#!/bin/sh -ex VERSION=$1 if test -z "$VERSION"; then echo $0: usage: $0 version exit 1 fi if test -n "$(git status --porcelain)"; then echo $0: git status is wordy, you probably want to stash and note your branch exit 2 fi dch -v 1:${VERSION}-trunk release $VERSION git add debian/changelog git commit -m "release $VERSION" git tag $VERSION -m "release $VERSION" git checkout --detach git clean -fxd git rm .gitignore git rm -r debian git rm release echo $VERSION > VERSION sed -e "s/@VERSION@/$VERSION/" README.in > README git rm README.in sed -i -e "s/__DEV__/$VERSION/" configure.ac libtoolize -ic autoreconf git add -A #git commit -m "release $VERSION" TREE=$(git write-tree) COMMIT=$(echo release artifact for $VERSION | git commit-tree $TREE -p HEAD -p release/artifact) git tag release/$VERSION -m "release $VERSION processed for git archive" $COMMIT git push . $COMMIT:release/artifact git reset --hard master git checkout master