ASAP * do a clean implementation of bindings that need arguments (eg insert_bookmark needs the uri.) * implement all the ideas from README * get a logo * improve site * Support for binding keyboard shortcuts in config file. * where to put proxy config? webkit support? * implement XDG basedir spec (config is done, but not cache/data, which I presume we'll need at some point) * check configured commands if they end on .sh so users don't need to prepend /bin/ * implement a more advanced dmenu alike that behaves like FF's awesomebar and where you can search in url + window title * recognize -h with GOption? * implement a vimperator-like link following scheme. but let user pick his favorite characters to construct the "link identifiers" with. * add a keybind to hand the current url to an external scrips, so you can edit it and/or store it in the primary and secondary clipboards * use for tracking bindings and wherever we use structs and ugly loops * char *XDG_CONFIG_HOME_default = "~/.config"; where does ~ get expanded? * fifo -> socket. so you can do question-response. socket is slightly more complicated so we'll need to create a uzblctrl SOMEDAY: check if we can make the settings loading less hard coded. eg( keep a list of all settings, and for each one, try to load it) figure out caching with webkit and in general how we can speed up everything figure out how webkit intercepts key input