/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */ // Original code taken from the example webkit-gtk+ application. see notice below. // Modified code is licensed under the GPL 3. See LICENSE file. /* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. * Copyright (C) 2007 Alp Toker * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "uzbl-core.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "events.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "menu.h" #include "io.h" #include "variables.h" #include "type.h" UzblCore uzbl; /* commandline arguments (set initial values for the state variables) */ const GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "uri", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uzbl.state.uri, "Uri to load at startup (equivalent to 'uzbl ' or 'set uri = URI' after uzbl has launched)", "URI" }, { "verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &uzbl.state.verbose, "Whether to print all messages or just errors.", NULL }, { "named", 'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uzbl.state.instance_name, "Name of the current instance (defaults to Xorg window id or random for GtkSocket mode)", "NAME" }, { "config", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uzbl.state.config_file, "Path to config file or '-' for stdin", "FILE" }, /* TODO: explain the difference between these two options */ { "socket", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &uzbl.state.socket_id, "Xembed socket ID, this window should embed itself", "SOCKET" }, { "embed", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &uzbl.state.embed, "Whether this window should expect to be embedded", NULL }, { "connect-socket", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &uzbl.state.connect_socket_names, "Connect to server socket for event managing", "CSOCKET" }, { "print-events", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &uzbl.state.events_stdout, "Whether to print events to stdout.", NULL }, { "geometry", 'g', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uzbl.gui.geometry, "Set window geometry (format: 'WIDTHxHEIGHT+-X+-Y' or 'maximized')", "GEOMETRY" }, { "version", 'V', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &uzbl.behave.print_version, "Print the version and exit", NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /* --- UTILITY FUNCTIONS --- */ enum exp_type { EXP_ERR, EXP_SIMPLE_VAR, EXP_BRACED_VAR, EXP_EXPR, EXP_JS, EXP_ESCAPE }; enum exp_type get_exp_type(const gchar *s) { switch(*(s+1)) { case '(': return EXP_EXPR; case '{': return EXP_BRACED_VAR; case '<': return EXP_JS; case '[': return EXP_ESCAPE; default: return EXP_SIMPLE_VAR; } } /* * recurse == 1: don't expand '@(command)@' * recurse == 2: don't expand '@@' */ gchar* expand(const char* s, guint recurse) { enum exp_type etype; char* end_simple_var = "\t^°!\"§$%&/()=?'`'+~*'#-:,;@<>| \\{}[]¹²³¼½"; char* ret = NULL; char* vend = NULL; GError* err = NULL; gchar* cmd_stdout = NULL; gchar* mycmd = NULL; GString* buf = g_string_new(""); GString* js_ret = g_string_new(""); while (s && *s) { switch(*s) { case '\\': g_string_append_c(buf, *++s); s++; break; case '@': etype = get_exp_type(s); s++; switch(etype) { case EXP_SIMPLE_VAR: vend = strpbrk(s, end_simple_var); if(!vend) vend = strchr(s, '\0'); break; case EXP_BRACED_VAR: s++; vend = strchr(s, '}'); if(!vend) vend = strchr(s, '\0'); break; case EXP_EXPR: s++; vend = strstr(s, ")@"); if(!vend) vend = strchr(s, '\0'); break; case EXP_JS: s++; vend = strstr(s, ">@"); if(!vend) vend = strchr(s, '\0'); break; case EXP_ESCAPE: s++; vend = strstr(s, "]@"); if(!vend) vend = strchr(s, '\0'); break; /*@notreached@*/ case EXP_ERR: break; } assert(vend); ret = g_strndup(s, vend-s); if(etype == EXP_SIMPLE_VAR || etype == EXP_BRACED_VAR) { expand_variable(buf, ret); if(etype == EXP_SIMPLE_VAR) s = vend; else s = vend+1; } else