#include #include "cookie-jar.h" #include "uzbl-core.h" #include "events.h" G_DEFINE_TYPE (UzblCookieJar, soup_cookie_jar_socket, SOUP_TYPE_COOKIE_JAR) static void changed(SoupCookieJar *jar, SoupCookie *old_cookie, SoupCookie *new_cookie); static void soup_cookie_jar_socket_init(UzblCookieJar *jar) { jar->in_manual_add = 0; } static void finalize(GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS(soup_cookie_jar_socket_parent_class)->finalize(object); } static void soup_cookie_jar_socket_class_init(UzblCookieJarClass *socket_class) { G_OBJECT_CLASS(socket_class)->finalize = finalize; SOUP_COOKIE_JAR_CLASS(socket_class)->changed = changed; } UzblCookieJar *uzbl_cookie_jar_new() { return g_object_new(UZBL_TYPE_COOKIE_JAR, NULL); } static void changed(SoupCookieJar *jar, SoupCookie *old_cookie, SoupCookie *new_cookie) { SoupCookie *cookie = new_cookie ? new_cookie : old_cookie; UzblCookieJar *uzbl_jar = UZBL_COOKIE_JAR(jar); /* send a ADD or DELETE -_COOKIE event depending on what has changed. these * events aren't sent when a cookie changes due to an add/delete_cookie * command because otherwise a loop would occur when a cookie change is * propagated to other uzbl instances using add/delete_cookie. */ if(!uzbl_jar->in_manual_add) { gchar *scheme = cookie->secure ? "https" : "http"; gchar *expires = NULL; if(cookie->expires) expires = g_strdup_printf ("%d", soup_date_to_time_t (cookie->expires)); send_event (new_cookie ? ADD_COOKIE : DELETE_COOKIE, NULL, TYPE_STR, cookie->domain, TYPE_STR, cookie->path, TYPE_STR, cookie->name, TYPE_STR, cookie->value, TYPE_STR, scheme, TYPE_STR, expires ? expires : "", NULL); if(expires) g_free(expires); } }