/* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynInsert(). * * There are no restrictions on this code; however, if you make any * changes, I request that you document them so that I do not get * credit or blame for your modifications. * * Written by Barr3y Jaspan, Student Information Processing Board (SIPB) * and MIT-Project Athena, 1989. */ #include #include "dynP.h" int DynInsert(obj, index, els, num) DynObjectP obj; DynPtr els; int index, num; { int ret; if (index < 0 || index > obj->num_el) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: index %d is not in [0,%d]\n", index, obj->num_el); return DYN_BADINDEX; } if (num < 1) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: cannot insert %d elements\n", num); return DYN_BADVALUE; } if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr,"dyn: insert: Moving %d bytes from %d + %d to + %d\n", (obj->num_el-index)*obj->el_size, obj->array, obj->el_size*index, obj->el_size*(index+num)); if ((ret = _DynResize(obj, obj->num_el + num)) != DYN_OK) return ret; bcopy(obj->array + index, obj->array + (index + num), (obj->num_el-index)*obj->el_size); if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: Copying %d bytes from %d to %d + %d\n", obj->el_size*num, els, obj->array, obj->el_size*index); bcopy(els, obj->array + obj->el_size*index, obj->el_size*num); obj->num_el += num; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: done.\n"); return DYN_OK; }