if(recurse != 1 && etype == EXP_EXPR) { /* execute program directly */ if(ret[0] == '+') { mycmd = expand(ret+1, 1); g_spawn_command_line_sync(mycmd, &cmd_stdout, NULL, NULL, &err); g_free(mycmd); } /* execute program through shell, quote it first */ else { mycmd = expand(ret, 1); gchar *quoted = g_shell_quote(mycmd); gchar *tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", uzbl.behave.shell_cmd?uzbl.behave.shell_cmd:"/bin/sh -c", quoted); g_spawn_command_line_sync(tmp, &cmd_stdout, NULL, NULL, &err); g_free(mycmd); g_free(quoted); g_free(tmp); } if (err) { g_printerr("error on running command: %s\n", err->message); g_error_free (err); } else if (*cmd_stdout) { size_t len = strlen(cmd_stdout); if(len > 0 && cmd_stdout[len-1] == '\n') cmd_stdout[--len] = '\0'; /* strip trailing newline */ g_string_append(buf, cmd_stdout); g_free(cmd_stdout); } s = vend+2; } else if(recurse != 2 && etype == EXP_JS) { /* read JS from file */ if(ret[0] == '+') { GArray *tmp = g_array_new(TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar *)); mycmd = expand(ret+1, 2); g_array_append_val(tmp, mycmd); run_external_js(uzbl.gui.web_view, tmp, js_ret); g_array_free(tmp, TRUE); } /* JS from string */ else { mycmd = expand(ret, 2); eval_js(uzbl.gui.web_view, mycmd, js_ret, "(command)"); g_free(mycmd); } if(js_ret->str) { g_string_append(buf, js_ret->str); g_string_free(js_ret, TRUE); js_ret = g_string_new(""); } s = vend+2; } else if(etype == EXP_ESCAPE) { mycmd = expand(ret, 0); char *escaped = g_markup_escape_text(mycmd, strlen(mycmd)); g_string_append(buf, escaped); g_free(escaped); g_free(mycmd); s = vend+2; } g_free(ret); ret = NULL; break; default: g_string_append_c(buf, *s); s++; break; } } g_string_free(js_ret, TRUE); return g_string_free(buf, FALSE); } void clean_up(void) { if (uzbl.info.pid_str) { send_event (INSTANCE_EXIT, NULL, TYPE_INT, getpid(), NULL); g_free(uzbl.info.pid_str); uzbl.info.pid_str = NULL; } if (uzbl.state.executable_path) { g_free(uzbl.state.executable_path); uzbl.state.executable_path = NULL; } if (uzbl.behave.commands) { g_hash_table_destroy(uzbl.behave.commands); uzbl.behave.commands = NULL; } if (uzbl.state.event_buffer) { g_ptr_array_free(uzbl.state.event_buffer, TRUE); uzbl.state.event_buffer = NULL; } if (uzbl.behave.fifo_dir) { unlink (uzbl.comm.fifo_path); g_free(uzbl.comm.fifo_path); uzbl.comm.fifo_path = NULL; } if (uzbl.behave.socket_dir) { unlink (uzbl.comm.socket_path); g_free(uzbl.comm.socket_path); uzbl.comm.socket_path = NULL; } } gint get_click_context() { GUI *g = &uzbl.gui; WebKitHitTestResult *ht; guint context; if(!uzbl.state.last_button) return -1; ht = webkit_web_view_get_hit_test_result (g->web_view, uzbl.state.last_button); g_object_get (ht, "context", &context, NULL); g_object_unref (ht); return (gint)context; } /* --- SIGNALS --- */ sigfunc* setup_signal(int signr, sigfunc *shandler) { struct sigaction nh, oh; nh.sa_handler = shandler; sigemptyset(&nh.sa_mask); nh.sa_flags = 0; if(sigaction(signr, &nh, &oh) < 0) return SIG_ERR; return NULL; } void empty_event_buffer(int s) { (void) s; if(uzbl.state.event_buffer) { g_ptr_array_free(uzbl.state.event_buffer, TRUE); uzbl.state.event_buffer = NULL; } } /* scroll a bar in a given direction */ void scroll(GtkAdjustment* bar, gchar *amount_str) { gchar *end; gdouble max_value; gdouble page_size = gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(bar); gdouble value = gtk_adjustment_get_value(bar); gdouble amount = g_ascii_strtod(amount_str, &end); if (*end == '%') value += page_size * amount * 0.01; else value += amount; max_value = gtk_adjustment_get_upper(bar) - page_size; if (value > max_value) value = max_value; /* don't scroll past the end of the page */ gtk_adjustment_set_value (bar, value); } /* -- CORE FUNCTIONS -- */ /* just a wrapper so parse_cmd_line can be used with for_each_line_in_file */ static void parse_cmd_line_cb(const