path: root/material/material.ur
diff options
authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2017-01-16 20:28:57 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2017-01-16 20:28:57 -0500
commit989d01687d8c125900c3351d1a96161e56cd5ff0 (patch)
tree41d0fca98c5e905ff1010465b47942cfc32d0560 /material/material.ur
parentf5ef470c3484f1b37d7334dc24a3c500b149da12 (diff)
Reformat Ur filesmaterial
This should be a behaviour-preserving change.
Diffstat (limited to 'material/material.ur')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/material/material.ur b/material/material.ur
index c28e449..fc4ab58 100644
--- a/material/material.ur
+++ b/material/material.ur
@@ -20,52 +20,51 @@ fun icon s = <xml><i class={materialIcon}>{[s]}</i></xml>
fun inNewStackingContext x = <xml><div class={stackingContext}>{x}</div></xml>
structure Ripple : sig
- val make : int (* radius *)
- -> transaction {Placeholder : xbody,
- Trigger : {X : int, Y : int} -> transaction unit}
+ val make : int (* radius *)
+ -> transaction { Placeholder : xbody,
+ Trigger : { X : int, Y : int }
+ -> transaction unit }
end = struct
- style ink
- fun inkStyle radius xy =
- let
- fun p a b = value (property a) (atom (show b ^ "px"))
- val diameter = 2 * radius
- in
- oneProperty
- (oneProperty
- (oneProperty
- (oneProperty noStyle
- (p "width" diameter))
- (p "height" diameter))
- (p "left" (xy.X - radius)))
- (p "top" (xy.Y - radius))
- end
- fun inkAnimation radius s =
- <xml>
- <dyn
- signal={
- v <- signal s;
- return (case v of
- None => <xml></xml>
- | Some xy => <xml>
- <span class={ink} style={inkStyle radius xy}>
- </span>
- </xml>)
- }
- />
+ style ink
+ fun inkStyle radius xy =
+ let
+ fun p a b = value (property a) (atom (show b ^ "px"))
+ val diameter = 2 * radius
+ in
+ oneProperty
+ (oneProperty
+ (oneProperty
+ (oneProperty noStyle
+ (p "width" diameter))
+ (p "height" diameter))
+ (p "left" (xy.X - radius)))
+ (p "top" (xy.Y - radius))
+ end
+ fun inkAnimation radius s = <xml>
+ <dyn signal={v <- signal s;
+ return (case v of
+ None => <xml></xml>
+ | Some xy =>
+ <xml>
+ <span class={ink}
+ style={inkStyle radius xy}>
+ </span>
+ </xml>)} />
- fun make radius =
- center <- source None;
- return {Placeholder = inkAnimation radius center,
- Trigger = fn xy => set center (Some xy)}
+ fun make radius =
+ center <- source None;
+ return {Placeholder = inkAnimation radius center,
+ Trigger = fn xy => set center (Some xy)}
(* TODO(bbaren): Support attributes in the arguments. *)
fun page p = <xml>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet"
+ href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/material.css" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
@@ -82,93 +81,87 @@ fun page p = <xml>
structure AppBar = struct
- style bar
- style title
- fun make t = <xml>
- <header class={bar}>
- <h1 class={title}>{[t]}</h1>
- </header>
- </xml>
+ style bar
+ style title
+ fun make t = <xml>
+ <header class={bar}>
+ <h1 class={title}>{[t]}</h1>
+ </header>
+ </xml>
structure Checkbox = struct
- style checkbox
- style checked
- style container
- (* Pixel dimensions of the checkbox. If you update these, you must also
- update the CSS file. *)
- val width = 24
- val height = 24
- val make c onChange =
- s <- source c;
- ink <- Ripple.make (width / 2);
- return (inNewStackingContext <xml>
- <div class={container}>
- {ink.Placeholder}
- <span
- dynClass={
- c <- signal s;
- return (classes checkbox (if c then checked else null))
- }
- onclick={fn click =>
- ink.Trigger {X = click.ClientX, Y = click.ClientY};
- c <- get s;
- let
- val c' = not c
- in
- set s c';
- onChange c'
- end
- }
- >
- </span>
- </div>
- </xml>)
+ style checkbox
+ style checked
+ style container
+ (* Pixel dimensions of the checkbox. If you update these, you must also
+ update the CSS file. *)
+ val width = 24
+ val height = 24
+ val make c onChange =
+ s <- source c;
+ ink <- Ripple.make (width / 2);
+ return (inNewStackingContext <xml>
+ <div class={container}>
+ {ink.Placeholder}
+ <span dynClass={c <- signal s;
+ return (classes checkbox
+ (if c then checked else null))}
+ onclick={fn click =>
+ ink.Trigger {X = click.ClientX,
+ Y = click.ClientY};
+ c <- get s;
+ let
+ val c' = not c
+ in
+ set s c';
+ onChange c'
+ end}></span>
+ </div>
+ </xml>)
structure FloatingActionButton = struct
- style container
- style element
- (* Pixel dimensions of the button. If you update these, you must also
- update the CSS file. *)
- val width = 56
- val height = 56
- fun make s clickHandler =
- ink <- Ripple.make (width / 2);
- return <xml>
- <div class={container}>
- <button
- class={element}
- onclick={fn click =>
- ink.Trigger {X = click.ClientX, Y = click.ClientY};
- clickHandler click
- }
- >
- {icon s}
- </button>
- {ink.Placeholder}
- </div>
- </xml>
-structure List = struct
- structure SingleLine = struct
+ style container
style element
- style icon
- style list
- fun make es = <xml><ul class={list}>{es}</ul></xml>
+ (* Pixel dimensions of the button. If you update these, you must also
+ update the CSS file. *)
+ val width = 56
+ val height = 56
+ fun make s clickHandler =
+ ink <- Ripple.make (width / 2);
+ return <xml>
+ <div class={container}>
+ <button class={element}
+ onclick={fn click =>
+ ink.Trigger {X = click.ClientX,
+ Y = click.ClientY};
+ clickHandler click}>
+ {icon s}
+ </button>
+ {ink.Placeholder}
+ </div>
+ </xml>
- fun item i = <xml>
- <li class={element}>
- <span class={icon}>{i.Icon}</span>
- {i.Content}
- </li>
- </xml>
- end
+structure List = struct
+ structure SingleLine = struct
+ style element
+ style icon
+ style list
+ fun make es = <xml><ul class={list}>{es}</ul></xml>
+ fun item i = <xml>
+ <li class={element}>
+ <span class={icon}>{i.Icon}</span>
+ {i.Content}
+ </li>
+ </xml>
+ end