#!/usr/bin/python # Uzbl tabbing wrapper using a fifo socket interface # Copyright (c) 2009, Tom Adams # Copyright (c) 2009, Chris van Dijk # Copyright (c) 2009, Mason Larobina # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Author(s): # Tom Adams # Wrote the original uzbl_tabbed.py as a proof of concept. # # Chris van Dijk (quigybo) # Made signifigant headway on the old uzbl_tabbing.py script on the # uzbl wiki # # Mason Larobina # Rewrite of the uzbl_tabbing.py script to use a fifo socket interface # and inherit configuration options from the user's uzbl config. # # Contributor(s): # mxey # uzbl_config path now honors XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it exists. # Configuration: # Because this version of uzbl_tabbed is able to inherit options from your main # uzbl configuration file you may wish to configure uzbl tabbed from there. # Here is a list of configuration options that can be customised and some # example values for each: # # General tabbing options: # show_tablist = 1 # show_gtk_tabs = 0 # tablist_top = 1 # gtk_tab_pos = (top|left|bottom|right) # switch_to_new_tabs = 1 # # Tab title options: # tab_titles = 1 # new_tab_title = Loading # max_title_len = 50 # show_ellipsis = 1 # # Core options: # save_session = 1 # fifo_dir = /tmp # socket_dir = /tmp # icon_path = $HOME/.local/share/uzbl/uzbl.png # session_file = $HOME/.local/share/uzbl/session # # Window options: # status_background = #303030 # window_size = 800,800 # # And the key bindings: # bind_new_tab = gn # bind_tab_from_clip = gY # bind_tab_from_uri = go _ # bind_close_tab = gC # bind_next_tab = gt # bind_prev_tab = gT # bind_goto_tab = gi_ # bind_goto_first = g< # bind_goto_last = g> # # And uzbl_tabbed.py takes care of the actual binding of the commands via each # instances fifo socket. # # Custom tab styling: # tab_colours = foreground = "#888" background = "#303030" # tab_text_colours = foreground = "#bbb" # selected_tab = foreground = "#fff" # selected_tab_text = foreground = "green" # tab_indicate_https = 1 # https_colours = foreground = "#888" # https_text_colours = foreground = "#9c8e2d" # selected_https = foreground = "#fff" # selected_https_text = foreground = "gold" # # How these styling values are used are soley defined by the syling policy # handler below (the function in the config section). So you can for example # turn the tab text colour Firetruck-Red in the event "error" appears in the # tab title or some other arbitrary event. You may wish to make a trusted # hosts file and turn tab titles of tabs visiting trusted hosts purple. # Issues: # - new windows are not caught and opened in a new tab. # - when uzbl_tabbed.py crashes it takes all the children with it. # - when a new tab is opened when using gtk tabs the tab button itself # grabs focus from its child for a few seconds. # - when switch_to_new_tabs is not selected the notebook page is # maintained but the new window grabs focus (try as I might to stop it). # Todo: # - add command line options to use a different session file, not use a # session file and or open a uri on starup. # - ellipsize individual tab titles when the tab-list becomes over-crowded # - add "<" & ">" arrows to tablist to indicate that only a subset of the # currently open tabs are being displayed on the tablist. # - add the small tab-list display when both gtk tabs and text vim-like # tablist are hidden (I.e. [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]) # - check spelling. # - pass a uzbl socketid to uzbl_tabbed.py and have it assimilated into # the collective. Resistance is futile! # - on demand store the session to file (need binding & command for that) import pygtk import gtk import subprocess import os import re import time import getopt import pango import select import sys import gobject import socket import random import hashlib pygtk.require('2.0') def error(msg): sys.stderr.write("%s\n"%msg) # ============================================================================ # ::: Default configuration section :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # ============================================================================ # Location of your uzbl data directory. if 'XDG_DATA_HOME' in os.environ.keys() and os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME']: data_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'], 'uzbl/') else: data_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.local/share/uzbl/') if not os.path.exists(data_dir): error("Warning: uzbl data_dir does not exist: %r" % data_dir) # Location of your uzbl configuration file. if 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME' in os.environ.keys() and os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME']: uzbl_config = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'], 'uzbl/config') else: uzbl_config = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],'.config/uzbl/config') if not os.path.exists(uzbl_config): error("Warning: Cannot locate your uzbl_config file %r" % uzbl_config) # All of these settings can be inherited from your uzbl config file. config = { # Tab options 'show_tablist': True, # Show text uzbl like statusbar tab-list 'show_gtk_tabs': False, # Show gtk notebook tabs 'tablist_top': True, # Display tab-list at top of window 'gtk_tab_pos': 'top', # Gtk tab position (top|left|bottom|right) 'switch_to_new_tabs': True, # Upon opening a new tab switch to it # Tab title options 'tab_titles': True, # Display tab titles (else only tab-nums) 'new_tab_title': 'Loading', # New tab title 'max_title_len': 50, # Truncate title at n characters 'show_ellipsis': True, # Show ellipsis when truncating titles # Core options 'save_session': True, # Save session in file when quit 'fifo_dir': '/tmp', # Path to look for uzbl fifo 'socket_dir': '/tmp', # Path to look for uzbl socket 'icon_path': os.path.join(data_dir, 'uzbl.png'), 'session_file': os.path.join(data_dir, 'session'), # Window options 'status_background': "#303030", # Default background for all panels 'window_size': "800,800", # width,height in pixels # Key bindings. 'bind_new_tab': 'gn', # Open new tab. 'bind_tab_from_clip': 'gY', # Open tab from clipboard. 'bind_tab_from_uri': 'go _', # Open new tab and goto entered uri. 'bind_close_tab': 'gC', # Close tab. 'bind_next_tab': 'gt', # Next tab. 'bind_prev_tab': 'gT', # Prev tab. 'bind_goto_tab': 'gi_', # Goto tab by tab-number (in title) 'bind_goto_first': 'g<', # Goto first tab 'bind_goto_last': 'g>', # Goto last tab # Add custom tab style definitions to be used by the tab colour policy # handler here. Because these are added to the config dictionary like # any other uzbl_tabbed configuration option remember that they can # be superseeded from your main uzbl config file. 'tab_colours': 'foreground = "#888" background = "#303030"', 'tab_text_colours': 'foreground = "#bbb"', 'selected_tab': 'foreground = "#fff"', 'selected_tab_text': 'foreground = "green"', 'tab_indicate_https': True, 'https_colours': 'foreground = "#888"', 'https_text_colours': 'foreground = "#9c8e2d"', 'selected_https': 'foreground = "#fff"', 'selected_https_text': 'foreground = "gold"', } # End of config dict. # This is the tab style policy handler. Every time the tablist is updated # this function is called to determine how to colourise that specific tab # according the simple/complex rules as defined here. You may even wish to # move this function into another python script and import it using: # from mycustomtabbingconfig import colour_selector # Remember to rename, delete or comment out this function if you do that. def colour_selector(tabindex, currentpage, uzbl): '''Tablist styling policy handler. This function must return a tuple of the form (tab style, text style).''' # Just as an example: # if 'error' in uzbl.title: # if tabindex == currentpage: # return ('foreground="#fff"', 'foreground="red"') # return ('foreground="#888"', 'foreground="red"') # Style tabs to indicate connected via https. if config['tab_indicate_https'] and uzbl.uri.startswith("https://"): if