/* This is the basic linkfollowing script. * * TODO: * Some pages mess around a lot with the zIndex which * lets some hints in the background. * Some positions are not calculated correctly (mostly * because of uber-fancy-designed-webpages. Basic HTML and CSS * works good * Still some links can't be followed/unexpected things * happen. Blame some freaky webdesigners ;) */ // Globals uzbldivid = 'uzbl_link_hints'; uzbl.follow = function() { // Export charset = arguments[0]; newwindow = arguments[2]; var keypress = arguments[1]; return arguments.callee.followLinks(keypress); } uzbl.follow.isFrame = function(el) { return (el.tagName == "FRAME" || el.tagName == "IFRAME"); } // find the document that the given element belongs to uzbl.follow.getDocument = function(el) { if (this.isFrame(el)) return el.contentDocument; var doc = el; while (doc.parentNode !== null) doc = doc.parentNode; return doc; } // find all documents in the display, searching frames recursively uzbl.follow.documents = function() { return this.windows().map(function(w) { return w.document; }).filter(function(d) { return d != null; }); } // find all windows in the display, searching for frames recursively uzbl.follow.windows = function(w) {  w = (typeof w == 'undefined') ? window.top : w; var wins = [w]; var frames = w.frames; for(var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) wins = wins.concat(uzbl.follow.windows(frames[i])); return wins; } // search all frames for elements matching the given CSS selector uzbl.follow.query = function(selector) { var res = []; this.documents().forEach(function (doc) { var set = doc.body.querySelectorAll(selector); // convert the NodeList to an Array set = Array.prototype.slice.call(set); res = res.concat(set); }); return res; } // Calculate element position to draw the hint uzbl.follow.elementPosition = function(el) { // el.getBoundingClientRect is another way to do this, but when a link is // line-wrapped we want our hint at the left end of the link, not its // bounding rectangle var up = el.offsetTop; var left = el.offsetLeft; var width = el.offsetWidth; var height = el.offsetHeight; while (el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; up += el.offsetTop; left += el.offsetLeft; } return [up, left, width, height]; } // Calculate if an element is on the viewport. uzbl.follow.elementInViewport = function(el) { offset = uzbl.follow.elementPosition(el); var up = offset[0]; var left = offset[1]; var width = offset[2]; var height = offset[3]; return up < window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight && left < window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth && (up + height) > window.pageYOffset && (left + width) > window.pageXOffset; } // Removes all hints/leftovers that might be generated // by this script. uzbl.follow.removeAllHints = function(doc) { var elements = doc.getElementById(uzbldivid); if (elements) elements.parentNode.removeChild(elements); } // Generate a hint for an element with the given label // Here you can play around with the style of the hints! uzbl.follow.generateHint = function(doc, el, label, top, left) { var hint = doc.createElement('span'); hint.innerText = label; hint.style.position = 'absolute'; hint.style.top = top + 'px'; hint.style.left = left + 'px'; return hint; } // Here we choose what to do with an element if we // want to "follow" it. On form elements we "select" // or pass the focus, on links we try to perform a click, // but at least set the href of the link. (needs some improvements) uzbl.follow.clickElem = function(item) { if(!item) return; var name = item.tagName; if (name == 'INPUT') { var type = item.getAttribute('type').toUpperCase(); if (type == 'TEXT' || type == 'FILE' || type == 'PASSWORD') { item.focus(); item.select(); return "XXXEMIT_FORM_ACTIVEXXX"; } // otherwise fall through to a simulated mouseclick. } else if (name == 'TEXTAREA' || name == 'SELECT') { item.focus(); item.select(); return "XXXEMIT_FORM_ACTIVEXXX"; } // simulate a mouseclick to activate the element var mouseEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); mouseEvent.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); item.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent); return "XXXRESET_MODEXXX"; } // Draw all hints for all elements passed. uzbl.follow.reDrawHints = function(elems, chars) { var elements = elems.map(function(pair) { return pair[0] }); var labels = elems.map(function(pair) { return pair[1].substring(chars) }); // we have to calculate element positions before we modify the DOM // otherwise the elementPosition call slows way down. var positions = elements.map(uzbl.follow.elementPosition); this.documents().forEach(function(doc) { uzbl.follow.removeAllHints(doc); if (!doc.body) return; doc.hintdiv = doc.createElement('div'); doc.hintdiv.id = uzbldivid; if(newwindow) doc.hintdiv.className = "new-window"; doc.body.appendChild(doc.hintdiv); }); elements.forEach(function(el, i) { var label = labels[i]; var pos = positions[i]; var doc = uzbl.follow.getDocument(el); var h = uzbl.follow.generateHint(doc, el, label, pos[0], pos[1]); doc.hintdiv.appendChild(h); }); } // pass: number of keys // returns: key length uzbl.follow.labelLength = function(n) { var oldn = n; var keylen = 0; if(n < 2) return 1; n -= 1; // Our highest key will be n-1 while(n) { keylen += 1; n = Math.floor(n / charset.length); } return keylen; } // pass: number // returns: label uzbl.follow.intToLabel = function(n) { var label = ''; do { label = charset.charAt(n % charset.length) + label; n = Math.floor(n / charset.length); } while(n); return label; } // pass: label // returns: number uzbl.follow.labelToInt = function(label) { var n = 0; for(var i = 0; i < label.length; ++i) { n *= charset.length; n += charset.indexOf(label[i]); } return n; } // Put it all together uzbl.follow.followLinks = function(follow) { var s = follow.split(''); var linknr = this.labelToInt(follow); var followable = 'a, area, textarea, select, input:not([type=hidden]), button'; var uri = 'a, area, frame, iframe'; //var focusable = 'a, area, textarea, select, input:not([type=hidden]), button, frame, iframe, applet, object'; //var desc = '*[title], img[alt], applet[alt], area[alt], input[alt]'; //var image = 'img, input[type=image]'; if(newwindow) var res = this.query(uri); else var res = this.query(followable); var elems = res.filter(uzbl.follow.elementInViewport); var len = this.labelLength(elems.length); if (s.length == len && linknr < elems.length && linknr >= 0) { // an element has been selected! var el = elems[linknr]; // clear all of our hints this.documents().forEach(uzbl.follow.removeAllHints); if (newwindow) { // we're opening a new window using the URL attached to this element var uri = el.src || el.href; if(uri.match(/javascript:/)) return; window.open(uri); return "XXXRESET_MODEXXX" } // we're just going to click the element return this.clickElem(el); } var leftover = []; for (var j = 0; j < elems.length; j++) { var b = true; var label = this.intToLabel(j); var n = label.length; for (n; n < len; n++) label = charset.charAt(0) + label; for (var k = 0; k < s.length; k++) b = b && label.charAt(k) == s[k]; if (b) leftover.push([elems[j], label]); } this.reDrawHints(leftover, s.length); }