char *line, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; parse_cmd_line(line, NULL); } void run_command_file(const gchar *path) { if(!for_each_line_in_file(path, parse_cmd_line_cb, NULL)) { gchar *tmp = g_strdup_printf("File %s can not be read.", path); send_event(COMMAND_ERROR, NULL, TYPE_STR, tmp, NULL); g_free(tmp); } } /* Javascript*/ void eval_js(WebKitWebView * web_view, const gchar *script, GString *result, const char *file) { WebKitWebFrame *frame; JSGlobalContextRef context; JSObjectRef globalobject; JSStringRef js_file; JSStringRef js_script; JSValueRef js_result; JSValueRef js_exc = NULL; JSStringRef js_result_string; size_t js_result_size; frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(web_view)); context = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context(frame); globalobject = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context); /* evaluate the script and get return value*/ js_script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(script); js_file = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(file); js_result = JSEvaluateScript(context, js_script, globalobject, js_file, 0, &js_exc); if (result && js_result && !JSValueIsUndefined(context, js_result)) { js_result_string = JSValueToStringCopy(context, js_result, NULL); js_result_size = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(js_result_string); if (js_result_size) { char js_result_utf8[js_result_size]; JSStringGetUTF8CString(js_result_string, js_result_utf8, js_result_size); g_string_assign(result, js_result_utf8); } JSStringRelease(js_result_string); } else if (js_exc) { size_t size; JSStringRef prop, val; JSObjectRef exc = JSValueToObject(context, js_exc, NULL); printf("Exception occured while executing script:\n"); /* Print file */ prop = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("sourceURL"); val = JSValueToStringCopy(context, JSObjectGetProperty(context, exc, prop, NULL), NULL); size = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(val); if(size) { char cstr[size]; JSStringGetUTF8CString(val, cstr, size); printf("At %s", cstr); } JSStringRelease(prop); JSStringRelease(val); /* Print line */ prop = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("line"); val = JSValueToStringCopy(context, JSObjectGetProperty(context, exc, prop, NULL), NULL); size = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(val); if(size) { char cstr[size]; JSStringGetUTF8CString(val, cstr, size); printf(":%s: ", cstr); } JSStringRelease(prop); JSStringRelease(val); /* Print message */ val = JSValueToStringCopy(context, exc, NULL); size = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(val); if(size) { char cstr[size]; JSStringGetUTF8CString(val, cstr, size); printf("%s\n", cstr); } JSStringRelease(val); } /* cleanup */ JSStringRelease(js_script); JSStringRelease(js_file); } void search_text (WebKitWebView *page, const gchar *key, const gboolean forward) { if (key && (*key != '\0')) { if (g_strcmp0 (uzbl.state.searchtx, key) != 0) { webkit_web_view_unmark_text_matches (page); webkit_web_view_mark_text_matches (page, key, FALSE, 0); g_free (uzbl.state.searchtx); uzbl.state.searchtx = g_strdup (key); } } if (uzbl.state.searchtx) { if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf ("Searching: %s\n", uzbl.state.searchtx); webkit_web_view_set_highlight_text_matches (page, TRUE); webkit_web_view_search_text (page, uzbl.state.searchtx, FALSE, forward, TRUE); } } void sharg_append(GArray *a, const gchar *str) { const gchar *s = (str ? str : ""); g_array_append_val(a, s); } /* make sure that the args string you pass can properly be interpreted (eg * properly escaped against whitespace, quotes etc) */ gboolean run_command (const gchar *command, const gchar **args, const gboolean sync, char **output_stdout) { GError *err = NULL; GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); guint