-- Copyright 2007-2022 Mitchell. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Session support for Textadept. -- @field save_on_quit (bool) -- Save the session when quitting. -- The default value is `true` unless the user passed the command line switch `-n` or -- `--nosession` to Textadept. -- @field _G.events.SESSION_SAVE (string) -- Emitted when saving a session. -- Arguments: -- -- * `session`: Table of session data to save. All handlers will have access to this same -- table, and Textadept's default handler reserves the use of some keys. -- Note that functions, userdata, and circular table values cannot be saved. The latter -- case is not recognized at all, so beware. -- @field _G.events.SESSION_LOAD (string) -- Emitted when loading a session. -- Arguments: -- -- * `session`: Table of session data to load. All handlers will have access to this same table. module('textadept.session')]] M.save_on_quit = true -- Events. local session_events = {'session_save', 'session_load'} for _, v in ipairs(session_events) do events[v:upper()] = v end local session_file = _USERHOME .. (not CURSES and '/session' or '/session_term') --- -- Loads session file *filename* or the user-selected session, returning `true` if a session -- file was opened and read. -- Textadept restores split views, opened buffers, cursor information, recent files, and bookmarks. -- @param filename Optional absolute path to the session file to load. If `nil`, the user is -- prompted for one. -- @return `true` if the session file was opened and read; `nil` otherwise. -- @usage textadept.session.load(filename) -- @name load function M.load(filename) local dir, name = session_file:match('^(.-[/\\]?)([^/\\]+)$') if not assert_type(filename, 'string/nil', 1) then filename = ui.dialogs.fileselect{ title = _L['Load Session'], with_directory = dir, with_file = name } if not filename then return end end if session_file ~= filename then M.save(session_file) end local f = loadfile(filename, 't', {}) if not f or not io.close_all_buffers() then return end -- fail silently local session = f() local not_found = {} -- Unserialize cwd. if session.cwd then lfs.chdir(session.cwd) end -- Unserialize buffers. for _, buf in ipairs(session.buffers) do if lfs.attributes(buf.filename) then io.open_file(buf.filename) buffer:set_sel(buf.anchor, buf.current_pos) view.first_visible_line = buf.top_line for _, line in ipairs(buf.bookmarks) do buffer:marker_add(line, textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK) end elseif buf.filename:find('^%[.+%]$') then buffer.new()._type = buf.filename buffer:set_save_point() events.emit(events.FILE_OPENED, buf.filename) -- close initial buffer else not_found[#not_found + 1] = buf.filename end end -- Unserialize UI state. ui.maximized = session.ui.maximized if not ui.maximized then ui.size = session.ui.size end -- Unserialize views. local function unserialize_split(split) if type(split) ~= 'table' then view:goto_buffer(_BUFFERS[math.min(split, #_BUFFERS)]) else for i, view in ipairs{view:split(split.vertical)} do view.size = split.size ui.goto_view(view) unserialize_split(split[i]) end end end unserialize_split(session.views[1]) ui.goto_view(_VIEWS[math.min(session.views.current, #_VIEWS)]) -- Unserialize recent files. io.recent_files = session.recent_files -- Unserialize user data. events.emit(events.SESSION_LOAD, session) if #not_found > 0 then ui.dialogs.msgbox{ title = _L['Session Files Not Found'], text = _L['The following session files were not found'], informative_text = table.concat(not_found, '\n'):iconv('UTF-8', _CHARSET), icon = 'gtk-dialog-warning', width = CURSES and ui.size[1] - 2 or nil } end session_file = filename return true end -- Load session when no args are present. local function load_default_session() if M.save_on_quit then M.load(session_file) end end events.connect(events.ARG_NONE, load_default_session) -- Returns value *val* serialized as a string. -- This is a very simple implementation suitable for session saving only. -- Ignores function, userdata, and thread types, and does not handle circular tables. local function _tostring(val) if type(val) == 'table' then local t = {} for k, v in pairs(val) do t[#t + 1] = string.format('[%s]=%s,', _tostring(k), _tostring(v)) end return string.format('{%s}', table.concat(t)) elseif type(val) == 'function' or type(val) == 'userdata' or type(val) == 'thread' then val = nil end return type(val) == 'string' and string.format('%q', val) or tostring(val) end --- -- Saves the session to file *filename* or the user-selected file. -- Saves split views, opened buffers, cursor information, recent files, and bookmarks. -- Upon quitting, the current session is saved to *filename* again, unless -- `textadept.session.save_on_quit` is `false`. -- @param filename Optional absolute path to the session file to save. If `nil`, the user is -- prompted for one. -- @usage textadept.session.save(filename) -- @name save function M.save(filename) local dir, name = session_file:match('^(.-[/\\]?)([^/\\]+)$') if not assert_type(filename, 'string/nil', 1) then filename = ui.dialogs.filesave{ title = _L['Save Session'], with_directory = dir, with_file = name } if not filename then return end end local session = {} -- Serialize user data. events.emit(events.SESSION_SAVE, session) -- Serialize cwd. session.cwd = lfs.currentdir() -- Serialize buffers. session.buffers = {} for _, buffer in ipairs(_BUFFERS) do if not buffer.filename and not buffer._type then goto continue end local current = buffer == view.buffer session.buffers[#session.buffers + 1] = { filename = buffer.filename or buffer._type, anchor = current and buffer.anchor or buffer._anchor or 1, current_pos = current and buffer.current_pos or buffer._current_pos or 1, top_line = current and view.first_visible_line or buffer._top_line or 1 } local bookmarks = {} local BOOKMARK_BIT = 1 << textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK - 1 local line = buffer:marker_next(1, BOOKMARK_BIT) while line ~= -1 do bookmarks[#bookmarks + 1] = line line = buffer:marker_next(line + 1, BOOKMARK_BIT) end session.buffers[#session.buffers].bookmarks = bookmarks ::continue:: end -- Serialize UI state. session.ui = {maximized = ui.maximized, size = ui.size} -- Serialize views. local function serialize_split(split) return split.buffer and _BUFFERS[split.buffer] or { serialize_split(split[1]), serialize_split(split[2]), vertical = split.vertical, size = split.size } end session.views = {serialize_split(ui.get_split_table()), current = _VIEWS[view]} -- Serialize recent files. session.recent_files = io.recent_files -- Write the session. assert(io.open(filename, 'wb')):write('return ', _tostring(session)):close() session_file = filename end -- Saves session on quit. events.connect(events.QUIT, function() if M.save_on_quit then M.save(session_file) end end, 1) -- Does not save session on quit. args.register('-n', '--nosession', 0, function() M.save_on_quit = false end, 'No session functionality') -- Loads the given session on startup. args.register('-s', '--session', 1, function(name) if not lfs.attributes(name) then name = string.format('%s/%s', _USERHOME, name) end M.load(name) events.disconnect(events.ARG_NONE, load_default_session) end, 'Load session') return M