/* ** Callbacks ** (c) 2009 by Robert Manea et al. */ #include "uzbl-core.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "events.h" #include "menu.h" #include "type.h" void link_hover_cb (WebKitWebView *page, const gchar *title, const gchar *link, gpointer data) { (void) page; (void) title; (void) data; State *s = &uzbl.state; if(s->last_selected_url) g_free(s->last_selected_url); if(s->selected_url) { s->last_selected_url = g_strdup(s->selected_url); g_free(s->selected_url); s->selected_url = NULL; } else s->last_selected_url = NULL; if(s->last_selected_url && g_strcmp0(link, s->last_selected_url)) send_event(LINK_UNHOVER, NULL, TYPE_STR, s->last_selected_url, NULL); if (link) { s->selected_url = g_strdup(link); send_event(LINK_HOVER, NULL, TYPE_STR, s->selected_url, NULL); } update_title(); } void title_change_cb (WebKitWebView* web_view, GParamSpec param_spec) { (void) web_view; (void) param_spec; const gchar *title = webkit_web_view_get_title(web_view); if (uzbl.gui.main_title) g_free (uzbl.gui.main_title); uzbl.gui.main_title = title ? g_strdup (title) : g_strdup ("(no title)"); update_title(); send_event(TITLE_CHANGED, NULL, TYPE_STR, uzbl.gui.main_title, NULL); g_setenv("UZBL_TITLE", uzbl.gui.main_title, TRUE); } void progress_change_cb (WebKitWebView* web_view, GParamSpec param_spec) { (void) param_spec; int progress = webkit_web_view_get_progress(web_view) * 100; send_event(LOAD_PROGRESS, NULL, TYPE_INT, progress, NULL); } void load_status_change_cb (WebKitWebView* web_view, GParamSpec param_spec) { (void) param_spec; WebKitWebFrame *frame; WebKitLoadStatus status = webkit_web_view_get_load_status(web_view); switch(status) { case WEBKIT_LOAD_PROVISIONAL: send_event(LOAD_START, NULL, TYPE_STR, uzbl.state.uri ? uzbl.state.uri : "", NULL); break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED: frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(web_view); send_event(LOAD_COMMIT, NULL, TYPE_STR, webkit_web_frame_get_uri (frame), NULL); break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED: send_event(LOAD_FINISH, NULL, TYPE_STR, uzbl.state.uri, NULL); break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_FIRST_VISUALLY_NON_EMPTY_LAYOUT: break; /* we don't do anything with this (yet) */ case WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED: break; /* load_error_cb will handle this case */ } } gboolean load_error_cb (WebKitWebView* page, WebKitWebFrame* frame, gchar *uri, gpointer web_err, gpointer ud) { (void) page; (void) frame; (void) ud; GError *err = web_err; send_event (LOAD_ERROR, NULL, TYPE_STR, uri, TYPE_INT, err->code, TYPE_STR, err->message, NULL); return FALSE; } void selection_changed_cb(WebKitWebView *webkitwebview, gpointer ud) { (void)ud; gchar *tmp; webkit_web_view_copy_clipboard(webkitwebview); tmp = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)); send_event(SELECTION_CHANGED, NULL, TYPE_STR, tmp ? tmp : "", NULL); g_free(tmp); } void destroy_cb (GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data) { (void) widget; (void) data; gtk_main_quit (); } gboolean configure_event_cb(GtkWidget* window, GdkEventConfigure* event) { (void) window; (void) event; gchar *lastgeo = NULL; lastgeo = g_strdup(uzbl.gui.geometry); retrieve_geometry(); if(strcmp(lastgeo, uzbl.gui.geometry)) send_event(GEOMETRY_CHANGED, NULL, TYPE_STR, uzbl.gui.geometry, NULL); g_free(lastgeo); return FALSE; } gboolean focus_cb(GtkWidget* window, GdkEventFocus* event, void *ud) { (void) window; (void) event; (void) ud; send_event (event->in?FOCUS_GAINED:FOCUS_LOST, NULL, NULL); return FALSE; } gboolean key_press_cb (GtkWidget* window, GdkEventKey* event) { (void) window; if(event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) key_to_event(event->keyval, event->state, event->is_modifier, GDK_KEY_PRESS); return uzbl.behave.forward_keys ? FALSE : TRUE; } gboolean key_release_cb (GtkWidget* window, GdkEventKey* event) { (void) window; if(event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE) key_to_event(event->keyval, event->state, event->is_modifier, GDK_KEY_RELEASE); return uzbl.behave.forward_keys ? FALSE : TRUE; } gboolean button_press_cb (GtkWidget* window, GdkEventButton* event) { (void) window; gint context; gboolean propagate = FALSE, sendev = FALSE; if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { if(uzbl.state.last_button) gdk_event_free((GdkEvent *)uzbl.state.last_button); uzbl.state.last_button = (GdkEventButton *)gdk_event_copy((GdkEvent *)event); context = get_click_context(NULL); /* left click */ if(event->button == 1) { if((context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE)) send_event(FORM_ACTIVE, NULL, TYPE_NAME, "button1", NULL); else if((context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT)) send_event(ROOT_ACTIVE, NULL, TYPE_NAME, "button1", NULL); else { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } } else if(event->button == 2 && !