#include "variables.h" #include "uzbl-core.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "events.h" #include "io.h" #include "util.h" void send_set_var_event(const char *name, const uzbl_cmdprop *c) { /* check for the variable type */ switch(c->type) { case TYPE_STR: { gchar *v = get_var_value_string_c(c); send_event (VARIABLE_SET, NULL, TYPE_NAME, name, TYPE_NAME, "str", TYPE_STR, v, NULL); g_free(v); break; } case TYPE_INT: send_event (VARIABLE_SET, NULL, TYPE_NAME, name, TYPE_NAME, "int", TYPE_INT, get_var_value_int_c(c), NULL); break; case TYPE_FLOAT: send_event (VARIABLE_SET, NULL, TYPE_NAME, name, TYPE_NAME, "float", TYPE_FLOAT, get_var_value_float_c(c), NULL); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } void expand_variable(GString *buf, const gchar *name) { uzbl_cmdprop* c; if((c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.proto_var, name))) { if(c->type == TYPE_STR) { gchar *v = get_var_value_string_c(c); g_string_append(buf, v); g_free(v); } else if(c->type == TYPE_INT) g_string_append_printf(buf, "%d", get_var_value_int_c(c)); else if(c->type == TYPE_FLOAT) g_string_append_printf(buf, "%f", get_var_value_float_c(c)); } } gboolean set_var_value(const gchar *name, gchar *val) { uzbl_cmdprop *c = NULL; g_assert(val != NULL); if( (c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.proto_var, name)) ) { if(!c->writeable) return FALSE; if(c->setter) { switch(c->type) { case TYPE_STR: ((void (*)(const gchar *))c->setter)(val); break; case TYPE_INT: { int i = (int)strtoul(val, NULL, 10); ((void (*)(int))c->setter)(i); break; } case TYPE_FLOAT: { float f = strtod(val, NULL); ((void (*)(float))c->setter)(f); break; } default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } else { switch(c->type) { case TYPE_STR: g_free(*(c->ptr.s)); *(c->ptr.s) = g_strdup(val); break; case TYPE_INT: *(c->ptr.i) = (int)strtoul(val, NULL, 10); break; case TYPE_FLOAT: *(c->ptr.f) = strtod(val, NULL); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } send_set_var_event(name, c); } else { /* a custom var that has not been set. */ /* check whether name violates our naming scheme */ if(!valid_name(name)) { if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf("Invalid variable name: %s\n", name); return FALSE; } /* create the cmdprop */ c = g_malloc(sizeof(uzbl_cmdprop)); c->type = TYPE_STR; c->dump = 0; c->getter = NULL; c->setter = NULL; c->writeable = 1; c->ptr.s = g_malloc(sizeof(gchar*)); g_hash_table_insert(uzbl.behave.proto_var, g_strdup(name), (gpointer) c); /* set the value. */ *(c->ptr.s) = g_strdup(val); send_set_var_event(name, c); } update_title(); return TRUE; } gchar* get_var_value_string_c(const uzbl_cmdprop *c) { if(!c) return NULL; gchar *result = NULL; if(c->getter) { result = ((gchar *(*)())c->getter)(); } else if(c->ptr.s) result = g_strdup(*(c->ptr.s)); return result ? result : g_strdup(""); } gchar* get_var_value_string(const gchar *name) { uzbl_cmdprop *c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.proto_var, name); return get_var_value_string_c(c); } int get_var_value_int_c(const uzbl_cmdprop *c) { if(!c) return 0; if(c->getter) { return ((int (*)())c->getter)(); } else if(c->ptr.i) return *(c->ptr.i); return 0; } int get_var_value_int(const gchar *name) { uzbl_cmdprop *c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.proto_var, name); return get_var_value_int_c(c); } float get_var_value_float_c(const uzbl_cmdprop *c) { if(!c) return 0; if(c->getter) { return ((float (*)())c->getter)(); } else if(c->ptr.f) return *(c->ptr.f); return 0; } float get_var_value_float(const gchar *name) { uzbl_cmdprop *c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.proto_var, name); return get_var_value_float_c(c); } void dump_var_hash(gpointer k, gpointer v, gpointer ud) { (void) ud; uzbl_cmdprop *c = v; if(!c->dump) return; if(c->type == TYPE_STR) { gchar *v = get_var_value_string_c(c); printf("set %s = %s\n", (char *)k, v); g_free(v); } else if(c->type == TYPE_INT) printf("set %s = %d\n", (char *)k, get_var_value_int_c(c)); else if(c->type == TYPE_FLOAT) printf("set %s = %f\n", (char *)k, get_var_value_float_c(c)); } void dump_config() { g_hash_table_foreach(uzbl.behave.proto_var, dump_var_hash, NULL); } void