#!/bin/bash echo "Run this test more then once. the first read on the file may be uncached. after that, the file is in Linux' block cache" echo "Plain awk '{print \$3}':" time awk '{print $3}' dummy_history_file >/dev/null echo "awk + sort" time awk '{print $3}' dummy_history_file | sort >/dev/null echo "awk + sort + uniq" time awk '{print $3}' dummy_history_file | sort | uniq >/dev/null echo "Plain dmenu:" dmenu < dummy_history_file echo "awked into dmenu:" awk '{print $3}' dummy_history_file | dmenu echo "awk + sort + uniq into dmenu:" awk '{print $3}' dummy_history_file | sort | uniq | dmenu