i; sharg_append(a, command); for (i = 0; i < g_strv_length((gchar**)args); i++) sharg_append(a, args[i]); gboolean result; if (sync) { if (*output_stdout) g_free(*output_stdout); result = g_spawn_sync(NULL, (gchar **)a->data, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, output_stdout, NULL, NULL, &err); } else result = g_spawn_async(NULL, (gchar **)a->data, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &err); if (uzbl.state.verbose) { GString *s = g_string_new("spawned:"); for (i = 0; i < (a->len); i++) { gchar *qarg = g_shell_quote(g_array_index(a, gchar*, i)); g_string_append_printf(s, " %s", qarg); g_free (qarg); } g_string_append_printf(s, " -- result: %s", (result ? "true" : "false")); printf("%s\n", s->str); g_string_free(s, TRUE); if(output_stdout) { printf("Stdout: %s\n", *output_stdout); } } if (err) { g_printerr("error on run_command: %s\n", err->message); g_error_free (err); } g_array_free (a, TRUE); return result; } /*@null@*/ gchar** split_quoted(const gchar* src, const gboolean unquote) { /* split on unquoted space or tab, return array of strings; remove a layer of quotes and backslashes if unquote */ if (!src) return NULL; gboolean dq = FALSE; gboolean sq = FALSE; GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); GString *s = g_string_new (""); const gchar *p; gchar **ret; gchar *dup; for (p = src; *p != '\0'; p++) { if ((*p == '\\') && unquote) g_string_append_c(s, *++p); else if (*p == '\\') { g_string_append_c(s, *p++); g_string_append_c(s, *p); } else if ((*p == '"') && unquote && !sq) dq = !dq; else if (*p == '"' && !sq) { g_string_append_c(s, *p); dq = !dq; } else if ((*p == '\'') && unquote && !dq) sq = !sq; else if (*p == '\'' && !dq) { g_string_append_c(s, *p); sq = ! sq; } else if ((*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') && !dq && !sq) { dup = g_strdup(s->str); g_array_append_val(a, dup); g_string_truncate(s, 0); } else g_string_append_c(s, *p); } dup = g_strdup(s->str); g_array_append_val(a, dup); ret = (gchar**)a->data; g_array_free (a, FALSE); g_string_free (s, TRUE); return ret; } void spawn(GArray *argv, GString *result, gboolean exec) { gchar *path = NULL; if (!argv_idx(argv, 0)) return; const gchar **args = &g_array_index(argv, const gchar *, 1); path = find_existing_file(argv_idx(argv, 0)); if(path) { gchar *r = NULL; run_command(path, args, result != NULL, result ? &r : NULL); if(result) { g_string_assign(result, r); // run each line of output from the program as a command if (exec && r) { gchar *head = r; gchar *tail; while ((tail = strchr (head, '\n'))) { *tail = '\0'; parse_cmd_line(head, NULL); head = tail + 1; } } } g_free(r); g_free(path); } else { g_printerr ("Failed to spawn child process: %s not found\n", argv_idx(argv, 0)); } } void spawn_sh(GArray *argv, GString *result) { if (!uzbl.behave.shell_cmd) { g_printerr ("spawn_sh: shell_cmd is not set!\n"); return; } guint i; gchar **cmd = split_quoted(uzbl.behave.shell_cmd, TRUE); if(!cmd) return; gchar *cmdname = g_strdup(cmd[0]); g_array_insert_val(argv, 1, cmdname); for (i = 1; i < g_strv_length(cmd); i++) g_array_prepend_val(argv, cmd[i]); if (result) { gchar *r = NULL; run_command(cmd[0], (const gchar **) argv->data, TRUE, &r); g_string_assign(result, r); g_free(r); } else run_command(cmd[0], (const gchar **) argv->data, FALSE, NULL); g_free (cmdname); g_strfreev (cmd); } void run_parsed_command(const CommandInfo *c, GArray *a, GString *result) { /* send the COMMAND_EXECUTED event, except for set and event/request commands */ if(strcmp("set", c->key) && strcmp("event", c->key) && strcmp("request", c->key)) { // FIXME, build string inside send_event GString *param = g_string_new(""); const gchar *p; guint i = 0; while ((p = argv_idx(a, i++))) g_string_append_printf(param, " '%s'", p); /* might be destructive on array a */ c->function(uzbl.gui.web_view, a, result); send_event(COMMAND_EXECUTED, NULL, TYPE_NAME, c->key, TYPE_FORMATTEDSTR, param->str, NULL); g_string_free(param, TRUE); } else c->function(uzbl.gui.web_view, a, result); if(result) { g_free(uzbl.state.last_result); uzbl.state.last_result = g_strdup(result->str); } } void parse_command_arguments(const gchar *p, GArray *a, gboolean no_split) { if (no_split && p) { /* pass the parameters through in one chunk */ sharg_append(a, g_strdup(p)); return; } gchar **par = split_quoted(p, TRUE); if (par) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < g_strv_length(par); i++) sharg_append(a, g_strdup(par[i])); g_strfreev (par); } } const CommandInfo * parse_command_parts(const gchar *line, GArray *a) { CommandInfo *c = NULL; gchar *exp_line = expand(line, 0); if(exp_line[0] == '\0') { g_free(exp_line); return NULL; } /* separate the line into the command and its parameters */ gchar **tokens = g_strsplit(exp_line, " ", 2); /* look up the command */ c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.commands, tokens[0]); if(!c) { send_event(COMMAND_ERROR, NULL, TYPE_STR, exp_line, NULL); g_free(exp_line); g_strfreev(tokens); return NULL; } gchar *p = g_strdup(tokens[1]); g_free(exp_line); g_strfreev(tokens); /* parse the arguments */ parse_command_arguments(p, a, c->no_split); g_free(p); return c; } void parse_command(const char *cmd, const char *params, GString *result) { CommandInfo *c = g_hash_table_lookup(uzbl.behave.commands, cmd); if(c) { GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); parse_command_arguments(params, a, c->no_split); run_parsed_command(c, a, result); g_array_free (a, TRUE); } else { send_event(COMMAND_ERROR, NULL, TYPE_NAME, cmd, TYPE_STR, params ? params : "", NULL); } } gboolean valid_name(const gchar* name) { char *invalid_chars = "\t^°!\"§$%&/()=?'`'+~*'#-:,;@<>| \\{}[]¹²³¼½"; return strpbrk(name, invalid_chars) == NULL; } void parse_cmd_line(const char *ctl_line, GString *result) { gchar *work_string = g_strdup(ctl_line); /* strip trailing newline, and any other whitespace in front */ g_strstrip(work_string); if( strcmp(work_string, "") ) { if((work_string[0] != '#')) { /* ignore comments */ GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); const CommandInfo *c = parse_command_parts(work_string, a); if(c) run_parsed_command(c, a, result); g_array_free (a, TRUE); } } g_free(work_string); } void update_title(void) { Behaviour *b = &uzbl.behave; const gchar *title_format = b->title_format_long; /* Update the status bar if shown */ if (b->show_status) { title_format = b->title_format_short; gchar *parsed = expand(b->status_format, 0); uzbl_status_bar_update_left(uzbl.gui.status_bar, parsed); g_free(parsed); parsed = expand(b->status_format_right, 0); uzbl_status_bar_update_right(uzbl.gui.status_bar, parsed); g_free(parsed); } /* Update window title */ /* If we're starting up or shutting down there might not be a window yet. */ gboolean have_main_window = !uzbl.state.plug_mode && GTK_IS_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window); if (title_format && have_main_window) { gchar *parsed = expand(title_format, 0); const gchar *current_title = gtk_window_get_title (GTK_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window)); /* xmonad hogs CPU if the window title updates too frequently, so we * don't set it unless we need to. */ if(!current_title || strcmp(current_title, parsed)) gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window), parsed); g_free(parsed); } } void create_scrolled_win() { GUI* g = &uzbl.gui; g->web_view = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(webkit_web_view_new()); g->scrolled_win = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); WebKitWebFrame *wf = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame (g->web_view); #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) /* hide the scrollbars by default */ uzbl.gui.scrollbars_visible = 0; cmd_scrollbars_visibility(); #endif gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(g->scrolled_win), GTK_WIDGET(g->web_view) ); g_object_connect((GObject*)g->web_view, "signal::key-press-event", (GCallback)key_press_cb, NULL, "signal::key-release-event", (GCallback)key_release_cb, NULL, "signal::button-press-event", (GCallback)button_press_cb, NULL, "signal::button-release-event", (GCallback)button_release_cb, NULL, "signal::motion-notify-event", (GCallback)motion_notify_cb, NULL, "signal::notify::title", (GCallback)title_change_cb, NULL, "signal::selection-changed", (GCallback)selection_changed_cb, NULL, "signal::notify::progress", (GCallback)progress_change_cb, NULL, "signal::notify::load-status", (GCallback)load_status_change_cb, NULL, "signal::notify::uri", (GCallback)uri_change_cb, NULL, "signal::load-error", (GCallback)load_error_cb, NULL, "signal::hovering-over-link", (GCallback)link_hover_cb, NULL, "signal::navigation-policy-decision-requested", (GCallback)navigation_decision_cb, NULL, "signal::new-window-policy-decision-requested", (GCallback)new_window_cb, NULL, "signal::download-requested", (GCallback)download_cb, NULL, "signal::create-web-view", (GCallback)create_web_view_cb, NULL, "signal::mime-type-policy-decision-requested", (GCallback)mime_policy_cb, NULL, "signal::resource-request-starting", (GCallback)request_starting_cb, NULL, "signal::populate-popup", (GCallback)populate_popup_cb, NULL, "signal::focus-in-event", (GCallback)focus_cb, NULL, "signal::focus-out-event", (GCallback)focus_cb, NULL, "signal::window-object-cleared", (GCallback)window_object_cleared_cb,NULL, NULL); g_object_connect (G_OBJECT (wf), "signal::scrollbars-policy-changed", (GCallback)scrollbars_policy_cb, NULL, NULL); } GtkWidget* create_window() { GtkWidget* window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 800, 600); gtk_widget_set_name (window, "Uzbl"); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "Uzbl"); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) gtk_window_set_has_resize_grip (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); #endif g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK (destroy_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "configure-event", G_CALLBACK (configure_event_cb), NULL); return window; } GtkPlug* create_plug() { if(uzbl.state.embed) uzbl.state.socket_id = 0; GtkPlug* plug = GTK_PLUG (gtk_plug_new (uzbl.state.socket_id)); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (plug), "destroy", G_CALLBACK (destroy_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (plug), "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (key_press_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (plug), "key-release-event", G_CALLBACK (key_release_cb), NULL); return plug; } void settings_init () { State* s = &uzbl.state; Network* n = &uzbl.net; int i; /* Load default config */ for (i = 0; default_config[i].command != NULL; i++) { parse_cmd_line(default_config[i].command, NULL); } if (g_strcmp0(s->config_file, "-") == 0) { s->config_file = NULL; create_stdin(); } else if (!s->config_file) { s->config_file = find_xdg_file(0, "/uzbl/config"); } /* Load config file, if any */ if (s->config_file) { run_command_file(s->config_file); g_setenv("UZBL_CONFIG", s->config_file, TRUE); } else if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf ("No configuration file loaded.