-- Copyright 2007-2022 Mitchell. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Compile and run source code files with Textadept. -- [Language modules](#compile-and-run) may tweak the `compile_commands`, `run_commands`, and -- `error_patterns` tables for particular languages. -- The user may tweak `build_commands` and `test_commands` for particular projects. -- @field run_in_background (bool) -- Run shell commands silently in the background. -- This only applies when the message buffer is open, though it does not have to be visible. -- The default value is `false`. -- @field MARK_WARNING (number) -- The run or compile warning marker number. -- @field MARK_ERROR (number) -- The run or compile error marker number. -- @field _G.events.COMPILE_OUTPUT (string) -- Emitted when executing a language's compile shell command. -- By default, compiler output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this -- behavior, connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`. -- Arguments: -- -- * `output`: A line of string output from the command. -- * `ext_or_lexer`: The file extension or lexer name associated with the executed compile -- command. -- @field _G.events.RUN_OUTPUT (string) -- Emitted when executing a language's run shell command. -- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this behavior, -- connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`. -- Arguments: -- -- * `output`: A line of string output from the command. -- * `ext_or_lexer`: The file extension or lexer name associated with the executed run command. -- @field _G.events.BUILD_OUTPUT (string) -- Emitted when executing a project's build shell command. -- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this behavior, -- connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`. -- Arguments: -- -- * `output`: A line of string output from the command. -- @field _G.events.TEST_OUTPUT (string) -- Emitted when executing a project's shell command for running tests. -- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this behavior, -- connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`. -- Arguments: -- -- * `output`: A line of string output from the command. module('textadept.run')]] M.run_in_background = false M.MARK_WARNING = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number() M.MARK_ERROR = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number() -- Events. local run_events = {'compile_output', 'run_output', 'build_output', 'test_output'} for _, v in ipairs(run_events) do events[v:upper()] = v end -- Keep track of: the last process spawned in order to kill it if requested; the cwd of that -- process in order to jump to relative file paths in recognized warning or error messages; -- and the view the process was spawned from in order to jump to messages (which are displayed -- in a split view) in the original view. local proc, cwd, preferred_view -- Scans the given message for a warning or error message and, if one is found, returns table -- of the warning/error's details. -- @param message The message to parse for warnings or errors. The message is assumed to be -- encoded in _CHARSET. -- @param ext_or_lexer Optional file extension or lexer name associated with the shell command -- that produced the warning/error. -- @return error details table with 'filename', 'line', 'column', and 'message' fields along -- with a 'warning' flag. -- @see error_patterns local function scan_for_error(message, ext_or_lexer) for key, patterns in pairs(M.error_patterns) do if ext_or_lexer and key ~= ext_or_lexer then goto continue end for _, patt in ipairs(patterns) do if not message:find(patt) then goto continue end -- Extract details from the warning or error. local detail, i = {message:match(patt)}, 1 for capture in patt:gmatch('[^%%](%b())') do if capture == '(.-)' then detail.filename = detail[i] elseif capture == '(%d+)' then local line_or_column = not detail.line and 'line' or 'column' detail[line_or_column] = tonumber(detail[i]) else detail.message = detail[i] end i = i + 1 end local lower_message = message:lower() detail.warning = (lower_message:find('warning') or lower_message:find('note')) and not lower_message:find('error') -- Compile and run commands specify the file extension or lexer name used to determine -- the command, so the error patterns used are guaranteed to be correct. Build and -- test commands have no such context and instead iterate through all possible error -- patterns. Only consider the error/warning valid if the extracted filename's extension -- or lexer name matches the error pattern's extension or lexer name. if ext_or_lexer then return detail end local ext = detail.filename:match('[^/\\.]