Packages -------- [Arch Linux]( is our distro of choice, and the distro we use for testing. You can find [PKGBUILDS]( on the AUR for all subprojects and for both the master and experimental branches. For other distros, see []( From source ----------- You can pull the code from git or get a tagged tarball. $ git clone git:// [ $ git checkout origin/experimental ] # optional. see below $ cd uzbl $ make $ sudo make install If you want to remove uzbl again, you can issue: $ make uninstall Tarballs can be pulled from []( Though you can only get tagged versions from the master branch, which may be older then what you'll have through git. If you want the specific subprojects, you can issue: $ sudo make install-uzbl-core $ sudo make install-uzbl-browser $ sudo make install-uzbl-tabbed Dependencies ------------ Dependencies which are optional for uzbl-core are marked with an asterisk. (i.e. these are needed for extra scripts) * libwebkit 1.1.15 or higher * libsoup 2.24 or higher (dep for webkit/gtk+) * gtk 2.14 or higher * socat (for socket communication) [*] * dmenu (vertical patch recommended) [*] * zenity [*] * bash [*] * python [*] * perl ( [*] * xclip [*] * pango [*] * pygtk [*] * pygobject [*] * python-simplejson [*] Make dependencies ----------------- * git (for downloading) * pkg-config (for Make/gcc) Git Repo's & branches -------------------- * Main official repo: - master -> main development branch - experimental -> intrusive/experimental stuff - <..> -> specific topic branches that come and go. they are a place to work on specific features * Most contributors & developers also have their clones on github (,, ...). They may be developing specific features, which get merged into Dieters experimental branch