tabindex == currentpage: return (config['selected_https'], config['selected_https_text']) return (config['https_colours'], config['https_text_colours']) # Style to indicate selected. if tabindex == currentpage: return (config['selected_tab'], config['selected_tab_text']) # Default tab style. return (config['tab_colours'], config['tab_text_colours']) # ============================================================================ # ::: End of configuration section ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # ============================================================================ def readconfig(uzbl_config, config): '''Loads relevant config from the users uzbl config file into the global config dictionary.''' if not os.path.exists(uzbl_config): error("Unable to load config %r" % uzbl_config) return None # Define parsing regular expressions isint = re.compile("^(\-|)[0-9]+$").match findsets = re.compile("^set\s+([^\=]+)\s*\=\s*(.+)$",\ re.MULTILINE).findall h = open(os.path.expandvars(uzbl_config), 'r') rawconfig = h.read() h.close() for (key, value) in findsets(rawconfig): key, value = key.strip(), value.strip() if key not in config.keys(): continue if isint(value): value = int(value) config[key] = value # Ensure that config keys that relate to paths are expanded. expand = ['fifo_dir', 'socket_dir', 'session_file', 'icon_path'] for key in expand: config[key] = os.path.expandvars(config[key]) def rmkdir(path): '''Recursively make directories. I.e. `mkdir -p /some/nonexistant/path/`''' path, sep = os.path.realpath(path), os.path.sep dirs = path.split(sep) for i in range(2,len(dirs)+1): dir = os.path.join(sep,sep.join(dirs[:i])) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) def counter(): '''To infinity and beyond!''' i = 0 while True: i += 1 yield i def gen_endmarker(): '''Generates a random md5 for socket message-termination endmarkers.''' return hashlib.md5(str(random.random()*time.time())).hexdigest() class UzblTabbed: '''A tabbed version of uzbl using gtk.Notebook''' class UzblInstance: '''Uzbl instance meta-data/meta-action object.''' def __init__(self, parent, tab, fifo_socket, socket_file, pid,\ uri, switch): self.parent = parent self.tab = tab self.fifo_socket = fifo_socket self.socket_file = socket_file self.pid = pid self.title = config['new_tab_title'] self.uri = uri self.timers = {} self._lastprobe = 0 self._fifoout = [] self._socketout = [] self._socket = None self._buffer = "" # Switch to tab after loading self._switch = switch # fifo/socket files exists and socket connected. self._connected = False # The kill switch self._kill = False # Message termination endmarker. self._marker = gen_endmarker() # Gen probe commands string probes = [] probe = probes.append probe('print uri %d @uri %s' % (self.pid, self._marker)) probe('print title %d @@ %s' % (self.pid,\ self._marker)) self._probecmds = '\n'.join(probes) # Enqueue keybinding config for child uzbl instance self.parent.config_uzbl(self) def flush(self, timer_call=False): '''Flush messages from the socket-out and fifo-out queues.''' if self._kill: if self._socket: self._socket.close() self._socket = None error("Flush called on dead tab.") return False if len(self._fifoout): if os.path.exists(self.fifo_socket): h = open(self.fifo_socket, 'w') while len(self._fifoout): msg = self._fifoout.pop(0) h.write("%s\n"%msg) h.close() if len(self._socketout): if not self._socket and os.path.exists(self.socket_file): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(self.socket_file) self._socket = sock if self._socket: while len(self._socketout): msg = self._socketout.pop(0) self._socket.send("%s\n"%msg) if not self._connected and timer_call: if not len(self._fifoout + self._socketout): self._connected = True if timer_call in self.timers.keys(): gobject.source_remove(self.timers[timer_call]) del self.timers[timer_call] if self._switch: self.grabfocus() return len(self._fifoout + self._socketout) def grabfocus(self): '''Steal parent focus and switch the notebook to my own tab.''' tabs = list(self.parent.notebook) tabid = tabs.index(self.tab) self.parent.goto_tab(tabid) def probe(self): '''Probes the client for information about its self.''' if self._connected: self.send(self._probecmds) self._lastprobe = time.time() def write(self, msg): '''Child fifo write function.''' self._fifoout.append(msg) # Flush messages from the queue if able. return self.flush() def send(self, msg): '''Child socket send function.''' self._socketout.append(msg) # Flush messages from queue if able. return self.flush() def __init__(self): '''Create tablist, window and notebook.''' self._fifos = {} self._timers = {} self._buffer = "" # Once a second is updated with the latest tabs' uris so that when the # window is killed the session is saved. self._tabsuris = [] # And index of current page in self._tabsuris self._curpage = 0 # Holds metadata on the uzbl childen open. self.tabs = {} # Generates a unique id for uzbl socket filenames. self.next_pid = counter().next # Create main window self.window = gtk.Window() try: window_size = map(int, config['window_size'].split(',')) self.window.set_default_size(*window_size) except: error("Invalid value for default_size in config file.") self.window.set_title("Uzbl Browser") self.window.set_border_width(0) # Set main window icon icon_path = config['icon_path'] if os.path.exists(icon_path): self.window.set_icon(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_path)) else: icon_path = '/usr/share/uzbl/examples/data/uzbl/uzbl.png' if os.path.exists(icon_path): self.window.set_icon(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_path)) # Attach main window event handlers self.window.connect("delete-event", self.quit) # Create tab list if config['show_tablist']: vbox = gtk.VBox() self.window.add(vbox) ebox = gtk.EventBox() self.tablist = gtk.Label() self.tablist.set_use_markup(True) self.tablist.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_LEFT) self.tablist.set_line_wrap(False) self.tablist.set_selectable(False) self.tablist.set_padding(2,2) self.tablist.set_alignment(0,0) self.tablist.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.tablist.set_text(" ") self.tablist.show() ebox.add(self.tablist) ebox.show() bgcolor = gtk.gdk.color_parse(config['status_background']) ebox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bgcolor) # Create notebook self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.notebook.set_show_tabs(config['show_gtk_tabs']) # Set tab position allposes = {'left': gtk.POS_LEFT, 'right':gtk.POS_RIGHT, 'top':gtk.POS_TOP, 'bottom':gtk.POS_BOTTOM} if config['gtk_tab_pos'] in allposes.keys(): self.notebook.set_tab_pos(allposes[config['gtk_tab_pos']]) self.notebook.set_show_border(False) self.notebook.set_scrollable(True) self.notebook.set_border_width(0) self.notebook.connect("page-removed", self.tab_closed) self.notebook.connect("switch-page", self.tab_changed) self.notebook.connect("page-added", self.tab_opened) self.notebook.show() if config['show_tablist']: if config['tablist_top']: vbox.pack_start(ebox, False, False, 0) vbox.pack_end(self.notebook, True, True, 0) else: vbox.pack_start(self.notebook, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_end(ebox, False, False, 0) vbox.show() else: self.window.add(self.notebook) self.window.show() self.wid = self.notebook.window.xid # Create the uzbl_tabbed fifo fifo_filename = 'uzbltabbed_%d' % os.getpid() self.fifo_socket = os.path.join(config['fifo_dir'], fifo_filename) self._create_fifo_socket(self.fifo_socket) self._setup_fifo_watcher(self.fifo_socket) def _create_fifo_socket(self, fifo_socket): '''Create interprocess communication fifo socket.''' if os.path.exists(fifo_socket): if not os.access(fifo_socket, os.F_OK | os.R_OK | os.W_OK): os.mkfifo(fifo_socket) else: basedir = os.path.dirname(self.fifo_socket) if not os.path.exists(basedir): rmkdir(basedir) os.mkfifo(self.fifo_socket) print "Listening on %s" % self.fifo_socket def _setup_fifo_watcher(self, fifo_socket): '''Open fifo socket fd and setup gobject IO_IN & IO_HUP watchers. Also log the creation of a fd and store the the internal self._watchers dictionary along with the filename of the fd.''' if fifo_socket in self._fifos.keys(): fd, watchers = self._fifos[fifo_socket] os.close(fd) for watcherid in watchers.keys(): gobject.source_remove(watchers[watcherid]) del watchers[watcherid] del self._fifos[fifo_socket] # Re-open fifo and add listeners. fd = os.open(fifo_socket, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) watchers = {} self._fifos[fifo_socket] = (fd, watchers) watcher = lambda key, id: watchers.