Arch Linux ---------- [Arch Linux]( is our distro of choice, and the distro we use for testing. You can find a [PKGBUILD]( on the AUR, which installs the latest from the master branch. You can edit the PKGBUILD to change to any other branch you want. From source ----------- $ git clone git:// [ $ git checkout master/experimental ] # master == fairly stable. experimental is more bleeding edge $ cd uzbl $ make $ sudo make install Dependencies ------------ * git (for building) * pkgconfig (for Make/gcc) * libwebkit 1.1.4 or higher * gtk 2 something something Optional/Recommended -------------------- The following tools are quite useful, and some of them are used in the sample scripts: * dmenu * zenity * bash File locations -------------- After installing - using either method - you will find: * /usr/bin : uzbl [and uzblctrl] * /usr/share/uzbl/docs/ : documentation files included with uzbl. (readme, checklist,..) * /usr/share/uzbl/examples: sample scripts, config files and a sample bookmarks file. You will probably want to change the scripts to behave more like you want, so copy the scripts to your home dir. If you save your config as $XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/uzbl/config (this expands to ~/.config/uzbl/config on most systems) it will be recognized automatically. You can also pass the path to the config file with the --config parameter. You're free to store your personal stuff where you want, but we think the [XDG basedir spec]( is very useful for keeping a clean home directory, so we recommend: * $XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/uzbl/config* (~/.config/uzbl/config on most systems): config file * $XDG\_DATA\_HOME/uzbl (~/.local/share/uzbl on most systems): bookmarks file, history file. and "scripts" directory with scripts