-- Copyright 2007-2020 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- Terminal theme for Textadept. -- Contributions by Ana Balan. local view, colors, styles = view, lexer.colors, lexer.styles -- Normal colors. colors.black = 0x000000 colors.red = 0x000080 colors.green = 0x008000 colors.yellow = 0x008080 colors.blue = 0x800000 colors.magenta = 0x800080 colors.cyan = 0x808000 colors.white = 0xC0C0C0 -- Light colors. (16 color terminals only.) -- These only apply to 16 color terminals. For other terminals, set the -- style's `bold` attribute to use the light color variant. colors.light_black = 0x404040 colors.light_red = 0x0000FF colors.light_green = 0x00FF00 colors.light_yellow = 0x00FFFF colors.light_blue = 0xFF0000 colors.light_magenta = 0xFF00FF colors.light_cyan = 0xFFFF00 colors.light_white = 0xFFFFFF -- Predefined styles. styles.default = {fore = colors.white, back = colors.black} styles.line_number = {fore = colors.black, bold = true} styles.brace_light = {fore = colors.black, back = colors.white} --styles.control_char = --styles.indent_guide = --styles.call_tip = styles.fold_display_text = {fore = colors.black, bold = true} -- Token styles. styles.class = {fore = colors.yellow} styles.comment = {fore = colors.black, bold = true} styles.constant = {fore = colors.red} styles.embedded = {fore = colors.white, bold = true, back = colors.black} styles.error = {fore = colors.red, bold = true} styles['function'] = {fore = colors.blue} styles.identifier = {} styles.keyword = {fore = colors.white, bold = true} styles.label = {fore = colors.red, bold = true} styles.number = {fore = colors.cyan} styles.operator = {fore = colors.yellow} styles.preprocessor = {fore = colors.magenta} styles.regex = {fore = colors.green, bold = true} styles.string = {fore = colors.green} styles.type = {fore = colors.magenta, bold = true} styles.variable = {fore = colors.blue, bold = true} styles.whitespace = {} -- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space --view.additional_sel_fore = --view.additional_sel_back = --view.additional_caret_fore = -- Caret and Selection Styles. --view:set_sel_fore(true, colors.white) --view:set_sel_back(true, colors.black) --view.caret_fore = colors.black --view.caret_line_back = -- Fold Margin. --view:set_fold_margin_color(true, colors.white) --view:set_fold_margin_hi_color(true, colors.white) -- Markers. view.marker_back[textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK] = colors.blue view.marker_back[textadept.run.MARK_WARNING] = colors.yellow view.marker_back[textadept.run.MARK_ERROR] = colors.red -- Indicators. view.indic_fore[ui.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = colors.yellow view.indic_fore[ui.find.INDIC_FIND] = colors.yellow view.indic_fore[textadept.snippets.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = colors.magenta -- Call tips. view.call_tip_fore_hlt = colors.blue -- Long Lines. view.edge_color = colors.red