#!/usr/bin/lua -- Copyright 2007-2021 Mitchell. See LICENSE. local constants, functions, properties, events = {}, {}, {}, {} local const_patt = '^val ([%w_]+)=([-%dx%x]+)' local event_patt = '^evt %a+ ([%w_]+)=(%d+)(%b())' local msg_patt = '^(%a+) (%a+) (%w+)=(%d+)%((%a*)%s*([^,]*),%s*(%a*)%s*([^)]*)' local types = { [''] = 0, void = 0, int = 1, length = 2, index = 3, position = 3, line = 3, colour = 4, bool = 5, keymod = 6, string = 7, stringresult = 8, cells = 9, pointer = 1, textrange = 10, findtext = 11, formatrange = 12 } local ignores = { -- constants to ignore '^INDIC[012S]_', '^INVALID_POSITION', '^KEYWORDSET_MAX', '^SC_AC_', '^SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_', '^SC_CACHE_', '^SC_CHARSET_', '^SC_EFF_', '^SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER', '^SC_INDIC', '^SC_LINE_END_TYPE_', '^SC_PHASES_', '^SC_POPUP_', '^SC_PRINT_', '^SC_STATUS_', '^SC_TECHNOLOGY_', '^SC_TYPE_', '^SC_WEIGHT_', '^SCE_', '^SCEN_', '^SCFIND_POSIX', '^SCI_', '^SCK_', '^SCLEX_', '^UNDO_MAY_COALESCE' } local increments = { -- constants to increment by one '^MARKER_MAX', '^MARKNUM_', '^MAX_MARGIN', '^STYLE_', '^INDICATOR_' } local changed_setter = {} -- holds properties changed to setter functions local function to_en_us(name) return name:gsub('([iIlL][oO])[uU]([rR])', '%1%2'): gsub('ise$', 'ize'):gsub('([cC][eE][nN][tT])([rR])([eE])', '%1%3%2'): gsub('CANCELLED', 'CANCELED') end local function to_lua_name(camel_case) return to_en_us(camel_case:gsub('([a-z])([A-Z])', '%1_%2'): gsub('([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])', '%1_%2'):lower()) end local function is_length(ptype, param) return ptype == 'position' and param:find('^length') end local function is_index(ptype, param) return ptype == 'int' and (param == 'style' or param == 'markerNumber' or param == 'margin' or param == 'indicator' or param == 'selection') end for line in io.lines('../src/scintilla/include/Scintilla.iface') do if line:find('^val ') then local name, value = line:match(const_patt) for i = 1, #ignores do if name:find(ignores[i]) then goto continue end end name = to_en_us(name:gsub('^SC_', ''):gsub('^SC([^N]%u+)', '%1')) if name == 'FIND_REGEXP' then value = tostring(tonumber(value) + 2^23) -- add SCFIND_CXX11REGEX value = value:gsub('%.0$', '') -- Lua 5.3+ may append this else for i = 1, #increments do if name:find(increments[i]) then value = tonumber(value) + 1 end end end constants[#constants + 1] = string.format('%s=%s', name, value) elseif line:find('^evt ') then local name, value, param_list = line:match(event_patt) name = to_lua_name(name) local event, has_modifiers = {string.format('%q', name)}, false for param in param_list:gmatch('(%a+)[,)]') do if param ~= 'void' and param ~= 'modifiers' then event[#event + 1] = string.format('%q', to_lua_name(param)) elseif param == 'modifiers' then has_modifiers = true end end if name:find('^margin') then event[2], event[3] = event[3], event[2] -- swap position, margin end if has_modifiers then event[#event + 1] = '"modifiers"' end -- prefer at end events[#events + 1] = value events[value] = table.concat(event, ',') elseif line:find('^fun ') then local _, rtype, name, id, wtype, param, ltype, param2 = line:match(msg_patt) if rtype:find('^%u') then rtype = 'int' end if wtype:find('^%u') then wtype = 'int' end if ltype:find('^%u') then ltype = 'int' end name = to_lua_name(name) if name == 'convert_eo_ls' then name = 'convert_eols' end if is_length(wtype, param) then wtype = 'length' elseif is_index(wtype, param) then wtype = 'index' end if is_length(ltype, param2) then ltype = 'length' elseif is_index(ltype, param2) then ltype = 'index' elseif ltype == 'stringresult' then rtype = 'void' end functions[#functions + 1] = name functions[name] = {id, types[rtype], types[wtype], types[ltype]} elseif line:find('^get ') or line:find('^set ') then local kind, rtype, name, id, wtype, param, ltype, param2 = line:match(msg_patt) if rtype:find('^%u') then rtype = 'int' end if wtype:find('^%u') then wtype = 'int' end if ltype:find('^%u') then ltype = 'int' end name = to_lua_name(name:gsub('[GS]et%f[%u]', '')) if kind == 'get' and types[wtype] == types.int and types[ltype] == types.int or wtype == 'bool' and ltype ~= '' or changed_setter[name] then -- Special case getter/setter; handle as function. local fname = kind .. '_' .. name functions[#functions + 1] = fname functions[fname] = {id, types[rtype], types[wtype], types[ltype]} changed_setter[name] = true goto continue end if not properties[name] then properties[#properties + 1] = name properties[name] = {0, 0, 0, 0} end if is_index(wtype, param) then wtype = 'index' end if is_index(ltype, param2) then ltype = 'index' end local prop = properties[name] if kind == 'get' then prop[1] = id prop[3] = types[ltype ~= 'stringresult' and rtype or ltype] if wtype ~= '' then prop[4] = types[wtype] end else prop[2] = id if prop[1] == 0 then prop[3] = types[wtype ~= '' and ltype == '' and wtype or ltype] end prop[4] = types[ltype ~= '' and wtype or ltype] end elseif line:find('cat Provisional') then break end ::continue:: end -- Manually adjust special-case messages that do not quite follow the rules. functions['auto_c_show'][3] = types.int -- was interpreted as 'length' functions['get_cur_line'][2] = types.position -- was interpreted as 'void' -- Manually adjust messages whose param or return types would be interpreted as -- 1-based numbers, but should not be, or vice-versa. properties['length'][3] = types.int