#!/bin/sh # This script is copied in to the sandbox/ directory during any sandbox make # target and is used to create an isolated environment for uzbl-core, # uzbl-browser and uzbl-tabbed to be run and tested. # It would be better to use something more flexible like $(dirname $0) but I # couldn't get to work nicely from the Makefile: # - Sourcing file gives $0 == /bin/sh # - Executing limits scope of variables too much (even with exporting) # Maybe we should spawn processes from here with an 'exec' at the end? # Re-define our home location inside the sandbox dir. export HOME=$(pwd)/sandbox/home # Export default XDG_{DATA,CACHE,..}_HOME locations inside the sandbox # directory according to defaults in the xdg specification. # export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config # Needed to run uzbl-browser etc from here. export PATH="$(pwd)/sandbox/usr/local/bin:$PATH"