dump_var_hash_as_event(gpointer k, gpointer v, gpointer ud) { (void) ud; uzbl_cmdprop *c = v; if(c->dump) send_set_var_event(k, c); } void dump_config_as_events() { g_hash_table_foreach(uzbl.behave.proto_var, dump_var_hash_as_event, NULL); } /* is the given string made up entirely of decimal digits? */ gboolean string_is_integer(const char *s) { return (strspn(s, "0123456789") == strlen(s)); } GObject* view_settings() { return G_OBJECT(webkit_web_view_get_settings(uzbl.gui.web_view)); } void set_window_property(const gchar* prop, const gchar* value) { if(GTK_IS_WIDGET(uzbl.gui.main_window)) { gdk_property_change( gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.main_window)), gdk_atom_intern_static_string(prop), gdk_atom_intern_static_string("STRING"), 8, GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, (const guchar*)value, strlen(value)); } } void uri_change_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, GParamSpec param_spec) { (void) param_spec; g_free (uzbl.state.uri); g_object_get (web_view, "uri", &uzbl.state.uri, NULL); g_setenv("UZBL_URI", uzbl.state.uri, TRUE); set_window_property("UZBL_URI", uzbl.state.uri); } void set_uri(const gchar *val) { g_free(uzbl.state.uri); uzbl.state.uri = g_strdup(val); const gchar *uri = uzbl.state.uri; gchar *newuri; SoupURI *soup_uri; /* Strip leading whitespaces */ while (*uri && isspace(*uri)) uri++; /* evaluate javascript: URIs */ if (!strncmp (uri, "javascript:", 11)) { eval_js(uzbl.gui.web_view, uri, NULL, "javascript:"); return; } /* attempt to parse the URI */ soup_uri = soup_uri_new(uri); if (!soup_uri) { /* it's not a valid URI, maybe it's a path on the filesystem. */ const gchar *fullpath; if (g_path_is_absolute (uri)) fullpath = uri; else { gchar *wd = g_get_current_dir (); fullpath = g_build_filename (wd, uri, NULL); g_free(wd); } struct stat stat_result; if (! g_stat(fullpath, &stat_result)) newuri = g_strconcat("file://", fullpath, NULL); else newuri = g_strconcat("http://", uri, NULL); } else { if(soup_uri->host == NULL && string_is_integer(soup_uri->path)) /* the user probably typed in a host:port without a scheme */ newuri = g_strconcat("http://", uri, NULL); else newuri = g_strdup(uri); soup_uri_free(soup_uri); } set_window_property("UZBL_URI", newuri); webkit_web_view_load_uri (uzbl.gui.web_view, newuri); g_free (newuri); } void set_max_conns(int max_conns) { uzbl.net.max_conns = max_conns; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(uzbl.net.soup_session), SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS, uzbl.net.max_conns, NULL); } void set_max_conns_host(int max_conns_host) { uzbl.net.max_conns_host = max_conns_host; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(uzbl.net.soup_session), SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST, uzbl.net.max_conns_host, NULL); } void set_http_debug(int debug) { uzbl.behave.http_debug = debug; if(uzbl.net.soup_logger) { soup_session_remove_feature (uzbl.net.soup_session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(uzbl.net.soup_logger)); g_object_unref (uzbl.net.soup_logger); } uzbl.net.soup_logger = soup_logger_new(uzbl.behave.http_debug, -1); soup_session_add_feature(uzbl.net.soup_session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(uzbl.net.soup_logger)); } #define EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(SYM, PROPERTY, TYPE) \ void set_##SYM(TYPE val) { \ g_object_set(view_settings(), (PROPERTY), val, NULL); \ } \ TYPE get_##SYM() { \ TYPE val; \ g_object_get(view_settings(), (PROPERTY), &val, NULL); \ return val; \ } EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(default_font_family, "default-font-family", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(monospace_font_family, "monospace-font-family", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(sans_serif_font_family, "sans_serif-font-family", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(serif_font_family, "serif-font-family", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(cursive_font_family, "cursive-font-family", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(fantasy_font_family, "fantasy-font-family", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(minimum_font_size