FORMFILLER FILE FORMAT lines starting with '>' are ignored a file consists of profile definitions lines between profile definitions are ignored a line starting with '!profile=' introduces a profile definition the rest of that line is taken as the profile name profile names must match the RE /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/ a line starting with '!' terminates the profile definition the rest of that line is ignored a profile definition consists of field definitions lines between field definitions are ignored a line starting with '%' introduces a field definition (details depend on the field type) the rest of that line shall be in the format ... 'name(type){value}:checked' for checkbox/radio 'name(type):value' for text/password/search 'name(type):' for textarea where name/type/value/checked are the input field's HTML attribute values, 'name' always being percent encoded, 'checked' being a JS boolean, and 'value' being percent encoded if type is checkbox/radio for all types but textarea, the field definition ends with that single line for textarea, all lines up to (but excluding) one starting with '%' make up the 'value' the rest of that line starting with '%' is ignored for all lines, a leading '\', if present, is removed -- a once-edit temporary file consists only of field definitions, and lines starting with '!' or '>' are not special