__setitem__(key, id) # Watch for incoming data. gid = gobject.io_add_watch(fd, gobject.IO_IN, self.main_fifo_read) watcher('main-fifo-read', gid) # Watch for fifo hangups. gid = gobject.io_add_watch(fd, gobject.IO_HUP, self.main_fifo_hangup) watcher('main-fifo-hangup', gid) def run(self): '''UzblTabbed main function that calls the gtk loop.''' # Update tablist timer #timer = "update-tablist" #timerid = gobject.timeout_add(500, self.update_tablist,timer) #self._timers[timer] = timerid # Probe clients every second for window titles and location timer = "probe-clients" timerid = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.probe_clients, timer) self._timers[timer] = timerid gtk.main() def probe_clients(self, timer_call): '''Probe all uzbl clients for up-to-date window titles and uri's.''' sockd = {} uriinventory = [] tabskeys = self.tabs.keys() notebooklist = list(self.notebook) for tab in notebooklist: if tab not in tabskeys: continue uzbl = self.tabs[tab] uriinventory.append(uzbl.uri) uzbl.probe() if uzbl._socket: sockd[uzbl._socket] = uzbl self._tabsuris = uriinventory self._curpage = self.notebook.get_current_page() sockets = sockd.keys() (reading, _, errors) = select.select(sockets, [], sockets, 0) for sock in reading: uzbl = sockd[sock] uzbl._buffer = sock.recv(1024).replace('\n',' ') temp = uzbl._buffer.split(uzbl._marker) self._buffer = temp.pop() cmds = [s.strip().split() for s in temp if len(s.strip())] for cmd in cmds: try: #print cmd self.parse_command(cmd) except: error("parse_command: invalid command %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) raise return True def main_fifo_hangup(self, fd, cb_condition): '''Handle main fifo socket hangups.''' # Close fd, re-open fifo_socket and watch. self._setup_fifo_watcher(self.fifo_socket) # And to kill any gobject event handlers calling this function: return False def main_fifo_read(self, fd, cb_condition): '''Read from main fifo socket.''' self._buffer = os.read(fd, 1024) temp = self._buffer.split("\n") self._buffer = temp.pop() cmds = [s.strip().split() for s in temp if len(s.strip())] for cmd in cmds: try: #print cmd self.parse_command(cmd) except: error("parse_command: invalid command %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) raise return True def parse_command(self, cmd): '''Parse instructions from uzbl child processes.''' # Commands ( [] = optional, {} = required ) # new [uri] # open new tab and head to optional uri. # close [tab-num] # close current tab or close via tab id. # next [n-tabs] # open next tab or n tabs down. Supports negative indexing. # prev [n-tabs] # open prev tab or n tabs down. Supports negative indexing. # goto {tab-n} # goto tab n. # first # goto first tab. # last # goto last tab. # title {pid} {document-title} # updates tablist title. # uri {pid} {document-location} if cmd[0] == "new": if len(cmd) == 2: self.new_tab(cmd[1]) else: self.new_tab() elif cmd[0] == "newfromclip": uri = subprocess.Popen(['xclip','-selection','clipboard','-o'],\ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] if uri: self.new_tab(uri) elif cmd[0] == "close": if len(cmd) == 2: self.close_tab(int(cmd[1])) else: self.close_tab() elif cmd[0] == "next": if len(cmd) == 2: self.next_tab(int(cmd[1])) else: self.next_tab() elif cmd[0] == "prev": if len(cmd) == 2: self.prev_tab(int(cmd[1])) else: self.prev_tab() elif cmd[0] == "goto": self.goto_tab(int(cmd[1])) elif cmd[0] == "first": self.goto_tab(0) elif cmd[0] == "last": self.goto_tab(-1) elif cmd[0] in ["title", "uri"]: if len(cmd) > 2: uzbl = self.get_tab_by_pid(int(cmd[1])) if uzbl: old = getattr(uzbl, cmd[0]) new = ' '.join(cmd[2:]) setattr(uzbl, cmd[0], new) if old != new: self.update_tablist() else: error("parse_command: no uzbl with pid %r" % int(cmd[1])) else: error("parse_command: unknown command %r" % ' '.join(cmd)) def get_tab_by_pid(self, pid): '''Return uzbl instance by pid.''' for tab in self.tabs.keys(): if self.tabs[tab].pid == pid: return self.tabs[tab] return False def new_tab(self, uri='', switch=None): '''Add a new tab to the notebook and start a new instance of uzbl. Use the switch option to negate config['switch_to_new_tabs'] option when you need to load multiple tabs at a time (I.e. like when restoring a session from a file).''' pid = self.next_pid() tab = gtk.Socket() tab.show() self.notebook.append_page(tab) sid = tab.get_id() fifo_filename = 'uzbl_fifo_%s_%0.2d' % (self.wid, pid) fifo_socket = os.path.join(config['fifo_dir'], fifo_filename) socket_filename = 'uzbl_socket_%s_%0.2d' % (self.wid, pid) socket_file = os.path.join(config['socket_dir'], socket_filename) if switch is None: switch = config['switch_to_new_tabs'] # Create meta-instance and spawn child if len(uri.strip()): uri = '--uri %s' % uri uzbl = self.UzblInstance(self, tab, fifo_socket, socket_file, pid,\ uri, switch) self.tabs[tab] = uzbl cmd = 'uzbl -s %s -n %s_%0.2d %s &' % (sid, self.wid, pid, uri) subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True) # TODO: do i need close_fds=True ? # Add gobject timer to make sure the config is pushed when fifo socket # has been created. timerid = gobject.timeout_add(100, uzbl.flush, "flush-initial-config") uzbl.timers['flush-initial-config'] = timerid self.update_tablist() def config_uzbl(self, uzbl): '''Send bind commands for tab new/close/next/prev to a uzbl instance.''' binds = [] bind_format = 'bind %s = sh "echo \\\"%s\\\" > \\\"%s\\\""' bind = lambda key, action: binds.append(bind_format % (key, action, \ self.fifo_socket)) # Keys are defined in the config section # bind ( key , command back to fifo ) bind(config['bind_new_tab'], 'new') bind(config['bind_tab_from_clip'], 'newfromclip') bind(config['bind_tab_from_uri'], 'new %s') bind(config['bind_close_tab'], 'close') bind(config['bind_next_tab'], 'next') bind(config['bind_prev_tab'], 'prev') bind(config['bind_goto_tab'], 'goto %s') bind(config['bind_goto_first'], 'goto 0') bind(config['bind_goto_last'], 'goto -1') # uzbl.send via socket or uzbl.write via fifo, I'll try send. uzbl.send("\n".join(binds)) def goto_tab(self, index): '''Goto tab n (supports negative indexing).''' tabs = list(self.notebook) if 0 <= index < len(tabs): self.notebook.set_current_page(index) self.update_tablist() return None try: tab = tabs[index] # Update index because index might have previously been a # negative index. index = tabs.index(tab) self.notebook.set_current_page(index) self.update_tablist() except IndexError: pass def next_tab(self, step=1): '''Switch to next tab or n tabs right.''' if step < 1: error("next_tab: invalid step %r" % step) return None ntabs = self.notebook.get_n_pages() tabn = (self.notebook.get_current_page() + step) % ntabs self.notebook.set_current_page(tabn) self.update_tablist() def prev_tab(self, step=1): '''Switch to prev tab or n tabs left.''' if step < 1: error("prev_tab: invalid step %r" % step) return None ntabs = self.notebook.get_n_pages() tabn = self.notebook.get_current_page() - step while tabn < 0: tabn += ntabs self.notebook.set_current_page(tabn) self.update_tablist() def close_tab(self, tabn=None): '''Closes current tab. Supports negative indexing.''' if tabn is None: tabn = self.notebook.get_current_page() else: try: tab = list(self.notebook)[tabn] except IndexError: error("close_tab: invalid index %r" % tabn) return None self.notebook.remove_page(tabn) def tab_opened(self, notebook, tab, index): '''Called upon tab creation. Called by page-added signal.''' if config['switch_to_new_tabs']: self.notebook.set_focus_child(tab) else: