#!/bin/sh set -n; # THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL AND COULD BE INSECURE !!!!!! # this is an example bash script of how you could manage your cookies. it is very raw and basic and not as good as cookies.py # we use the cookies.txt format (See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Cookies.txt) # This is one textfile with entries like this: # kb.mozillazine.org FALSE / FALSE 1146030396 wikiUserID 16993 # domain alow-read-other-subdomains path http-required expiration name value # you probably want your cookies config file in your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME ( eg $HOME/.config/uzbl/cookies) # Note. in uzbl there is no strict definition on what a session is. it's YOUR job to clear cookies marked as end_session if you want to keep cookies only valid during a "session" # MAYBE TODO: allow user to edit cookie before saving. this cannot be done with zenity :( # TODO: different cookie paths per config (eg per group of uzbl instances) # TODO: correct implementation. # see http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie # TODO : check expires= before sending. # write sample script that cleans up cookies dir based on expires attribute. # TODO: check uri against domain attribute. and path also. # implement secure attribute. # support blocking or not for 3rd parties # http://kb.mozillazine.org/Cookies.txt # don't always append cookies, sometimes we need to overwrite cookie_config=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/uzbl/cookies [ "x$cookie_config" = x ] && exit 1 [ -d "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/uzbl/" ] &&\ cookie_data=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/uzbl/cookies.txt || exit 1 notifier= #notifier=notify-send #notify_wrapper () { # echo "$@" >> $HOME/cookielog #} #notifier=notifier_wrapper # if this variable is set, we will use it to inform you when and which cookies we store, and when/which we send. # it's primarily used for debugging notifier= which zenity &>/dev/null || exit 2 # Example cookie: # test_cookie=CheckForPermission; expires=Thu, 07-May-2009 19:17:55 GMT; path=/; domain=.doubleclick.net # uri=$6 # uri=${uri/http:\/\/} # strip 'http://' part # host=${uri/\/*/} action=$8 # GET/PUT shift host=$9 shift path=$9 shift cookie=$9 field_domain=$host field_path=$path field_name= field_value= field_exp='end_session' notify() { [ -n "$notifier" ] && $notifier "$@" } # FOR NOW LETS KEEP IT SIMPLE AND JUST ALWAYS PUT AND ALWAYS GET parse_cookie() { IFS=$';' first_pair=1 for pair in $cookie do if [ "x$first_pair" = x1 ] then field_name=${pair%%=*} field_value=${pair#*=} first_pair=0 else echo "$pair" | read -r pair #strip leading/trailing wite space key=${pair%%=*} val=${pair#*=} [ "$key" == expires ] && field_exp=`date -u -d "$val" +'%s'` # TODO: domain [ "$key" == path ] && field_path=$val fi done unset IFS } # match cookies in cookies.txt against hostname and path get_cookie() { path_esc=${path//\//\\/} search="^[^\t]*$host\t[^\t]*\t$path_esc" cookie=`awk "/$search/" $cookie_data 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1` if [ -z "$cookie" ] then notify "Get_cookie: search: $search in $cookie_data -> no result" false else notify "Get_cookie: search: $search in $cookie_data -> result: $cookie" echo "$cookie" | \ read domain alow_read_other_subdomains path http_required expiration name \ value; cookie="$name=$value" true fi } save_cookie() { if parse_cookie then data="$field_domain\tFALSE\t$field_path\tFALSE\t$field_exp\t$field_name\t$field_value" notify "save_cookie: adding $data to $cookie_data" echo -e "$data" >> $cookie_data else notify "not saving a cookie. since we don't have policies yet, parse_cookie must have returned false. this is a bug" fi } [ "x$action" = xPUT ] && save_cookie [ "x$action" = xGET ] && get_cookie && echo "$cookie" exit # TODO: implement this later. # $1 = section (TRUSTED or DENY) # $2 =url match() { sed -n "/$1/,/^\$/p" $cookie_config 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^$host" } fetch_cookie() { cookie=`cat $cookie_data` } store_cookie() { echo $cookie > $cookie_data } if match TRUSTED $host then [ "x$action" = xPUT ] && store_cookie $host [ "x$action" = xGET ] && fetch_cookie && echo "$cookie" elif ! match DENY $host then [ "x$action" = xPUT ] && cookie=`zenity --entry --title 'Uzbl Cookie handler' --text "Accept this cookie from $host ?" --entry-text="$cookie"` && store_cookie $host [ "x$action" = xGET ] && fetch_cookie && cookie=`zenity --entry --title 'Uzbl Cookie handler' --text "Submit this cookie to $host ?" --entry-text="$cookie"` && echo $cookie fi exit 0