(* Copyright 2015 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) structure Configuration = struct val main_page_name = "Main Page" val wiki_title = "UrWiki demo" end type id = int table commit : { Id : id, Created : time, Content : string } PRIMARY KEY Id sequence commit_id_next table article : { Title : string, Head : id } PRIMARY KEY Title, CONSTRAINT Head FOREIGN KEY Head REFERENCES commit(Id) datatype mode = View | Edit val eq_mode = mkEq (fn x y => case (x, y) of (View, View) => True | (Edit, Edit) => True | _ => False) fun only_in mode_source target_mode = current_mode <- signal mode_source; return (if current_mode = target_mode then null else Style.invisible) fun commit_article title text : transaction unit = id <- nextval commit_id_next; creation_time <- now; dml (INSERT INTO commit (Id, Created, Content) VALUES ({[id]}, {[creation_time]}, {[text]})); (* TODO(bbaren): This is ugly. Use CAS instead? *) sql_error <- tryDml (INSERT INTO article (Title, Head) VALUES ({[title]}, {[id]})); case sql_error of None => (* We created a new article. *) return () | Some _ => (* The article already exists. *) dml (UPDATE article SET Head = {[id]} WHERE Title = {[title]}) fun wiki requested_article_title = (* Look up the article. *) extant_articles <- queryL (SELECT article.Title, commit.Content FROM article LEFT JOIN commit ON article.Head = commit.Id WHERE article.Title = {[requested_article_title]}); let val article = case extant_articles of Nil => {Title = requested_article_title, Body = "Not found."} | art :: Nil => {Title = art.Article.Title, Body = show art.Commit.Content} | _ :: _ :: _ => error Multiple articles with title ‘{[requested_article_title]}’ in (* Stuff the article text in a source so we can live-update it as the user edits. *) article_body_source <- source article.Body; (* Initially, we're in View mode, and we can switch to Edit mode on user request. *) page_mode <- source View; return {[if article.Title = Configuration.main_page_name then Configuration.wiki_title else article.Title ^ " – " ^ Configuration.wiki_title]} (* Page headings *)


(* Article *) {[text]}
} />
(* Editing panel *)
(* Controls for View mode *)
(* Controls for Edit mode *)