(context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE)) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } else if(event->button > 3) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } if(sendev) { button_to_event(event->button, event->state, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS); } } if(event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || event->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS) { if(event->button == 1 && !(context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE) && (context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT)) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } else if(event->button == 2 && !(context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE)) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } else if(event->button > 3) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } if(sendev) { button_to_event(event->button, event->state, event->type); } } return propagate; } gboolean button_release_cb (GtkWidget* window, GdkEventButton* event) { (void) window; gint context; gboolean propagate = FALSE, sendev = FALSE; context = get_click_context(NULL); if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) { if(event->button == 2 && !(context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE)) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } else if(event->button > 3) { sendev = TRUE; propagate = TRUE; } if(sendev) { button_to_event(event->button, event->state, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE); } } return propagate; } gboolean motion_notify_cb(GtkWidget* window, GdkEventMotion* event, gpointer user_data) { (void) window; (void) event; (void) user_data; send_event (PTR_MOVE, NULL, TYPE_FLOAT, event->x, TYPE_FLOAT, event->y, TYPE_INT, event->state, NULL); return FALSE; } gboolean navigation_decision_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request, WebKitWebNavigationAction *navigation_action, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *policy_decision, gpointer user_data) { (void) web_view; (void) frame; (void) navigation_action; (void) user_data; const gchar* uri = webkit_network_request_get_uri (request); gboolean decision_made = FALSE; if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf("Navigation requested -> %s\n", uri); if (uzbl.behave.scheme_handler) { GString *result = g_string_new (""); GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); const CommandInfo *c = parse_command_parts(uzbl.behave.scheme_handler, a); if(c) { g_array_append_val(a, uri); run_parsed_command(c, a, result); } g_array_free(a, TRUE); if(result->len > 0) { char *p = strchr(result->str, '\n' ); if ( p != NULL ) *p = '\0'; if (!strcmp(result->str, "USED")) { webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore(policy_decision); decision_made = TRUE; } } g_string_free(result, TRUE); } if (!decision_made) webkit_web_policy_decision_use(policy_decision); return TRUE; } gboolean new_window_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request, WebKitWebNavigationAction *navigation_action, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *policy_decision, gpointer user_data) { (void) web_view; (void) frame; (void) navigation_action; (void) policy_decision; (void) user_data; if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf ("New window requested -> %s \n", webkit_network_request_get_uri (request)); /* This event function causes troubles with `target="_blank"` anchors. * Either we: * 1. Comment it out and target blank links are ignored. * 2. Uncomment it and two windows are opened when you click on target * blank links. * * This problem is caused by create_web_view_cb also being called whenever * this callback is triggered thus resulting in the doubled events. * * We are leaving this uncommented as we would rather links open twice * than not at all. */ send_event (NEW_WINDOW, NULL, TYPE_STR, webkit_network_request_get_uri (request), NULL); webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision); return TRUE; } gboolean mime_policy_cb(WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request, gchar *mime_type, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *policy_decision, gpointer user_data) { (void) frame; (void) request; (void) user_data; /* If we can display it, let's display it... */ if (webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type (web_view, mime_type)) { webkit_web_policy_decision_use (policy_decision); return TRUE; } /* ...everything we can't display is downloaded */ webkit_web_policy_decision_download (policy_decision); return TRUE; } void request_starting_cb(WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitWebResource *resource, WebKitNetworkRequest *request, WebKitNetworkResponse *response, gpointer user_data) { (void) web_view; (void) frame; (void) resource; (void) response; (void) user_data; send_event (REQUEST_STARTING, NULL, TYPE_STR, webkit_network_request_get_uri(request), NULL); } void create_web_view_js_cb (WebKitWebView* web_view, GParamSpec param_spec) { (void) web_view; (void) param_spec; webkit_web_view_stop_loading(web_view); const gchar* uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri(web_view); if (strncmp(uri, "javascript:", strlen("javascript:")) == 0) { eval_js(uzbl.gui.web_view, (gchar*) uri + strlen("javascript:"), NULL, "javascript:"); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(web_view)); } else send_event(NEW_WINDOW, NULL, TYPE_STR, uri, NULL); } /*@null@*/ WebKitWebView* create_web_view_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data) { (void) web_view; (void) frame; (void) user_data; if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf("New web view -> javascript link...