* Arch Linux: pkgbuild @ http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=25972 * From source: $ git clone git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git [ $ git checkout master/experimental ] # master == fairly stable. experimental is more bleeding edge $ cd uzbl $ make $ sudo make install Dependencies: libwebkit 1.1.4 or higher gtk 2 something something pkgconfig (for Make/gcc) Optional: dmenu, zenity, bash for the sample scripts You will have the program in /usr/bin and various sample scripts, a sample config, sample bookmarks file and some documentation in /usr/share/uzbl. You will probably want to change the scripts to behave more like you want, so copy the scripts to your home dir. If you save your config as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl/config (this expands to ~/.config/uzbl/config on most systems) it will be recognized automatically. You can also pass the path to the config file with the --config parameter.