oldindex = self.notebook.get_current_page() oldtab = self.notebook.get_nth_page(oldindex) self.notebook.set_focus_child(oldtab) def tab_closed(self, notebook, tab, index): '''Close the window if no tabs are left. Called by page-removed signal.''' if tab in self.tabs.keys(): uzbl = self.tabs[tab] for timer in uzbl.timers.keys(): error("tab_closed: removing timer %r" % timer) gobject.source_remove(uzbl.timers[timer]) if uzbl._socket: uzbl._socket.close() uzbl._socket = None uzbl._fifoout = [] uzbl._socketout = [] uzbl._kill = True del self.tabs[tab] if self.notebook.get_n_pages() == 0: self.quit() self.update_tablist() return True def tab_changed(self, notebook, page, index): '''Refresh tab list. Called by switch-page signal.''' tab = self.notebook.get_nth_page(index) self.notebook.set_focus_child(tab) self.update_tablist(index) return True def update_tablist(self, curpage=None): '''Upate tablist status bar.''' show_tablist = config['show_tablist'] show_gtk_tabs = config['show_gtk_tabs'] tab_titles = config['tab_titles'] show_ellipsis = config['show_ellipsis'] if not show_tablist and not show_gtk_tabs: return True tabs = self.tabs.keys() if curpage is None: curpage = self.notebook.get_current_page() title_format = "%s - Uzbl Browser" max_title_len = config['max_title_len'] if show_tablist: pango = "" normal = (config['tab_colours'], config['tab_text_colours']) selected = (config['selected_tab'], config['selected_tab_text']) if tab_titles: tab_format = " [ %d %s ] " else: tab_format = " [ %d ] " if show_gtk_tabs: gtk_tab_format = "%d %s" for index, tab in enumerate(self.notebook): if tab not in tabs: continue uzbl = self.tabs[tab] if index == curpage: self.window.set_title(title_format % uzbl.title) tabtitle = uzbl.title[:max_title_len] if show_ellipsis and len(tabtitle) != len(uzbl.title): tabtitle = "%s\xe2\x80\xa6" % tabtitle[:-1] # Show Ellipsis if show_gtk_tabs: if tab_titles: self.notebook.set_tab_label_text(tab,\ gtk_tab_format % (index, tabtitle)) else: self.notebook.set_tab_label_text(tab, str(index)) if show_tablist: style = colour_selector(index, curpage, uzbl) (tabc, textc) = style if tab_titles: pango += tab_format % (tabc, index, textc, tabtitle) else: pango += tab_format % (tabc, textc, index) if show_tablist: self.tablist.set_markup(pango) return True def quit(self, *args): '''Cleanup the application and quit. Called by delete-event signal.''' for fifo_socket in self._fifos.keys(): fd, watchers = self._fifos[fifo_socket] os.close(fd) for watcherid in watchers.keys(): gobject.source_remove(watchers[watcherid]) del watchers[watcherid] del self._fifos[fifo_socket] for timerid in self._timers.keys(): gobject.source_remove(self._timers[timerid]) del self._timers[timerid] if os.path.exists(self.fifo_socket): os.unlink(self.fifo_socket) print "Unlinked %s" % self.fifo_socket if config['save_session']: session_file = config['session_file'] if len(self._tabsuris): if not os.path.isfile(session_file): dirname = os.path.dirname(session_file) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): # Recursive mkdir not rmdir. rmkdir(dirname) sessionstr = '\n'.join(self._tabsuris) h = open(session_file, 'w') h.write('current = %s\n%s' % (self._curpage, sessionstr)) h.close() else: # Notebook has no pages so delete session file if it exists. if os.path.isfile(session_file): os.remove(session_file) gtk.main_quit() if __name__ == "__main__": # Read from the uzbl config into the global config dictionary. readconfig(uzbl_config, config) uzbl = UzblTabbed() if os.path.isfile(os.path.expandvars(config['session_file'])): h = open(os.path.expandvars(config['session_file']),'r') lines = [line.strip() for line in h.readlines()] h.close() current = 0 urls = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith("current"): current = int(line.split()[-1]) else: urls.append(line.strip()) for (index, url) in enumerate(urls): if current == index: uzbl.new_tab(line, True) else: uzbl.new_tab(line, False) if not len(urls): self.new_tab() else: uzbl.new_tab() uzbl.run()