+$') local lexer_name = textadept.file_types.extensions[ext] if key == ext or key == lexer_name then return detail end ::continue:: end ::continue:: end return nil end -- Prints an output line from a compile, run, build, or test shell command. -- Assume output is UTF-8 unless there's a recognized warning or error message. In that case -- assume it is encoded in _CHARSET and mark it. -- All stdout and stderr from the command is printed silently. -- @param line The output line to print. -- @param ext_or_lexer Optional file extension or lexer name associated with the executed command. -- This is used for better error detection in compile and run commands. local function print_line(line, ext_or_lexer) local error = scan_for_error(line, ext_or_lexer) ui.silent_print = M.run_in_background or ext_or_lexer or not line:find('^> ') or line:find('^> exit') ui.print(not error and line or line:iconv('UTF-8', _CHARSET)) ui.silent_print = false if error then -- Current position is one line below the error due to ui.print()'s '\n'. buffer:marker_add(buffer.line_count - 1, error.warning and M.MARK_WARNING or M.MARK_ERROR) end end local output_buffer -- Prints the output from a compile, run, build, or test shell command as a series of lines, -- performing buffering as needed. -- @param output The output to print, or `nil` to flush any buffered output. -- @param ext_or_lexer Optional file extension or lexer name associated with the executed command. -- This is used for better error detection in compile and run commands. local function print_output(output, ext_or_lexer) if output then if output_buffer then output = output_buffer .. output end local remainder = 1 for line, e in output:gmatch('([^\r\n]*)\r?\n()') do print_line(line, ext_or_lexer) remainder = e end output_buffer = remainder <= #output and output:sub(remainder) elseif output_buffer then print_line(output_buffer, ext_or_lexer) output_buffer = nil end end -- Runs command *command* in working directory *dir*, emitting events of type *event* with any -- output received. -- @param command String command to run, or a function returning such a string and optional -- working directory and environment table. A returned working directory overrides *dir*. -- @param dir String working directory to run *command* in. -- @param event String event name to emit command output with. -- @param macros Optional table of '%[char]' macros to expand within *command*. -- @param ext_or_lexer Optional file extension or lexer name associated with the executed command. -- This is used for better error detection in compile and run commands. local function run_command(command, dir, event, macros, ext_or_lexer) local working_dir, env if type(command) == 'function' then command, working_dir, env = command() end if not command then return end if macros then command = command:gsub('%%%a', macros) end preferred_view = view local function emit(output) events.emit(event, output, ext_or_lexer) end cwd = (working_dir or dir):gsub('[/\\]$', '') events.emit(event, string.format('> cd %s\n', cwd)) events.emit(event, string.format('> %s\n', command:iconv('UTF-8', _CHARSET))) local args = { command, cwd, emit, emit, function(status) emit() -- flush events.emit(event, string.format('> exit status: %d\n', status)) end } if env then table.insert(args, 3, env) end proc = assert(os.spawn(table.unpack(args))) end -- Compiles or runs file *filename* based on a shell command in *commands*. -- @param filename The file to run. -- @param commands Either `compile_commands` or `run_commands`. local function compile_or_run(filename, commands) if filename == buffer.filename then buffer:annotation_clear_all() if buffer.modify then buffer:save() end end local ext = filename:match('[^/\\.]+$') local lang = filename == buffer.filename and buffer:get_lexer() or textadept.file_types.extensions[ext] local command = commands[filename] or commands[ext] or commands[lang] local dirname, basename = '', filename if filename:find('[/\\]') then dirname, basename = filename:match('^(.+)[/\\]([^/\\]+)$') end local event = commands == M.compile_commands and events.COMPILE_OUTPUT or events.RUN_OUTPUT local macros = { ['%p'] = filename, ['%d'] = dirname, ['%f'] = basename, ['%e'] = basename:match('^(.