, "minimum-font-size", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(font_size, "default-font-size", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(monospace_size, "default-monospace-font-size", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enable_plugins, "enable-plugins", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enable_scripts, "enable-scripts", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(javascript_windows, "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(autoload_images, "auto-load-images", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(autoshrink_images, "auto-shrink-images", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enable_pagecache, "enable-page-cache", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enable_private, "enable-private-browsing", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enable_spellcheck, "enable-spell-checking", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(spellcheck_languages, "spell-checking-languages", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(resizable_text_areas, "resizable-text-areas", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(stylesheet_uri, "user-stylesheet-uri", gchar *) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(print_bg, "print-backgrounds", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enforce_96_dpi, "enforce-96-dpi", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(caret_browsing, "enable-caret-browsing", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(enable_cross_file_access, "enable-file-access-from-file-uris", int) EXPOSE_WEBKIT_VIEW_SETTINGS(default_encoding, "default-encoding", gchar *) void set_proxy_url(const gchar *proxy_url) { g_free(uzbl.net.proxy_url); uzbl.net.proxy_url = g_strdup(proxy_url); const gchar *url = uzbl.net.proxy_url; SoupSession *session = uzbl.net.soup_session; SoupURI *soup_uri = NULL; if (url != NULL || *url != 0 || *url != ' ') soup_uri = soup_uri_new(url); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(session), SOUP_SESSION_PROXY_URI, soup_uri, NULL); if(soup_uri) soup_uri_free(soup_uri); } void set_authentication_handler(const gchar *handler) { /* Check if WEBKIT_TYPE_SOUP_AUTH_DIALOG feature is set */ GSList *flist = soup_session_get_features (uzbl.net.soup_session, (GType) WEBKIT_TYPE_SOUP_AUTH_DIALOG); guint feature_is_set = g_slist_length(flist); g_slist_free(flist); g_free(uzbl.behave.authentication_handler); uzbl.behave.authentication_handler = g_strdup(handler); if (uzbl.behave.authentication_handler == NULL || *uzbl.behave.authentication_handler == 0) { if (!feature_is_set) soup_session_add_feature_by_type (uzbl.net.soup_session, (GType) WEBKIT_TYPE_SOUP_AUTH_DIALOG); } else { if (feature_is_set) soup_session_remove_feature_by_type (uzbl.net.soup_session, (GType) WEBKIT_TYPE_SOUP_AUTH_DIALOG); } } void set_status_background(const gchar *background) { /* labels and hboxes do not draw their own background. applying this * on the vbox/main_window is ok as the statusbar is the only affected * widget. (if not, we could also use GtkEventBox) */ GtkWidget* widget = uzbl.gui.main_window ? uzbl.gui.main_window : GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.plug); g_free(uzbl.behave.status_background); uzbl.behave.status_background = g_strdup(background); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,91,0) GdkRGBA color; gdk_rgba_parse (&color, uzbl.behave.status_background); gtk_widget_override_background_color (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color); #else GdkColor color; gdk_color_parse (uzbl.behave.status_background, &color); gtk_widget_modify_bg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color); #endif } void set_icon(const gchar *icon) { if(file_exists(uzbl.gui.icon) && uzbl.gui.main_window) { g_free(uzbl.gui.icon); uzbl.gui.icon = g_strdup(icon); gtk_window_set_icon_from_file (GTK_WINDOW (uzbl.gui.main_window), uzbl.gui.icon, NULL); } else { g_printerr ("Icon \"%s\" not found. ignoring.