Zephyr Library Tests This file is a collection of doctests for the zephyr library. Minimum coverage goal is "every non-static function, and every data structure that shows up in those function prototypes." This file is also a test of the practicality of rich doctests as API documentation. It will start out as a bunch of snippets, and later be edited to use actual chapters and appendices - narrative structure beyond "here's a test! here's another test!" At that point we'll also pick a formatting language (probably ReStructured Text but for now, we need no more than whitespace separated paragraphs to be comprehensible.) Generic library setup that should be moved into zephyr_tests.py: >>> import os >>> import zephyr_tests >>> buildpath = zephyr_tests.find_buildpath() >>> libzephyr_path = os.path.join(buildpath, ".libs", "libzephyr.so.4.0.0") >>> _z = zephyr_tests.libZephyr(libzephyr_path) ZInit() got run by libZephyr, internally. Make sure other things actually got set up: >>> assert _z.ZGetFD() == -1 >>> Zauthtype = _z.Zauthtype >>> assert Zauthtype in (0, 4, 5) >>> realm = _z.ZGetRealm() >>> assert realm >>> if Zauthtype: assert realm != 'local-realm' >>> if not Zauthtype: assert realm == 'local-realm' >>> assert _z.ZGetSender() >>> assert "@" in _z.ZGetSender() ZNotice_t structure pseudo-round-trip (needs a lot more explicit settings and assertions to be a real round-trip test...) >>> notice = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_t() >>> from ctypes import sizeof >>> assert sizeof(notice) > 150 >>> from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int >>> zbuf = c_char_p(0) >>> zbuflen = c_int(0) >>> st = _z.ZFormatNotice(notice, zbuf, zbuflen, zephyr_tests.ZNOAUTH) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert zbuf.value.startswith("ZEPH") >>> new_notice = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_t() >>> st = _z.ZParseNotice(zbuf, zbuflen, new_notice) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert new_notice.z_version.startswith("ZEPH") Should we check for ZEPH0.2 now, or leave that open? >>> notice = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_t() >>> notice.z_kind = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_Kind_t.UNSAFE >>> notice.z_class = c_char_p("testclass") >>> notice.z_class_inst = c_char_p("testinstance") >>> notice.z_opcode = c_char_p("TESTOPCODE") >>> notice.z_sender = c_char_p("someone") >>> notice.z_recipient = c_char_p("someone_else") >>> notice.z_message = c_char_p("short message body") >>> notice.z_message_len = c_int(len("short message body")) >>> zbuf = c_char_p(0) >>> zbuflen = c_int(0) >>> st = _z.ZFormatNotice(notice, zbuf, zbuflen, zephyr_tests.ZNOAUTH) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert zbuf.value.startswith("ZEPH") >>> new_notice = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_t() >>> st = _z.ZParseNotice(zbuf, zbuflen, new_notice) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert new_notice.z_version.startswith("ZEPH") >>> new_notice.z_class 'testclass' >>> new_notice.z_class_inst 'testinstance' >>> new_notice.z_opcode 'TESTOPCODE' >>> new_notice.z_message[:new_notice.z_message_len] 'short message body' Simple test of ZCompareUID: >>> uid1 = zephyr_tests.ZUnique_Id_t() >>> uid2 = zephyr_tests.ZUnique_Id_t() >>> assert _z.ZCompareUID(uid1, uid2), "null uids don't match" There's no ZUnique_Id_t constructor - Z_FormatHeader and Z_NewFormatHeader initialize notice->z_uid directly, so cheat and use ZNotice_t as the constructor... >>> notice1 = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_t() >>> zbuf = c_char_p(0) >>> zbuflen = c_int(0) >>> st = _z.ZFormatNotice(notice1, zbuf, zbuflen, zephyr_tests.ZNOAUTH) >>> assert st == 0, "ZFormatNotice notice1 failed" >>> notice2 = zephyr_tests.ZNotice_t() >>> zbuf = c_char_p(0) >>> zbuflen = c_int(0) >>> st = _z.ZFormatNotice(notice2, zbuf, zbuflen, zephyr_tests.ZNOAUTH) >>> assert st == 0, "ZFormatNotice notice1 failed" >>> assert not _z.ZCompareUID(notice1.z_uid, notice2.z_uid), "distinct notices don't compare as distinct" Trivial test of ZExpandRealm, using terribly well known hostnames: >>> assert _z.ZExpandRealm("") == "" >>> if Zauthtype: assert _z.ZExpandRealm("localhost") == "" >>> if Zauthtype: assert _z.ZExpandRealm("bitsy.mit.edu") == "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" >>> if not Zauthtype: assert _z.ZExpandRealm("localhost") == "LOCALHOST" >>> if not Zauthtype: assert _z.ZExpandRealm("bitsy.mit.edu") == "BITSY.MIT.EDU" ZGetCharsetString is a utility function for clients that need to know the full name of the output character set, e.g. zwgc. Calling it with NULL will get it from $ZEPHYR_CHARSET or the locale. Trivial testing of ZGetCharsetString: >>> os.environ['LANG'] = 'C' >>> assert _z.ZGetCharsetString(None) == 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' >>> os.environ['ZEPHYR_CHARSET'] = 'ISO-8859-1' >>> assert _z.ZGetCharsetString(None) == 'ISO-8859-1' >>> assert _z.ZGetCharsetString('UTF-8') == 'UTF-8' ZGetCharset is a utility function for clients that need to know the registry number of a character set, e.g. zwrite. It gets its defaults from alal the places that ZGetCharsetString does, because it calls it. Trivial testing of ZGetCharset: >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset(None) == 4 >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset('NONE') == 0 >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset('UNKNOWN') == 0 >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset('ANSI_X3.4-1968') == 4 >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset('ISO-8859-1') == 4 >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset('UTF-8') == 106 >>> assert _z.ZGetCharset('GIANT RUBBER PANTS') == 0 ZCharsetToString converts the registry numbers of the "allowed" character sets into strings. Trivial testing of ZCharsetToString: >>> assert _z.ZCharsetToString(0) == 'UNKNOWN' >>> assert _z.ZCharsetToString(4) == 'ISO-8859-1' >>> assert _z.ZCharsetToString(106) == 'UTF-8' >>> assert _z.ZCharsetToString(1701) == 'UNKNOWN' ZTransliterate does character set conversion for display purposes, and when it works, it sticks a malloc'd buffer in to **bufp. "Trivial" testing of ZTransliterate: >>> from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, byref, string_at >>> from errno import EINVAL, EILSEQ >>> bufp = c_char_p(None) >>> length = c_int(0) >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('test', 4, 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 'test' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('test', 4, 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', 'UTF-8', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 'test' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('test', 4, 'ISO-8859-1', 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 'test' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('test', 4, 'ISO-8859-1', 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 'test' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('t\xebst', 4, 'ISO-8859-1', 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 't?st' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('t\xebst', 4, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 't\xc3\xabst' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('t\xc3\xabst', 5, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == 0 >>> assert string_at(bufp, length) == 't\xebst' >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('t\xc3\xabst', 5, 'UTF-8', 'Oh, my bees', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == EINVAL >>> assert _z.ZTransliterate('t\xc3x\xabst', 5, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', byref(bufp), byref(length)) == EILSEQ Trivial test of ZOpenPort and ZClosePort: >>> from ctypes import c_ushort >>> port = c_ushort(0) >>> st = _z.ZOpenPort(port) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert _z.ZGetFD() != -1 >>> zsock = zephyr_tests.getsockname(_z.ZGetFD()) >>> assert zsock >>> from socket import AF_INET >>> assert zsock.sa_family.value == AF_INET, zsock.sa_family (Here we're actually using getsockname as an "is that file descriptor a socket" test; the wrapper is weak in that it can't check for ENOTSOCK without requiring Python 2.6, so it just throws an exception on any return of -1. If ctypes.cast worked on sockaddr, we could also cast it to sockaddr_in and look at the address and port...) >>> assert port != 0 >>> zephyr_tests.ctypes_pprint(_z.ZGetDestAddr()) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS sin_family AF_INET(2) sin_port ... sin_addr sin_zero [ignored] >>> assert _z.ZClosePort() == 0 >>> assert _z.ZGetFD() == -1 ZMakeAscii takes a target buffer and length and an input buffer and length, and generates the "special" Zephyr encoding. TODO: use the "reference" implementation to run a bunch of random-value comparison tests. >>> sample = "test\0message" >>> ref = zephyr_tests.py_make_ascii(sample) >>> from ctypes import create_string_buffer >>> outlen = len(sample) * 6 >>> outbuf = create_string_buffer(outlen) >>> st = _z.ZMakeAscii(outbuf, outlen, sample, len(sample)) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert outbuf.value == ref, "%r != %r" % (outbuf.value, ref) A few simple string tests: >>> def zma(sample): ... outlen = len(sample) * 6 ... outbuf = create_string_buffer(outlen) ... st = _z.ZMakeAscii(outbuf, outlen, sample, len(sample)) ... assert st == 0 ... return outbuf.value >>> zma("") '' >>> zma("j") '0x6A' >>> zma("jK") '0x6A4B' >>> zma("jK__\0") '0x6A4B5F5F 0x00' Same thing with ZMakeZcode, a compact binary format that is still NUL-terminated... >>> sample = "test\0message" >>> ref = zephyr_tests.py_make_zcode(sample) >>> from ctypes import create_string_buffer >>> outlen = len(sample) * 2 >>> outbuf = create_string_buffer(outlen) >>> st = _z.ZMakeZcode(outbuf, outlen, sample, len(sample)) >>> assert st == 0 >>> assert outbuf.value == ref, "%r != %r" % (outbuf.value, ref) Queued Packet Tests =================== Eventually we'll want tests that install a realm (or several) and actually send and receive packets against them, so-called "system tests". In the meantime, a faster and more local test that synthesizes packets and feeds them through the queuing mechanism will get us some more coverage. >>> from socket import SOCK_DGRAM, socket, ntohs >>> port = c_ushort(0) >>> st = _z.ZOpenPort(port) >>> port = ntohs(port.value) >>> assert port >>> sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) >>> assert sock >>> assert _z.ZPending() == 0 TODO: cook up test-specific notices, but for now we've got some lying around from above... >>> zwhole = string_at(zbuf, size=zbuflen) >>> wrote = sock.sendto(zwhole, ('', port)) >>> assert wrote == zbuflen.value, "%s != %s" % (wrote, zbuflen.value) >>> zcount = _z.ZPending() >>> assert zcount == 1 Coverage: Files complete: ZOpenPort.c ZClosePort.c ZExpnRlm.c ZCmpUID.c charset.c ZGetSender.c (needs richer test) Pending: ZRequestLocations (ZAsyncLocate.c) ZParseLocations (ZAsyncLocate.c) ZCompareALDPred (ZAsyncLocate.c) ZFreeALD (ZAsyncLocate.c) ZCheckAuthentication (ZCkAuth.c) ZCheckIfNotice (ZCkIfNot.c) ZCheckZcodeAuthentication (ZCkZAut.c) ZCompareUIDPred (ZCmpUIDP.c) ZCompareMultiUIDPred (ZCmpUIDP.c) ZFlushLocations (ZFlsLocs.c) ZFlushSubscriptions (ZFlsSubs.c) ZFormatAuthenticNotice (ZFmtAuth.c) ZFormatAuthenticNoticeV5 (ZFmtAuth.c) ZFormatNoticeList (ZFmtList.c) ZFormatNotice (ZFmtNotice.c) ZNewFormatNotice (ZFmtNotice.c) ZFormatRawNotice (ZFmtRaw.c) ZFormatRawNoticeList (ZFmtRawLst.c) ZFormatSmallRawNoticeList (ZFmtSmRLst.c) ZFormatSmallRawNotice (ZFmtSmRaw.c) ZNewFormatSmallRawNotice (ZFmtSmRaw.c) ZFreeNotice (ZFreeNot.c) ZGetLocations (ZGetLocs.c) ZGetSubscriptions (ZGetSubs.c) ZGetWGPort (ZGetWGPort.c) ZIfNotice (ZIfNotice.c) ZGetRealm (ZInit.c) ZQLength (ZInit.c) # not compiled anymore: ZLocateUser (ZLocateU.c) ZInitLocationInfo (ZLocations.c) ZSetLocation (ZLocations.c) ZUnsetLocation (ZLocations.c) ZFlushMyLocations (ZLocations.c) ZParseExposureLevel (ZLocations.c) Z_SendLocation (ZLocations.c) ZMakeAscii32 (ZMakeAscii.c) ZMakeAscii16 (ZMakeAscii.c) ZMakeZcode32 (ZMakeZcode.c) ZMakeZcode (ZMakeZcode.c) ZResetAuthentication (ZMkAuth.c) ZMakeAuthentication (ZMkAuth.c) ZMakeZcodeAuthentication (ZMkAuth.c) ZMakeZcodeRealmAuthentication (ZMkAuth.c) ZGetCreds (ZMkAuth.c) ZGetCredsRealm (ZMkAuth.c) ZLocateUser (ZNewLocU.c) ZParseNotice (ZParseNot.c) ZPeekIfNotice (ZPeekIfNot.c) ZPeekNotice (ZPeekNot.c) ZPeekPacket (ZPeekPkt.c) ZPending (ZPending.c) ZReadAscii (ZReadAscii.c) ZReadAscii32 (ZReadAscii.c) ZReadAscii16 (ZReadAscii.c) ZReadZcode (ZReadZcode.c) ZReceiveNotice (ZRecvNot.c) ZReceivePacket (ZRecvPkt.c) ZRetrieveSubscriptions (ZRetSubs.c) ZRetrieveDefaultSubscriptions (ZRetSubs.c) ZSendList (ZSendList.c) ZSrvSendList (ZSendList.c) ZSendNotice (ZSendNot.c) ZSrvSendNotice (ZSendNot.c) ZSendPacket (ZSendPkt.c) ZSendRawList (ZSendRLst.c) ZSrvSendRawList (ZSendRLst.c) ZSendRawNotice (ZSendRaw.c) ZSetDestAddr (ZSetDest.c) ZSetFD (ZSetFD.c) ZSetServerState (ZSetSrv.c) ZPunt (ZSubs.c) ZSubscribeTo (ZSubs.c) ZSubscribeToSansDefaults (ZSubs.c) ZUnsubscribeTo (ZSubs.c) ZCancelSubscriptions (ZSubs.c) ZGetVariable (ZVariables.c) ZSetVariable (ZVariables.c) ZUnsetVariable (ZVariables.c) Z_WaitForNotice (ZWait4Not.c) ZhmStat (ZhmStat.c) (...continue with Zinternal.c...)