+)%.') -- no extension } run_command(command, dirname, event, macros, commands[ext] and ext or lang) end -- LuaFormatter off --- -- Map of filenames, file extensions, and lexer names to their associated "compile" shell -- command line strings or functions that return such strings. -- Command line strings may have the following macros: -- -- + `%f`: The file's name, including its extension. -- + `%e`: The file's name, excluding its extension. -- + `%d`: The file's directory path. -- + `%p`: The file's full path. -- -- Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate in. By -- default, the working directory is the current file's parent directory and the environment -- is Textadept's environment. -- @class table -- @name compile_commands M.compile_commands = {actionscript='mxmlc "%f"',ada='gnatmake "%f"',ansi_c='gcc -o "%e" "%f"',antlr='antlr4 "%f"',g='antlr3 "%f"',applescript='osacompile "%f" -o "%e.scpt"',asm='nasm "%f"'--[[ && ld "%e.o" -o "%e"']],boo='booc "%f"',caml='ocamlc -o "%e" "%f"',csharp=WIN32 and 'csc "%f"' or 'mcs "%f"',coffeescript='coffee -c "%f"',context='context --nonstopmode "%f"',cpp='g++ -o "%e" "%f"',cuda=WIN32 and 'nvcc -o "%e.exe" "%f"' or 'nvcc -o "%e" "%f"',dmd='dmd "%f"',dot='dot -Tps "%f" -o "%e.ps"',eiffel='se c "%f"',elixir='elixirc "%f"',erlang='erl -compile "%e"',faust='faust -o "%e.cpp" "%f"',fsharp=WIN32 and 'fsc.exe "%f"' or 'mono fsc.exe "%f"',fortran='gfortran -o "%e" "%f"',gap='gac -o "%e" "%f"',go='go build "%f"',groovy='groovyc "%f"',haskell=WIN32 and 'ghc -o "%e.exe" "%f"' or 'ghc -o "%e" "%f"',inform=function() return 'inform -c "'..buffer.filename:match('^(.+%.inform[/\\])Source')..'"' end,java='javac "%f"',ltx='pdflatex -file-line-error -halt-on-error "%f"',less='lessc --no-color "%f" "%e.css"',lilypond='lilypond "%f"',lisp='clisp -c "%f"',litcoffee='coffee -c "%f"',lua='luac -o "%e.luac" "%f"',moon='moonc "%f"',markdown='markdown "%f" > "%e.html"',myr='mbld -b "%e" "%f"',nemerle='ncc "%f" -out:"%e.exe"',nim='nim c "%f"',nsis='MakeNSIS "%f"',objective_c='gcc -o "%e" "%f"',pascal='fpc "%f"',perl='perl -c "%f"',php='php -l "%f"',pony='ponyc "%f"',prolog='gplc --no-top-level "%f"',python='python -m py_compile "%f"',ruby='ruby -c "%f"',rust='rustc "%f"',sass='sass "%f" "%e.css"',scala='scalac "%f"',sml='mlton "%f"',tex='pdflatex -file-line-error -halt-on-error "%f"',typescript='tsc "%f"',vala='valac "%f"',vb=WIN32 and 'vbc "%f"' or 'vbnc "%f"',zig='zig build-exe "%f"'} -- LuaFormatter on --- -- Compiles file *filename* or the current file using an appropriate shell command from the -- `compile_commands` table. -- The shell command is determined from the file's filename, extension, or language in that order. -- Emits `COMPILE_OUTPUT` events. -- @param filename Optional path to the file to compile. The default value is the current -- file's filename. -- @see compile_commands -- @see _G.events -- @name compile function M.compile(filename) if assert_type(filename, 'string/nil', 1) or buffer.filename then compile_or_run(filename or buffer.filename, M.compile_commands) end end events.connect(events.COMPILE_OUTPUT, print_output) -- LuaFormatter off --- -- Map of filenames, file extensions, and lexer names to their associated "run" shell command -- line strings or functions that return strings. -- Command line strings may have the following macros: -- -- + `%f`: The file's name, including its extension. -- + `%e`: The file's name, excluding its extension. -- + `%d`: The file's directory path. -- + `%p`: The file's full path. -- -- Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate in. By -- default, the working directory is the current file's parent directory and the environment -- is Textadept's environment. -- @class table -- @name run_commands M.run_commands = {actionscript=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.swf"' or OSX and 'open "file://%e.swf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.swf"',ada=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',ansi_c=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',applescript='osascript "%f"',asm='./"%e"',awk='awk -f "%f"',batch='"%f"',boo='booi "%f"',caml='ocamlrun "%e"',csharp=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',chuck='chuck "%f"',clojure='clj -M "%f"',cmake='cmake -P "%f"',coffeescript='coffee "%f"',context=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',cpp=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',crystal='crystal "%f"',cuda=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',dart='dart "%f"',dmd=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',eiffel="./a.out",elixir='elixir "%f"',fsharp=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',fantom='fan "%f"',fennel='fennel "%f"',forth='gforth "%f" -e bye',fortran=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',gnuplot='gnuplot "%f"',go='go run "%f"',groovy='groovy "%f"',haskell=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',html=WIN32 and 'start "" "%f"' or OSX and 'open "file://%f"' or 'xdg-open "%f"',icon='icont "%e" -x',idl='idl -batch "%f"',Io='io "%f"',java='java "%e"',javascript='node "%f"',jq='jq -f "%f"',julia='julia "%f"',ltx=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',less='lessc --no-color "%f"',lilypond=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',lisp='clisp "%f"',litcoffee='coffee "%f"',lua='lua -e "io.stdout:setvbuf(\'no\')" "%f"',makefile=WIN32 and 'nmake -f "%f"' or 'make -f "%f"',markdown='markdown "%f"',moon='moon "%f"',myr=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',nemerle=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',nim='nim c -r "%f"',objective_c=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',pascal=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',perl='perl "%f"',php='php "%f"',pike='pike "%f"',pkgbuild='makepkg -p "%f"',pony=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',prolog=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',pure='pure "%f"',python=function() return buffer:get_line(1):find('^#!.-python3') and 'python3 -u "%f"' or 'python -u "%f"' end,rstats=WIN32 and 'Rterm -f "%f"' or 'R -f "%f"',rebol='REBOL "%f"',rexx=WIN32 and 'rexx "%f"' or 'regina "%f"',ruby='ruby "%f"',rust=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',sass='sass "%f"',scala='scala "%e"',bash='bash "%f"',csh='tcsh "%f"',ksh='ksh "%f"',mksh='mksh "%f"',sh='sh "%f"',zsh='zsh "%f"',rc='rc "%f"',smalltalk='gst "%f"',sml=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',snobol4='snobol4 -b "%f"',tcl='tclsh "%f"',tex=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',vala=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',vb=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',xs='xs "%f"',zig=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"'} -- LuaFormatter on --- -- Runs file *filename* or the current file using an appropriate shell command from the -- `run_commands` table. -- The shell command is determined from the file's filename, extension, or language in that order. -- Emits `RUN_OUTPUT` events. -- @param filename Optional path to the file to run. The default value is the current file's -- filename. -- @see run_commands -- @see _G.events -- @name run function M.run(filename) if assert_type(filename, 'string/nil', 1) or buffer.filename then compile_or_run(filename or buffer.filename, M.run_commands) end end events.connect(events.RUN_OUTPUT, print_output) --- -- Appends the command line argument strings *run* and *compile* to their respective run and -- compile commands for file *filename* or the current file. -- If either is `nil`, prompts the user for missing the arguments. Each filename has its own -- set of compile and run arguments. -- @param filename Optional path to the file to set run/compile arguments for. -- @param run Optional string run arguments to set. If `nil`, the user is prompted for them. Pass -- the empty string for no run arguments. -- @param compile Optional string compile arguments to set. If `nil`, the user is prompted -- for them. Pass the empty string for no compile arguments. -- @see run_commands -- @see compile_commands -- @name set_arguments function M.set_arguments(filename, run, compile) if not assert_type(filename, 'string/nil', 1) then filename = buffer.filename if not filename then return end end assert_type(run, 'string/nil', 2) assert_type(compile, 'string/nil', 3) local base_commands, utf8_args = {}, {} for i, commands in ipairs{M.run_commands, M.compile_commands} do -- Compare the base run/compile command with the one for the current file. The difference -- is any additional arguments set previously. base_commands[i] = commands[filename:match('[^.]