\n", icon); } } void set_window_role(const gchar *role) { if (!uzbl.gui.main_window) return; gtk_window_set_role(GTK_WINDOW (uzbl.gui.main_window), role); } gchar * get_window_role() { if (!uzbl.gui.main_window) return NULL; const gchar* role = gtk_window_get_role(GTK_WINDOW (uzbl.gui.main_window)); return g_strdup(role); } gchar * get_geometry() { int w, h, x, y; GString *buf = g_string_new(""); gtk_window_get_size(GTK_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window), &w, &h); gtk_window_get_position(GTK_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window), &x, &y); g_string_printf(buf, "%dx%d+%d+%d", w, h, x, y); return g_string_free(buf, FALSE); } void set_geometry(const gchar *geometry) { if(!geometry) return; if(geometry[0] == 'm') { /* m/maximize/maximized */ gtk_window_maximize((GtkWindow *)(uzbl.gui.main_window)); } else { int x=0, y=0; unsigned int w=0, h=0; /* we used to use gtk_window_parse_geometry() but that didn't work * how it was supposed to. */ int ret = XParseGeometry(uzbl.gui.geometry, &x, &y, &w, &h); if(ret & XValue) gtk_window_move((GtkWindow *)uzbl.gui.main_window, x, y); if(ret & WidthValue) gtk_window_resize((GtkWindow *)uzbl.gui.main_window, w, h); } /* get the actual geometry (which might be different from what was * specified) and store it (since the GEOMETRY_CHANGED event needs to * know what it changed from) */ g_free(uzbl.gui.geometry); uzbl.gui.geometry = get_geometry(); } void set_show_status(int show_status) { gtk_widget_set_visible(uzbl.gui.status_bar, show_status); update_title(); } int get_show_status() { return gtk_widget_get_visible(uzbl.gui.status_bar); } void set_status_top(int status_top) { if (!uzbl.gui.scrolled_win && !uzbl.gui.status_bar) return; uzbl.behave.status_top = status_top; g_object_ref(uzbl.gui.scrolled_win); g_object_ref(uzbl.gui.status_bar); gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.scrolled_win); gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.status_bar); if(uzbl.behave.status_top) { gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.status_bar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.scrolled_win, TRUE, TRUE, 0); } else { gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.scrolled_win, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.status_bar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); } g_object_unref(uzbl.gui.scrolled_win); g_object_unref(uzbl.gui.status_bar); if (!uzbl.state.plug_mode) gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.web_view)); } void set_current_encoding(const gchar *encoding) { if(strlen(encoding) == 0) encoding = NULL; webkit_web_view_set_custom_encoding(uzbl.gui.web_view, encoding); } gchar * get_current_encoding() { const gchar *encoding = webkit_web_view_get_custom_encoding(uzbl.gui.web_view); return g_strdup(encoding); } void set_fifo_dir(const gchar *fifo_dir) { g_free(uzbl.behave.fifo_dir); if(init_fifo(fifo_dir)) uzbl.behave.fifo_dir = g_strdup(fifo_dir); else uzbl.behave.fifo_dir = NULL; } void set_socket_dir(const gchar *socket_dir) { g_free(uzbl.behave.socket_dir); if(init_socket(socket_dir)) uzbl.behave.socket_dir = g_strdup(socket_dir); else uzbl.behave.socket_dir = NULL; } void set_inject_html(const gchar *html) { webkit_web_view_load_html_string (uzbl.gui.web_view, html, NULL); } void set_useragent(const gchar *useragent) { g_free(uzbl.net.useragent); if (*useragent == ' ') { uzbl.net.useragent = NULL; } else { uzbl.net.useragent = g_strdup(useragent); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(uzbl.net.soup_session), SOUP_SESSION_USER_AGENT, uzbl.net.useragent, NULL); } } void set_accept_languages(const gchar *accept_languages) { g_free(uzbl.net.accept_languages); if (*uzbl.net.accept_languages == ' ') { uzbl.net.accept_languages = NULL; } else { uzbl.net.accept_languages = g_strdup(accept_languages); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(uzbl.net.soup_session), SOUP_SESSION_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, uzbl.net.accept_languages, NULL); } } /* requires webkit >=1.1.14 */ void set_view_source(int view_source) { uzbl.behave.view_source = view_source; webkit_web_view_set_view_source_mode(uzbl.gui.web_view, (gboolean) uzbl.behave.view_source); } void set_zoom_type (int type) { webkit_web_view_set_full_content_zoom (uzbl.gui.web_view, type); } int get_zoom_type () { return webkit_web_view_get_full_content_zoom (uzbl.gui.web_view); } void