-- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- Light lexer theme for Textadept. -- Please note this theme is in a separate Lua state than Textadept's main one. -- This means the global variables like 'buffer', 'view', and 'gui' are not -- available here. Only the variables in the 'lexer' module are. local l, color, style = lexer, lexer.color, lexer.style l.colors = { -- Greyscale colors. --dark_black = color('00', '00', '00'), --black = color('1A', '1A', '1A'), light_black = color('33', '33', '33'), -- color('4D', '4D', '4D'), --dark_grey = color('66', '66', '66'), grey = color('80', '80', '80'), --light_grey = color('99', '99', '99'), -- color('B3', 'B3', 'B3'), dark_white = color('CC', 'CC', 'CC'), white = color('E6', 'E6', 'E6'), --light_white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'), -- Dark colors. --dark_red = color('66', '1A', '1A'), dark_yellow = color('66', '66', '1A'), dark_green = color('1A', '66', '1A'), --dark_teal = color('1A', '66', '66'), --dark_purple = color('66', '1A', '66'), dark_orange = color('B3', '66', '1A'), --dark_pink = color('B3', '66', '66'), dark_lavender = color('66', '66', 'B3'), dark_blue = color('1A', '66', 'B3'), -- Normal colors. red = color('99', '4D', '4D'), yellow = color('99', '99', '4D'), green = color('4D', '99', '4D'), teal = color('4D', '99', '99'), purple = color('99', '4D', '99'), --orange = color('E6', '99', '4D'), --pink = color('E6', '99', '99'), lavender = color('99', '99', 'E6'), --blue = color('4D', '99', 'E6'), -- Light colors. light_red = color('CC', '80', '80'), --light_yellow = color('CC', 'CC', '80'), --light_green = color('80', 'CC', '80'), --light_teal = color('80', 'CC', 'CC'), --light_purple = color('CC', '80', 'CC'), --light_orange = color('FF', 'CC', '80'), --light_pink = color('FF', 'CC', 'CC'), --light_lavender = color('CC', 'CC', 'FF'), light_blue = color('80', 'CC', 'FF'), } l.style_nothing = style{ } l.style_class = style{fore = l.colors.yellow } l.style_comment = style{fore = l.colors.grey } l.style_constant = style{fore = l.colors.red } l.style_definition = style{fore = l.colors.yellow } l.style_error = style{fore = l.colors.red, italic = true} l.style_function = style{fore = l.colors.dark_orange } l.style_keyword = style{fore = l.colors.dark_blue } l.style_label = style{fore = l.colors.dark_orange } l.style_number = style{fore = l.colors.teal } l.style_operator = style{fore = l.colors.purple } l.style_regex = style{fore = l.colors.dark_green } l.style_string = style{fore = l.colors.green } l.style_preproc = style{fore = l.colors.dark_yellow } l.style_tag = style{fore = l.colors.dark_blue } l.style_type = style{fore = l.colors.lavender } l.style_variable = style{fore = l.colors.dark_lavender } l.style_whitespace = style{ } l.style_embedded = l.style_tag..{back = l.colors.dark_white} l.style_identifier = l.style_nothing -- Default styles. local font_face = 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' local font_size = 10 if WIN32 then font_face = 'Courier New' elseif OSX then font_face = 'Monaco' font_size = 12 end l.style_default = style{ font = font_face, size = font_size, fore = l.colors.light_black, back = l.colors.white } l.style_line_number = style{fore = l.colors.grey, back = l.colors.white} l.style_bracelight = style{fore = l.colors.light_blue} l.style_bracebad = style{fore = l.colors.light_red} l.style_controlchar = l.style_nothing l.style_indentguide = style{ fore = l.colors.dark_white, back = l.colors.dark_white } l.style_calltip = style{fore = l.colors.light_black, back = l.colors.dark_white}