+$')] or commands[buffer:get_lexer()] or '' local current_command = commands[filename] or '' local args = (i == 1 and run or compile) or current_command:sub(#base_commands[i] + 2) utf8_args[i] = args:iconv('UTF-8', _CHARSET) end if not run or not compile then local button button, utf8_args = ui.dialogs.inputbox{ title = _L['Set Arguments...']:gsub('_', ''), informative_text = {_L['Command line arguments'], _L['For Run:'], _L['For Compile:']}, text = utf8_args, width = not CURSES and 400 or nil } if button ~= 1 then return end end for i, commands in ipairs{M.run_commands, M.compile_commands} do -- Add the additional arguments to the base run/compile command and set the new command to -- be the one used for the current file. commands[filename] = string.format('%s %s', base_commands[i], utf8_args[i]:iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')) end end -- LuaFormatter off --- -- Map of project root paths and "makefiles" to their associated "build" shell command line -- strings or functions that return such strings. -- Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate -- in. By default, the working directory is the project's root directory and the environment -- is Textadept's environment. -- @class table -- @name build_commands M.build_commands = {--[[Ant]]['build.xml']='ant',--[[Dockerfile]]Dockerfile='docker build .',--[[Make]]Makefile='make',GNUmakefile='make',makefile='make',--[[Meson]]['meson.build']='meson compile',--[[Maven]]['pom.xml']='mvn',--[[Ruby]]Rakefile='rake'} -- LuaFormatter on --- -- Builds the project whose root path is *root_directory* or the current project using the -- shell command from the `build_commands` table. -- If a "makefile" type of build file is found, prompts the user for the full build command. The -- current project is determined by either the buffer's filename or the current working directory. -- Emits `BUILD_OUTPUT` events. -- @param root_directory The path to the project to build. The default value is the current project. -- @see build_commands -- @see _G.events -- @name build function M.build(root_directory) if not assert_type(root_directory, 'string/nil', 1) then root_directory = io.get_project_root() if not root_directory then return end end for i = 1, #_BUFFERS do _BUFFERS[i]:annotation_clear_all() end local command = M.build_commands[root_directory] if not command then for build_file, build_command in pairs(M.build_commands) do if lfs.attributes(string.format('%s/%s', root_directory, build_file)) then local button, utf8_command = ui.dialogs.inputbox{ title = _L['Command'], informative_text = root_directory, text = build_command, button1 = _L['OK'], button2 = _L['Cancel'] } if button == 1 then command = utf8_command:iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8') end break end end end run_command(command, root_directory, events.BUILD_OUTPUT) end events.connect(events.BUILD_OUTPUT, print_output) --- -- Map of project root paths to their associated "test" shell command line strings or functions -- that return such strings. -- Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate -- in. By default, the working directory is the project's root directory and the environment -- is Textadept's environment. -- @class table -- @name test_commands M.test_commands = {} --- -- Runs tests for the project whose root path is *root_directory* or the current project using -- the shell command from the `test_commands` table. -- The current project is determined by either the buffer's filename or the current working -- directory. -- Emits `TEST_OUTPUT` events. -- @param root_directory The path to the project to run tests for. The default value is the -- current project. -- @see test_commands -- @see _G.events -- @name test function M.test(root_directory) if not assert_type(root_directory, 'string/nil', 1) then root_directory = io.get_project_root() if not root_directory then return end end for i = 1, #_BUFFERS do _BUFFERS[i]:annotation_clear_all() end run_command(M.test_commands[root_directory], root_directory, events.TEST_OUTPUT) end events.connect(events.TEST_OUTPUT, print_output) --- -- Stops the currently running process, if any. -- @name stop function M.stop() if proc then proc:kill() end end -- Returns whether or not the given buffer is the message buffer. local function is_msg_buf(buf) return buf._type == _L['[Message Buffer]'] end -- Send line as input to process stdin on return. events.connect(events.CHAR_ADDED, function(code) if code == string.byte('\n') and proc and proc:status() == 'running' and is_msg_buf(buffer) then local line_num = buffer:line_from_position(buffer.current_pos) - 1 proc:write(buffer:get_line(line_num)) end end) -- LuaFormatter off --- -- Map of file extensions and lexer names to their associated lists of string patterns that -- match warning and error messages emitted by compile and run commands for those file extensions -- and lexers. -- Patterns match single lines and contain captures for a filename, line number, column number -- (optional), and warning or error message (optional). Double-clicking a warning or error -- message takes the user to the source of that warning/error. -- Note: `(.