set_zoom_level(float zoom_level) { webkit_web_view_set_zoom_level (uzbl.gui.web_view, zoom_level); } float get_zoom_level() { return webkit_web_view_get_zoom_level (uzbl.gui.web_view); } /* abbreviations to help keep the table's width humane */ /* variables */ #define PTR_V_STR(var, d, set) { .ptr = { .s = &(var) }, .type = TYPE_STR, .dump = d, .writeable = 1, .getter = NULL, .setter = (uzbl_fp)set } #define PTR_V_INT(var, d, set) { .ptr = { .i = (int*)&(var) }, .type = TYPE_INT, .dump = d, .writeable = 1, .getter = NULL, .setter = (uzbl_fp)set } #define PTR_V_FLOAT(var, d, set) { .ptr = { .f = &(var) }, .type = TYPE_FLOAT, .dump = d, .writeable = 1, .getter = NULL, .setter = (uzbl_fp)set } #define PTR_V_STR_GETSET(var) { .type = TYPE_STR, .dump = 1, .writeable = 1, .getter = (uzbl_fp) get_##var, .setter = (uzbl_fp)set_##var } #define PTR_V_INT_GETSET(var) { .type = TYPE_INT, .dump = 1, .writeable = 1, .getter = (uzbl_fp) get_##var, .setter = (uzbl_fp)set_##var } #define PTR_V_FLOAT_GETSET(var) { .type = TYPE_FLOAT, .dump = 1, .writeable = 1, .getter = (uzbl_fp) get_##var, .setter = (uzbl_fp)set_##var } /* constants */ #define PTR_C_STR(var) { .ptr = { .s = &(var) }, .type = TYPE_STR, .dump = 0, .writeable = 0, .getter = NULL, .setter = NULL } #define PTR_C_INT(var) { .ptr = { .i = (int*)&(var) }, .type = TYPE_INT, .dump = 0, .writeable = 0, .getter = NULL, .setter = NULL } #define PTR_C_FLOAT(var) { .ptr = { .f = &(var) }, .type = TYPE_FLOAT, .dump = 0, .writeable = 0, .getter = NULL, .setter = NULL } const struct var_name_to_ptr_t { const char *name; uzbl_cmdprop cp; } var_name_to_ptr[] = { /* variable name pointer to variable in code dump callback function */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { "uri", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.state.uri, 1, set_uri)}, { "verbose", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.state.verbose, 1, NULL)}, { "print_events", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.state.events_stdout, 1, NULL)}, { "show_status", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(show_status)}, { "status_top", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.behave.status_top, 1, set_status_top)}, { "status_format", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.status_format, 1, NULL)}, { "status_format_right", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.status_format_right, 1, NULL)}, { "status_background", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.status_background, 1, set_status_background)}, { "title_format_long", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.title_format_long, 1, NULL)}, { "title_format_short", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.title_format_short, 1, NULL)}, { "geometry", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(geometry)}, { "icon", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.gui.icon, 1, set_icon)}, { "window_role", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(window_role)}, { "forward_keys", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.behave.forward_keys, 1, NULL)}, { "authentication_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.authentication_handler, 1, set_authentication_handler)}, { "scheme_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.scheme_handler, 1, NULL)}, { "download_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.download_handler, 1, NULL)}, { "fifo_dir", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.fifo_dir, 1, set_fifo_dir)}, { "socket_dir", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.socket_dir, 1, set_socket_dir)}, { "shell_cmd", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.shell_cmd, 1, NULL)}, { "http_debug", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.behave.http_debug, 1, set_http_debug)}, { "proxy_url", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.net.proxy_url, 1, set_proxy_url)}, { "max_conns", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.net.max_conns, 1, set_max_conns)}, { "max_conns_host", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.net.max_conns_host, 1, set_max_conns_host)}, { "useragent", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.net.useragent, 