properties['style_at'][3] = types.index functions['marker_handle_from_line'][4] = types.index functions['marker_number_from_line'][2] = types.index functions['marker_number_from_line'][4] = types.index functions['count_characters'][2] = types.int functions['count_code_units'][2] = types.int properties['line_count'][3] = types.int functions['line_scroll'][3] = types.int functions['line_scroll'][4] = types.int properties['text_length'][3] = types.int functions['replace_target'][2] = types.int functions['replace_target_re'][2] = types.int functions['wrap_count'][2] = types.int properties['edge_column'][3] = types.int functions['multi_edge_add_line'][3] = types.int properties['multi_edge_column'][3] = types.int properties['multi_edge_column'][4] = types.index functions['line_length'][2] = types.int properties['lines_on_screen'][3] = types.int properties['auto_c_current'][3] = types.index properties['indicator_current'][3] = types.index properties['margin_style'][3] = types.index properties['margin_style_offset'][3] = types.index properties['annotation_style'][3] = types.index properties['annotation_style_offset'][3] = types.index properties['main_selection'][3] = types.index functions['position_relative'][4] = types.int -- Add mouse events from Scintilla curses manually. constants[#constants + 1] = 'MOUSE_PRESS=1' constants[#constants + 1] = 'MOUSE_DRAG=2' constants[#constants + 1] = 'MOUSE_RELEASE=3' table.sort(constants) table.sort(functions) table.sort(properties) table.sort(events) local f = io.open('../core/iface.lua', 'wb') f:write([=[ -- Copyright 2007-2021 Mitchell. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Scintilla constants, functions, and properties. -- Do not modify anything in this module. Doing so will have unpredictable -- consequences. module('_SCINTILLA')]] ]=]) f:write([[ --- -- Map of Scintilla constant names to their numeric values. -- @class table -- @name constants -- @see _G.buffer M.constants = {]]) f:write(table.concat(constants, ',')) f:write('}\n\n') f:write([[ --- -- Map of Scintilla function names to tables containing their IDs, return types, -- wParam types, and lParam types. Types are as follows: -- -- + `0`: Void. -- + `1`: Integer. -- + `2`: Length of the given lParam string. -- + `3`: Integer position. -- + `4`: Color, in "0xBBGGRR" format. -- + `5`: Boolean `true` or `false`. -- + `6`: Bitmask of Scintilla key modifiers and a key value. -- + `7`: String parameter. -- + `8`: String return value. -- @class table -- @name functions M.functions = {]]) for _, func in ipairs(functions) do f:write( string.format('%s={%d,%d,%d,%d},', func, table.unpack(functions[func]))) end f:write('}\n\n') f:write([[ --- -- Map of Scintilla property names to table values containing their "get" -- function IDs, "set" function IDs, return types, and wParam types. -- The wParam type will be non-zero if the property is indexable. -- Types are the same as in the `functions` table. -- @see functions -- @class table -- @name properties M.properties = {]]) for _, property in ipairs(properties) do f:write(string.format( '%s={%d,%d,%d,%d},', property, table.unpack(properties[property]))) end f:write('}\n\n') f:write([[ --- -- Map of Scintilla event IDs to tables of event names and event parameters. -- @class table -- @name events M.events = {]]) for _, event in ipairs(events) do f:write(string.format('[%s]={%s},', event, events[event])) end f:write('}\n\n') f:write([[ local marker_number, indic_number, list_type, image_type = 0, 0, 0, 0 --- -- Returns a unique marker number for use with `view.marker_define()`. -- Use this function for custom markers in order to prevent clashes with -- identifiers of other custom markers. -- @usage local marknum = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number() -- @see view.marker_define -- @name next_marker_number function M.next_marker_number() assert(marker_number < M.constants.MARKER_MAX, 'too many markers in use') marker_number = marker_number + 1 return marker_number end --- -- Returns a unique indicator number for use with custom indicators. -- Use this function for custom indicators in order to prevent clashes with -- identifiers of other custom indicators. -- @usage local indic_num = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number() -- @see view.indic_style -- @name next_indic_number function M.next_indic_number() assert(indic_number < M.constants.INDICATOR_MAX, 'too many indicators in use') indic_number = indic_number + 1 return indic_number end --- -- Returns a unique user list identier number for use with -- `buffer.user_list_show()`. -- Use this function for custom user lists in order to prevent clashes with -- list identifiers of other custom user lists. -- @usage local list_type = _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type() -- @see buffer.user_list_show -- @name next_user_list_type function M.next_user_list_type() list_type = list_type + 1 return list_type end --- -- Returns a unique image type identier number for use with -- `view.register_image()` and `view.register_rgba_image()`. -- Use this function for custom image types in order to prevent clashes with -- identifiers of other custom image types. -- @usage local image_type = _SCINTILLA.next_image_type() -- @see view.register_image -- @see view.register_rgba_image -- @name next_image_type function M.next_image_type() image_type = image_type + 1 return image_type end return M ]]) f:close()