-)` captures in patterns are interpreted as filenames; `(%d+)` captures are -- interpreted as line numbers first, and then column numbers; and any other capture is treated -- as warning/error message text. -- @class table -- @name error_patterns M.error_patterns = {actionscript={'^(.-)%((%d+)%): col: (%d+) (.+)$'},ada={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+):%s*(.*)$','^[^:]+: (.-):(%d+) (.+)$'},ansi_c={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},antlr={'^error%(%d+%): (.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$','^warning%(%d+%): (.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},--[[ANTLR]]g={'^error%(%d+%): (.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$','^warning%(%d+%): (.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},asm={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},awk={'^awk: (.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},boo={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%): (.+)$'},caml={'^%s*File "(.-)", line (%d+), characters (%d+)'},chuck={'^(.-)line%((%d+)%)%.char%((%d+)%): (.+)$'},clojure={' error .- at .-%((.-):(%d+)'},cmake={'^CMake Error at (.-):(%d+)','^(.-):(%d+):$'},coffeescript={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},context={'error on line (%d+) in file (.-): (.+)$'},cpp={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},csharp={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%): (.+)$'},cuda={'^(.-)%((%d+)%): (error.+)$'},dart={"^'(.-)': error: line (%d+) pos (%d+): (.+)$",'%(file://(.-):(%d+):(%d+)%)'},dmd={'^(.-)%((%d+)%): (Error.+)$'},dot={'^Warning: (.-): (.+) in line (%d+)'},eiffel={'^Line (%d+) columns? .- in .- %((.-)%):$','^line (%d+) column (%d+) file (.-)$'},elixir={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$','Error%) (.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},erlang={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},fantom={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%): (.+)$'},faust={'^(.-):(%d+):(.+)$'},fennel={'^%S+ error in (.-):(%d+)'},forth={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},fortran={'^(.-):(%d+)%D+(%d+):%s*(.*)$'},fsharp={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%): (.+)$'},gap={'^(.+) in (.-) line (%d+)$'},gnuplot={'^"(.-)", line (%d+): (.+)$'},go={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},groovy={'^%s+at .-%((.-):(%d+)%)$','^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},haskell={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+):%s*(.*)$'},icon={'^File (.-); Line (%d+) # (.+)$','^.-from line (%d+) in (.-)$'},java={'^%s+at .-%((.-):(%d+)%)$','^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},javascript={'^%s+at .-%((.-):(%d+):(%d+)%)$','^%s+at (.-):(%d+):(%d+)$','^(.-):(%d+):?$'},jq={'^jq: error: (.+) at (.-), line (%d+)'},julia={'^%s+%[%d+%].- at (.-):(%d+)$'},ltx={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},less={'^(.+) in (.-) on line (%d+), column (%d+):$'},lilypond={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+):%s*(.*)$'},litcoffee={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},lua={'^luac?: (.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},makefile={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},nemerle={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%): (.+)$'},nim={'^(.-)%((%d+), (%d+)%) (%w+:.+)$'},objective_c={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},pascal={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%) (%w+:.+)$'},perl={'^(.+) at (.-) line (%d+)'},php={'^(.+) in (.-) on line (%d+)$'},pike={'^(.-):(%d+):(.+)$'},pony={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},prolog={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$','^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},pure={'^(.-), line (%d+): (.+)$'},python={'^%s*File "(.-)", line (%d+)'},rexx={'^Error %d+ running "(.-)", line (%d+): (.+)$'},ruby={'^%s+from (.-):(%d+):','^(.-):(%d+):%s*(.+)$'},rust={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$',"panicked at '([^']+)', (.-):(%d+)"},sass={'^WARNING on line (%d+) of (.-):$','^%s+on line (%d+) of (.