1, set_useragent)}, { "accept_languages", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.net.accept_languages, 1, set_accept_languages)}, { "view_source", PTR_V_INT(uzbl.behave.view_source, 0, set_view_source)}, /* exported WebKitWebSettings properties */ { "javascript_windows", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(javascript_windows)}, { "zoom_level", PTR_V_FLOAT_GETSET(zoom_level)}, { "zoom_type", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(zoom_type)}, { "default_font_family", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(default_font_family)}, { "monospace_font_family", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(monospace_font_family)}, { "cursive_font_family", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(cursive_font_family)}, { "sans_serif_font_family", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(sans_serif_font_family)}, { "serif_font_family", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(serif_font_family)}, { "fantasy_font_family", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(fantasy_font_family)}, { "monospace_size", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(monospace_size)}, { "font_size", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(font_size)}, { "minimum_font_size", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(minimum_font_size)}, { "enable_pagecache", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enable_pagecache)}, { "enable_plugins", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enable_plugins)}, { "enable_scripts", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enable_scripts)}, { "autoload_images", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(autoload_images)}, { "autoshrink_images", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(autoshrink_images)}, { "enable_spellcheck", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enable_spellcheck)}, { "spellcheck_languages", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(spellcheck_languages)}, { "enable_private", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enable_private)}, { "print_backgrounds", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(print_bg)}, { "stylesheet_uri", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(stylesheet_uri)}, { "resizable_text_areas", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(resizable_text_areas)}, { "default_encoding", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(default_encoding)}, { "current_encoding", PTR_V_STR_GETSET(current_encoding)}, { "enforce_96_dpi", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enforce_96_dpi)}, { "caret_browsing", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(caret_browsing)}, { "enable_cross_file_access", PTR_V_INT_GETSET(enable_cross_file_access)}, { "inject_html", { .type = TYPE_STR, .dump = 0, .writeable = 1, .getter = NULL, .setter = (uzbl_fp) set_inject_html }}, /* constants (not dumpable or writeable) */ { "WEBKIT_MAJOR", PTR_C_INT(uzbl.info.webkit_major)}, { "WEBKIT_MINOR", PTR_C_INT(uzbl.info.webkit_minor)}, { "WEBKIT_MICRO", PTR_C_INT(uzbl.info.webkit_micro)}, { "ARCH_UZBL", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.info.arch)}, { "COMMIT", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.info.commit)}, { "TITLE", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.gui.main_title)}, { "SELECTED_URI", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.state.selected_url)}, { "NAME", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.state.instance_name)}, { "PID", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.info.pid_str)}, { "_", PTR_C_STR(uzbl.state.last_result)}, /* and we terminate the whole thing with the closest thing we have to NULL. * it's important that dump = 0. */ { NULL, {.ptr = { .i = NULL }, .type = TYPE_INT, .dump = 0, .writeable = 0}} }; /* construct a hash from the var_name_to_ptr array for quick access */ void variables_hash() { const struct var_name_to_ptr_t *n2v_p = var_name_to_ptr; uzbl.behave.proto_var = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); while(n2v_p->name) { g_hash_table_insert(uzbl.behave.proto_var, (gpointer) n2v_p->name, (gpointer) &n2v_p->cp); n2v_p++; } }