\n"); if (s->connect_socket_names) init_connect_socket(); g_signal_connect(n->soup_session, "authenticate", G_CALLBACK(handle_authentication), NULL); } void handle_authentication (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, SoupAuth *auth, gboolean retrying, gpointer user_data) { (void) user_data; if (uzbl.behave.authentication_handler && *uzbl.behave.authentication_handler != 0) { soup_session_pause_message(session, msg); GString *result = g_string_new (""); gchar *info = g_strdup(soup_auth_get_info(auth)); gchar *host = g_strdup(soup_auth_get_host(auth)); gchar *realm = g_strdup(soup_auth_get_realm(auth)); GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); const CommandInfo *c = parse_command_parts(uzbl.behave.authentication_handler, a); if(c) { sharg_append(a, info); sharg_append(a, host); sharg_append(a, realm); sharg_append(a, retrying ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); run_parsed_command(c, a, result); } g_array_free(a, TRUE); if (result->len > 0) { char *username, *password; int number_of_endls=0; username = result->str; gchar *p; for (p = result->str; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { *p = '\0'; if (++number_of_endls == 1) password = p + 1; } } /* If stdout was correct (contains exactly two lines of text) do * authenticate. */ if (number_of_endls == 2) soup_auth_authenticate(auth, username, password); } soup_session_unpause_message(session, msg); g_string_free(result, TRUE); g_free(info); g_free(host); g_free(realm); } } void retrieve_geometry() { int w, h, x, y; GString *buf = g_string_new(""); gtk_window_get_size(GTK_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window), &w, &h); gtk_window_get_position(GTK_WINDOW(uzbl.gui.main_window), &x, &y); g_string_printf(buf, "%dx%d+%d+%d", w, h, x, y); if(uzbl.gui.geometry) g_free(uzbl.gui.geometry); uzbl.gui.geometry = g_string_free(buf, FALSE); } /* Set up gtk, gobject, variable defaults and other things that tests and other * external applications need to do anyhow */ void initialize(int argc, char** argv) { /* Initialize variables */ uzbl.state.socket_id = 0; uzbl.state.plug_mode = FALSE; uzbl.state.executable_path = g_strdup(argv[0]); uzbl.state.selected_url = NULL; uzbl.state.searchtx = NULL; uzbl.info.webkit_major = webkit_major_version(); uzbl.info.webkit_minor = webkit_minor_version(); uzbl.info.webkit_micro = webkit_micro_version(); uzbl.info.arch = ARCH; uzbl.info.commit = COMMIT; uzbl.state.last_result = NULL; /* Parse commandline arguments */ GOptionContext* context = g_option_context_new ("[ uri ] - load a uri by default"); g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, NULL); g_option_context_add_group(context, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE)); g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, NULL); g_option_context_free(context); /* Only print version */ if (uzbl.behave.print_version) { printf("Commit: %s\n", COMMIT); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Embedded mode */ if (uzbl.state.socket_id || uzbl.state.embed) uzbl.state.plug_mode = TRUE; if (!g_thread_supported()) g_thread_init(NULL); /* TODO: move the handler setup to event_buffer_timeout and disarm the * handler in empty_event_buffer? */ if (setup_signal(SIGALRM, empty_event_buffer) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "uzbl: error hooking %d: %s\n", SIGALRM, strerror(errno)); event_buffer_timeout(10); /* HTTP client */ uzbl.net.soup_session = webkit_get_default_session(); uzbl.net.soup_cookie_jar = uzbl_cookie_jar_new(); soup_session_add_feature(uzbl.net.soup_session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(uzbl.net.soup_cookie_jar)); commands_hash(); variables_hash(); /* GUI */ gtk_init(&argc, &argv); /* set up the status bar */ uzbl.gui.status_bar = uzbl_status_bar_new(); /* set up signal handlers (it's not great to have this here...) */ g_object_connect((GObject*)uzbl.gui.status_bar, "signal::key-press-event", (GCallback)key_press_cb, NULL, "signal::key-release-event", (GCallback)key_release_cb, NULL, NULL); /* g_object_connect((GObject*)UZBL_STATUS_BAR(uzbl.gui.status_bar)->label_left, "signal::key-press-event", (GCallback)key_press_cb, NULL, "signal::key-release-event", (GCallback)key_release_cb, NULL, NULL); g_object_connect((GObject*)(UZBL_STATUS_BAR(uzbl.gui.status_bar)->label_right), "signal::key-press-event", (GCallback)key_press_cb, NULL, "signal::key-release-event", (GCallback)key_release_cb, NULL, NULL); */ /* create the main window itself */ create_scrolled_win(); /* pack the window and the status bar */ uzbl.gui.vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.scrolled_win, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(uzbl.gui.vbox), uzbl.gui.status_bar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); } #ifndef UZBL_LIBRARY /** -- MAIN -- **/ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { initialize(argc, argv); /* Embedded mode */ if (uzbl.state.plug_mode) { uzbl.gui.plug = create_plug(); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (uzbl.gui.plug), uzbl.gui.vbox); /* in xembed mode the window has no unique id and thus * socket/fifo names aren't unique either. * we use a custom randomizer to create a random id */ struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srand((unsigned int)tv.tv_sec*tv.tv_usec); uzbl.xwin = rand(); } /* Windowed mode */ else { uzbl.gui.main_window = create_window(); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (uzbl.gui.main_window), uzbl.gui.vbox); /* We need to ensure there is a window, before we can get XID */ gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.main_window)); uzbl.xwin = GDK_WINDOW_XID (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.main_window))); gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.web_view)); } /* Scrolling */ uzbl.gui.bar_h = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (uzbl.gui.scrolled_win)); uzbl.gui.bar_v = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (uzbl.gui.scrolled_win)); g_object_connect(G_OBJECT (uzbl.gui.bar_v), "signal::value-changed", (GCallback)scroll_vert_cb, NULL, "signal::changed", (GCallback)scroll_vert_cb, NULL, NULL); g_object_connect(G_OBJECT (uzbl.gui.bar_h), "signal::value-changed", (GCallback)scroll_horiz_cb, NULL, "signal::changed", (GCallback)scroll_horiz_cb, NULL, NULL); gchar *xwin = g_strdup_printf("%d", (int)uzbl.xwin); g_setenv("UZBL_XID", xwin, TRUE); if(!uzbl.state.instance_name) uzbl.state.instance_name = g_strdup(xwin); g_free(xwin); uzbl.info.pid_str = g_strdup_printf("%d", getpid()); g_setenv("UZBL_PID", uzbl.info.pid_str, TRUE); send_event(INSTANCE_START, NULL, TYPE_INT, getpid(), NULL); if (uzbl.state.plug_mode) { send_event(PLUG_CREATED, NULL, TYPE_INT, gtk_plug_get_id (uzbl.gui.plug), NULL); } /* Generate an event with a list of built in commands */ builtins(); /* Check uzbl is in window mode before getting/setting geometry */ if (uzbl.gui.main_window) { if (uzbl.gui.geometry) set_geometry(); else retrieve_geometry(); } gchar *uri_override = (uzbl.state.uri ? g_strdup(uzbl.state.uri) : NULL); if (argc > 1 && !uzbl.state.uri) uri_override = g_strdup(argv[1]); gboolean verbose_override = uzbl.state.verbose; /* Read configuration file */ settings_init(); /* Update status bar */ if (!uzbl.behave.show_status) gtk_widget_hide(uzbl.gui.status_bar); else update_title(); /* WebInspector */ set_up_inspector(); /* Options overriding */ if (verbose_override > uzbl.state.verbose) uzbl.state.verbose = verbose_override; if (uri_override) { set_var_value("uri", uri_override); g_free(uri_override); } /* Finally show the window */ if (uzbl.gui.main_window) { gtk_widget_show_all (uzbl.gui.main_window); } else { gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (uzbl.gui.plug)); } /* Verbose feedback */ if (uzbl.state.verbose) { printf("Uzbl start location: %s\n", argv[0]); if (uzbl.state.socket_id) printf("plug_id %i\n", (int)gtk_plug_get_id(uzbl.gui.plug)); else printf("window_id %i\n",(int) uzbl.xwin); printf("pid %i\n", getpid ()); printf("name: %s\n", uzbl.state.instance_name); printf("commit: %s\n", uzbl.info.commit); } gtk_main(); /* Cleanup and exit*/ clean_up(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif /* vi: set et ts=4: */