\n"); WebKitWebView* new_view = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(webkit_web_view_new()); g_object_connect (new_view, "signal::notify::uri", G_CALLBACK(create_web_view_js_cb), NULL, NULL); return new_view; } void download_progress_cb(WebKitDownload *download, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data) { (void) pspec; (void) user_data; gdouble progress; g_object_get(download, "progress", &progress, NULL); const gchar *dest_uri = webkit_download_get_destination_uri(download); const gchar *dest_path = dest_uri + strlen("file://"); send_event(DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, NULL, TYPE_STR, dest_path, TYPE_FLOAT, progress, NULL); } void download_status_cb(WebKitDownload *download, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data) { (void) pspec; (void) user_data; WebKitDownloadStatus status; g_object_get(download, "status", &status, NULL); switch(status) { case WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_CREATED: case WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_STARTED: case WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_CANCELLED: return; /* these are irrelevant */ case WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_FINISHED: { const gchar *dest_uri = webkit_download_get_destination_uri(download); const gchar *dest_path = dest_uri + strlen("file://"); send_event(DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, NULL, TYPE_STR, dest_path, NULL); } } } gboolean download_cb(WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitDownload *download, gpointer user_data) { (void) web_view; (void) user_data; /* get the URI being downloaded */ const gchar *uri = webkit_download_get_uri(download); /* get the destination path, if specified. * this is only intended to be set when this function is trigger by an * explicit download using uzbl's 'download' action. */ const gchar *destination = user_data; if (uzbl.state.verbose) printf("Download requested -> %s\n", uri); if (!uzbl.behave.download_handler) { webkit_download_cancel(download); return FALSE; /* reject downloads when there's no download handler */ } /* get a reasonable suggestion for a filename */ const gchar *suggested_filename; g_object_get(download, "suggested-filename", &suggested_filename, NULL); /* get the mimetype of the download */ const gchar *content_type = NULL; WebKitNetworkResponse *r = webkit_download_get_network_response(download); /* downloads can be initiated from the context menu, in that case there is no network response yet and trying to get one would crash. */ if(WEBKIT_IS_NETWORK_RESPONSE(r)) { SoupMessage *m = webkit_network_response_get_message(r); SoupMessageHeaders *h = NULL; g_object_get(m, "response-headers", &h, NULL); if(h) /* some versions of libsoup don't have "response-headers" here */ content_type = soup_message_headers_get_one(h, "Content-Type"); } if(!content_type) content_type = "application/octet-stream"; /* get the filesize of the download, as given by the server. (this may be inaccurate, there's nothing we can do about that.) */ unsigned int total_size = webkit_download_get_total_size(download); GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*)); const CommandInfo *c = parse_command_parts(uzbl.behave.download_handler, a); if(!c) { webkit_download_cancel(download); g_array_free(a, TRUE); return FALSE; } g_array_append_val(a, uri); g_array_append_val(a, suggested_filename); g_array_append_val(a, content_type); gchar *total_size_s = g_strdup_printf("%d", total_size); g_array_append_val(a, total_size_s); if(destination) g_array_append_val(a, destination); GString *result = g_string_new (""); run_parsed_command(c, a, result); g_free(total_size_s); g_array_free(a, TRUE); /* no response, cancel the download */ if(result->len == 0) { webkit_download_cancel(download); return FALSE; } /* we got a response, it's the path we should download the file to */ gchar *destination_path = result->str; g_string_free(result, FALSE); /* presumably people don't need newlines in their filenames. */ char *p = strchr(destination_path, '\n'); if ( p != NULL ) *p = '\0'; /* set up progress callbacks */ g_signal_connect(download, "notify::status", G_CALLBACK(download_status_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(download, "notify::progress", G_CALLBACK(download_progress_cb), NULL); /* convert