path: root/README
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diff --git a/README b/README
index 4482fcf..20fa718 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ Basically all events have this format:
Events/requests which the EM and its plugins listens for
-* `BIND` and `MODE_BIND`: define global resp. per-mode key/button binds.
+* `BIND` and `MODE_BIND`: Define global and per-mode key/button binds.
- `request BIND <keycmd> = <command>` Set global binding (this is a shortcut for `request MODE_BIND global <keycmd> = <command>`).
- `request MODE_BIND <modespec> <keycmd> = <command>` Set a local binding for `<modespec>`. The `<modespec>` can be anything like `command`, `insert,command`, `global`, `global,-insert`.
@@ -462,31 +462,33 @@ Events/requests which the EM and its plugins listens for
- Hitting return, enter or esc will terminate the search.
- `event BIND ZZ = exit`
- When you type `ZZ` and nothing else, the `exit` command will be triggered immediately.
-* `MODE_CONFIG`: ??
- request MODE_CONFIG <mode> <key> = <value>
-* `ON_EVENT`: allows you to bind misc commands to misc events
- request ON_EVENT <EVENT_NAME> <command>
- request PROGRESS_CONFIG <key> = <value>
- request MODMAP From To
- request IGNORE_KEY <glob>
- request MODKEY_ADDITION <key1> <key2> <keyn> <result>
+* `MODE_CONFIG`: Set mode specific configs. If the mode being modified is the current mode then apply the changes immediately.
+ - `request MODE_CONFIG <mode> <key> = <value>`
+* `ON_EVENT`: Execute a command when a given event is fired.
+ - `request ON_EVENT <EVENT_NAME> <command>`
+* `PROGRESS_CONFIG`: Set a configuration option for `LOAD_PROGRESS` updates.
+ - `request PROGRESS_CONFIG <key> = <value>`: Set progress config variable `key` to `value`.
+* `MODMAP`: Set an alternate name for a key or button.
+ - `request MODMAP <from> <to>`: Create an alias `<to>` for key command `<from>`. This allows `<to>` to be bound to a command, which will be invoked when the `<from>` key or button is pressed.
+* `IGNORE_KEY`: Ignore a key pattern, specified by `<glob>`.
+ - `request IGNORE_KEY <glob>`
+* `MODKEY_ADDITION`: Create a compound modkey from multiple individual keys.
+ - `request MODKEY_ADDITION <key1> <key2> <keyn> <result>`: The modkey `<result>` is considered pressed when all of `<key1>`, `<key2>`, and `<keyn>` are pressed.
- event TOGGLE_MODES <mode1> <mode2> ... <moden>
-* `APPEND_KEYCMD`: append `<string> to keycmd
-* `INJECT_KEYCMD <string>`: replace keycmd by `<string>`
-* `KEYCMD_EXEC_CURRENT`: (tries to) execute whatever is in the keycmd
+ - `request TOGGLE_MODES <mode1> <mode2> ... <moden>`
+* `APPEND_KEYCMD`: Append a string to the current keycmd.
+ - `request APPEND_KEYCMD <string>`: Append `<string>` to the current keycmd.
+* `INJECT_KEYCMD`: Injecting a string into the keycmd at the cursor position.
+ - `request INJECT_KEYCMD <string>`: Inject `<string>` into the keycmd at the current cursor position.
+* `KEYCMD_DELETE`: Removes the character after the cursor position in the keycmd.
+* `KEYCMD_STRIP_WORD`: Removes the last word from the keycmd, similar to readline `^W`.
+* `KEYCMD_EXEC_CURRENT`: (tries to) execute whatever is in the keycmd.
+* `SET_KEYCMD`: Allow setting of the keycmd externally.
+ - `request SET_KEYCMD <string>`: Set the keycmd to `<string>`.
+* `SET_CURSOR_POS`: Allow setting of the cursor position externally.
+ - `request SET_CURSOR_POS <index>`: Set the keycmd cursor to `<index>`. If `<index>` is `+`, advance the cursor by one character, and if it is `-`, move the cursor back by one character.
* `START_COMPLETION`: TODO explain completion
uzbl [ uri ]
-u, --uri=URI Uri to load at startup (equivalent to 'uzbl <uri>' or 'set uri = URI' after uzbl has launched)