#!/bin/sh # This script allows you to focus another uzbl window # It considers all uzbl windows in the current tag # you can select one from a list, or go to the next/previous one # It does not change the layout (stacked/tiled/floating) nor does it # changes the size or viewing mode of a uzbl window # When your current uzbl window is maximized, the one you change to # will be maximized as well. # See http://www.uzbl.org/wiki/wmii for more info # $1 must be one of 'list', 'next', 'prev' COLORS=" -nb #303030 -nf khaki -sb #CCFFAA -sf #303030" if dmenu --help 2>&1 | grep -q '\[-rs\] \[-ni\] \[-nl\] \[-xs\]' then DMENU="dmenu -i -xs -rs -l 10" # vertical patch else DMENU="dmenu -i" fi if [ "$1" = 'list' ] then list= # get window id's of uzbl clients. we could also get the label in one shot but it's pretty tricky for i in $(wmiir read /tag/sel/index | grep uzbl |cut -d ' ' -f2) do label=$(wmiir read /client/$i/label) list="$list$i : $label\n" done window=$(printf "$list\n" | $DMENU $COLORS | cut -d ' ' -f1) wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl "select client $window" elif [ "$1" = 'next' ] then current=$(wmiir read /client/sel/ctl | head -n 1) # find the next uzbl window and focus it next=$(wmiir read /tag/sel/index | grep -A 10000 " $current " | grep -m 1 uzbl | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ x"$next" != "x" ] then wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl "select client $next" fi elif [ "$1" = 'prev' ] then current=$(wmiir read /client/sel/ctl | head -n 1) prev=$(wmiir read /tag/sel/index | grep -B 10000 " $current " | tac | grep -m 1 uzbl | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ x"$prev" != "x" ] then wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl "select client $prev" fi else echo "\$1 not valid" >&2 exit 2 fi