-)$'},scala={'^%s+at .-%((.-):(%d+)%)$','^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},sh={'^(.-): (%d+): %1: (.+)$'},bash={'^(.-): line (%d+): (.+)$'},zsh={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},smalltalk={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$','%((.-):(%d+)%)$'},snobol4={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},tcl={'^%s*%(file "(.-)" line (%d+)%)$'},tex={'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'},typescript={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+) %- (.+)$'},vala={'^(.-):(%d+)%.(%d+)[%-%.%d]+: (.+)$','^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'},vb={'^(.-)%((%d+),(%d+)%): (.+)$'},xs={'^(.-):(%d+)%S* (.+)$'},zig={'^(.-):(%d+):(%d+): (.+)$'}} -- Note: APDL,IDL,REBOL,RouterOS,Spin,Verilog,VHDL are proprietary. -- Note: ASP,CSS,Desktop,diff,django,elm,fstab,gettext,Gtkrc,HTML,ini,JSON,JSP,Markdown,Networkd,Postscript,Properties,R,Reason,RHTML,Systemd,XML don't have parse-able errors. -- Note: Batch,BibTeX,ConTeXt,Dockerfile,GLSL,Inform,Io,Lisp,MoonScript,Scheme,SQL,TeX cannot be parsed for one reason or another. -- LuaFormatter on --- -- Jumps to the source of the recognized compile/run warning or error on line number *line_num* -- in the message buffer. -- If *line_num* is `nil`, jumps to the next or previous warning or error, depending on boolean -- *next*. Displays an annotation with the warning or error message if possible. -- @param line_num Optional line number in the message buffer that contains the compile/run -- warning or error to go to. This parameter may be omitted completely. -- @param next Optional flag indicating whether to go to the next recognized warning/error or -- the previous one. Only applicable when *line_num* is `nil`. -- @see error_patterns -- @name goto_error function M.goto_error(line_num, next) if type(line_num) == 'boolean' then line_num, next = nil, line_num end local msg_view, msg_buf = nil, nil for i = 1, #_VIEWS do if is_msg_buf(_VIEWS[i].buffer) then msg_view = _VIEWS[i] break end end for i = 1, #_BUFFERS do if is_msg_buf(_BUFFERS[i]) then msg_buf = _BUFFERS[i] break end end if not msg_view and not msg_buf then return end if msg_view then ui.goto_view(msg_view) else view:goto_buffer(msg_buf) end -- If no line number was given, find the next warning or error marker. if not assert_type(line_num, 'number/nil', 1) and next ~= nil then local f = next and buffer.marker_next or buffer.marker_previous line_num = buffer:line_from_position(buffer.current_pos) local WARN_BIT, ERROR_BIT = 1 << M.MARK_WARNING - 1, 1 << M.MARK_ERROR - 1 local wrapped = false ::retry:: local wline = f(buffer, line_num + (next and 1 or -1), WARN_BIT) local eline = f(buffer, line_num + (next and 1 or -1), ERROR_BIT) if wline == -1 and eline == -1 then wline = f(buffer, next and 1 or buffer.line_count, WARN_BIT) eline = f(buffer, next and 1 or buffer.line_count, ERROR_BIT) elseif wline == -1 or eline == -1 then if wline == -1 then wline = eline else eline = wline end end line_num = (next and math.min or math.max)(wline, eline) if line_num == -1 and not wrapped then line_num = next and 1 or buffer.line_count wrapped = true goto retry end end -- Goto the warning or error and show an annotation. local line = buffer:get_line(line_num):match('^[^\r\n]*') local detail = scan_for_error(line:iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')) if not detail then return end buffer:goto_line(line_num) textadept.editing.select_line() if not detail.filename:find(not WIN32 and '^/' or '^%a?:?[/\\][/\\]?') and cwd then detail.filename = cwd .. (not WIN32 and '/' or '\\') .. detail.filename end local sloppy = not detail.filename:find(not WIN32 and '^/' or '^%a?:?[/\\][/\\]?') ui.goto_file(detail.filename, true, preferred_view, sloppy) textadept.editing.goto_line(detail.line) if detail.column then buffer:goto_pos(buffer:find_column(detail.line, detail.column)) end if not detail.message then return end buffer.annotation_text[detail.line] = detail.message if detail.warning then return end buffer.annotation_style[detail.line] = buffer:style_of_name('error') end events.connect(events.KEYPRESS, function(code) if keys.KEYSYMS[code] == '\n' and is_msg_buf(buffer) and scan_for_error(buffer:get_cur_line():match('^[^\r\n]*')) then M.goto_error(buffer:line_from_position(buffer.current_pos)) return true end end) events.connect(events.DOUBLE_CLICK, function(_, line) if is_msg_buf(buffer) then M.goto_error(line) end end) return M