#!/bin/bash #NOTE: it's the job of the script that inserts bookmarks to make sure there are no dupes. source $UZBL_UTIL_DIR/uzbl-args.sh source $UZBL_UTIL_DIR/uzbl-dir.sh [ -r "$UZBL_BOOKMARKS_FILE" ] || exit 1 COLORS=" -nb #303030 -nf khaki -sb #CCFFAA -sf #303030" if dmenu --help 2>&1 | grep -q '\[-rs\] \[-ni\] \[-nl\] \[-xs\]'; then DMENU="dmenu -i -xs -rs -l 10" # vertical patch # show tags as well goto=$($DMENU $COLORS < $UZBL_BOOKMARKS_FILE | awk '{print $1}') else DMENU="dmenu -i" # because they are all after each other, just show the url, not their tags. goto=$(awk '{print $1}' $UZBL_BOOKMARKS_FILE | $DMENU $COLORS) fi #[ -n "$goto" ] && echo "uri $goto" > $UZBL_FIFO [ -n "$goto" ] && echo "uri $goto" | socat - unix-connect:$UZBL_SOCKET