relative path to absolute path */ if(destination_path[0] != '/') { gchar *rel_path = destination_path; gchar *cwd = g_get_current_dir(); destination_path = g_strconcat(cwd, "/", destination_path, NULL); g_free(cwd); g_free(rel_path); } send_event(DOWNLOAD_STARTED, NULL, TYPE_STR, destination_path, NULL); /* convert absolute path to file:// URI */ gchar *destination_uri = g_strconcat("file://", destination_path, NULL); g_free(destination_path); webkit_download_set_destination_uri(download, destination_uri); g_free(destination_uri); return TRUE; } void send_scroll_event(int type, GtkAdjustment *adjust) { gdouble value = gtk_adjustment_get_value(adjust); gdouble min = gtk_adjustment_get_lower(adjust); gdouble max = gtk_adjustment_get_upper(adjust); gdouble page = gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(adjust); send_event (type, NULL, TYPE_FLOAT, value, TYPE_FLOAT, min, TYPE_FLOAT, max, TYPE_FLOAT, page, NULL); } gboolean scroll_vert_cb(GtkAdjustment *adjust, void *w) { (void) w; send_scroll_event(SCROLL_VERT, adjust); return (FALSE); } gboolean scroll_horiz_cb(GtkAdjustment *adjust, void *w) { (void) w; send_scroll_event(SCROLL_HORIZ, adjust); return (FALSE); } void run_menu_command(GtkWidget *menu, MenuItem *mi) { (void) menu; if (mi->context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_IMAGE) { gchar* uri; g_object_get(mi->hittest, "image-uri", &uri, NULL); gchar* cmd = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", mi->cmd, uri); parse_cmd_line(cmd, NULL); g_free(cmd); g_free(uri); g_object_unref(mi->hittest); } else { parse_cmd_line(mi->cmd, NULL); } } void populate_popup_cb(WebKitWebView *v, GtkMenu *m, void *c) { (void) c; GUI *g = &uzbl.gui; GtkWidget *item; MenuItem *mi; guint i=0; gint context, hit=0; if(!g->menu_items) return; /* check context */ if((context = get_click_context(NULL)) == -1) return; for(i=0; i < uzbl.gui.menu_items->len; i++) { hit = 0; mi = g_ptr_array_index(uzbl.gui.menu_items, i); if (mi->context & WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_IMAGE) { GdkEventButton ev; gint x, y; gdk_window_get_pointer(gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(v)), &x, &y, NULL); ev.x = x; ev.y = y; mi->hittest = webkit_web_view_get_hit_test_result(v, &ev); } if((mi->context > WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT) && (context & mi->context)) { if(mi->issep) { item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new(); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(m), item); gtk_widget_show(item); } else { item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(mi->name); g_signal_connect(item, "activate", G_CALLBACK(run_menu_command), mi); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(m), item); gtk_widget_show(item); } hit++; } if((mi->context == WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT) && (context <= WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_DOCUMENT) && !hit) { if(mi->issep) { item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new(); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(m), item); gtk_widget_show(item); } else { item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(mi->name); g_signal_connect(item, "activate", G_CALLBACK(run_menu_command), mi); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(m), item); gtk_widget_show(item); } } } } void window_object_cleared_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, JSGlobalContextRef *context, JSObjectRef *object) { (void) frame; (void) context; (void) object; #if WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION (1, 3, 13) // Take this opportunity to set some callbacks on the DOM WebKitDOMDocument *document = webkit_web_view_get_dom_document (webview); webkit_dom_event_target_add_event_listener (WEBKIT_DOM_EVENT_TARGET (document), "focus", G_CALLBACK(dom_focus_cb), TRUE, NULL); webkit_dom_event_target_add_event_listener (WEBKIT_DOM_EVENT_TARGET (document), "blur", G_CALLBACK(dom_focus_cb), TRUE, NULL); #else (void) webview; #endif } #if WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION (1, 3, 13) void dom_focus_cb(WebKitDOMEventTarget *target, WebKitDOMEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { (void) target; (void) user_data; WebKitDOMEventTarget *etarget = webkit_dom_event_get_target (event); gchar* name = webkit_dom_node_get_node_name (WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (etarget)); send_event (FOCUS_ELEMENT, NULL, TYPE_STR, name, NULL); } void dom_blur_cb(WebKitDOMEventTarget *target, WebKitDOMEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { (void) target; (void) user_data; WebKitDOMEventTarget *etarget = webkit_dom_event_get_target (event); gchar* name = webkit_dom_node_get_node_name (WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (etarget)); send_event (BLUR_ELEMENT, NULL, TYPE_STR, name, NULL); } #endif /* vi: set et ts=4: */