#!/usr/bin/python # zephyr test suite # # Operates on libraries in the build tree. To test purely internal # interfaces, stuff them in a testing library... """Test Suite for libzephyr""" import optparse import os import socket import ctypes import ctypes.util import time from ctypes import c_int, c_char, POINTER, c_char_p, sizeof from zephyr import * __revision__ = "$Id$" try: __version__ = "%s/%s" % (__revision__.split()[3], __revision__.split()[2]) except IndexError: __version__ = "unknown" # TODO: pick some real framework later, we're just poking around for now class TestSuite(object): """test collection and runner""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def run(self): tests = sorted([testname for testname in dir(self) if testname.startswith("test_")]) failures = [] for test in tests: try: print "===", "starting", test, "===" getattr(self, test)() print "===", "done", test, "===" except TestFailure, tf: print "===", "FAILED", test, "===" failures.append([test, tf]) return failures class TestFailure(Exception): pass def py_make_ascii(input): """reference ZMakeAscii expressed as python...""" hexes = ["%02X" % ord(ch) for ch in input] output = [] for i in range(0, len(hexes), 4): output.append("0x" + "".join(hexes[i:i+4])) return " ".join(output) def py_make_zcode(input): """reference ZMakeZcode expressed as python...""" return "Z" + input.replace("\xff", "\xff\xf1").replace("\0", "\xff\xf0") class ZephyrTestSuite(TestSuite): """Tests for libzephyr""" def setup(self): # find the library libzephyr_path = os.path.join(self.builddir, "libzephyr.so.4.0.0") # check for libtool... if not os.path.exists(libzephyr_path): libzephyr_path = os.path.join(self.builddir, ".libs", "libzephyr.so.4.0.0") self._libzephyr = libZephyr(libzephyr_path) def cleanup(self): # no cleanup needed yet pass def test_zinit(self): """test that ZInitialize did something""" print "fd", self._libzephyr.ZGetFD() realm = self._libzephyr.ZGetRealm() print "realm", realm if not realm: raise TestFailure("empty realm %s" % realm) if self._libzephyr.Zauthtype and realm == 'local-realm': raise TestFailure("useless realm %s" % realm) if self._libzephyr.Zauthtype == 0 and realm != 'local-realm': raise TestFailure("wrong realm %s (should be local-realm)" % realm) print self._libzephyr.ZGetSender() def test_notices(self): """test notice construct/destruct""" notice = ZNotice_t() print "sizeof ZNotice_t", sizeof(notice) zbuf = c_char_p(0) zbuflen = c_int(0) st = self._libzephyr.ZFormatNotice(notice, zbuf, zbuflen, ZNOAUTH) print "ZFormatNotice:", "retval", st print "\tzbuflen", zbuflen print "\tzbuf", repr(zbuf.value) new_notice = ZNotice_t() st = self._libzephyr.ZParseNotice(zbuf, zbuflen, new_notice) print "ZParseNotice:", "retval", st print "\tz_version", new_notice.z_version ctypes_pprint(new_notice) def test_z_compare_uid(self): """test ZCompareUID""" uid1 = ZUnique_Id_t() uid2 = ZUnique_Id_t() assert self._libzephyr.ZCompareUID(uid1, uid2), "null uids don't match" # there's no ZUnique_Id_t constructor - Z_FormatHeader and Z_NewFormatHeader initialize notice->z_uid directly notice1 = ZNotice_t() zbuf = c_char_p(0) zbuflen = c_int(0) st = self._libzephyr.ZFormatNotice(notice1, zbuf, zbuflen, ZNOAUTH) assert st == 0, "ZFormatNotice notice1 failed" notice2 = ZNotice_t() zbuf = c_char_p(0) zbuflen = c_int(0) st = self._libzephyr.ZFormatNotice(notice2, zbuf, zbuflen, ZNOAUTH) assert st == 0, "ZFormatNotice notice2 failed" assert not self._libzephyr.ZCompareUID(notice1.z_uid, notice2.z_uid), "distinct notices don't compare as distinct" # ctypes_pprint(notice1.z_uid) def test_zauthtype(self): """Make sure Zauthtype is an acceptable value""" assert self._libzephyr.Zauthtype in (0, 4, 5) def test_z_expand_realm(self): """test ZExpandRealm""" if self._libzephyr.Zauthtype: assert self._libzephyr.ZExpandRealm("") == "" assert self._libzephyr.ZExpandRealm("localhost") == "" assert self._libzephyr.ZExpandRealm("bitsy.mit.edu") == "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" else: assert self._libzephyr.ZExpandRealm("") == "" assert self._libzephyr.ZExpandRealm("localhost") == socket.getfqdn("localhost").upper() assert self._libzephyr.ZExpandRealm("bitsy.mit.edu") == "BITSY.MIT.EDU" def find_buildpath(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__, version = "%%prog %s" % __version__) parser.add_option("--builddir", default="..", help="where to find the top of the build tree") parser.add_option("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="pass through for doctest.testfile") opts, args = parser.parse_args() assert not args, "no args yet" return os.path.join(opts.builddir, "lib") def getsockname(fd): """wrapped C lib getsocketname (works on raw fd)""" libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library("c")) call_getsockname = libc.getsockname call_getsockname.argtypes = [ c_int, # int s POINTER(sockaddr), # struct sockaddr *name POINTER(c_int), # socklen_t *namelen ] name = sockaddr(0) namelen = c_int(sizeof(name)) ret = call_getsockname(fd, name, namelen) if ret == 0: return name # we can't get at errno until python 2.6... print ret raise EnvironmentError("getsockname failed") if __name__ == "__main__": tester = ZephyrTestSuite(builddir=find_buildpath()) tester.setup() failures = tester.run() tester.cleanup() for failure, exc in failures: print "FAIL:", failure, str(exc)