path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Devin J. Pohly <djpohly@gmail.com>2011-10-27 12:06:16 -0400
committerGravatar Devin J. Pohly <djpohly@gmail.com>2011-10-27 13:24:45 -0400
commit38fd1f02bbdc5edda7daf8210a0d2b241bc9b412 (patch)
treee3c39acd94349ac78d982d7fc290a48ddde7435c /src
parent4e9672c31ee7790cb4a0453b7d45d3e89613c035 (diff)
add request_handler hook
This creates a handler `request_handler' in the same vein as scheme_handler, download_handler, etc., which is called whenever the page requests a URI. (Possible applications include Adblock and SSL enforcement.) The handler should get the URI from $1 and print the URI of the resource that should be loaded instead, or print nothing to allow the request unmodified.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/callbacks.c b/src/callbacks.c
index f939454..23b8d55 100644
--- a/src/callbacks.c
+++ b/src/callbacks.c
@@ -358,7 +358,31 @@ request_starting_cb(WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitWebRes
(void) response;
(void) user_data;
+ const gchar* uri = webkit_network_request_get_uri (request);
+ if (uzbl.state.verbose)
+ printf("Request starting -> %s\n", uri);
send_event (REQUEST_STARTING, NULL, TYPE_STR, webkit_network_request_get_uri(request), NULL);
+ if (uzbl.behave.request_handler) {
+ GString *result = g_string_new ("");
+ GArray *a = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar*));
+ const CommandInfo *c = parse_command_parts(uzbl.behave.request_handler, a);
+ if(c) {
+ g_array_append_val(a, uri);
+ run_parsed_command(c, a, result);
+ }
+ g_array_free(a, TRUE);
+ if(result->len > 0) {
+ char *p = strchr(result->str, '\n' );
+ if ( p != NULL ) *p = '\0';
+ webkit_network_request_set_uri(request, result->str);
+ }
+ g_string_free(result, TRUE);
+ }
diff --git a/src/uzbl-core.h b/src/uzbl-core.h
index 35533f7..aa88feb 100644
--- a/src/uzbl-core.h
+++ b/src/uzbl-core.h
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* Handlers */
gchar* authentication_handler;
gchar* scheme_handler;
+ gchar* request_handler;
gchar* download_handler;
gboolean forward_keys;
diff --git a/src/variables.c b/src/variables.c
index 3bd941b..e414dac 100644
--- a/src/variables.c
+++ b/src/variables.c
@@ -711,6 +711,7 @@ const struct var_name_to_ptr_t {
{ "authentication_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.authentication_handler, 1, set_authentication_handler)},
{ "scheme_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.scheme_handler, 1, NULL)},
+ { "request_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.request_handler, 1, NULL)},
{ "download_handler", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.download_handler, 1, NULL)},
{ "fifo_dir", PTR_V_STR(uzbl.behave.fifo_dir, 1, set_fifo_dir)},