(* Copyright 2015 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Copyright 2015 Benjamin Barenblat Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) (* Utility *) fun concat (strings : list string) : string = List.foldr String.append "" strings (* Substrings and matches *) type counted_substring = {Start : int, Len : int} type match a = {Whole : a, Groups : list a} fun substring_offset (delta : int) (substring : counted_substring) : counted_substring = {Start = substring.Start + delta, Len = substring.Len} fun mp [a ::: Type] [b ::: Type] (f : a -> b) (match : match a) : match b = {Whole = f match.Whole, Groups = List.mp f match.Groups} fun match_offset (delta : int) : match counted_substring -> match counted_substring = mp (substring_offset delta) (* Returns the index of the character just _after_ a match. *) fun after_match (match : match counted_substring) : int = match.Whole.Start + match.Whole.Len fun get_substrings (haystack : string) : match counted_substring -> match string = mp (String.substring haystack) (* Unmarshaling FFI types *) structure FFI = Regex__FFI (* Unmarshals an 'FFI.substring_t' from C into Ur. *) fun unmarshal_substring (substring : FFI.substring_t) : counted_substring = {Start = FFI.substring_start substring, Len = FFI.substring_length substring} (* Unmarshals an 'FFI.substring_list_t' from C into Ur. *) fun unmarshal_substring_list (substrings : FFI.substring_list_t) : option (match counted_substring) = case FFI.substring_list_length substrings of 0 => None | n_groups => let fun loop n = if n_groups <= n then [] else unmarshal_substring (FFI.substring_list_get substrings n) :: loop (n + 1) in Some {Whole = unmarshal_substring (FFI.substring_list_get substrings 0), Groups = loop 1} end (* Regular expressions *) (* Ensures that a regex is not going to cause problems later down the line. *) fun validate (regex : string) : string = if String.lengthGe regex 1 then regex else error regex: Empty regex fun match' needle haystack = unmarshal_substring_list (FFI.do_match (validate needle) haystack) fun match needle haystack = Option.mp (get_substrings haystack) (match' needle haystack) fun all_matches' needle haystack = case match' needle haystack of None => [] | Some match => let val remaining_start = after_match match in match :: List.mp (match_offset remaining_start) (all_matches' needle (String.suffix haystack remaining_start)) end fun all_matches needle haystack = List.mp (get_substrings haystack) (all_matches' needle haystack) fun transform' needle f_nomatch f_match haystack = let val haystack_length = String.length haystack val matches = all_matches' needle haystack in (* Handle the first nonmatching region. *) f_nomatch {Start = 0, Len = case matches of [] => haystack_length | first_match :: _ => first_match.Whole.Start} ^ (* Handle the remaining regions. *) concat (List.mapi (fn match_number match => (* Handle the matching region. *) f_match match ^ (* Handle the nonmatching region. *) let val start = match.Whole.Start + match.Whole.Len in f_nomatch {Start = start, Len = case List.nth matches (match_number + 1) of None => (* We’re on the last matching region in the string, so the nonmatching region lasts until the end of the string. *) haystack_length - start | Some next_match => next_match.Whole.Start - start} end) matches) end fun transform needle f_nomatch f_match haystack = transform' needle (fn s => f_nomatch (String.substring haystack s)) (fn m => f_match (get_substrings haystack m)) haystack fun transform_matches' needle f_match haystack = transform' needle (String.substring haystack) f_match haystack fun transform_matches needle f_match haystack = transform' needle (String.substring haystack) (fn m => f_match (get_substrings haystack m)) haystack fun replace needle replacement haystack = transform_matches needle (fn _ => replacement) haystack