import random shared_history = {'':[]} class History(object): def __init__(self, uzbl): self.uzbl = uzbl self._temporary = [] self.prompt = '' self.cursor = None self.__temp_tail = False self.search_key = None def prev(self): if self.cursor is None: self.cursor = len(self) - 1 else: self.cursor -= 1 if self.search_key: while self.cursor >= 0 and self.search_key not in self[self.cursor]: self.cursor -= 1 if self.cursor < 0 or len(self) == 0: self.cursor = -1 return random.choice(end_messages) return self[self.cursor] def next(self): if self.cursor is None: return '' self.cursor += 1 if self.search_key: while self.cursor < len(self) and self.search_key not in self[self.cursor]: self.cursor += 1 if self.cursor >= len(shared_history[self.prompt]): self.cursor = None self.search_key = None if self._temporary: print 'popping temporary' return self._temporary.pop() return '' return self[self.cursor] def change_prompt(self, prompt): self.prompt = prompt self._temporary = [] self.__temp_tail = False if prompt not in shared_history: shared_history[prompt] = [] def search(self, key): self.search_key = key self.cursor = None def add(self, cmd): if self._temporary: self._temporary.pop() shared_history[self.prompt].append(cmd) self.cursor = None self.search_key = None def add_temporary(self, cmd): assert not self._temporary self._temporary.append(cmd) self.cursor = len(self) - 1 print 'adding temporary', self def __getitem__(self, i): if i < len(shared_history[self.prompt]): return shared_history[self.prompt][i] return self._temporary[i-len(shared_history)+1] def __len__(self): return len(shared_history[self.prompt]) + len(self._temporary) def __str__(self): return "(History %s, %s)" % (self.cursor, self.prompt) def keycmd_exec(uzbl, keylet): cmd = keylet.get_keycmd() if cmd: uzbl.history.add(cmd) def history_prev(uzbl, _x): cmd = uzbl.keylet.get_keycmd() if uzbl.history.cursor is None and cmd: uzbl.history.add_temporary(cmd) uzbl.set_keycmd(uzbl.history.prev()) uzbl.logger.debug('PREV %s' % uzbl.history) def history_next(uzbl, _x): cmd = uzbl.keylet.get_keycmd() uzbl.set_keycmd( uzbl.logger.debug('NEXT %s' % uzbl.history) def history_search(uzbl, key): uzbl.send('event HISTORY_PREV') uzbl.logger.debug('SEARCH %s %s' % (key, uzbl.history)) end_messages = ('Look behind you, A three-headed monkey!', 'error #4: static from nylon underwear.', 'error #5: static from plastic slide rules.', 'error #6: global warming.', 'error #9: doppler effect.', 'error #16: somebody was calculating pi on the server.', 'error #19: floating point processor overflow.', 'error #21: POSIX compliance problem.', 'error #25: Decreasing electron flux.', 'error #26: first Saturday after first full moon in Winter.', 'error #64: CPU needs recalibration.', 'error #116: the real ttys became pseudo ttys and vice-versa.', 'error #229: wrong polarity of neutron flow.', 'error #330: quantum decoherence.', 'error #388: Bad user karma.', 'error #407: Route flapping at the NAP.', 'error #435: Internet shut down due to maintenance.') # plugin init hook def init(uzbl): connect_dict(uzbl, { 'KEYCMD_EXEC': keycmd_exec, 'HISTORY_PREV': history_prev, 'HISTORY_NEXT': history_next, 'HISTORY_SEARCH': history_search }) export_dict(uzbl, { 'history' : History(uzbl) }) # plugin after hook def after(uzbl): uzbl.on_set('keycmd_prompt', lambda uzbl, k, v: uzbl.history.change_prompt(v)) # vi: set et ts=4: