#!/usr/bin/lua -- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- This script generates the _SCINTILLA table from SciTE's Lua Interface tables. local f = io.open(arg[1] or '../../scite-latest/scite/src/IFaceTable.cxx', 'rb') local iface = f:read('*all') f:close() local string_format = string.format local constants, fielddoc, functions, properties = {}, {}, {}, {} local types = { void = 0, int = 1, length = 2, position = 3, colour = 4, bool = 5, keymod = 6, string = 7, stringresult = 8, cells = 9, textrange = 10, findtext = 11, formatrange = 12 } local s = '_G._SCINTILLA.constants' f = io.open('../core/iface.lua', 'wb') -- Write header. f:write [=[ -- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Scintilla constants, functions, and properties. -- Do not modify anything in this module. Doing so will have unpredictable -- consequences. module('_SCINTILLA')]] ]=] -- Constants to ignore. local ignores = { '^IDM_', '^INDIC[012S]_', '^INVALID_POSITION', '^KEYWORDSET_MAX', '^SC_CACHE_', '^SC_CHARSET_', '^SC_EFF_', '^SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER', '^SC_LINE_END_TYPE_', -- provisional '^SC_PRINT_', '^SC_STATUS_', '^SC_TECHNOLOGY_', '^SC_TYPE_', '^SC_WEIGHT_', '^SCE_', '^SCEN_', '^SCFIND_POSIX', '^SCI_', '^SCK_', '^SCLEX_', '^UNDO_MAY_COALESCE' } -- Constants ({"constant", value}). for item in iface:match('Constants%[%] = (%b{})'):sub(2, -2):gmatch('%b{}') do local name, value = item:match('^{"(.-)",(.-)}') local skip = false for i = 1, #ignores do if name:find(ignores[i]) then skip = true break end end if not skip then name = name:gsub('^SC_', ''):gsub('^SC([^N]%u+)', '%1') if name == 'FIND_REGEXP' then value = tostring(tonumber(value) + 2^22) -- add SCFIND_POSIX elseif name == 'MASK_FOLDERS' then value = '-33554432' end constants[#constants + 1] = string_format('%s=%s', name, value) fielddoc[#fielddoc + 1] = string_format('-- * `%s.%s` %d', s, name, value) end end -- Events added to constants. local events = { SCN_STYLENEEDED = 2000, SCN_CHARADDED = 2001, SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED = 2002, SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT = 2003, SCN_MODIFYATTEMPTRO = 2004, SCN_KEY = 2005, SCN_DOUBLECLICK =2006, SCN_UPDATEUI = 2007, SCN_MODIFIED = 2008, SCN_MACRORECORD = 2009, SCN_MARGINCLICK = 2010, SCN_NEEDSHOWN = 2011, SCN_PAINTED = 2013, SCN_USERLISTSELECTION = 2014, SCN_URIDROPPED = 2015, SCN_DWELLSTART = 2016, SCN_DWELLEND = 2017, SCN_ZOOM = 2018, SCN_HOTSPOTCLICK = 2019, SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK = 2020, SCN_CALLTIPCLICK = 2021, SCN_AUTOCSELECTION = 2022, SCN_INDICATORCLICK = 2023, SCN_INDICATORRELEASE = 2024, SCN_AUTOCCANCELLED = 2025, SCN_AUTOCCHARDELETED = 2026, SCN_HOTSPOTRELEASECLICK = 2027 } for event, value in pairs(events) do constants[#constants + 1] = string_format('%s=%d', event, value) fielddoc[#fielddoc + 1] = string_format('-- * `%s.%s` %d', s, event, value) end -- Write constants. f:write [[ --- -- Map of Scintilla constant names to their numeric values. -- @class table -- @name constants M.constants = {]] f:write(table.concat(constants, ',')) f:write('}\n\n') -- Functions ({"function", msg_id, iface_*, {iface_*, iface_*}}). for item in iface:match('Functions%[%] = (%b{})'):sub(2, -2):gmatch('%b{}') do local name, msg_id, rt_type, p1_type, p2_type = item:match('^{"(.-)"%D+(%d+)%A+iface_(%a+)%A+iface_(%a+)%A+iface_(%a+)') name = name:gsub('([a-z])([A-Z])', '%1_%2') name = name:gsub('([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])', '%1_%2') name = name:lower() if name == 'convert_eo_ls' then name = 'convert_eols' end local line = string_format('%s={%d,%d,%d,%d}', name, msg_id, types[rt_type], types[p1_type], types[p2_type]) functions[#functions + 1] = line end -- Write functions. f:write [[ --- -- Map of Scintilla function names to tables containing their IDs, return types, -- wParam types, and lParam types. Types are as follows: -- -- + `0`: Void. -- + `1`: Integer. -- + `2`: Length of the given lParam string. -- + `3`: Integer position. -- + `4`: Color, in "0xBBGGRR" format. -- + `5`: Boolean `true` or `false`. -- + `6`: Bitmask of Scintilla key modifiers and a key value. -- + `7`: String parameter. -- + `8`: String return value. -- @class table -- @name functions M.functions = {]] f:write(table.concat(functions, ',')) f:write('}\n\n') -- Properties ({"property", get_id, set_id, rt_type, p1_type}). for item in iface:match('Properties%[%] = (%b{})'):sub(2, -2):gmatch('%b{}') do local name, get_id, set_id, rt_type, p1_type = item:match('^{"(.-)"%D+(%d+)%D+(%d+)%A+iface_(%a+)%A+iface_(%a+)') name = name:gsub('([a-z])([A-Z])', '%1_%2') name = name:gsub('([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])', '%1_%2') name = name:lower() properties[#properties + 1] = string_format('%s={%d,%d,%d,%d}', name, get_id, set_id, types[rt_type], types[p1_type]) end -- Write properties. f:write [[ --- -- Map of Scintilla property names to table values containing their "get" -- function IDs, "set" function IDs, return types, and wParam types. -- The wParam type will be non-zero if the property is indexable. -- Types are the same as in the `functions` table. -- @see functions -- @class table -- @name properties M.properties = {]] f:write(table.concat(properties, ',')) f:write('}\n\n') -- Write footer. f:write [[ local marker_number, indic_number, list_type = -1, -1, 0 --- -- Returns a unique marker number for use with `buffer.marker_define()`. -- Use this function for custom markers in order to prevent clashes with -- identifiers of other custom markers. -- @usage local marknum = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number() -- @see buffer.marker_define -- @name next_marker_number function M.next_marker_number() marker_number = marker_number + 1 return marker_number end --- -- Returns a unique indicator number for use with custom indicators. -- Use this function for custom indicators in order to prevent clashes with -- identifiers of other custom indicators. -- @usage local indic_num = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number() -- @see buffer.indic_style -- @name next_indic_number function M.next_indic_number() indic_number = indic_number + 1 return indic_number end --- -- Returns a unique user list identier number for use with -- `buffer.user_list_show()`. -- Use this function for custom user lists in order to prevent clashes with -- list identifiers of other custom user lists. -- @usage local list_type = _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type() -- @see buffer.user_list_show -- @name next_user_list_type function M.next_user_list_type() list_type = list_type + 1 return list_type end return M ]] f:close() f = io.open('../core/._SCINTILLA.luadoc', 'wb') f:write [[ -- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- This is a DUMMY FILE used for making Adeptsense for built-in constants in the -- global _SCINTILLA.constants table. ]] f:write(table.concat(fielddoc, '\n')) f:write('\n') f:close()