, serv_sin, from; transmission_tower(notice, packet, pak_len) ZNotice_t *notice; caddr_t packet; int pak_len; { ZNotice_t gack; Code_t ret; struct sockaddr_in gsin; int tleft; nclt++; if (notice->z_kind == HMCTL) { if (!strcmp(notice->z_opcode, CLIENT_FLUSH)) { send_flush_notice(HM_FLUSH); deactivated = 1; } else if (!strcmp(notice->z_opcode, CLIENT_NEW_SERVER)) new_server(NULL); else syslog (LOG_INFO, "Bad control notice from client."); return; } else if (notice->z_kind != UNSAFE) { gack = *notice; gack.z_kind = HMACK; gack.z_message_len = 0; gsin = cli_sin; gsin.sin_port = from.sin_port; if (gack.z_port == 0) gack.z_port = from.sin_port; DPR2 ("Client Port = %u\n", ntohs(gack.z_port)); notice->z_port = gack.z_port; if ((ret = ZSetDestAddr(&gsin)) != ZERR_NONE) { Zperr(ret); com_err("hm", ret, "setting destination"); } /* Bounce ACK to library */ if ((ret = ZSendRawNotice(&gack)) != ZERR_NONE) { Zperr(ret); com_err("hm", ret, "sending raw notice"); } } if (!no_server) { DPR2 ("Server Port = %u\n", ntohs(serv_sin.sin_port)); if ((ret = ZSetDestAddr(&serv_sin)) != ZERR_NONE) { Zperr(ret); com_err("hm", ret, "setting destination"); } if ((ret = ZSendRawNotice(notice)) != ZERR_NONE) { Zperr(ret); com_err("hm", ret, "while sending raw notice"); } if ((tleft = alarm(0)) > 0) (void)alarm(tleft); else { timeout_type = NOTICES; (void)alarm(NOTICE_TIMEOUT); } } (void)add_notice_to_queue(notice, packet, &gsin, pak_len); }